30 Aug A Fresh Start | Deco | Eight of Pentacles Decan Tarot Reading | 9/1
Are you ready to embrace a new direction?
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Hello, my friends. It is Deco and we are here for September 1. Can you believe that it’s September? I can’t. I feel like this summer has just been flying by and fall is just around the corner. It’s still very, very warm where I am, so I’m just trying to adjust to this temperature as we move into a different kind of season. I know we’re all in different places in the World, but at least where I am, kids are starting school. I’ve been going through some shifts personally, just in my work life and everything. So it’s been an interesting transitional period for myself. But also the beginning of any month kind of feels like a fresh start, regardless of what you’re going through or where you are, any of those things right now, the deacon that we’re talking about this week is the Eight of Pentacles. And the Eight of Pentacles is a really interesting card for a lot of reasons. The Pentacles are about our. Right. The Pentacles represent what we would call dominion. And so when we’re looking at the Pentacles, we’re thinking about the things, the people, the places, the money, our health that we are consistently interacting with on a regular basis. An important part of our life, right? And the Eight of Pentacles is someone who is a master. I love the different images that we find in different decks on this card because it shows someone being a master of many different. One of my decks has a tattoo artist, another one has just a regular artist. But they’re always making these Pentacles and pumping them out to be perfect, right? So these Eight of Pentacles are kind of suggesting that we’re working toward being an expert at something. So when the Eight of Pentacles pops up, it’s like you’re in your environment, you’re in the circumstance, the place that you need to be right now. Right now, when we’re looking at the Eight of Pentacles in reverse. And the deck that we’re actually reading with today is one of my favorite images of the Eight of Pentacles because it has a wasp on it.
And when we’re looking at the Eight of Pentacles in reverse, it makes me think of the people that you vibe with, right. If it’s in reverse, it means maybe you’re not vibing with those people in the way that you would like to, right. Maybe it doesn’t feel like an environment that is setting you up for growth and success and becoming that expert that you’ve been trying to become. And whatever it is that you’re focused on whether that be your job, whether that be some sort of artistic endeavor, whether that be something to do with your health or your family, whatever. You want to be respected in those areas, but there’s something holding you back. Maybe it’s the people, maybe it’s the environment. Maybe there’s something else going on that’s distracting you from this larger goal. And when it’s in reverse, maybe we need to start thinking about going for something in a different way. Right. So we’re gonna keep the Eight of Pentacles in mind as we do this reading to see what it is we need to focus on when it comes to the Eight of Pentacles, are we focusing on growth? Are we focusing on refocusing? What do we need for ourselves with this Eight of Pentacles in mind? Okay, let’s see.
Okay, so, right away, I’m seeing a struggle to see opportunities that are right there in front of you. You feel like there is nothing out there for you. And what I’m seeing with this ten of swords in reverse and the World in reverse is there was some ending that you’re really struggling to close that chapter for a variety of reasons. The ten of swords in reverse would suggest that this is maybe something that is. Was kind of over dramaticized. It was something that was overwhelming. Emotionally, physically, whatever it was, there was something going on here where maybe external factors were making things more dramatic than they needed to be, or maybe there were people whose personalities just did not help in that ending. And while it was a good ending, because the World always suggests good.
The World is an inherently good card, but when it’s in reverse, it’s saying that there’s something about that last chapter, even though it’s closed, even though it’s better that you’re out of that chapter that is keeping you from moving forward in some way. I don’t know. Maybe that’s kind of that Eight of Pentacles in reverse. After the fact, you went through something, you felt like this was your thing, only to realize maybe that wasn’t what I really wanted. And it’s kind of sidetracked you. Like, you’ve lost your focus a little bit. You don’t see these opportunities that you are hoping for in the area that you were focused in. And so we need to start considering, like, what do we need to do so that we can close that chapter and start thinking about what comes next. Let’s pull a few more cards and see what else you need to know. Okay, so let’s start with some major Arcana. First of all, let’s talk about the Star in reverse that popped up here. The Star in reverse is saying, yes, there have been some big changes. The Star follows the tower. And if you know anything about tarot, you know that the tower is the most uncomfortable card. It is something that you have worked so hard for, something that you have built up, focused on, made your full personality to turn into something better, only for it to crumble.
When we look at the tower, it’s a crumbling foundation, which means whatever you’ve been working for is right back at square one. You’re starting over again and having to think about what comes next. And I think you’re still coming to terms with that. The Star being in reverse. Well, if it was upright, it would say, like, hey, we’re starting to move out of this. We see the light, but when it’s in reverse, it’s like we’re still waiting for that dust to settle after everything that’s been going on. So what I’m seeing, we really, really need to do right now with this Eight of Pentacles energy in mind, thinking about, like, how do we move forward? How do we move past whatever didn’t work out so that we can focus on what comes next, what we need to do, what we’re being called to do with these two cards, strength and the King of Cups, is to consider for ourselves that we need to heal emotionally. We have to be in control of our feelings, our emotions, our spirituality, our creativity.
There’s this side of us that needs to be the ultimate empath and start thinking about how we’re interacting with people around us. But also, strength is suggesting that we need to be very wary about what choices we’re making based on those emotions. Strength, historically, traditionally, is a woman holding back a lion. Right. Not something that people could generally do. The idea is you’re taming the inner beast. That inner beast that might be a little bit gung ho about something before it makes sense. Maybe because there’s excitement there, or maybe you break up with someone because you had a really strong feeling, only to realize, like, I think I overreacted a little bit. That’s when strength is in reverse, when we’re struggling to make choices without letting our deeper, more carnal emotions kind of influence us.
So we have to think about how to control those things. And the King of Cups is the ultimate control. The thing about the kings is, it isn’t just about them. It’s about the people around them too, how they are influencing the people around them, how they’re making them feel. And I think if we can take a step back and start healing from the last chapter instead of just perseverating on all of the things that felt so yuck about that last chapter, that is how we’re going to move forward. That is how we’re going to move into this next chapter and be certain that this is what we really want to be doing to the point that you, you want to do it long term. Remember, Pentacles are tied to earth. So when we’re thinking about earth, we need to think about how slow and steady, um, the earth grows and changes, right? Like, like if you plant an acorn, you’re not going to have an, have an oak tree overnight. You might have a little sapling in a couple weeks. And then if you continue to care for it, prune it, water it, fertilize it, then it’s going to become this monstrous creature that lives outside, you know, which is a silly way of looking at it, but it’s like it takes time, it takes effort, it takes focus to make these things happen. These long term goals require our extended attention and investment. So we need to think about how we can be sure that whatever journey you’re on is the right one for you so that you can go in it for the long haul.
Now, let’s pull an oracle. I love these oracle cards. Again, if you’ve been here for any length of time, you know, I use these, like, all the time. This is the deck that’s consistent. I switch out my tarot decks all the time. But this deck I love, because it’s like, what else can we do? What other steps could we take? What else do we need to consider? So let’s see what it has to say. Earth school is the card. So when I think of this card, I think of the three of Pentacles. It says, life lessons, soul growth, study, higher learning. When we’re looking at this card, we need to consider that this chapter that we went through, that ended, that wasn’t so comfortable, that was a life lesson that you can learn from, grow from, and change accordingly to make sure that either one, that doesn’t happen again, or two, that you can make sure that you grow from it, right? So Earth school is saying, like, we have to take this chapter and help us to grow through it, because if we don’t, then we’re just stuck in stagnation, and then we keep repeating ourselves, and that’s when life becomes cyclical. When we have those cycles that just happen over and over and over and we wonder why. And it’s because we didn’t learn the lessons that we needed to learn from those challenging chapters. Right. So the big things that we need to take away here for the Eight of Pentacles is that there is so much opportunity to get in control of your emotions so that you can be ready to move on and into the next big chapter of your life. I know you can do it. I know you know that you can do it. But you got to allow yourself to heal. My friends, you’ve got this.
Posted at 16:08h, 01 SeptemberThank you!
Claire Lofthouse
Posted at 14:40h, 01 SeptemberThis is so relevant to my current situation…..it may take time to heal but your reading is very encouraging. I have been through dark times but I have made the break and I’m adjusting quietly and slowly. I know I’ve made the right decision and now I can see the light ahead made brighter by you….thank you
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 09:26h, 01 SeptemberThanks Deco,
You have a pleasant day ( Sunday )
Posted at 08:02h, 01 SeptemberThanks for the reading. But how i am supposed to heal when the authorities took one of my children with lies just because they and the school didn’t do their jobs and don’t want to take their responsibilitys. That is very hard i can say.
Posted at 06:29h, 01 SeptemberLove your readings. Thank you, Deco!
Posted at 06:24h, 01 SeptemberVery good spot on
Posted at 15:32h, 30 AugustVery informative information!!! I know when messages are for you,you don’t miss the detail.