A Complete Renewal | Sirena Moon | New Moon in Scorpio Tarot Reading | 11/1

New beginnings could be in store for you now…

Sirena Moon has an intuitive message for the New Moon in Scorpio, and she says this energy could spark  a much-needed overhaul in your life.

Just click the video to receive your message.

P.S. What new beginnings are you hoping to experience? Leave a comment for Sirena below!


Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And this week, I’m talking about the new moon that’s happening on November 1st in the sign of Scorpio and what that might mean for you as well as any messages from spirit around this new moon time. So November 1, we have a new moon in the sign of Scorpio. And new moons are always about fresh starts, a feeling of fresh, new energy. And it’s a great time to set a new intention for the next couple of weeks before the full moon. There’s always a feeling of possibility around a new moon and around this new moon. Because in Scorpio is the sign of truth telling. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, deep transformational healing.

This could be a very good time to get to the heart of a situation, to ask for the truth, to tell the truth, or to allow a deep healing to occur in some area of your life. Scorpio can also be a little bit intense energy. Scorpio is known for seductive sexual energy and a little bit of, like, jealousy. So it can be a little bit of an intense, you know, new moon. But ultimately, Scorpio is all about bringing what is underneath the surface to the light to be looked at and healed. Okay, so it’s a very transformative sign. So this is a transformative new moon in many ways. All right, so with that being said, I’m just tapping into spirit. I’m asking spirit to please guide this reading, to give us all any messages Spirit would have us know for our highest good.

Spirit, what is the message for this time? Ooh, Death. Wow. This card is related to the sign of Scorpio, actually. So death is not about death. It. The Death card is transformation. Okay, Transformation. That’s amazing. Yes. So this is a very Scorpio energy time. So this is all about letting things go in order for the new to be reborn or the new to come in. This is a symbol, kind of winter time, where the leaves fall off the trees in order to have new growth of spring. So think about all the ways you’re transforming at this time, all the deep ways you’re transforming and shedding your skin. Okay. So for many of us, there’s a letting go of some in some aspect of our lives where we’re letting the old version of us go.

We’re letting a situation go or letting some habit go even, or just something that we’ve outgrown. So it’s a card of transformation. It’s a time of transformation, letting go of the old in order to make room for the new and spirit. I need a clarifier on that. What about this transformation? What about this? Oh, okay, so Five of Cups. So something that really emotionally disappointed many of us, all right? We’re letting go of it. It’s just. It’s a death of possibly that relationship, that job, that situation, or even, you know, a part of ourselves that we’re letting go of. And it’s kind of been. You know, it can be bittersweet. It can be real bittersweet where it’s, like, kind of sentimental. You know, It’s. It’s like a feeling that h. You know, I just have to accept that. That it’s over.

All right, all right. And there’s this feeling that it could be, you know, quite sad for some people. All right? And I need another card on that. Another card on that. The Knight of Pentacles. Okay, so, yeah, it could be with the Knight of Pentacles. It could be something that you thought was stable that is no longer stable. So this could be a job for some of you or some opportunity that you’re having to let go of. And for others of you could be a partnership that you thought was stable. You know, But I’m being drawn to these two horses, okay? And I’m feeling like. I’m feeling like this. This. This theme of death and rebirth where you’re letting go of one version of yourself or one part of your life, and then it’s reborn into another, more steady, more stable version.

Okay, so, yeah, so it’s kind of like winter into spring. Okay, that’s really interesting. So, yeah, so letting go of something during this time. All right, that’s ultimately for a transformation. What else we. Okay, so it’s something that maybe caused. This is the Knight of Swords that maybe caused many of us a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights. So, yeah, it’s at this new moon time, there’s this feeling like, okay, this could be coming up to the surface of our minds, this kind of thing that maybe we haven’t allowed ourselves to look at. For some of us. Some. For some of us, with the Scorpio energy, this could be coming to be looked at. All right? Everything that’s been suppressed, not really looked at honestly, that, you know, is just weighing you down emotionally or making you feel constantly abandoned. All right? Emotionally abandoned.

This could. This doesn’t have to be. It could be a person or it could be an opportunity that you keep hoping will come through, but it’s just continuing to let you down, and it’s. This Feeling that all of these thoughts, maybe that you’ve suppressed about it, maybe it’s coming with the Scorpio feeling, coming to the surface in order to be looked at, healed, and then released so that you can have this regrowth, releasing the elements that are no longer serving you, that just aren’t working, that you know it’s not working. And it’s coming up to be looked at so that you can finally let it go and stop worrying about this situation. All right, what to release, Spirit? What to release in order to have this transformation? The Emperor. Ooh.

Okay, so this could be releasing your pattern of being like, sub serve, subservient or powerless to somebody, you know, make. Maybe there’s someone that’s kind of been a bully or somebody that you feel somehow holds all the power in this dynamic, or you feel that, you know, you have to answer to or look up to, and it could be releasing that pattern that. That you. That you have with them, not allowing yourself to dim down around this person. Okay. Releasing this dynamic that you have so that you can step into your own power. Okay, that’s really interesting. And Spirit, can I get a clarifying card about releasing the Emperor? What does that mean? The eight of Pentacles. Okay, so the eight of Pentacles is all about something that were an expert at and that we’ve worked on a really long time.

Possibly it’s releasing some kind of fear for many of you of financial fear about something that you’ve built for a really long time. It’s releasing fear that all the hard work you’ve put into this isn’t going to pay off and isn’t going to yield this big financial reward for you or that somehow all your hard work isn’t going to lead to your success. It’s releasing this feeling that you have to prove yourself somehow to the world or to a boss or to a higher up or to a partner who can make you feel a little bit. Not that you’re. That you’re not doing a good enough job. All right? And it’s this feeling of releasing that, you know, possibly releasing this partner that makes you feel bad and kind of energetically, like, suffocated or oppressed.

And possibly releasing this feeling of having to work at this thing so much. Where I feel it, I’m feeling like this game, this feeling for so many of you, there’s this feeling of you’ve been overworked, you know, in terms of this relationship or this thing you’re dealing with, and at this new moon, it’s this feeling for many of you of like, okay, I’m finally seeing how this overworking on this constant energy, energetic input into this has been. Caused me a lot of anxiety and it’s been really draining for me, you know, and it’s this feeling that maybe this is coming up during this time to kind of make you see that you can have a different dynamic with this. All right? When you recognize your own value and that you don’t have to prove yourself.

There’s this feeling that you’re great enough as you are and you don’t need to go through hoops just to be worthy in this person or this situation in the world just to. Just to have that sense of being seen and being valued. Okay? You don’t need to. To overwork. You don’t need to work yourself to the bone here. And then what to embrace, what to embrace. Oh, all right. The four of wands. So this is like, see these two people coming together, they’re holding hands. This is, this is like a coming together energy and such a joyous gathering of. It’s celebrating. It can represent getting married. These people are getting married in this card. I think this is embracing the kind of partner and the kind of group dynamics and the kind of joy you really want. This is embracing, celebrating an absolute pleasure.

Joy, dancing, fun. This is just fun. I think for many of you, there’s this feeling of around this Newman time, embracing, just like stopping overworking, giving yourself some fun, just having some good old fashioned fun. All right? And for others of you, it’s saying, I don’t want to deal with this. Either this boss or this, you know, co worker or this bully. I mean, it could even be a really romantic relationship you’re in or a friend or something, but this person that really makes me feel like I’m never enough. All right? I’d rather, I’d rather turn my attention toward people that we just are playful together and it feels good. Okay?

And into possibly turning my giving my energy to the people at my work around me or other co workers where I feel really seen and I can be really light hearted and joyous. Okay? And for others of you, it’s saying, gosh, this partnership I’m in, I’m feeling like it’s time to have a big shift and a big change with it. Okay? Maybe into somebody new that is a better match for me and for my joy. There’s such feeling for so many of you. Like, I’m ready for joy and laughter and no more anxiety about this person or this situation. I don’t want to cry about this anymore. There’s this feeling of like, I’m so tired of being abandoned. I want to come together, you know, in a way that makes me feel really light hearted and really safe, you know, and steady. Okay.

The pentacles is security, okay? Security and steadiness. Some of you might be feeling like, this isn’t the one. This is not the. This is not the one. I want the one. I want to get married. I want the one. Okay. I’m gonna let go of this dud so I can manifest this stud. Something like that. Okay. All right. And then the final card. The final card is a fool. Okay. Whoa. Yeah. Whoa. This new moon is Scorpio transformation. So letting go of the old and the fullest. The new. Embracing the new. Embracing a new adventure. Okay. And being light hearted, light on your feet, laughter, love, sunshine, joy. Setting off on a new adventure.

So some of you might be having some kind of change, you know, where you’re letting go of a job or some kind of pattern you’re in order to have a fresh new start that feels independent and joyous and also inter. Interdependent in a really good way. You know, not alone, but with. With the right people. So that’s a definitely. Wow. I feel like this new moon is a really joyous catalyst for change for many of you. Okay, Now I’m gonna get an affirmation card from Spirit about this new moon in Scorpio. What’s an affirmation card? Oh, what is this? The three of wands. With an open mind and heart, I welcome new opportunities. Oh, my gosh. Anticipation, preparation, and look, there’s this compass. Okay, so the three of wands. With an open mind and heart, I welcome new opportunities. Wow. And the fool.

This is setting off in a new direction. New opportunities. Wow. And a lot of wands. Three of wands. So that’s. New adventure. New adventure. So this is a big. This is a big new moon. So letting go of the old to have a new opportunity. Okay. With an open mind and heart, preparation and anticipation for a new adventure. All right. Beautiful. Okay. And as always, this is a group general reading. But if you want to tap directly into you and your life, I would love to give you a reading with whatever it is you’re going through, whatever thing you’re letting go of or anything else that’s going on in your life. All you have to do is click the link below to get a personal reading with me. And as always, until we meet again.

I am sending you so much love and so many blessings for this new moon time and beyond. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 15:59h, 11 November Reply

    Thank you! Reading this was as if the universe was speaking to me through you with tears. Loved, “with an open mind and heart I welcome new opportunities, preparation and anticipation.”

  • Ellen
    Posted at 11:25h, 06 November Reply

    What happened to this week’s reading Serena? 5/11 are you having the week off.

    • JERRY
      Posted at 14:28h, 06 November Reply

      Really…. I’ve noticed I’ve not even gotten any of the “promotional” emails from Angel Adams since 11/1. I was wondering if it was my email (it sometimes decides to block emails on its own) but evidently I am not alone…..

  • Diane Thielman
    Posted at 07:47h, 03 November Reply

    Thank you 🫶

  • Nehru Robinson
    Posted at 19:56h, 01 November Reply

    Greetings my friend May the force of power be with you I thank you very much for your insight I can relate to the majority of the things you speak upon I have come to the conclusion that those who try to overpower me shall cease and for those in a relationship I close the doors for a new relationship to be open I thank you for the ham and nail we should shut the coffin sometime people do things to you and thank you don’t know about it and when it goes wrong they think you should apologize for their wrongness

  • Teresa Williams
    Posted at 06:55h, 31 October Reply

    OMG! very close to what is happening with me. Loved the reading, thank you! I would love a private reading

  • Mary Louise Dover Wosilis
    Posted at 21:39h, 30 October Reply

    thank you for your insights

  • Jo
    Posted at 21:27h, 30 October Reply

    Thank you 🙏 for the reading..hope all my wishes come true ❤️🙏

  • Beth Ann Barrow - Marlin
    Posted at 21:01h, 30 October Reply

    Please send my friend an email. She would benifit from your talent her info is written below.

  • Joanne Darnell
    Posted at 19:38h, 30 October Reply

    Oh wow, if I didn’t know any better I would swear you were talking directly to me what a wonderful reading you’re awesome!

  • Dessiree Berry
    Posted at 19:22h, 30 October Reply

    Thank you Serena! Your reading was a blessing to me. It was spot on on every area of my life. Married for 26 year and seven children. I have been so verbal and emotionally abuse that I couldn’t tell right from wrong in my marriage. I am finally letting go and plan to enjoy life the way God intended for me to.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 16:44h, 30 October Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Have a pleasant day.


  • Melissa Ann lemon
    Posted at 16:00h, 30 October Reply

    It really hut home that I might be getting let go of or set free to be me again oh man I’m stoked can’t wait for a new adventure

    Posted at 12:06h, 30 October Reply

    Spot on. Broke up after a 6 year try with a Scorpio man. He is emotionally unavailable and abusive of my emotions. Gaskughts me every time I tried to share how I felt. Led me on that we woukd move in together and get married. No respect of my 2 older kids. Hardships they endured. Love bombed and breadcrumbs me. Ignored me for weeks.

  • Jackie Youngsteadt
    Posted at 10:08h, 30 October Reply

    OMG!! Your funny! Love that reading……. That’s my energy right now with the reading thank you! Hearts to you❤️

  • Aesha Ra
    Posted at 09:11h, 30 October Reply

    Sirena this is confirmation of what I’ve been feeling about everything. I’m experiencing transformation in every area if my life right now. Letting go of a stagnant relationship, changing my major in school to something I’m already good at and looking for a new job. It’s feels like a complete overhaul from who I thought I wanted to be to who I have become. Thank you 🌹

  • michael rennick
    Posted at 08:55h, 30 October Reply

    I wonder if my thoughts and emotions are reflected back to me now from the universe, because the messages that I have sent out seem received back to me and offer confirmation. Like my thoughts and emotions were sent out by me and received to me and the probability is very high that the two seem to correspond exactly. I somehow think and feel that this message from the universe through Serena serves to give me confirmation of what I was thinking and feeling prior to this reading somehow. I thank Serena for doing this general reading and very glad I got it.

  • Deborah Helen Piek
    Posted at 08:54h, 30 October Reply

    Looking for financial blessings and soulmate

  • Terri Jones
    Posted at 07:43h, 30 October Reply

    this gave me some amazing information! Chills almost with the things you said! Thank you for what you do! I’m not sure what made me click this today because 99% of the time I delete the email but not today….

  • Marilyn Hernandez
    Posted at 07:34h, 30 October Reply

    Thank you for this reading and affirmation of what is happening in my life. You are totally on point and everything you said is relevant and most helpful. Much appreciated.

  • Juli Snyder
    Posted at 06:51h, 30 October Reply

    If You Could Feel My Energy right Now. You’d be feeling Mystical ~ Confusion ~Anticipation~Envy~And The Sense of Wanting to Confront An Individual that’s Hounded Me for So Long that I Am So Ready for The Person to Be Out of My Life and Completely Out of It. Why is it ok for that individual to have Boundaries… Yet Mine mean Nothing? My Advice wasn’t good enough awhile ago. Yet Wanting? Asking So many Questions Now? Yet That Same Advice That I offered awhile ago is Now the Exact Situation I said would occur yet not good enough then yet Asking What Do I Do Now?
    I’m Grateful For This Reading to Enforce What I was Experiencing with the Energies Around Myself and That Individual. The End Results could possibly Be A Situation that could potentially tip that individual over the edge again to do situations that caused so Much Trauma… Yet it’s not looked at with any Ill intentions yet caused so Much Heartbreak along with Me Scratching My Own Head asking Why Are The Fingers being Pointed at Me All The Time. Yet I’m not the One who’s in & out of relationships because of the very same reason it’s not working out for them again this time around. The Truth Always Comes Out. Yet this time around it can potentially be A Great Loss for All of Us that know about this Situation. I have been talking with many that know about this, and each time I discuss it and what I said could occur? Actually Occur and I bring it Up, it’s as if it never even happened. Like I’ll say what I said and they’ll actually say, I don’t recall that. Yet I’ll send the very same text highlighting it and it’s still pushed under the Rug because now these individuals can’t handle A Truth Teller. And I’m left In My Corner Waiting??? Waiting… Watching… Listening… as I’ve done For My Entire Life. Youngest of 7, I Hear You Loud & Clear without You Speaking A Word…You’re Energy Speaks Louder than The Slightest Wispher

  • Deb pilcher
    Posted at 06:43h, 30 October Reply

    1 would love a private reading with Serena!

  • Mesquita gracinda
    Posted at 06:40h, 30 October Reply

    Bonjour comment allez vous tous. C’est. été très bien merci beaucoup pour votre retour à bientôt j’espère

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