17 Nov It’s Time To Live Your Dreams | Partial Lunar Eclipse In Taurus
Hi Friends,
Can you feel something big coming?
The Full Moon is approaching…
And while Full Moons always bring a certain part of your life to completion, the upcoming Full Moon at 27’ Taurus has you standing on the brink of a major cosmic shift.
That’s because this Full Moon is kicking off the beginning of eclipse season, and in doing so it’s bringing final closure to one part of your life while setting the stage for something completely new over the next two years.
Ever wonder why eclipses are so life changing?
It’s because they take place on an invisible, yet powerful axis called the Lunar Nodes. These points, also known as the South Node and North Node, represent your past and future.
So whenever a solar or lunar eclipse happens, it activates the Lunar Nodes, giving you a cosmic push to release your past and step into the next phase of your destiny.
The upcoming eclipse on November 18th-19th is sure to stir up some strong emotions, so read on and let’s explore what kinds of things might be changing in your life very soon.
Adjust Your Expectations
Ever notice how as you evolve, certain interests and people no longer fit into your life?
While it may feel a bit sad for some things to come to an end, it’s also completely natural.
And this eclipse is setting the stage for a major transition.
You see, back in June of 2020 you were exposed to new information that may have changed the course of your life dramatically. Chances are you were able to see through a deception or illusion that had hidden the truth from you until then.
So for the past year and a half, you’ve been making important shifts that support your new, more informed perspective.
And now, with the upcoming eclipse taking place in grounded, earthy Taurus, you’re being asked to take the understanding you’ve gained since June 2020 and integrate it into your physical, daily life.
This means you may start to make adjustments to your home, living situation, finances, intimate relationships, and how you share your resources with the people closest to you.
Due to Neptune’s supportive role in this eclipse, you could find yourself clearing the air in your close relationships, defining exactly how things are, and getting real about your intentions toward one another.
So prepare to get a reality check and adjust your expectations accordingly.
The good news is, unlike the eclipses last year, the insights you receive now will be far more pleasant than disruptive.
Mercury will be joining forces with the Sun in Scorpio during this eclipse. This means any real, deep, and honest conversations you have now will give you the clarity you need to make change and move forward in the right direction.
Layers of mirages and confusion will dissipate, and as a result you can get clear about your finances, resources, and commitments. You will also better understand your personal values and what you want to focus on.
Don’t be afraid to speak up and share what’s in your heart with others over the coming days. Expressing yourself could be exactly what helps you find the path to your future.
And there is even more to look forward to!
With Pluto shining a supportive beam of energy onto the Full Moon, you can be sure that a time of potent transformation is right at your doorstep.
Opening The Floodgates
Visualize the upcoming eclipse as a flood or tidal wave…
A force of nature that’s unstoppable and bigger than you.
Over the next few days, you might feel as though you’re submerged underwater, aware that big changes are happening but unable to see the final result.
And when the water finally recedes, you could find that your familiar surroundings have transformed into something entirely different.
Yet, unlike destructive forces of nature, this eclipse will help change your environment in a positive way.
This is thanks to our small yet formidable friend Pluto.
Although Pluto has been demoted to the rank of minor planet, don’t be fooled. Energetically, it packs a powerful punch.
Pluto doesn’t always show up in a gentle way, but thankfully, it’s on your side this Full Moon. So rather than forcing you to accept change, it’s helping you transform with harmony and ease.
With Pluto supporting both the Sun and the Full Moon, you can expect many positive revelations to happen during this eclipse.
The changes that are initiated during this eclipse will unfold over the next six months, helping you evolve on a soul level and become who you are meant to be.
And all this will happen with a special fluidity and grace that makes transformation easy.
However, even with so much uplifting change on the horizon, there’s just one thing to look out for…
Don’t Take A Shortcut
If you feel tempted to cut corners or come up with a clever shortcut to get you somewhere faster, don’t! Chances are you will overestimate your abilities and end up with the short end of the stick.
Jupiter in the last degrees of Aquarius is in a challenging position to the Full Moon Eclipse. This position is known for brilliant ideas, but it also carries a warning against taking the easy way out and not dealing with challenges head on.
If you choose to bypass the transformational work in front of you, or avoid having a vulnerable but necessary conversation, you will likely find yourself in a more difficult or emotionally charged position the next time this issue comes around.
You can save yourself this trouble now by addressing your feelings and practical concerns directly with those involved.
Now is not the time for genius schemes or pie in the sky ideas. It’s a time to get real, honest, and humble about what you want.
You know what your dreams are.
This eclipse is encouraging you to take the next step and make the necessary changes in your world so you can start living them.
I hope you enjoy the potent energy at hand…
Wishing you happiness, grace, and joy in your personal growth.
With Love,
Luna Dragonwell
P.S. What practical changes are you ready to make in your life? Is there a conversation you’ve been needing to have with someone that could really bring some clarity to your relationship? Let me know in the comments below!
Posted at 17:49h, 19 NovemberYou are really fantastic! Best advice I ever had…
Noreen Senczakiewicz
Posted at 22:08h, 18 NovemberYes, communication is needed to clarify the roles in my relationship with my daughter.
I l always look forward to your cosmic updates, regardless of the message your words comfort me.v Thank you.
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:08h, 19 NovemberThank you Noreen. Hope the conversations with your daughter goes smoothly.
Solidad Odunuga
Posted at 20:53h, 18 NovemberSpot on… There are some conversations that I need to have…
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:04h, 19 NovemberThanks Solidad. Happy Full Moon!
Ebony Latrece Sheffield
Posted at 20:50h, 18 NovemberLuv this
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:07h, 19 November🙂
Posted at 09:17h, 18 NovemberHi Luna, I enjoy all your readings and I must say i always see a Ray of hope each time I recieve one of your readings. Thanks alot and I expect a huge change in my work
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:07h, 19 NovemberThat’s so nice to hear, Lin, Have a happy Full Moon!
Debra Baker
Posted at 03:58h, 18 NovemberWalk in light Dearest Luna!
I enjoy your readings so much.
Enjoy the Eclipse….
Namaskar 🙏
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:05h, 19 NovemberThank you Debra. Much love!!
Rhonda Kleckner
Posted at 21:05h, 17 NovemberYou know until Iread what you sent me and yes. In March of 202 I went to file my divorce papers and I couldnt because of covid-19 court house was appointment only unless u were in old in one of the cases there. Leave it in white box well I needed to see the legal aid or someone to make sure so I went home put my papers in tge closet. Lol I need this divorce so me and my fiancee can marry and start ours lifes. Thank you for this.
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 08:06h, 19 NovemberMy pleasure Rhonda. Best wishes to you and your fiancee..