The Mystic Sanctuary

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Finally! Experience The Peace Of Knowing (100%) The Right Path To Travel In Your Love Life

Just By Reading The 12 Secret Tarot Cards You Were Born With

The Cosmic Love Blueprint:

An Easy-To-Read Map Of Your Romantic Destiny 

  • Cosmic Love Blueprint #1- a $100 Value!
  • Cosmic Love Blueprint #2 - a $100 Value!
  • Tarot Card Insights - a $30 Value!
  • Real Astrology Secrets a $30 Value 
  • Numerology 101 a $30 Value
  • Full Body Pleasure a $30 Value
  • The Heartbreak Cure a $200 Value

The Most Detailed, Accurate And Deeply-Revealing Love Reading In The World

In your Cosmic Love Blueprint, you'll discover who you really are in your relationships through the power of your 12 secret "Birth Cards" that you probably never knew you had. 

If you’re like most people, you’ll likely feel a surge of emotion as you read and identify with these inner personality characteristics you’ve never shared with anyone before…

...when you realize the reason for the struggles you’ve been having with love...

...and when you discover the precious (and hidden) romantic gifts life has given you.

You’ll uncover the different parts of your personality that make you irresistibly attractive to others, even if you haven't seen them in yourself yet.

You’ll discover the key to true romantic fulfillment, and gain appreciation for your unique needs, gifts, and abilities that you make you who you are.

Finally, live the wonderful life you deserve by uncovering your heart’s deepest wishes and desires… and… the simple secret to achieving them!

You’ll find out how to make the most of your love life and enjoy the romance you always wished for! 

You'll also discover...

  • Why you may not know about the karmic love lessons you must learn, and why they keep repeating! (See your Life Path Number Card) 
  • Your deeply hidden desires and how to satisfy them! You'll discover how your passions work for you, and how to multiply their power! Discover how your Soul falls in love, how it drives you, and much more that will change the way you pursue relationships forever! (Look at your Soul Urge Card)  
  • What your romantic talents, strengths, and abilities are and, how to have them make you happier, more magnetic, and more attractive than you ever thought possible! (Look at your Personality Number Card for more details).
  • How you Sun Birth Card will immediately give you greater insight into how charismatic you really are, what your personal powers are, and what life focus will bring you joy and success! You'll no longer have to waste time or energy on things that do not matter to you!
  • The Inner Workings of your relationships, how they work out, and what usually happens to you in love! Discover how to find true love and keep it forever! And know what cards mean you've finally found your Soulmate!
  • Amazing details about your raw sexual gifts and abilities! Discover what makes your lovers endlessly addicted to you that you are likely not yet aware of! See what your true sexual power can create for you!
  • How to easily balance your Karmic Debts and reap the rewards awaiting you! Discover how to handle tough situations that would otherwise hold you down! First, you'll discover how to recognize the right partner to commit to, so you don't experience unwanted surprises down the road! (See your Commitment card)
  • And that's just a small taste of what you'll find...


You'll Finally Receive Each Hidden Karmic Messages From The Universe That You're Missing Right Now!

When your Birth Cards come up in a Tarot Reading, they have a unique and deeply karmic message for you.

In fact, you might have drawn one of your Birth Cards recently and you didn't even know it!

You might have missed a vital message that could have helped you avoid a conflict, meet someone new, or bring your current relationship to the next level. 

All you need is your full birth name and birthday. 

The secret that makes all This possible...

You may already know that Tarot is a very old and powerful science.

It has been developed, improved and enhanced for over 4,000 years now by some of the greatest minds and psychologist in the world...

...such as the legendary Carl Jung and his obsession with Tarot Card archetypes.

However, you might not know that Tarot and Astrology are connected!

What does that mean? Let me tell you. 

Each sign and planet in your Astrology chart are all linked to specific Tarot cards. 

So when these cards show up in your readings...

... you can know your question involves your personal karmic energies...

...and holds a special meaning that affects specific areas of your life!

And yet, so many people miss these karmic messages when their Birth Cards show up because they don't even know they exist. 

Is ThE Cosmic Love Blueprint Right For You?

Of course, this is not for everyone. Read on to see if the Cosmic Love Blueprint is right for you...

Who this Is for:

  • Women and men who desire a fulfilling, happy, and intimate relationship.
  • People with good intentions to understand someone they're with, or wish to be with...
  • Tarot enthusiasts who want to receive karmic messages in their readings and get deeper insights.
  • Tarot experts who want to see how this ancient system can further deepen their knowledge.

Who It's not for:

  • People who have already married their soulmates and grow happier and more in love each day.
  • Bitter manipulators who wish to get back at their ex and use this with bad intentions...
  • Men and women who are ok with settling for less with whatever love interest may come their way.
  • Anyone who desires to gain unfair power over others or take away their freedom of choice. 
Find True Love In One Year Or Less - Or It's Free

Order your Cosmic Love Blueprint now and try it out for one full year. 

If for any reason (or no reason at all) you feel it doesn't absolutely transform your love life, or it wasn't worth 10x what you paid...I demand to hand you back every penny. 

Simply email our friendly customer support team and you'll get a full refund in 24 hours.


This gives you 365 days to decide, 100% risk free. That's how much I know this will help you. 

But Wait, There's More!

There are few other things I believe you must know that could dramatically improve your love life.

And I personally don't feel right holding anything back from you. 

So, what I'd like to do is send you a small library of mystical secrets...

Even though I normally ask from $30 up to $200 for each thing I'm about to show you.

Gift #1!

Tarot Card Insights

A $30 Value - Yours FREE!


Gift #2! 

Real Astrology Secrets 

A $30 Value - Yours FREE!


Gift #3! 

Numerology 101 

A $30 Value - Yours FREE!


Gift #4! 

Full Body Pleasure

 Christy will help you awaken your body sensitivity through deeply sensual energy practices that will change the way you feel in your body forever. 

A $30 Value - Yours FREE!


Gift #5! 

The Heartbreak Cure

Guiding you through the seven sacred steps of moving heartbreak energy out of your body forever, using a combination of ancient and modern Internal Energy practices.

You’ll find yourself melting away layer after layer of old pain and attachments using his cutting edge techniques, helping you feel younger, lighter, happier, and more “yourself” than you have in years. This breakthrough video course is worth $200, and it’s yours today absolutely FREE - along with all of these other special gifts - just for giving The Cosmic Love Blueprint a try. A $200 Value - Yours FREE!

That's a grand total of $320 in spiritual gifts just for trying your Cosmic Love Blueprint 100% RISK FREE for a life-changing 365 DAYS!

Order Your Cosmic Love Blueprint Now

Choose Your Package Below

Cosmic Love Blueprint

  • 1 Cosmic Love Blueprint
  • 5 Exclusive Bonus Gifts
  • Lifetime access with on-demand download
  • 1 Year Money Back Guarantee

Cosmic Love Blueprint Soulmate Package

  • 2 Cosmic Love Blueprints
  • 5 Exclusive Bonus Gifts
  • Lifetime access with on-demand download
  • 1 Year Money Back Guarantee

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

See What Others Have To Say!

"I get more and more out of them each time." 

“My reading is fantastic! It is rich with so much helpful information. I especially appreciate the way it integrates astrology, numerology, and tarot. It enhances not only my self-understanding, but reviewing my partner’s reading helped me understand her even more. The descriptions are very detailed and worth reading over multiple times.

I get more and more out of them each time. It encourages me to let go of my unhealthy patterns -- which it helps me to identify -- and to live courageously. It is helping my partner and I to be on the same page and also watch out for any unhelpful patterns between us.

The reading highlights some things I knew about my partner and me while also shining a light on some things I didn't know. I am grateful to have this powerful tool!”

John H, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

"I felt very cozy reading it...Timeless archetypal magic!"

“I was thrilled to open up my report and found immediate connection with it. What I appreciated throughout the entire reading was the encouraging nature and tone of it. I felt very cozy reading it.

I have been a daily researcher of astrology for many years and I love the tarot. This reading went deeper into the link between the tarot and my own birth chart, which was unusual, and my self knowledge deepened. That was my favorite part. Especially because I pull those particular tarot cards all the time! Timeless archetypal magic!

I also appreciate the parts about what one would find most fulfilling in love. It's cool to see it written out like that, and it's so spot on, and super helpful with this lady's love life.

Thank you so very much for this stellar Cosmic Love Blueprint reading! I highly recommend.”

Sabine Silver 

"Valuable insight about my past relationships but most of all my relationship to myself."

“I was quite surprised at the accuracy of the Cosmic Love Blueprint. When it revealed my Karmic Love lessons to be learned it just reaffirmed how I have been in relationships and what I am here to heal and learn.

I feel I understand why it is so important for me to honor my time alone to recharge and take care of myself before burning out. Also I know a deep core wound of mine is fear of abandonment which the cards revealed as well.

Being in the wellness industry it also revealed to be careful attracting love partners that are in need of help and in which I have done in the past compromising my truth and what I truly desire.

It also revealed I love to surround myself with beauty – another trait of a Libra and how it is important in my relationships and what I am attracted to. Anything harsh or that oversteps my boundaries actually repels my energy and I have to disconnect knowing it is toxic to be around.

Overall, I was very pleased and learned some valuable insight about my past relationships but most of all my relationship to myself.”

Jennifer Savino 

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