24 Sep A Deeper Bond | Sirena Moon | Solar Eclipse in Libra Tarot Reading | 10/2
This solar eclipse could bring you much closer to someone you love…
Sirena Moon is here to read the energy of the New Moon in Libra, and she says this powerful transit could help you develop a special bond.
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Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about the Solar Eclipse that is happening on October 2 in the sign of Libra. What this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this Solar Eclipse time. So on October 2, we have a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Libra. And if you remember from last week, I talked about October 2 being the New Moon in Libra. The Solar Eclipse is happening at the same time on that day of the New Moon. So this makes the New Moon extra powerful. But Solar Eclipses can often represent times of big change in our lives.
Eclipses are the universe’s way of moving us forward as fast as possible by sometimes eclipsing something in our life that is holding us back or not for our highest good. So if something does leave your life or get eclipsed out after this Solar Eclipse, just trust that it is for your highest good and go with the flow as best you can of whatever change happens. Okay? But don’t be afraid because eclipses can often remove unwanted things from our life. So it’s a good time of release and embracing change. So with that being said, now I am just tapping into spirit, and I’m asking spirit to please guide this reading. Give us all any messages spirit have us know about the Solar Eclipse in Libra. I’m feeling this card. Ooh, the Star. Beautiful. Wow.
Okay, so this is a really extra good time to listen to your intuition, to follow that North Star, and to follow any inspired idea you get or inspired feeling. Okay? This is all with those Two Cups here. This is all about following guidance, following higher guidance, following what inspires you, following what is calling you from above, following that North Star, following your dream. Okay. And it’s also a card of alchemy. So this can be a sign that if you’re having an inspired idea about something, this is a really potent time to draw that inspired idea, that dream down from that space of your mind and to anchor into Earth by giving, getting creative, by doing something about it, by blending different elements together, to create something, by taking action, by putting a plan together, by putting yourself out there.
So this is a really beautiful, a beautiful card. And spirit, what is our focus around this time? Ooh, Two of Cups. Beautiful. So, yes, being in the sign of Libra, all about partnerships. This is the Two Cups is all about Two people coming together, whether that’s in business, friendship, partnership, but especially in romance with these Cups. Okay, so there could be some kind of it could be a blessing in romance, or it could be some kind of inspired feeling when it comes to romance. This could even be just setting your intention for the kind of romance that you want to draw into your life. Okay? Something that really is a dream to you. Okay. So it’s a good time to focus on your romantic dreams and desires and your vision for romance. Okay.
And I’m feeling, for many of you, this is even the potential healing of a partnership that you’re in. Okay. Or some kind of communication, perhaps, that brings you closer to somebody or that you hear from somebody for some of you. So that’s really interesting. And then what to let go of around this time. Okay. Oh, the Seven of Cups. Okay. So this is letting go. So, as much as I said, dreaming and focusing on your vision and dreams, the Seven of Cups is narrowing. It’s letting go of having too many possibilities, and it’s really allowing yourself to get specific and focus specifically in on what you want to manifest, what you want to draw in, especially when it comes to love or what you want to heal in a relationship you already have.
And if it’s for those of you not even dealing with love, this is like partnerships of all kinds. So this is coming out of your daydream space, out of your head, and actually taking practical steps, actually taking action. Okay, so can I get another card about the Seven of Cups, about what we are to release around this time? The magician. Okay. Okay, so I’m feeling like the. Oh, this is the card about manifesting. Okay. So I’m feeling like the message for many of us is to release them, release our projections, possibly onto a partner, releasing the fantasy of what we think that they are, want them to be our false projections onto this person, and getting very clear about, really who they are, the real, true reality of who they are, and whether this is the actual dream of romance for us.
And then it’s kind of embracing our ability to really draw in the type of partner we want and to also clearly. To clearly see this other person. And that creates an actual, real connection instead of a. It’s almost like, for some of you, it’s like making the other person feel. For some of you, I’m feeling like it’s making the other person feel uncomfortable almost, because it could be possible. You’re putting this person on a pedestal that they’re not really on. You know, they’re just. They’re just a human being.
There’s good things about them and bad things, and it’s whether it’s a connection for you, whether that person’s good and bad meets is a good match to your good and bad, so to speak, you know, so it’s like taking away the fantasy or the denial of what this partnership really is and looking at really square in the face for what it really is, bringing it down to reality and seeing if it matches where you’re being guided to go and where you are and the dream that you have for a partnership and then what to embrace Three of Pentacles. Okay. So this is really embracing the things that, you know, work for you. It’s embracing ease. It’s embracing ease and flow and embracing the practical.
So there’s this feeling of sort of somehow getting real, coming down to earth and getting practical about some kind of either vision of love or person that you’re already involved with and really making sure that things are working for you in a practical way. In a way that. And this is taking things slow, allowing things to move slowly, a step at a time, without getting lost in your own fantasy life, okay? Like your own fantasy about something, but actually saying, okay, how is this. How is this practically happening? Okay. Are we practically, are we practically moving step by step? Am I hearing from this person? Is this moving forward in a way that is really working for me and for my vision? Okay. And those not dealing with love, this is working.
This is asking yourself if this partnership you’re involved in, which could be friendship or business, really making sure that this is working for you, that this is a situation that feels right to you, that feels natural, that feels easy, and that feels like there’s a flow and a benefit from both parties involved. Okay. And for others of you still, I’m getting this feeling that there’s some kind of inspired idea coming after this Solar Eclipse that is going to bring you together with the right people. Okay. And it’s really important to focus on taking these action steps. So it’s not just remaining in an inspired dream realm, but rather it becomes a practical reality because you meet up with these people, you send a plan, you have a meeting, you actually take action. Okay.
And really begin to manifest this dream after the Solar Eclipse and move it out of just the. Just the fantasy realm, but bring it down practically to earth. Okay. It’s really interesting. Okay. And then what is a surprise twist in the Solar Eclipse? The World. Okay. So something is probably going to come to an end, the Solar Eclipse, things can come to an end or something can be eclipsed out. So there’s an ending going on here. A chapter is closing in some regard to something that you are needing to let go of in order to build this better reality for yourself. This better. Either this better work situation, this dream in your heart that you’re getting a lot of inspired guidance from. Okay. Or this relationship in your heart. Okay.
So there’s something that is probably at a time you might not expect it, or in a way, you might not expect it. There’s some chapter you’re closing out here after this Solar Eclipse. Okay. And the placement of this card is saying that perhaps it’ll kind of come by surprise. So some of you might find that, you know, someone at the. At your workplace leaves or your role changes, or perhaps someone you know, that you thought you were, you know, gonna start a relationship with suddenly moves away. Or there could be some kind of element like that I’m feeling for many of you. But again, because it is a Solar Eclipse, that is pretty typical, that something would close out, a chapter would close, or something will eclipse out, an element of your life, will leave an order for the new chapter to begin. Okay.
And spirit, can you please tell me more about that, about what possibly could be leaving or closing out the chapter? Oh, the Queen of Pentacles. Okay. So Pentacles often does have to do with money, finances, work, or the structure of our lives somehow. Perhaps you let something go so that you can follow something that you’re really inspired to do and that you’re being brought to the right people to make this inspired idea of yours happen. Okay. And it requires you to kind of possibly let go of something else that was taking up a lot of your time in order to have the time to make this happen, which is very exciting, you know? And for others of you has to do something with romance. Okay. And perhaps letting go of being alone, you know, and welcoming in being in partnership.
So it’s interesting, but it’s a big. It’s a big chapter closing with the World. It’s something significant. Okay. And then the outcome spirit of this Solar Eclipse. Oh, that’s nice. The outcome. Oh, I love this card. This is the Nine of Cups. This is a wish granted. Wow. This is a wish granted. Also represents a lot of emotional satisfaction. Okay. Feeling like, oh, my goodness. Wow, I feel good. That’s really nice. Okay. So with the Solar Eclipse coming up, be willing to close out a pattern, a chapter of some kind in your life or something that you’ve been used to. This could even be a habit. This could be, you know, could be really. It could be really something simple. Could be a way of thinking, you know, it doesn’t have to be some gigantic, you know, closed closure in your life.
You don’t have to move to another country or anything, but it’s a feeling of letting go of one chapter so that you can start a new one. And if you’re willing to do that and make those changes and embrace the truth about either somebody or some situation that you’re in that perhaps you’ve been in denial about a little bit and bring what’s inspiring you anchoring it down to earth in a practical way. If you can start to do that, then you can tap into your most powerful self and to manifest truly a dream that’s in your heart. And the reward is big. It is a wish granted. That’s really nice. Okay, so this is feeling really good to me, this Solar Eclipse, you know, it’s feeling really nice. Wow. Okay, so I hope that helps.
Now I’m just gonna get one affirmation card for this Solar Eclipse. Ooh, the Lovers. Ooh, that’s nice. I open my heart to the unexpected gifts of community, partnership, choice and lovers. Okay. I open my heart to the unexpected gifts of community. That’s nice. So get out there in community. Yeah. Three of Pentacles, that’s all about community. So this is big, the Solar Eclipse. Big, big. With other people, coming together with other people, partnerships, love and community. Okay, that’s really cool. All right, you guys. Well, as always, this is a group tarot reading for the collective. But if you want to look directly into what is happening in your life, I would love to give you a personal tarot reading. And to get that, just click the link below.
Alright, darlings, and until we meet again, I am sending you all of my love and so many blessings for the Solar Eclipse time and beyond.
Chelsea Martin
Posted at 05:05h, 02 OctoberThat’s pretty spot on I’d love a reading I couldn’t find the link to the free reading
Aesha Ra
Posted at 23:01h, 26 SeptemberSirena I have both going on I’m my life now. I am on injury leave at work and am supposed to return on 10/01 though I’m still injured. I’ve been meditating on it and I know I shouldn’t return although I told my boss today that I will. Because I haven’t found another job. So hopefully I will return only for a short time before something else comes forward.
Also I am currently in a new relationship that feels so aligned with. Today I realized I may have some high expectations that I need to let go of and hopefully im accepting this man for who he is and not projecting my fantasies on to him while still maintaining positive feelings about our relationship.
Nyceta Janget
Posted at 06:07h, 26 SeptemberI have this powerful crush on a Libra man that fills my heart with tender love and peace.
Jon williams
Posted at 01:51h, 26 SeptemberYour ready is spot on as I bring together a group of people to build a company to work with soil and trees and for a new partnership to take my business forwards.Thank you for confirmation the Univrrse is bringing us together because our intentions are to heal the Earth and Humanity.’Love it !!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 14:01h, 26 SeptemberAmazing Jon!!! Love to you and blessings for your business!!! <3 Sirena
Crystal C Ramirez Chavez
Posted at 00:53h, 26 SeptemberIam hoping this really does i enjoy listening to you and Athena readings
Stephen Ada
Posted at 18:25h, 25 SeptemberI’m an Aries. 23rd March 1999. Will my income inprove and would I find a good partner and lover? Would my career be fruitful?
Igwe chigbo
Posted at 18:22h, 25 SeptemberVip
Antionne Griffin
Posted at 17:59h, 25 SeptemberSirens I really like you, this reading I just read being a Libra fits my life perfect when I get the money to get a personal reading I’m going to contact you I really enjoyed that reading
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:06h, 25 SeptemberThank you Antionne! Love and hugs to you lovely!! <3 Sirena
Kathleen Showalter
Posted at 17:42h, 25 SeptemberThis reading is CRAZY! I quit my job & so did he. I am moving out of my Apt & into a 5th wheel with my new love. We have been together close to 6 mos. We are moving into an RV park & trying it for a month & then traveling together if all goes well. I’ve been hurt so much in my past I’m 62 yrs young & he’s 68 haven’t let anyone in for 17 yrs so this will be interesting to say the least. I’m trusting source. Thank you so much for the reading my dear. Much love & Light to all. 💕
Judi Williams
Posted at 13:26h, 25 SeptemberI’ve been passed over for promotion at least 4 times. i want my Soul mate to connect with me as soon as possible. I most defiinitely need my finances to get back to affordable with saving $
Zinhle Mthabela
Posted at 11:44h, 25 SeptemberThank you so much what a beautiful reading, I’m already in the right path with my partner and you right letting go of this fantasy about how love should be and starting to accept the situation to manifest my dreams is one thing I need to let go. Funny enough was thinking about it and how I can welcome this beautiful love I have without having to think much about our situation Trully speaking you such a blessing 🙏
Garnett. Frain
Posted at 11:33h, 25 SeptemberThank you I would like to know who he is so I will know. Who I am to be thinking about in my dreams
Morgan Szczepek
Posted at 10:50h, 25 SeptemberThis resonates completely,my name is Morgan. My twin , the love of my life was shot n killed in Iraq when he was 21. He will be 40. October 2nd. His dead day is April 6. . He has been rt by my side this whole time. . I feel like I will be dancing until the day
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:38h, 25 SeptemberOh Morgan, that is so tragic, and I’m so very sorry. He is with you always, yes, indeed. So much love and so many blessings to you, lovely! Sirena
Sheryl madrazo
Posted at 08:18h, 25 SeptemberThank you Serena…im waiting of my journey
Karen DeJesus
Posted at 08:05h, 25 SeptemberIs the main I’m currently dating a keeper
Karen DeJesus
Posted at 08:04h, 25 SeptemberThe man I’m currently dating. Is it going to last or end?
michael rennick
Posted at 06:47h, 25 SeptemberI reckon this fool will just have to continue his journey and meet the challenges with opportunities as they arrive.
Mary Ellen
Posted at 06:44h, 25 Septemberwow wow wow. This reading is spot on!!!
I can’t believe all you have predicted . I can’t wait for the outcome. I’m looking forward to starting a new journey
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:37h, 25 SeptemberYes, Mary!!! Love to you!! Sirena