Three Steps To Manifest Your Soulmate

Dear Friends,

Do you believe in true love?

The kind of love that awakens your heart on the deepest level and fills your life with purpose…

A love that seems to exist beyond time itself?

If you’ve had your heart broken one too many times, or it’s been years since you’ve felt the possibility of a soulmate connection, this kind of love may seem like a fantasy… forever out of reach.

But it truly doesn’t have to be.

Today, I want to share with you a few simple yet life-changing techniques that will quickly bring your soulmate into your arms, or awaken the soulmate potential in your current relationship.

Soulmates are real.

And the longing you feel deep in your heart is there for a reason. It’s meant to be fulfilled.

So let’s explore these powerful steps that can help you activate your heart’s potential and manifest your soulmate.

Step #1: Worthiness | You Deserve Love

Do you tend to put your needs last in relationships?

Do you ever get taken advantage of or fear that someone you care for might leave you if you don’t please them?

If so, something may have happened in your life that has left you feeling unworthy of love.

And once your self-esteem has been injured, it can be hard to get on stable ground again. 

Instead, we can spend too much time seeking love and approval from those who are the least likely to give us the satisfaction.

And if you’re paying attention to the wrong kind of people, you won’t be available for your soulmate.

So how do you break this cycle?

By cultivating self-worth and self-love.

I know, I know… it sounds a bit cliche. In fact, you may have heard about the importance of self-love so many times that it almost seems meaningless.

But in order to manifest your soulmate into your life, you first must feel worthy of them.

This could mean that you need to raise your standards in love and be kinder to yourself too.

By focusing on your strengths, your beauty, and what’s lovable about you, you will create more and more occasions to feel worthy of true love.

For the next two weeks, every morning and evening, take a few moments to look in the mirror and tell yourself,

“I am worthy of love. I am willing to release unhealthy beliefs, relationships, and habits so that true love can enter my life. I know with all my heart that I deserve to be happy and fulfilled.”

In addition to affirmations and thinking kind thoughts about yourself, it’s also important to surround yourself with people who see the best in you and want you to succeed.

And if you’re not sure if a certain person should be in your life, think about it like this:

If you were to treat this person exactly how they treat you, what would happen?

Would you never talk to each other? Would you be fighting constantly? Or would you both be happier?

One great side effect of worthiness is having better boundaries.

Soulmate relationships are balanced.

They are where both people lift each other up, feel at ease around each other, make amends after a disagreement, and treat each other with love, kindness, and respect.

If this is not the case in your current relationship, then chances are it is a karmic relationship, and not a true soulmate connection.

Whether or not you’re currently in a relationship, old lovers from the past can sometimes take up a lot of room in our heart.

That’s why the next step to manifesting your soulmate is to forgive and release those you’ve loved before.

Step #2: Forgiveness | Healing Your Heart

We all have a past…

And most relationships don’t end happily when the time has come to separate.

Perhaps you experienced a breakup that wasn’t mutual, or maybe it ended because one or both people did something that hurt the other deeply.

It could also be that the timing simply wasn’t right, and there’s still grief in your heart around needing to accept the influence of outside forces keeping you apart.

Regardless of why you’ve broken things off with past partners, the pain of separation can easily linger.

And while it often takes time to let go of someone you truly loved, if you allow the heartbreak to close your heart to love, then your soulmate won’t be able to enter your life.

This is why in order to manifest your soulmate, you must forgive and release the past.

When you’re ready to do this, set aside about 15 minutes to sit somewhere peaceful where you won’t be disturbed.

Close your eyes and visualize any past partners who you feel resentment or guilt toward. If there is more than one, imagine them all together in one space.

One by one, imagine looking them in the eyes and saying anything you need to say. Imagine them accepting your apology, apologizing, or both.

Take as much time as you need.

Once you feel complete, imagine them dissolving into the air and your heart lightening at the same time.

With your self-love increasing daily, and your heart feeling open and free, you’ve got one last step to manifesting your soulmate.

Step #3: Imagination | Visualize Your Soulmate

Once you’ve become a vibrational match to your soulmate by cultivating your self-worth, making healthy boundaries, and opening your heart to love by forgiving the past, it’s time to draw upon the magnetic power of visualization!

Bringing yourself into an emotional space of already being with your soulmate can send out powerful signals to the universe that will quickly draw them to your side.

The trick is not to long for them, or imagine they are far away from you. But to imagine… and feel with all your senses that they are already there.

Let your imagination run wild!

How does your body feel when they enter the room… or when you lock eyes for the first time?

Imagine what it feels when they say your name. Is their voice gentle or strong? What does their laugh sound like?

What does it feel like when they touch you? What kinds of dates do you go on together? What kinds of conversations do you have?

The more vivid and detailed your visualization is, the more powerful it will be.

One of the most simple and effective things you can do to manifest your soulmate is to create a feeling of being deeply and completely loved by them.

If you revisit this feeling multiple times a day, you will become strongly magnetic to manifesting your soulmate in perfect timing.

As you set forth on your journey to true love, remember the words of the famous poet Rumi, “That which you are seeking is also seeking you.”

With Love,

Angel Adams

P.S. Let’s share our visualizations. What kind of qualities do you imagine your soulmate having? How do they treat you and make you feel? Let me know in the comments below! I look forward to hearing from you.

Angel Adams
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