17 Sep A Spark Of Passion | Sirena Moon | Venus in Scorpio Tarot Reading | 9/22
A powerful spark could shake up your relationships soon…
Sirena Moon is here to highlight Venus in Scorpio, and she says this upcoming transit could bring up intense realizations about your relationships.
Simply click the video below to receive her intuitive message now.
P.S. How do you think your relationships could transform? Leave a comment to let Sirena know!
Hello, Cosmic Updates Family. Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about Venus’s move into the sign of Scorpio on September 22 and what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this time. So on September 22 through October 17, Venus, the planet of love, romance, and beauty, moves into the sign of Scorpio, the sign of intimacy, of truth telling, of jealousy, of intensity, of transformation. So, yes, Scorpio energy can be pretty intense. So with Venus moving into Scorpio, we might find that there is a bit of spark or fire, passion in our intimate relationships. Or it could be, on the flip side, jealousy, feelings of intensity, or even overthinking things, anxiety in terms of our romantic partnerships or partnerships of all kinds.
Ultimately, Scorpio is all about transformation and healing. It’s about revealing the truth so that whatever is hidden can be brought to the light in order to be healed. So, with that being said, Venus moving into Scorpio for a few weeks could really see a healing in many of our closest relationships, intimate partners, or healing with ourselves in terms of how we deal with. Deal with our intimate relationships and partners. Okay. With that being said, now I’m going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this time. So, spirit, what would you help us know about this time, about being. Us being in Scorpio? What would you have us know? Oh, the nine of swords. Okay.
So for some of us, we’re going through potentially a situation that’s causing us a lot of anxiety or a loss of some kind that we’ve recently kind of gone through, perhaps things are coming up to be healed, like the Scorpio time, Venus in Scorpio, something. Something that’s maybe in the back of your mind, it’s coming to the forefront to be looked at, to be dealt with, ultimately to be healed. Okay. So if an issue is coming up or something that you just don’t want to have to deal with anymore, think about incessantly anymore, stress over cause it causes you anxiety or feelings of some of the loss or separation, it’s okay to honor that at this time, to really look at this and to give yourself the time needed to process this. Okay. And then what is the focus on? Yeah.
There’s this feeling that with the five of pentacles, there’s this feeling that for some of you, some opportunity or some person didn’t come through the way that you thought there would. There’s this sense of loss around that, and it’s okay to feel that right now, and it’s okay to just grieve. That and spirit, what else about that? Six of Pentacles. Wow. So, yeah, I’m feeling like. I’m feeling like, for some of you thought some situation or some person was going to be supportive, but they weren’t. You didn’t get the support you needed. Or there’s this feeling that somebody else. There’s like a codependency issue, or somebody else is making you feel possibly guilty for some of you for not supporting them.
And it’s this feeling that you want to look at this dynamic and allow yourself to break free from these feelings of guilt or blame or just needing this person or this opportunity. It’s like this feeling of, you really don’t need this in your life. Perhaps for a long time, you felt kind of powerless because you thought, oh, I need this person. I need this opportunity. Otherwise, I’m going to feel abandoned. And it’s this feeling that this is coming up for many of you to be looked at straight in the face so that you can really let it go and move on from that and spirit, what’s it embrace? Ooh. The queen of pentacles. So, embracing your own worth. So this is. This is a card. I mean, it’s the most prosperous female in the deck. So it’s a card about.
That’s a good sign about money. For those of you asking about money, but there’s a lot of coins here. Yeah. This could have to deal with some kind of financial opportunity, some kind of work opportunity for many of you. So it’s embracing your worth. It’s asking for what you’re worth. It’s going for what you’re worth, and it’s letting go of this, like, dynamic that kind of made you feel small. Maybe this person kind of put you down sometimes. Just, you know, those underhanded compliments. Like, there’s things like that I’m sending from many of you where it’s like, wow, this person pretends to be supportive of me, but they actually just really enjoy putting me down and making me feel small so that they get the experience of me having to depend on them. That’s what I’m getting from many of you.
And there’s this feeling of stepping into your worth and just being able to let go of some situation that you just. You’re not being supported by this person or this relationship or this opportunity in the way that you had really hoped you would be. And it’s just leaving you feeling kind of energetically. Bankrupt, you know, like, kind of emotionally, like, oh, man, you just made me feel abandoned, like, over and over. And it’s about saying, I’m not gonna be abandoned. I’m not gonna abandon myself. So this is about stepping into your worth and your value. And if you’re asking about finances, this is asking for what you’re worth.
And if, you know, if they’re not giving you what you, the value, you know, you bring to the situation that then perhaps findings, you’re doing your best to find a situation that does value you in the way that, you know, you deserve to be valued. So it’s stepping into your worth and your sense of independence. Okay. From this person or situation. Okay. And then a surprise twist in this. What is surprise twist in all this? Oh, the Empress. Wow. So, yeah, the queen of Pentacles and Empress are very similar cards. So the Empress, this is, again, about knowing your value, knowing your worth. The Empress is very prosperous card. About prosperity. It’s about abundance. It’s about fertility. It’s about birthing dreams and metaphysics, metaphorically speaking, into the world, okay? Manifesting that which with your heart desires. Okay?
So there’s this feeling of, this is really cool. So there’s this feeling of coming from a sense of kind of lack in some way, disappointment, not getting the support you wanted and then tuning into your value and your worth. And then for some of you, there could be some kind of surprise incident happening. In the weeks following this Venus transition into Scorpio, where your decision about your own worth is matched in the outside world, something can manifest that makes you feel like, okay, this is. This is where I want to be. Not here, not all abandoned in the snow, but here lounging in the sun. Okay, so that’s really cool. So just tuning into that part of you, and I’m just sensing for so many of you to really going within. Not listening to these, for some of you I’m just getting these people around you that I just think really think small or like to cut you down, like, to make you feel small or like, you. You just feel small in their company, you know, what’s the saying? We are a reflection of the five people we spend the most time with, ultimately, right? So there’s this feeling for some of you I’m getting where it’s like, you’re like, gosh, these people around me, like, they just. They think small or they’re always complaining or, oh, man, they just love drama or they, you know, and it’s like this feeling of, like, I want to rise above this. I want to rise above this. Then this feeling that something, in the following weeks, there could be some kind of catalyst where you are able to rise above it.
You know, not that they’re bad people or anything. It’s just that you want. You want that sense of getting that kind of emotional and financial abundance and support that you really need in order to just feel really good so that you can be very charitable, so that you can give. Right. So that you can help others. This feeling of changing something about this circumstance. Okay. And kind of looking at it directly with this Venus into Scorpio, being willing to heal it, being willing to look at it, and being willing to let go and make a change where this. This change needs to happen. And then what’s the final card? Spirit? What’s the final card? Wow. Two of Cups. Beautiful. Okay, so Two of Cups. So, this is a good sign about romance. It’s a good sign about new love. Really good sign.
And it’s also a good sign about coming together with others or with a partner that just feels really healthy and really good. It’s a symbol of health, and it’s these two beautiful cups coming together. So that’s a beautiful final. Wow. It’s very beautiful for this time. Okay, so, Venus into Scorpio. So something could come up in your mind, some anxiety, some situation where you’ve kind of felt very drained by it or just simply abandoned or in some kind of weird, codependent situation that just really, you just feel like you’ve just had enough of this. Okay. And then coming. Being willing to make these changes as you come into potential better partnership in this in the coming weeks. Okay? That feels healthy and really good, because you’re learning to step into your worth, okay?
To honor your own worth and not be put down by this person or other people around your circumstance around you. Okay? So that’s really beautiful. And I’m just gonna grab a affirmation card for this. Venus and Scorpio time. Ooh. Eight of Wands, speed, movement. My energy is limitless. My energy is limitless. So eight of wands usually means speed and movement. So I love that. I love when things can happen fast. I. Who doesn’t? I hate just being stuck in something. So this is a really good sign about saying, you know what? If you’re feeling. If you’re feeling stuck in something this week, if you’re just feeling like, oh, my gosh. Oh, you know, when is this situation gonna stop driving me crazy? This is a good sign that the energy sign from spirit energy can move fast, fast. Okay?
And with Venus and Scorpio, it’s like fireworks, lots of spiciness and sparks. So that’s a nice sign about passion, but it’s this feeling that things can move fast. Okay? Yes. Scorpio is all about passion. So passion, things moving fast, change happening fast. You don’t have to stay stuck in this situation, okay? Things can move fast and they can move forward. All right? And with fireworks, hopefully some fireworks, right? In a good way with somebody. Somebody with a good partnership. Okay, darlings. Well, this was a general group reading, but if you want a personal reading with me where we look at whatever it is that is really weighing on your mind right now or anything that’s happening with you can click on the link below and get a personal one one reading with me. Okay, darlings.
And until we meet again, I’m sending you so much love and so many blessings. Bye.
Kathleen Showalter
Posted at 11:21h, 20 SeptemberWell today was right where I am at. This is the last day at my job where I busted my butt & was truly NOT appreciated. I’ve decided to go travel with a gentleman friend, we have been together almost 6 mos..We are both 62/68 yrs young! I am having some anxiety around it as it’s been yrs since living with a man. I’m trusting Source. Thank you for this beautiful confirmation Sirena ❤️
Johnny Bragg
Posted at 17:00h, 19 SeptemberThat fit like a good glove it was spot on thanks . Or I’m not alone one or the other..
Sonja Hanson
Posted at 06:27h, 19 SeptemberPersonal reading. Please. You was right on, this blew my mind. Ty
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 19:38h, 18 SeptemberThanks sirena,
Have a nice day on Wednesday.
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 17:03h, 18 September💖 Thanks You for your reading
Casie Morrison
Posted at 16:39h, 18 SeptemberDear Sirena, could I possibly get a personal reading bc what you said in group reading was pretty good but would love to know if any of it was dealing with my life at the moment. You did a great job and I love how you write because it seems real and heartfelt. I would really enjoy another reading from you but just for me this time thank you again
Sirena Moon
Posted at 17:49h, 18 SeptemberHi Casie! Yes I would love to give you a personal reading! Here is the link lovely!! https://members.cosmicupdates.com/sirena/
Judi Williams
Posted at 13:59h, 18 SeptemberI’m experiencing some confidence issues. From being raised as a people pleaser. Tired of be walk on and passed over.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 17:51h, 18 SeptemberOh Judi, I understand. I used to be a people pleaser too, and still struggle to be sure I’m not slipping into old habits. It is very powerful to learn to set boundaries and honor your needs, your energy and your self. Sending you so much love!!XoSirena
T Mokonyama
Posted at 13:53h, 18 SeptemberI just had a huge fight with my women. We have never fought like this before. Wow
Robert Hadaway
Posted at 10:59h, 18 SeptemberYour badass thank you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 17:51h, 18 SeptemberThank you so much, Robert!!XoSirena
Angela Anderson
Posted at 09:54h, 18 SeptemberYou are always spot on, Sirena! I look forward to your readings every week!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 17:52h, 18 SeptemberThank you so much, Angela!!!XoSirena
Posted at 09:16h, 18 SeptemberThank you I needed that!
Posted at 08:25h, 18 SeptemberDear Sirena,
I am still waiting for my one truelove. Plus, I am continuing to move forward. Thank you so much.
Posted at 08:07h, 18 SeptemberI can’t wait to meet my Scorpio.. he and I talked for almost 4 years haven’t meet yet.. there’s a lot of love between us.. thank u for the reading..
Sheryl madrazo
Posted at 07:17h, 18 SeptemberI’m still waiting to meet someone
Ashley Jeffries
Posted at 06:50h, 18 SeptemberAbsolutely perfect timing. You guys are the greatest, thank you so so much for what you do.
Posted at 06:45h, 18 SeptemberStill waiting to meet someone.I don’t know if I will meet anyone that I can go out but not on my own