21 Nov A Sigh Of Relief | Weekly Tarot Reading | 11/21 – 11/27
Hello Tarot Family,
This is Jonathan with a potent Weekly Tarot Reading for you.
Oh boy… It seems like you may have been experiencing a bit of a funk. With everything going on in the world, and the holiday season right around the corner, anxiety and fear could be nipping at your heels.
But not to worry, it’s only temporary.
However you’ll want to take some steps to safely make your way out of it. And if you can navigate these troubled waters, there’s a sense of relief not far behind.
In fact, the rewards for getting to the other side could be bountiful.
So let’s take a look at what’s on the table this week. Trust me, if you feel like you’ve been in the thick of it, you’re going to want to pay close attention to what’s to come.
Card #1: Nine Of Swords | A Worried Mind

Are you having trouble sleeping or maybe feeling unsettled?
The Nine of Swords is no one’s favorite card to get in a reading. It represents anxiety, despair, and anguish.
You might be having trouble sleeping right now because your mind is racing around with worries. Maybe you’re waking up from nightmares or fears during the night.
You could also be feeling totally trapped at the moment, and you just don’t know what to do about it.
If you look closely at the card, the woman’s sheets are checkered with each of the signs of the zodiac. This is telling you that what’s troubling you may have been around for a long time.
Even if it’s something that hasn’t reared its ugly head for a while, whatever it is has started to tug on you for a resolution.
While this might not be a particularly pleasant situation, the good news is there’s a chance for a long time issue to finally come to an end. So don’t panic… instead, get curious.
The fact that the woman in the image is alone and in bed, surrounded by the starless black night, could indicate that you’ve been dealing with this anguish in isolation.
This is a reminder to give voice to what you are experiencing with trusted friends. You could also reach out to a professional who can help you gain perspective and point you towards solutions you might not have thought of on your own.
If it’s too hard to talk to someone right now, then find a private place and pray out loud. Speak out your troubles, say everything (even the really nasty stuff) that needs to be said. Get it moving, because it can’t stay inside you any longer.
This anxiety or worry could be stemming from fear around money and career. Or it could be showing up as a sadness or depression that has lingered around you for some time.
Perhaps there is anxiety revolving around uncertainty in a relationship.
Whatever the case may be, the suite of swords is all about the mental realm. So while there are likely some real issues on the table to be dealt with, a lot of what is causing you pain has to do with how you are thinking about the situation.
The way forward may seem out of reach, but there is one important clue in the card image that may help you break through.
While all other symbols on the card are pretty heavy, there are roses checkering around the woman’s comforter. Roses represent a number of things, including sensuality, clarity, and beauty. But more specifically, the rose is an important symbol featured in the Magician tarot card.
This is telling you it’s time to reconnect with what you want and desire. Focusing on what you want to create (rather than what you fear and what might not work out) is what will set you free.
Journaling about what is beautiful to you, or putting your full attention on what IS working out right now could help immensely.
Spending even just a little time focusing on something other than the problem at hand could create a big enough break from your anxiety that hope and ease could begin to pour in.
Give it a try, because your next card is a sign you won’t be lingering in this funk for long.
Card #2: The Star | Returning To Clarity

The Star card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and rejuvenation. Coming right after the tumultuous Tower card, The Star is like a rebirth.
After the big shake up of the Tower card, where what you thought you knew may have crumbled down around you, the Star is like the calm after a storm.
The Star is a very good omen. It’s an indication things are not only going to get better, but that going forward you will feel more free to be yourself.
As you can see, the woman is naked beneath the stars, symbolizing her purity and interest in only what is true and clear. After having been shaken in one way or another by the trials of life, she bares herself fully to the world, no longer wanting to put up any facade.
This is an intensely spiritual card. The largest star shining amongst the others is the guiding light. It is a reminder to listen to your higher intelligence, and to allow yourself to be guided by what you know to be true.
Similarly, the woman is pouring water both on land, to nourish the material realm, as well as into the water, to nourish the spiritual realm. You could be entering a time where your mundane life and your spiritual life feel aligned and balanced.
The Star is also a reminder to keep your hope alive for what you truly want. Let yourself dream of beautiful possibilities for your future, and they just might come true.
Considering your first card, the Nine of Swords, you might be discovering insights into a challenge that has plagued you for some time. Like finding the key to an old lock, the release could bring about a totally new view on life.
The clarity from a sudden insight could be monumental.
The Star is also oriented towards service to the world. This means you can open up beyond your personal challenges by giving unconditionally.
Let your heart broaden out beyond yourself. And while you don’t necessarily need to give in a material way, fill the world and the people in your life with your gratitude and love.
This kind of universal love has a way of melting personal problems and aligning you with what’s most important.
Stay open to a miracle, or an insight, because the Star is an indication that magic is afoot. And, your next card is a clear sign that something new could break through and bloom in your life very soon.
Card #3: Ace Of Pentacles | Surrounded By Abundance

The Ace of Pentacles is a sign of renewal, stability, and prosperity.
Every ace card in the Tarot deck represents the potential that comes with new beginnings. The possibility of a new career, a new love affair, or abundance in health and wealth are indicated with the Ace of Pentacles.
The Ace of Pentacles is like the promise of a newly planted seed. What will come it isn’t totally certain, but you can be sure that something new is about to spring to life.
Because this ace card is in the suit of pentacles, which is all about the material realm, you could find yourself with a promising new financial opportunity, prosperous health, or a deeply sensual relationship.
A new level of stability could be entering your life as well.
Particularly considering the trials and tribulations highlighted by your first card, the Nine of Swords, the Ace of Pentacles indicates you may start to feel a lightness and ease that has been absent for a while.
Unresolved internal challenges can create a lot of friction in your worldly life, and create psychic and emotional tension within you.
Likewise, when something is resolved or finally moved past, the ripples will spill from within you out into every area of your life.
Take this upbeat in energy and enjoy it. Your creative impulse could be at a wonderfully high level as the week goes on. So find ways to nourish yourself and put it to good use.
All things considered, there is something special on the way.
You Deserve To Enjoy Yourself
Having traversed some big bumps in the road, when all’s said and done, give yourself a pat on your back. You deserve it.
Particularly considering your first card, the Nine of Swords, it’s possible you’ve had some big anxiety or fear spiraling around you.
Remember to focus on what’s going well in life, and bring your attention to what you truly want. Doing so could light a fire to get you moving up and out of the funk.
And not to worry, The Star card is a clear sign you’ll be on your feet in no time. And, you’ll be all the wiser for it. Particularly if you shine the light of your heart out into every nook and cranny of the world, you might find your troubles melting quicker than you’d expect.
And doing so will be well rewarded. Your final card, the Ace of Pentacles is letting you know there is something new and nourishing on the way. What it will be, well, you’ll just have to wait and see.
But one way or another, you’re doing great, and the best is yet to come.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. What’s been keeping you up at night recently? What ways have you discovered to make your way out of fear or anxiety? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’re feeling particularly stuck or nervous about something, or you’d like some help undoing some challenging circumstances in your life you can schedule a private reading, or embodied alchemy session, with me here.
Jody Honeyman
Posted at 02:43h, 24 NovemberWow… I never have trouble sleeping…but last night…tossed and turned and got up before the sun cuz I couldn’t toss or turn or check the clock again. …ENOUGH.
Glad to see that things are looking up!! I’m excited!!
Thanks …. I miss you when I don’t get a reading from YOU every week. 🙁. Hope to see you SOON!!!
Posted at 22:16h, 23 NovemberReading this fills up my heart and gives me strength, it tells me what I’ve been feeling but can’t put into words . Always a pleasure to get your e-mails Jonathan Lionheart.
Drusilla adler
Posted at 19:32h, 23 NovemberOne of the most truthful and insightful readings… beautifully explained. Thank you
Viviane Paolini
Posted at 12:37h, 23 NovemberExactly were I am. Thank you Jonathan
Kittygan Wright
Posted at 03:38h, 22 NovemberThank you for this overwhelming positive reading 🧡🙏🏽🧡 I feel everything you have stated and I absolutely love my life and who I am, you inspire me everytime to do better and receive the blessing in the world that are there waiting for my to retrieve 🧡🙏🏽🧡 Angel blessing to you Johnathan 😍🙌🏽😍 you are the best 😉☺️🥰 Blesslove always and forever 😌😊🧡🧡🧡🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Posted at 03:08h, 22 NovemberThis reading was spot on, thank you.. 💕