A Burden Is Lifting | New Moon In Sagittarius Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 12/12

Is it time to close the door on something in your life?

Sirena Moon says that the upcoming New Moon in Sagittarius will be a perfect time to let go of the heavy weight on your shoulders and invite new passions into your life.

She’s here today to help you gently release what needs to go so that you can expand in new directions.

P.S. Has something ended recently that you are moving on from? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello, beautiful cosmic family, Sirena Moon here, and it’s such a pleasure to be back with you this week. This week I’m talking about the New Moon that’s happening in the sign of Sagittarius on December 12th and what that might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit around this New Moon time. So on December 12th, we have a New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. And Sagittarius is all about expansion. It’s about travel, it’s about going to new places and learning something new as well as going to new places in your mind, in your consciousness, learning new information, expanding your horizons within in some way. And the energy of Sagittarius is also very playful and funny and jovial. So this New Moon energy is a great time to embrace the lighter side of life or to expand your consciousness in some way by either traveling and learning something new or by learning something new from information that you discover.

Okay, so with that being said, I’m going to do a group reading and I’m just tapping into the energy of Spirit, and I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading, to give us all any messages  Spirit would have us know for our highest good around this New Moon time. 

Wow. So The World and it is in reverse. So recently there could have been a very big completion of something for many of us. We might’ve completed a phase, completed a chapter, and I’m feeling like it’s good to really let this go, to really, really close the door, to make sure with it in reverse, to really make sure we’ve tied all the loose ends and we really let it go. So something might’ve ended, a relationship might have ended, or perhaps you’re sensing that a job is ending or some career path you’ve been on is ending. Or it could be friendships, patterns, a health pattern that you’re going to make some big change maybe for the New Year, and as we’re closing this year out with this New Moon, it’s a good time to say, “Okay, where do I really need to let go so that I can really close this situation? Who do I need to forgive? What resistance do I need to let go of to really move on to another job? Welcome in a new job, and let go of the job I’m in now.” Things like that. That’s when I’m sensing. So it’s a good time around this New Moon to just get clear on what you really want to allow yourself to let go of so that you can welcome something even better in. So it’s closing that door and really making sure you’re closing it. Okay? 

Okay. Okay. All right. And our focus, our focus,ooh, the King of Wands. Yes, so there’s some energy here of enthusiasm. Wands, that’s really related to the energy of Sagittarius, which is a fire sign. And Wands are all about that fire, that creativity, passion, joy and movement, forward movement. So for many of you, this is time to absolutely move forward and to embrace the energy of forward movement. And saying yes to energy, just saying yes to things and to just saying, “You know what? I’m going to do this.” I’m hearing from many of you, it’s getting focused, not being distracted anymore, and not being like running your energy in a million different areas. It’s saying, “You know what? I’m just going to focus in on this thing that I want to do that brings me joy, that makes me feel passionate”, and putting your full energy behind it, and that this New Moon is a great time to take a significant action step toward that. Okay? 

Okay. So it’s all about action moving forward and what to let go of, what to let go of. Oh, the Three of Pentacles in reverse. Okay. So this is letting go of some kind of group situation that just wasn’t working for you with it in reverse. So this is something that could be a social situation, either an ideology from a group of people that isn’t quite working for you that you want to let go of, or just some advice maybe some friends are giving you that you want to let go of. Or it could be again, like a work situation that it’s just not feeling like your right people, your right audience, your right team in some way, some kind of dynamic where you’re feeling like something is not working for you. And it’s really time to admit that to yourself for many of you and to let go. And this could be part of what that chapter that you’re kind of closing around this New Moon is so that you can fly forward. So it’s just allowing what isn’t working about this situation, allowing that to just drop away at this New Moon. 

And then what to embrace. The Three of Wands. Yes, more Wand energy. Again, this is that Sagittarius energy of expansion, of expanding your horizons of travel. The Three of Wands is all about, see this man, he’s just looking out at the very distant horizon, and he’s starting in this card to formulate a plan. So what to embrace is to, what to embrace is to just say, “Okay, I don’t have all of the details lined up yet, but you know what? I’ve got a few action steps that I can take here and I’m going to do them, and I’m starting to see the bigger picture of where I need to go and what baggage I need to let go of so that I can be light on my journey and really close the door to this thing so that I can really by the start of next year, just fly forward.” And to make this change that many of you have been thinking about. That really just makes you feel excited. It makes you feel energized. So you’re on the right track when it’s feeling light and playful and you’re feeling full of energy about this choice you want to make. So it’s expanding your horizons again, just like that Sagittarius fire energy of like, wow, you know what? When you feel good about this decision, it gives you that energy when you can imagine yourself doing it, and it feels really good in your soul, it gives you that energy to go the distance. And this is about that, about embracing that bigger vision and that longer term sort of vision for what it is that sustains you. Even if you don’t have all the details yet. It’s just this feeling that man, you have really outgrown something, many of you. It’s just feeling like dead weight for many of you that you need to just let go of so that you can be lighter and freer and more authentic in yourself, right? 

Okay. And then an unexpected surprise or insight is the Ten of Wands in reverse. So the Ten of Wands is all about just carrying too much, doing way too much and feeling overwhelmed, and it’s in reverse. So unexpectedly, some of you might find that a big burden is taken from your shoulders around this New Moon. Maybe someone comes to help carry some of the burden for you, or maybe you give up on something, you just say, “I’m burnt out. I am giving up here.” And it feels like relief. And somehow that situation that you thought you had to control and you had to handle all on your own, it somehow just gets worked out without you having to deal with it or handle it. So that’s really nice. 

So at this time of this New Moon, lay down that burden and don’t feel like you have to do everything and just really surrender to what you just cannot control. There’s just things from some of you, I’m feeling like you can’t control all these details anymore. It’s exhausting. You’re just tired of being overwhelmed. And guess what? Great. You don’t have to be. You can just let it go. And to just handle what you can control in the situation, which is yourself, which is your perspective, your reaction, and your feelings and emotions and what you want to express, what you want to say, what you want to stand for, what you want to do, and who you are. So that’s what I’m feeling. 

And then the overall message for this New Moon in Sagittarius is, ooh, The High Priestess. So the overall message is this is your inner wisdom. This symbolizes your inner wisdom and your intuition. So for many of you and all of these moons, look at all these New Moons in here. Of course, look, I love the New Moon symbol, right? Represents so much that New Moon symbol, so many possibilities. And the moon represents our connection to the divine and our intuition and our intuitive abilities that when we go within and we tap into that quiet part of our spirit, we can get direction. 

So for many of you at this New Moon time, it’s a really good time to trust your instincts, trust your intuition, and you might, for many of you, receive some direction for your next step in a dream. So write down your dreams around this New Moon time. This is all about connecting to that quiet part of you. This is a time I’m sensing that your intuition is going to be particularly heightened. So listen to trust your gut instincts right now. Listen to your heart. You hold the wisdom within. It’s not all this chatter all around you, okay? You know what the right choice to make is? Trust it. Even if it seems out of left field, it will all make sense when you follow that inner or spiritual guidance that we all have within us. Okay? So it’s a good time with this New Moon to tap into that.

 That’s what I’m feeling. All right? Okay, darlings, so with that, I am going to wish you a beautiful week and a beautiful New Moon time in playful, joyous Sagittarius. And I’m sending you all of my love. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • wencke
    Posted at 11:21h, 17 December Reply

    Thank you Serena. Lovely

  • Nina
    Posted at 15:01h, 15 December Reply

    Spot on for me just mind blowing and last week also .Thank you needed to read this much love and respect ♥

  • Ruby Tauro
    Posted at 10:46h, 15 December Reply

    Thank you Sirena.

  • Nenette chiong
    Posted at 16:40h, 13 December Reply


  • Roxanne Anchondo
    Posted at 10:51h, 13 December Reply

    YES!❤️ Just Monday I told my self I’m going to let go of wondering what if! Later what’s meant to be will be!

  • Kevin Gappy
    Posted at 22:11h, 12 December Reply

    moving from a period of lack to one of abundance

  • Margaret Frazier
    Posted at 21:49h, 12 December Reply

    Thank you for reading 🙏

  • Malang Sanyang
    Posted at 18:31h, 12 December Reply

    Thank you

  • Malang Sanyang
    Posted at 18:30h, 12 December Reply

    Thank you, amazing I’m grateful so much wonderful and blessings

  • Malang Sanyang
    Posted at 18:26h, 12 December Reply

    Thank you I appreciate everything good and I accept all the miracles and the blessings

  • Steven Cuvelier
    Posted at 17:49h, 12 December Reply

    Waw, what a nice reading and i feel that energy and that calling ! Sirena, you recently did a private reading for me and this one is as an extention of it. Looking forward to the changes that awaits me 😊. Love you all, never give up, stay positive and i’m sending you all my love and strength ! ❤️

  • Katrina D Ford
    Posted at 17:42h, 12 December Reply

    I need to tell u, my story please contact me

  • Miranda Morris
    Posted at 13:09h, 12 December Reply

    Reading this it feels like you’ve been witnessing my life personally for some time, but today it feels like you are sitting on my shoulder! I knew this New Moon was supposed to powerful, but Wow! It really has opened up new perspectives AND possible opportunities (out of the blue). I am always grateful for your wisdom and advice and today, in fact, I can’t thank you enough!

  • Robert Garcia
    Posted at 11:06h, 12 December Reply

    Would like to have a look at this

  • Jody
    Posted at 07:13h, 12 December Reply

    Thank you, I’m now able to let go of my worries. And I’m gonna trust my gut instincts. You are amazing

    Happy moon time

    I was Born under the moon

    • Kate
      Posted at 07:24h, 12 December Reply

      About 4 months ago mid August my 4 year relationship ended with my partner. I’m struggling to move on. I still love him and want to be with him. But I have to let go and hope he will come back when he is ready. It’s hard. 🙁

      • Mimi Fuentes
        Posted at 19:30h, 13 December Reply

        I let go of past burdens . Recently my love and I separated.I think we both felt our connection was ending

    Posted at 07:13h, 12 December Reply

    Estimada SIRENA MOON. Realmente me hace mucho sentido tu lectura y lo digo desde mi situación particular la cual se sustenta en mis propias vivencias. Sobre todo teniendo en consideración los distintos eventos y situaciones por las cuales he pasado en este ultimo tiempo y a partir de las cuales he tenido que aferrarme a mis propias decisiones. Gracias por tus consejos

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