31 Jul A Fork In The Road | Weekly Tarot Reading | 7/31 – 8/6
Hi Tarot Friends,
You’ve got a very interesting reading this week asking you to make an important choice.
Destiny is calling to you…
Urging you to step towards the good in your life, and to turn away from unhealthy situations.
But while change is knocking on your door…
The pathway might be blocked right now.
Is there someone manipulating you?
Are you stuck in a loop you can’t seem to get out of?
You’ll need to address whatever might be getting in the way, because the next chapter looks pretty darn good.
It will be worth it to go through a little discomfort to make the shift you need.
So just focus on putting one foot in front of the other, and let’s explore your next steps….
Card #1: The Lovers | An Important Choice

Do you have an important decision you need to make?
The Lovers card is often associated with romance and fateful love…
However, it holds a deeper meaning, which is the reason it’s showing up for you this week.
The Lovers card represents union, romance, and choices. Specifically, choosing the right path or the wrong path.
The card shows a man and woman in the garden of Eden being blessed by an angel above.
The man stares only at the woman, desiring her. While the woman looks to the angel for guidance.
You are being asked to choose between physical desire and spiritual growth.
Right now, you can either choose to further your overall growth and spiritual development, or to go down a path that will distract you and ultimately drain your energy.
This could show up as a career decision, a relationship, or a number of other scenarios.
Regardless of how it manifests for you, there is a direction you might already know is right. But the other possibility could be tempting you to take it.
You might be tempted by a person or job that you know can’t ultimately give you what you want, but it still has appeal because of the short term reward.
The positive option could take longer, or ask you to risk losing what you already have.
And you might know deep down that it’s what you have to do.
This could be destiny calling to you.
But you don’t have to choose between spirit and earth, or desire and knowledge.
Instead, there is an opportunity to embrace both of these opposites, which could create an incredible burst of energy within you.
As a result, you could feel energized, creative, and alive in the days to come.
The Lovers card marks a moment of soul evolution.
With all of this potent energy, it can be easy to become over confident, or take a misstep. So you’ll want to stay practical, even with the excitement you might feel.
Your next card indicates that if you make the right choice this week, it could result in something that grows and flourishes in the future.
Card #2: Six Of Pentacles| Where Will You Invest Your Energy?

The Six of Pentacles shows a wealthy man giving money to one of two beggars. Often this card represents generosity, support, and receiving help.
However, just like The Lovers card, the Six of Pentacles has a lesser known meaning.
The rich man is holding a scale, which symbolizes balance. But he is giving coins to the better dressed beggar.
The coins above them are also unequal. There are two coins above the less fortunate individual, and three above the other.
So while this card may be about giving, it’s not about giving indiscriminately.
You could be in a position to help others right now. And with the soulful inspiration of your first card, helping those in need could be a part of what’s calling you.
On the other hand, you might be the one in need of assistance. Maybe you need a loan or you’re looking for investors in your business.
Either way, there is a good chance you’ll get what you need. Particularly if you can make the case that investing in you will benefit the investor later on.
Regarding the choice indicated by The Lovers card, the Six of Pentacles is a reminder to choose to pursue what will ultimately give back to you.
This applies both in your relationships and work, as well as the choices you make for the well-being of your body, mind, and spirit.
The Six of Pentacles represents what can happen if you make the wiser, more responsible choice, and your next card is a powerful representation of what could happen if you give into temptation.
Card #3: The Devil | Escaping Oppression

The Devil card symbolizes the desire for material pleasures.
It represents dependency, obsession, and powerlessness.
There is no other symbol in the Western world as notoriously evil as the Devil. Looking at the image you can see he has a man and a woman chained up and under his careful watch.
The Devil himself is fat, having overindulged in all the rich pleasures of life.
You might notice the man and woman have grown small horns and tails, letting you know the longer you stay with the Devil, the more you become like him.
Addiction and obsession are indicated in this card.
There might even be something or someone you have become obsessed with.
Even if you know this desire isn’t good for you, for some reason you’re tempted to keep going back.
Perhaps the allure of instant gratification might outweigh the fear of letting go and moving on to something healthier.
The Devil is also a sign of manipulation. You could be in a situation this week where you feel trapped and powerless.
A person or a job might be manipulating you into sticking around.
And you could feel like there is no way out…
But if you look closely at the card image, the chains around the man and woman’s neck are loose enough for them to escape if they want to.
Maybe they have chosen to be there of their own free will.
You may be facing a choice to stay in an oppressive situation that will only lead to more suffering and bondage, or to take your destiny by the reins to head towards the light.
If you find yourself steering down the wrong path this week, remember to love yourself, and to bring acceptance to the parts of you that may have been hurt or denied in the past.
Your first card is a reminder you have a choice, and the freedom to move towards what’s best for you. Even if you are in a particularly sticky situation, you can begin focusing on a better path and moving towards freedom and love.
Choosing Your Soul’s Path
The Lovers card has a strong tie to destiny.
It can show up as a choice where you either move towards what’s meant for you, or turn away.
When you decide to head in the right direction, you could receive a burst of energy affirming your decision.
It’s important this week to continue to invest in what’s good for you. Your second card, the Six of Pentacles, is a reminder to put your energy towards things that will grow and flourish through time.
It’s not worth your effort to give yourself to things that will only deplete you. Which is what your final card is all about. The Devil is a sign you might be caught in addiction or you’re being manipulated by someone.
You could feel trapped or controlled by circumstance.
But you have a choice.
You can escape this limiting situation by pointing yourself towards the good things in your life and by making positive choices.
Be gentle with yourself and focus on self-care rather than indulging in negative behaviors.
If you focus on positivity, any chains that might be around your neck will come off in no time.
You’re at a fork in the road and your destiny is calling you…
Will you choose to meet the call?
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. Is there something you feel stuck or trapped in? Is there an important decision you’re afraid to make? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’d like help answering an important question, or support in moving beyond a painful situation, you can schedule a private reading with me here.
Rita Sa
Posted at 10:12h, 09 AugustDear Jonathan i sorry i didn’t recite your astrology for this week PLEASE I LIKE TO HAVE YOUR ASTROLOGY FROM YOU PLEASE IF YOU CAN THANK-YOU SO MUCH DEAR JONATHAN
Posted at 03:47h, 03 AugustThank you very much Mr. J for this week tarot, it is so inspiring and motivating.
I will defenately keep moving and have more and more hope.
Dawn Dowty
Posted at 23:22h, 01 AugustDo I try to buy a home( my obsession) or continue to throw funds to a landlord. My income is poverty, however taking care of my dad with dementia,(84) I’m at those cross roads of want/need, for him and I have a dog who’d love his own yard too! Yet, I’m thinking long term this could not be so great…
Rosie Thibbs
Posted at 10:15h, 01 AugustJonathan you are so right
on point. Last week was the worst. Business issue. My truck broke down and now in shop. My boss resigned and now I feel really stuck and don’t know what decisions to make about my career. Should I stop doing my business which seems to have ahsrd time getting started, money out the door. It hard to believe that good things can happen when bad things are happening. I don’t know who to trust anymore. You are so right with everything. I’m so confused. Things have been going well relationships wise but still questionable as well. It’s like something or someone don’t want me to succeed. I’m going to hold on to faith and trust that God will guide me in the right direction.
Rosie Thibbs
Posted at 10:04h, 01 AugustJonathan you are so right
on point. Last week was the worst. Business issue. My truck broke down and now in shop. My boss resigned and now I feel really stuck and don’t know what decisions to make about my career. It hard to believe that good things can happen when bad things are happening. I don’t know who to trust anymore. You are so right with everything. I’m so confused.
Lauren Denis
Posted at 09:27h, 01 AugustSuch a timely reading for me! Thank you
Posted at 04:56h, 01 AugustThank you Mr. Lionheart i appreciate your weekly reading.
Posted at 01:13h, 01 AugustThank you for the clarity. You have put my situation down exactly, and the choice I have to make is going to be revealed this week. It has been coming for months and is now at a head. I have received from you message today, such clarity and am very thankful for the message and explanation of the cards.
Lungile Solomon
Posted at 23:23h, 31 JulyYes your very right I’m in a situation where I need an investor to grow my business.
We’ll also true I need to look at the spiritual guide
Zakaria Towfiq
Posted at 21:37h, 31 JulyI would like to work on my talent and achieve my goals so I will need your help and I will need your guidance to protect me forward to achieve my dreams into a reality please remember me and w it’s difficult for me right now is I would like to stopped the job that I’m doing and focus on my talent about the music that I’m still doing but still nothing is going better for me I will need your
Zakaria Towfiq
Posted at 21:34h, 31 JulyThank you very much and what I am looking for is to focus on my talents and achieve my goals and dreams and I would like to stop doing the job that I’m doing now to focus well on my future dreams so that I will become a hero but nothing is going on for me please can you give me some tricks on information that will help me to achieve my goals thank you very much
Antonio Cuna
Posted at 21:05h, 31 JulyI absolutely need your guidince I leeved all my life in the USA but I was born in Mexico recently I moved to Mexico but I feel like I don’t belong here, I meet some people and we are opening a business but we are having some issues now I have a chance to come back to the USA it is a very good opportunity but I feel guilty leaving my other associates but I think sence I don’t have any family in Mexico something is bringing me back what do you think?
Rebecca Y Potter
Posted at 21:05h, 31 JulyYes I have been feeling stuck in my life for some time now. I’m lost in guidance for myself and my children. I just don’t know how to start over or what it is I should even be doing with my life. I feel like I’m experiencing a midlife crisis. But deep down inside of me as I’m getting older, I feel like there’s something bigger than me that needs to be exposed. I just don’t know what my purpose is in this life.
David Kreiss
Posted at 20:55h, 31 JulyYou are very right about my situation and yes I in a very sticky situation in which I’m not sure how to remove myself from. Thanks for the insight, my friend.
Jody Honeyman
Posted at 20:45h, 31 JulyWhy is it so hard to make the right choice?? Just like water….take the path of least resistance…..
with love and gratitude,