15 Oct A Burning Desire | Sirena Moon | Full Moon In Aries Tarot Reading | 10/17
Are you ready to release past disappointments and awaken your personal power?
Sirena Moon says that the current Full Moon in Aries could show you how to move forward with passion.
She’s here to help you temper the fiery energy of this moon, so you can direct your momentum toward what’s really important.
Just click the video below!
P.S. What desire is burning within you? Leave Sirena a comment to let her know!
Hello, Cosmic Updates family. Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about the Full Moon that is happening in the sign of Aries on October 17 and what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this full moon time. So on October 17, we have a full moon in the sign of Aries. And Aries is a passionate fire sign. It’s the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries loves to lead the way and to get things their way. But Aries is very powerful in making things happen. Aries has a very strong sense of self and willpower. So this Full Moon is going to influence us all to really get in touch with what we want to create, the direction we want to move our lives. And it might light a fire in our belly for us to really make things happen, you know? So this could be a bit of an intense full moon because the emotions in the world might be running high around this time, because Aries is all about intensity, passion, the fire within your belly, making things happen and really taking charge and charging forward and getting things the way you want them to be, okay? So tap into your desires at this full moon, okay? Tap into what you want to create and where you’re passionate about moving things forward in your life, okay? Around this Full Moon time. And if people around you are intense or the energy of the world is really intense, just know that this too shall pass. Okay? Think of it as astrological weather, okay? Just let the weather overhead pass while you try your best to remain calm and tap into your passion and desires and the fire that’s in your belly at this time, okay? For what you want to create in your life. All right?
With that being said, now I am tapping into spirit, and I’m asking spirit to please guide this reading to give. That’s all any messages spirit would have us know about this full moon in Aries time. This Full Moon in Aries time. Ooh, the Ace of Swords. Okay, so this is clarity and communication and having aha. Moment and knowing what it is, that where it is that you want to direct your life, knowing, getting an answer to something. So perhaps for many of us, something could happen around this full moon time where you are just like, oh, I have clarity on this now. I know what the truth is, or I know what my truth is. And there’s this feeling to really express yourself and to cut through the illusions or the dis, the delusions, okay? This big sword, it’s all about cutting to the truth, to your speaking your truth and cutting to the truth of a situation so that if somebody or some situation has been deceiving you or keeping things from you or possibly lying to you at this time, you can really ask for the truth. You’re going to see it clearly for many of you, okay, and for others of you, this is just having a light bulb moment go off and going, oh, my gosh. All right.
I have clarity about this situation. I know now what it is I want to do. And to really trust that if. If you have an idea at this time, if a light bulb goes off and you feel like, aha, I get it, or that’s. That’s the answer to this. Trust your gut, trust your instinct at this time that that is the way forward. Okay? All right. And what to let go of around this time? Spirit. What to let go of at this full moon? Ooh, the Knight of Cups. Okay. So this is letting go, possibly, of a romantic relationship that you know is not working out or letting go of something that has to do with a partnership you’re in. Okay. Possibly letting go of these feelings of maybe your projections onto this person, that you were hoping that they would come through for you in a certain way and possibly they disappointed you. It’s letting go of a partnership, somebody that you’ve been dealing with that possibly let you down or didn’t come through for you in the way that you had hoped. So it’s kind of letting go of some disappointment around this person or the situation for others. If you’re not dealing with a person, this is letting go of an offer of some kind that possibly you’re waiting on and that you’ve been waiting and waiting on. Okay. And maybe, maybe actually didn’t come through for some of you or for some of you is just trying to let go of waiting on it and just maybe, possibly moving on.
Okay. So allowing yourself to just cut through to the truth of the situation and move forward, that’s the feeling I’m getting. And not waiting on this. Not being too hopeful about this situation, but rather just cutting your losses and moving forward. And then what to embrace at this full moon time? What to embrace, spirit? What to embrace? Oh, the Wisconsin true card. Oh, okay. Wow. So this is embracing. This is embracing your big dream, embracing what brings you pleasure, makes you really, really happy, really tapping into your heart. There’s some getting some kind of clarity about what it is you really want. Like what? What really makes you happy. What. What’s really authentically. Authentically your truth. What do you really, actually want? And there’s this feeling of not settling on either somebody that’s been a disappointment or some opportunity you thought you’d get that hasn’t come through, and it’s been a disappointment. But even though it hasn’t come, it’s this feeling of embracing what you truly desire. So this is not settling. Okay. So there’s this feeling around this full moon for many of us, of getting some kind of clarity. We could have been deceived or disillusioned about a situation and that this full moon is shedding a big light on it and bringing some kind of clarity for many of us to the forefront so that we can see the truth of it. And it could be just something that we feel. Maybe many of us feel like we weren’t aware we were kind of denying ourselves our whole heart’s truth, okay. Because possibly we’re being really weighed down by this other person or this situation we’re kind of entangled with or codependent with or being emotionally manipulated by.
Okay. And there’s this feeling of getting this clarity around this full moon, and then. And then really taking the time to say, well, I don’t want to settle, which I really. What makes me really, really happy. What. What is it that’s in my heart, you know, daydreaming about that, allowing yourself to really get clear about that, about what really, really holds meaning to you, what do you really value? That’s what I’m feeling like for many of us. Okay. What do you really want to create after this full moon in your life? Okay. Okay. Spirit. And what is a surprise twist of this full moon? What is a surprise element to this full moon? The Queen of Swords. Wow. So double swords. The Ace and then the Queen of Swords. So some kind of. Something might happen around this full moon for many of us, where you step into your power in a big way by learning the truth about something. Okay. Or by coming to know your heart’s truth. All right. And there could be some kind of surprise element where you’re able to really communicate that in a very effective way, communicate your truth in an effective way or learn about just how powerful your ideas are or your point of view is or how powerful you are in general. Okay. There could be some kind of surprise opportunity to get to express yourself in a way that brings you a lot of clarity, joy, or just relief in the situation that you’re in.
Okay. And it’s this feeling to understand that it’s really important for you to have very clear boundaries in this situation with this person. Okay? And I think that there’s going to be some opportunity to know your boundaries and to set clear boundaries, and that’s going to make you feel very empowered in this. In this situation. Okay. And for others of you, this is a. Some kind of opportunity to finally express something that’s been on your mind that’s gonna feel really good for you to finally get off of your chest. Okay. And the overall message spirit about this full moon. What is the overall message about this full moon? Ooh. Wheel of fortune. Wow. That’s cool. Okay, so Wheel of Fortune, this is the card of luck and, okay. But it’s also the card of the unexpected. So this Full Moon, in the following couple weeks, after this full moon, something unexpected could happen that creates a positive change for many of you in your life, okay? It could be an unexpected opportunity or an unexpected communication somehow. Maybe some of you could hear from somebody unexpectedly that sets a positive string of events in motion. Okay? So be open to the unexpected, but the energy of luckiness is quite high in this full moon. We got two cards that are pretty lucky here. So try and tap in again, get very clear about what it is that you want to bring into your life and manifest. And this full moon with this wheel of fortune card is saying, let go and be open to change. Okay? Be open to the unexpected. Be open to things shifting and changing and to even closing out one chapter so that you can open up a new door or begin a new chapter. Okay? So allow the wheel to turn in some area of your life, so to speak. By allowing yourself, possibly, some of you are going to get some kind of clarity and be able to let go of some kind of situation that emotionally, you’ve just been waiting on for too long, okay? Or it’s let you down. For others of you, there’s this feeling of coming into your power and into mental clarity and the ability to communicate your truth, okay? And finally being able to move forward in an exciting way.
For some of you, something kind of exciting could come about after this full moon that kind of moves things forward, even if not right away. There’s this feeling of, like, the domino falling that eventually leads to all the others falling. It’s kind of the feeling I’m getting, like, some kind of momentum that’s set off, okay. In a positive way, even if you kind of. You can’t see it right away. All right? So be open to change and focus on the big dream in your heart as you have clear boundaries, okay, with this person that’s been draining you, all right? And allow yourself to trust your instincts and trust your brilliant ideas around this full moon. Okay. For some of you might get some kind of clarity you’ve been seeking for quite a long time as you allow your life to shift in a positive direction. And let me get an affirmation for this full moon time. What is an affirmation spirit for this full moon? What’s this?
Ooh. The One of Wands. I perceive a new possibility and make it a reality. Motivation and determination. I love that. I perceive a new possibility and make it a reality. It’s like the magician with the hat. Okay, so. Ooh. Okay, that’s really cool. So I perceive a new possibility and make it a reality. Right. So allowing yourself to see a new possibility for yourself. Okay. That is a dream in your heart and making it a reality. By embracing some kind of. By letting go and allowing yourself to embrace change, you make it a reality. Okay. Wow. It’s feeling like a pretty powerful full moon. Okay. That’s what I’m feeling like. A time of great change for many of us in a positive way. Okay. Okay, guys, so this is a general group reading, but if you want a personal reading with me where we look at whatever situation or person has been disappointing you and or anything else that is going on in your life, I would love to give you a personal reading. All you have to do is click the link below for a reading with me. And until we meet again, I am sending you all so much love and so many blessings for this full moon time and beyond. Bye.
Posted at 14:46h, 17 OctoberSirena, my favorite consultant, as always your reading speaks to what I need to hear so much. I do feel the energy at this time….. think the icejam is finally melted enough to break up…. can’t wait for the domino effect! Sending YOU all my love and so many blessings! Jerry
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:12h, 18 OctoberAwwww so much love to you Jerry!!!XoSirena
Eric Donaldson
Posted at 02:53h, 17 OctoberHave had so many disappointment s up to know.because the bank accused so many people of fraud, clickbank blocked my payments because off what they do.so I am no longer able to do anything without someone asking for money,.
Sharon Bishop
Posted at 23:56h, 16 OctoberI was sure I booked in for this
Posted at 19:39h, 16 OctoberAWESOME reading it’s like your were talking directly to me. Love your energy love to talk to you one on one
Kerstin Frauke Ziemen
Posted at 18:39h, 16 OctoberEs brennt der Wunsch in mir,fuer meine Kinder und mich viel Geld I’m Spielen zu gewinnen,vom Universum.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 18:26h, 16 OctoberYes sirena,
It would be amazing life for me . Thanks . Have a nice day on Wednesday.
Posted at 18:19h, 16 OctoberI am with someone! Not sure he’s the one I live w him on his 5th wheel. I lost $3000 per month. He’s helping me & he’s so very kind but I’m just screaming inside & feel stuck! I can’t live in my car! I’m looking for PT work again & waiting on some retirement. I’m praying for answers. 🙏😊❤️ Thank you Sirena
Posted at 16:18h, 16 OctoberWow Sirena! Spot on reading this week thank-you, this was the breakthrough and clarity I needed for a situation I’m going through. I have been following your readings for a while and watch weekly, I love your energy and your positive spin on the readings!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:13h, 18 OctoberThank you Charlotte!! So much love to you!!XoSirena
Posted at 10:01h, 16 OctoberWow thank you Sirena. This completely resonates and it has already been on my mind to set boundaries with this person. They strung me along and have now found someone else. We work with each other, so boundaries are absolutely crucial, especially as I really dropped my defences, thinking he was genuinely interested. I’ve had enough of people taking advantage of my kindness, him included. Thank you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:46h, 16 OctoberYou re so welcome lovely Ursula!! Love and blessings to you!!XoSirena
Mark Stephen Cook
Posted at 09:45h, 16 OctoberI just LOVE you >> Positive and moving. Thank YOU ! READING IS SPOT ON. I a period of Transformation and Rebirth. I can just feel the Clarity coming and a Challenging issues being brought to spot of clarity.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:47h, 16 OctoberAww thank you MArk!!! Love to you!!!!XoSirena
Posted at 09:22h, 16 OctoberLoved your reading today❤️ Thank you! I’m going through a very devastating divorce after being together 30 years and 4 kids together. so all of this resonated with me ❤️
Posted at 06:50h, 16 OctoberThank you Galena for your effort to help us all through turbulent times on this planet.
With your passion and love you give with your reading I always feel rejuvenated and positive .
Your readings are very powerful and inspiring to me.
Sending love and peace
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:47h, 16 OctoberLove and blessings to you Mirjana!!!XoSirena
Posted at 14:32h, 16 Octoberlove your readings. how much is a private reading for myself? willomoon?