23 Jan A Change For The Better | Full Moon in Leo Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 1/24
Do you believe that you are the creator of your reality?
Sirena Moon says the Full Moon in Leo on January 25th could open a portal to fresh creativity and financial abundance, but it will be important to keep a positive intention for your future in your heart.
She’s here today to shed light on important issues surrounding your abundance and security, so you can manifest your creative passions and celebrate success.
P.S. Do you ever feel afraid of taking financial risks? What are you passionate about creating right now? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here, and I’m so happy to be back with you this week. This week I’m talking about the beautiful Full Moon that’s happening in the sign of Leo on January 25th and what that might mean for you. And, I’m also going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit around this Full Moon time. So, on January 25th, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Leo and Leo energy is all about courage and confidence and self-expression, self-love, also about romance and connecting with your heart, opening your heart and having fun. Leo is really dramatic, theatrical and all about indulging in things that bring you pleasure and fun and joy and bliss. So, this is a really beautiful Full Moon energy that is happening for everyone at this time. And now, I’m going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit around, about this Full Moon time, so anything that you can expect around this time. So, I’m just tapping into Spirit. I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading. What messages would you have for our highest good?
Okay, so around this time with the Ace of Wands, you might be starting something new. Some of you may be traveling or going somewhere or taking some kind of action that’s, you’re really passionate about it. So, if you’re not taking action already, this Leo Full Moon time is asking you to take action on something with this Ace of Wands to move forward, to honestly just start. If you’ve had an idea, it’s the start of the year. If you’ve had an inspired idea, perhaps about a business you want to create or some kind of new class you want to take, or some kind of self-development or something that you just want to explore in your life, it’s really, really optimal to take action on that around this Full Moon time. The energy will be very supportive of anything that you’re just kind of thinking about that brings you joy that you’ve been thinking about just starting. So just start it.
Oh my goodness, wow, the Page of Wands. Yeah, again, this is just like the Ace of Wands. Even if this is new, you don’t really quite know what you’re doing. It’s really important at this time to just try it. Just take action. Just get started. Okay? Just make that YouTube video or just start putting yourself out there in a way that maybe you don’t feel ready to do, but push yourself to do it, okay? It’s really, really going to be magical. Things will connect in a beautiful way if you just start taking action at this time, really on anything that inspires you.
For others of you, I’m hearing it’s about moving. It’s about, yeah, just moving and just try and do it. Just take action steps to do it. Okay, so with all this emphasis on moving forward, starting something fresh and new, what should we let go of?
What should we let go of? Ooh, the Five of Pentacles. Okay, so this is letting go of a sense of lack, a sense of not having enough. For many of you, it could be a sense of, oh, I can’t do that. I don’t have enough money to do that. Or, oh gosh, I just have to keep focused on the job I have because it makes me money. I’m too afraid to shake things up. There’s a fear financially with this Five of Pentacles for many people. And so, it’s really important to try and let go of that financial fear to take forward action steps, even if you think that your business idea could flop. Maybe it will, but you’ll learn something in the process that will lead to the next idea that will earn income. But, being afraid that it’s going to fail is keeping many of you in a state of not moving forward and stagnancy, so it’s really important to let go. For so many of you, this fear about finances not coming through, this fear about security not coming through. That’s what I’m feeling. And, for others of you, I think it’s really important to let go of the fear of not being supported by other people, maybe not accepted. As you take this step towards something that really feels good in your heart, where you’re following your truth, and I’m feeling like for many of you, there’s this fear that you’re going to be abandoned. This could be abandoned by a partner, or this could be abandoned by friends groups, people that might not agree with the choice that you’re making or feeling like you’re not going to have the structural support you need to really make this change that you really want to make. And, it’s really important to let go of that fear, okay? Because Spirit is saying you’ll be supported by Spirit, by life, and that it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about this choice you’re making. It’s your choice to make. And, if you feel it in your heart, it is right. And, to follow that and to just take the small steps. You don’t need to do the big, I’m hearing, you don’t need to take out a giant loan and quit your job and go crazy. It’s just taking the small steps of putting yourself out there, doing a little bit each day. Small steps will build an empire eventually, and to just let go of that fear that it won’t be met with support, because it will be, you’ll find your right people, you’ll find your right community and your right audience. That’s what I’m feeling.
Okay, and Spirit, what to embrace, what to embrace, Page of Pentacles. So yeah, this is just for so many, I’m just sensing small business, starting something just totally something new that it’s really from scratch that you’re just developing. It’s really in the ideas stages, but with the Page of Pentacles, it is going to be a success. Okay? So, just embrace the bigger vision. Just absolutely put yourself out there. Take the small steps towards it. For some of you, I’m hearing, to take that class, to be in an apprenticeship or to learn from someone else how to do it, and then you can really do it on your own. But, there’s this sense that you’re really building something and the Full Moon is going to trigger it. It’s going to be a catalyst for many of you toward building this dream, this thing that you’ve kind of held in your heart for a long time, and you really intend to set it into motion in 2024. You’re planting that seed in a really big way. So, plant it and put two feet in and have confidence in it. And, with this Leo energy, it’ll really be supportive of you sharing yourself and putting yourself out there and having confidence behind this idea that you’ve had. It’s been brewing for so many of you, it’s been brewing within you.
And, for others of you, you could meet someone really interesting. That has kind of a, I’m feeling like you’re going to meet someone that has some brilliant ideas that can really connect the dots for you. It could be a really interesting partnership. For some reason, one of you, I’m feeling like I need to say this, there’s a really interesting partner that’s going to come in around this Full Moon. So, pay attention to that. And, if they have an idea that’s getting you excited, it is a good person to partner up with, to listen to their advice or to work for them somehow, or with them. I’m feeling like this is a good match. So, for what that’s worth, okay?
And, a surprise, surprise, insight or surprise that’s going to come out of this Full Moon time, a surprise. Oh, okay, so the Two of Cups is about romance, or this could be a business partnership. It’s about two people coming together and it feels really connected and really good. So, for some of you around this Full Moon time, this could be that a romantic connection comes, but it would come by surprise, when you’re not expecting it. And, this Full Moon, for some of you, could be a catalyst that really, wow, I’m sensing for some of you this new job or new direction, you want to move in, even though it has to do with an ambition or possibly career ambition, you will meet someone through this journey. You will meet someone through this new job that you take or this new venture that you start. And then, for others of you, I’m feeling like it’s this interesting person that you meet around this Full Moon. They’re a good partner, not in romance, but in friendship and business, just in general. There’s this real partnership energy I’m feeling around this New Moon, for many of you. So, pay attention to who you meet just after this Full Moon, not New Moon, sorry, Full Moon. Pay attention to who you meet or pay attention to conversations that you’re having. But, there’s some kind of partnering that’s really emphasized during this Full Moon, I feel.
Okay, and then one final message of this beautiful Full Moon in Leo. Oh, Six of Wands, celebration. So, there’ll be something to celebrate. This could be like an event that you go to. It could be significant. But, with all these wands, this wand energy, I mean, this is really amazing because wands are fire signs and Leo’s a fire sign. So, it’s all connected here in this reading toward paying attention to your passions, paying attention to your heart, and cultivating confidence and self-love so that you can move forward. And, this Full Moon time is a catalyst for many of you to take that action step and just do something a little bit different. And, that’s going to, if you take the action steps, I think you’re going to meet the right people as you let go of the fear of not being supported. The right people seem to come in to help you through this journey, this Full Moon. It could be the beginning of the year and the Full Moon’s kind of a catalyst where things start to move, and then there’s just this celebration that happens. This might not be right after the Full Moon, but maybe after some time after this is developed, but certainly at some point this year, I think you’re going to get accolades for this, or you’ll be celebrating, you’ll be patting yourself on the back, or other people will say, “Look how far you’ve come.” It started with just an idea, right? It started with just one small step and it turned into one, one turned into Six Wands. So, I think there’ll be something here that you’ll feel really proud of yourself about, okay? If you start it now around this Full Moon, there’ll be a reason to celebrate. So, that’s really beautiful, very joyous.
So I’m wishing you all a very beautiful Full Moon in Leo time, and I’m sending you all of my love. Until next time, bye.
Ruby Tauro
Posted at 10:45h, 28 JanuaryI’m just reading this the 2nd time without commenting earlier. To me this reading seems timeless and that made me read again. I have kept it in my archives. Thank you Serena for this timeless Reading.🙏
Posted at 11:20h, 25 JanuaryWonderful reading , my friend reached out yesterday who is a strong Leo everything in the reading was on his agenda…….., lol……I felt the energy before he called wondering I think I am going to hear from him boom! There he was…….I know he would like the 2 of cups to happen but he’s got kinda a big Roar! Hahaha……… take care Sirena lots of Angel light to you🕊. Jackie
Tara Lynn
Posted at 03:49h, 25 JanuarySpot on in so many ways….claiming it and the universe abundances
Samantha Vaux
Posted at 19:26h, 24 JanuaryThanks you Sirena for your beautiful reading which was so uplifting! I have been planting new business ideas for a while and will keep going. It started with just an idea as you mentioned. I will move forward with confidence and see where this journey and new partnerships in business and love take me 💜
Tiffany Leon
Posted at 19:16h, 24 JanuaryI totally resonate with this reading. There are three way different business ideas that I had come up with and will possibly have started by the end of spring. I’m still working on ideas. My boyfriend and I are talking marriage. however, my mother disapproves, and I don’t have her blessing. This is stressing me out badly. But we feel right about this marriage and still going through with it😊
Shelly Farley
Posted at 18:56h, 24 JanuaryThis all started abruptly about a week ago. I can’t tell what’s happening with the partnership but I’m proceeding anyway.
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 13:14h, 24 JanuarySirena,
You are so beautiful and amazing! This reading is spot on for me as I am just starting a new business as we speak! I am so excited by taking the first step toward my future. Thank you so much for the affirmation of what I have been feeling! YOU are MAGNIFICENT! Have an amazing day!
Nenette chiong
Posted at 11:36h, 24 JanuaryThanks
Posted at 11:21h, 24 JanuaryThat was a beautiful reading! I loved it.. blessing:)
Posted at 11:20h, 24 JanuaryI always love your readings, I look forward every week for your updates!
Much love to you 💕
Posted at 10:10h, 24 JanuaryI love that – Hope that happens
Sadae Binion
Posted at 08:47h, 24 JanuaryI claim this reading!
Ruth Maluleke
Posted at 08:46h, 24 JanuaryI resonate
Judi Schmidt
Posted at 07:26h, 24 JanuaryI loved you reading. It was really good.
Judi Schmidt
Posted at 07:25h, 24 JanuaryThat was a good reading. I loved it.