21 Dec A Chance Encounter | Galena The Mystic | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 12/22 – 12/24
Get ready for a surprising shift in your love life…
Galena the Mystic says this weekend could bring a sudden twist of fate that changes everything unexpectedly.
She’s here to help you prepare for unseen changes ahead, so you can greet your good fortune with open arms.
P.S. Have you been struggling with a situation that feels hard to change? Let Galena know in the comments below.
Hello, hello, beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. This is your intuitive Tarot reader, Galena the Mystic here, and I’m back with another Weekend Love Tarot reading. This time for the weekend of December 15th. And so let’s get right into it.
What is the love situation? What do we need to know? We have The Hanged Man. We also have the Seven of Swords reversed. And so, I want to just say this is the Wild Unknown Tarot, the Star Codes Astro Oracle and the Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards, and with this weekend’s love energy. The overall energy is epiphanies. Being in standoff situations with people feeling like we need to maybe take a pause or isolate ourselves from one another or from some other person. The Hanged Man is also about perspective shifts, seeing someone completely differently, seeing ourselves and our needs completely differently. Realizing where we’ve made mistakes in the past in love, as well.
And with the Seven of Swords, I’m getting this message about betrayal, maybe fearing betrayal from others or experiencing betrayal from others, but diving deeper and recognizing where maybe you betrayed yourself, betrayed your own needs to prioritize someone else who didn’t necessarily deserve it or ignoring red flags, right? And so with The Hanged Man, you might feel like you need to put yourself on time out. I do know that Deco recently published a reading called Don’t Punish Yourself, and that’s just coming to mind right now. So maybe you resonated with that video and now you’re here with me. Or maybe you just resonate with the idea of punishing yourself. There might be extra messages in that video, so maybe go check that out as well. But with this Seven of Swords energy, there’s a feeling of, “I’ve hurt myself or I’ve betrayed myself in some way.” Regardless, with this Hanged Man, there’s this need to just take a pause, take a beat, take a breather. When it comes to other people’s energy with this bat’s wings, I’m also seeing maybe wrapping yourself up in a cozy blanket. This could be you now and just telling yourself like, “Okay, it’s okay. We’ve made a mistake, but let’s not hurt ourselves or punish ourselves further.” And so, some of you just could be feeling like this real big need to protect your energy or soothe yourselves after some sort of painful interaction or some realization about another person. So I’m not going to lie, this is kind of a heavier energy.
Let’s see what else is going on? Eight of Swords, interesting. And we also have the Eight of Pentacles. So yeah, I feel like for some of you, this is an of someone kind of refusing to do their work that maybe they promised they would do. Maybe they had some sort of big epiphany and they were like, wow, I’ve really ruined things. But with this Eight of Swords, it’s like you’re seeing someone repeat a pattern or surrender to a limiting belief and not making the progress you would hope that they would make or that they promised they would make, or you not feeling like you are making enough progress and feeling stuck, feeling trapped because of that. Maybe that’s the epiphany is that you finally this weekend need to see, okay, someone’s not doing what they said that they would do, or someone’s not making progress in an area where they said they had this huge epiphany and we’re going to work through some things and they’re just not, okay? So I’m not going to lie. This is disappointing. And with this Eight of Swords, I feel like this weekend there is a chance of you really not seeing things for what they truly are. For some of you, this is having big epiphanies, big awakenings, and feeling like, “Okay, well, if I’ve had these big shifts in my consciousness, then I should be here by now.” Or, “I should have this partner by now.” Or saying, “I’m ready. I’m ready.” And you’re not necessarily, and that’s not because you’re not worthy of it or because you’re being punished in any way. Some of you could just feel like you’re being punished, and that’s not the case. It’s just Spirit saying, there’s more to be worked on, more to be healed and your consciousness changing. Sometimes that is the gift, unfortunately, sometimes developing more peace and more compassion, sometimes that’s all you get, and that’s something that we can be very grateful for, eternally grateful for. It’s like, “Wow, I got to wake up and see this situation from a different lens today.” And sometimes maybe that’s all that we really need.
Okay, let’s see what else we have here. The Fool. Okay, that, let’s get one more. We’ll take the top and the bottom of the deck as well. Okay, Ten of Wands, top of the deck, Nine of Pentacles, bottom of the deck, Two of Cups.
So yeah, I love that these two cards come out on opposite sides of the deck because they’re almost opposite energies. The Nine of Pentacles is abundant, independent, knows her worth, knows her value. Usually, it’s like the depiction of a feminine character on the Nine of Pentacles, like in the traditional Rider Waite. But, regardless of gender, this Nine of Pentacles, it’s very much about independence and doing what you need to do to make sure you’re good. And the Two of Cups is about emotional exchange, an emotional energetic exchange between two people and two hearts meeting and two people resonating and being on the same page and being so grateful that their paths crossed. And so, I’m saying that this energy embodying the Nine of Pentacles will lead you to this Two of Cups energy.
I think that for a lot of you, it’s been a while since you felt like you were really talking to someone like heart to heart, soul to soul, really deeply connecting. And that’s because there’s something disconnected within with the Seven of Swords reversed. And we’re recognizing this weekend where our perspective has maybe been limited and where we’ve maybe been disconnected and how that’s causing conflict. Some of you, because of this feeling of disconnection within, you might be trying to move forward with this new chapter or in this new leg of your journey while holding onto old burdens.
And with the Ten of Wands, there’s very much this energy of just doing too much, taking on too much, taking on other people’s emotional burdens, taking on other people’s needs and making it your responsibility and trying to haul someone who has proven to you that they’re not going to do the work and they’re not going to make the progress, trying to haul them into your next chapter anyways. But, it’s like this new chapter is going to be this energy, the Nine of Pentacles and the Two of Cups, and this person is kind of almost refusing to partake in that with you and that’s their loss. Or ultimately, if you don’t choose to step in this energy, it’s going to be your loss and Spirit’s not saying that as a threat or a punishment, but they’re just saying you’re going to be missing out because you’re too focused on this other person who has disappointed you time and time and time again. Maybe this person has said that you’re not worth more, that they can’t do more or something like that, but whatever the reason is, I just feel like with this energy Spirit wants you to experience more. I’m hearing lux the word lux or lush, I’m not sure. Maybe that’s a significant word for some of you, or with this word I’m getting luxurious. Spirit wants you to experience more pleasure, more romance, more dating, more courtship, energy, getting to know each other, someone seeing you with this Nine of Pentacles as a prize and making the efforts to meet you where you’re at, meeting you at your vibration. Either raising their vibration to be where you are, or they just already have it like that. They already got it like that, and they want to connect with you in a way that’s genuine, in a way where you feel relaxed, you feel good. Like this person who I feel some of you’re manifesting, like this person just wants you to feel good, versus this other energy that we’re starting out with is the energy of someone who maybe wants to keep you in your comfort zone or keep you repeating a cycle or wants to keep your perspective small. So you’re not meant to keep your perspective small. You’re supposed to break through and release that baggage, release those burdens.
So let’s go ahead and see. I actually want to recapture all these cards and ask what’s next, because that was the advice and that was kind of like an overview of the situation. But what’s next? Okay, Death, wow. Yeah, this is huge transformational energy. You really, I see someone going into a cocoon. It’s almost giving me the energy of The Hermit, Ten of Pentacles. Wow, I just heard all that abundance. “That’s for you, baby.” That’s what I just heard. So I don’t know, someone maybe significant. I don’t know why I’m getting the energy of maybe someone who’s passed on, well, maybe with this Death card as well, that could be an indicator of an energy who has passed on who maybe called you baby or something like that, saying all this abundance. But this could also just be an ancestor or a spirit guide trying to, maybe they don’t call you baby, but they’re communicating to me that there’s this affection for you, seeing you as the little one, seeing you as worthy of being taken care of. And they’re saying this abundance, you’re manifesting, it’s for you and not for others. Not that you won’t be generous because the Ten of Pentacles is still very much about community and family and legacy and all of that. It’s like you’re still going to reach your goals, but the abundance you’re meant to experience in your life right now, it comes after this transformation in which you let others go. And not everyone’s meant to receive this blessing with you or these blessings with you, but with this Death card, you’re being encouraged to please just allow things to fall away. If we’ve been showing you over and over again that this person’s not good for you, or if you’ve been feeling stuck and unhappy for so long, that’s all the signs you need. You don’t need to keep asking us for signs. Just surrender to surrender to the ending, surrender to what needs to be released. And with this Ten of Pentacles, you will be good, we will still take you to the finish line.
Okay, Four of Pentacles, and this is what I mean, holding on, on trying to take everyone with you, like Spirits, really trying to show you that you’re keeping yourself stuck with someone.
Yeah, Two of Swords. This is major stagnation, energy holding on clinging onto the past. And so Spirit’s saying, we will take that away from you, Temperance. It’s like if you give us the word, we will move this relationship out of your way. It’s just that you’re holding onto it, and you might be holding onto the very thing that is keeping you feeling trapped. And Spirits saying with this temperance, this is a card of Divine Intervention. We can kind of ruin this situation for you. And that’s not to say that they are going to ruin everything and ruin your life, but when it comes to this connection, this cycle, this pattern that you’re in with someone, we can disrupt that pattern for you. But, you have to be the one ultimately to let it fall away. Because if you pray to be released from the situation and then we cause a disruption that would allow you to leave and you don’t leave, and instead you cling on, then it’s like, well, we did our part and you’re not letting us do the rest.
Palace Athena, Think. So, yeah, you could 100% be overthinking this situation. Interesting how this bird skull imagery is kind of repeating itself. So more Death energy, Pluto rebirth, more Death energy. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and regeneration and also personal power. So it’s like you need to think really long and hard about what you’re allowing in your life. And with this Pluto energy, how are you transforming out of your situation? If you’re repeating the same pattern with someone over and over again, Spirit can’t do anything about that.
Neptune, Vision. And so yeah, with this card you might be holding onto some sort of illusion of someone, but your reality is not reflecting that
Capricorn, Achieve. So yeah, you need to believe in yourself and have this sense of determination and be a little almost cutthroat in a way.
Okay, let’s end with some affirmations, but with this Capricorn card, it’s like know how much you’re capable of and really see the larger picture, the long-term goal with this Ten of Pentacles energy, too, it’s like, where do you really want to be in five, ten years? Or what relationship do you really see as sustainable for you? And what are you doing to honor that?
Discipline. “I can accomplish what I set my mind to.” Thank you for the beautiful confirmation, Spirit, Discipline. And I’m hearing discernment as well. So yeah, commit to your goals.
Okay, Death. Wow, so much ending energy. Okay, “I’m learning that endings are merely beginnings.” Do I even need to explain at this point, the cards are just speaking, right?
And we also have Worry, “I’m learning that worry doesn’t change an outcome.” And this is what I’m saying is you’re going to keep running into the same result with someone over and over and over again, and Spirit’s saying, “We can remove you from the situation and help you recover.”
Health. “I will honor the physical vessel that enshrines my soul.” See, I think it’s time to prioritize you, your wellness, your wellbeing. And it’s like Spirit wouldn’t want you to stay in a situation that’s so bad for you that it’s deteriorating your mental and your physical health. And so allow yourself to transform and take care of yourself and start turning some of your resources, your time, attention, your energy towards your wellness, your wellbeing, okay? Go to the spa, go to the park, go take a long walk. I think there’s a big need to allow things to be what they are and to finally have acceptance.
So I’m sending you so much love and compassion. Sorry this one was such a heavy energy. I’m really sending you lots and lots of hug, lots and lots of love. Please like this video and feel free to subscribe and share and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.
Soni Weiss
Posted at 13:47h, 24 DecemberOn spot. Really good reading, you bring a lot into your readings.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 14:57h, 26 DecemberThank you so much my love!
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 13:19h, 24 DecemberGalena,
Right on point. Thank you for another great reading and providing truth.
Happy Holidays.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 14:58h, 26 DecemberHappiest Holidays, Roxana! <3 Sending lots of love!
Mrs Alma M Routledge
Posted at 08:00h, 23 DecemberI am normally skeptical but the reading hits home, in fact so much so that it is hard to ignore. This is where I am right now. Thinking I must move on. Knowing I must move on.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 14:58h, 26 DecemberThat means so much! Thank you, lovely! Namaste <3
Posted at 02:35h, 23 DecemberI can’t believe that you can describe the details of my life so accurately. Thank you for your understanding and wisdom. Your advice about how to move forward has really resonated too. Galena, I’ll be a devotee forever.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 14:59h, 26 DecemberThat’s truly too kind, Miranda! Thank you for aligning and receiving the message! <3
Yolanda Delahanty
Posted at 00:47h, 23 DecemberThis Reading Is What Has Been Happening For Me.. IN Some Of The Things That You Said. Not All Pretains To Me.. But It Made Me Feel Angry And Sad At The Same Time.. I Wish I Had The Money To Ask For A Personal Reading..
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:00h, 26 DecemberHere’s to your healing, Yolanda! Communicate your needs to spirit, and the guidance you need will appear! Sending lots of love! <3
Posted at 23:07h, 22 DecemberThat’s right for me truth
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:00h, 26 DecemberThank you, Michael! <3
Gena gail aldridge
Posted at 19:54h, 22 DecemberYes I have ,still am, I needed to hear this …thankyou
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:01h, 26 DecemberYou are so welcome, Gena! Thank you! <3
Simon Rivers
Posted at 19:53h, 22 DecemberAwesome reading that felt like it was aimed straight at my heart. Every word rang true, I am holding on even though I recognise how detrimental my addiction is! I will take this on board and step up and find that fierce determination as it is still in me and it will be good practice and restore my self belief for when my strength and determination will be tested way past any previous situations. I am determined that nothing will stop me as it is my task and even though it may seem insignificant, its importance, to me, and to all of humanity, due to the change it will trigger, is unmeasureable. And when I succeed I know that the reward i receive (which will come from within), will be infinite and forever.
Thank you Thank you Thank you, it all makes sense now, my path, my purpose and the source of my passion that will inspire me and drive me, and my new family who will support me and empower me with positive energy and love light. Xx
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:01h, 26 DecemberThis is so awesome to hear, Simon! Thank you for making my day with this heartfelt comment! <3
Posted at 19:46h, 22 DecemberThank very much your reading is spot on I have to pray for help from God to remove toxic people from my mind thanks again.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:02h, 26 DecemberThanks so much, Timothy! Here’s to your clarity and liberation in love and life! <3
Posted at 19:10h, 22 DecemberGalena, this was me, that spirit was talking to.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:02h, 26 DecemberAbsolutely! Sending love, Amelia! <3 🙂
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 12:15h, 22 December😢…..wow 11:11 am, there are no words to describe the pain I have caused myself by believing that there really was an oasis in the desert. As many expectations as I had, being complacent and submissive did not make them love me or value me. I alone deceived myself. Thanks for your reading
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:03h, 26 DecemberI totally know the feeling, Claudia! You are not alone! Thanks for aligning, receiving, and sharing your thoguhts! <3
Francine Devolin
Posted at 11:18h, 22 DecemberThank you! This really is my situation and I have evolved from it. Standing on my own now!
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:03h, 26 DecemberCheers to that! Sending lots of love and care! <3
Cecilia Novak
Posted at 11:08h, 22 DecemberHi email in junk mail and is no longer there. Question is will I be better financially next year
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:03h, 26 DecemberYour reading has been delivered, lovely! Thanks so much <3
Posted at 10:04h, 22 DecemberThis is hitting hard. Spot on . I discovered that I ,along with many other women ,that we have been used mentally, emotionally, worst of all financially. By a man that has no remorse for anything. He is a smooth talker. Lies. Uses you for his own gains. I contacted two of these other women. We had a group chat .this bastard will no longer have control over us.
Karma will haunt him past eternity.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:05h, 26 DecemberWow, what a situation! I’m so sorry to hear that this selfish person took advantage of you and so many others, leaving you disillusioned. I’m sending you lots of love and courage as you gain the strength to move forward. Clarity is abound! Thank you so much for aligning and sharing. <3
Monta Russeau
Posted at 08:35h, 22 DecemberFits my life exactly as it is. Sad as that is
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:06h, 26 DecemberIt happens to the best of us, unfortunately. Sending a big energy hug as you navigate these stormy waters! It gets better if you can believe in yourself! <3
sheranie singh
Posted at 08:21h, 22 DecemberThank you Galena, you are spot on…I love your interpretation of the cards!!
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:07h, 26 DecemberYou’re so sweet! Thank you, Sheranie! <3 <3 <3
Meaghan Molnar
Posted at 03:21h, 22 DecemberHi guys ❤️ this appears to be exactly the same as last week. Misprint?
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:08h, 26 DecemberHey lovely, thanks for the heads up! I’ll do my best to get this sorted! 🙂 Thank you for watching! <3
Posted at 21:57h, 21 DecemberLast week’s TRANSCRIPT is posted.
Please post this video on TRANSCRIPT.
I’m not fluent in English, so TRANSCRIPT is very helpful.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 15:07h, 26 DecemberSorry about that, my dear! Will try to get this sorted! 🙂 <3