A Fortunate Change | Full Moon In Gemini | 6/18

Could you use some new insight to help you move forward right now?

On June 18th a beautiful new moon in Gemini helps to bring clarity to a big decision. By letting go and welcoming new energy, fortunate change and a reason to celebrate is possible. Sirena Moon is here today to help you take advantage of the beautiful, fresh energy on your horizon. Enjoy!

P.S. Which area of your life could you use a fortunate change right now? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!



Hello beautiful, wonderful people with Cosmic Updates. My name is Sirena Moon, and it is such an enormous pleasure to be back with you this week. This week, I’m talking about the lovely new moon that’s happening in the sign of Gemini and how that might be influencing you. And I’m also going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this new moon time.

The new moon is happening on June 18 in the amazing sign of Gemini, which is all about intellect, learning new things, using logic to come to decisions, communication, and fun. This new moon is particularly going to influence us, because it’s going to help us come to logical conclusions or decisions and help us communicate clearly. The moon represents our emotions and our heart, and Gemini represents our logic and ability to learn new information, communicate clearly, and make clear decisions. So this new moon is a great time to tackle an issue that may have been bothering you, where your emotions are caught up in the subject. You can utilize the Gemini energy to have a little bit of space between your emotional reaction and your ability to think about the situation logically, to make a list of pros and cons, and to think about the facts of the situation. This new moon can help you communicate clearly and make decisions from a more detached and logical perspective. It’s a wonderful time to have those conversations you’ve been wanting to have, where the Gemini energy supports clear and logical communication.

Now, let’s move on to the group Tarot reading and see what messages spirit has for us around this new moon time. The first card that flew out is the Six of Wands, which signifies success and celebration. This card suggests that something you’ve been working on is finally coming to fruition. It’s a moment of celebration and joy, either related to your own accomplishments or celebrating the achievements of someone else.

Next, we have the Judgment card. This card indicates that some of you have been contemplating a significant decision for a while. The pressure is on to make a choice, and during this new moon, you will finally gain clarity. Trust your intuition and the logical analysis you have done. Making a decision will bring a sense of relief and propel you forward, even if you have been going back and forth. Remember, there are no mistakes, and everything will work out fine.

I asked for further guidance, and the Hanged Man card appeared. It’s a sign that it’s time to stop being passive and move forward. Release any patterns or situations that have been holding you back. Take a risk and embrace change. Letting go of the old and opening yourself up to the new will bring fortunate changes and fresh starts. It might be scary to make such a significant decision and let go of what’s familiar, but trust that life loves you and you are safe. Affirm to yourself, ‘Life loves me, and I am safe.’

Embracing the Wheel of Fortune card is also crucial during this time. It signifies a fortunate change and encourages you to embrace change wholeheartedly. Let go of stagnant patterns and allow life to carry you to new and more joyous experiences.

With these messages, I wish you the biggest new moon blessings and send you so much love. Embrace the energy of the Gemini New Moon, make clear decisions, let go of what no longer serves you, and trust that positive changes are coming your way.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Daniel Stainless ⚑
    Posted at 11:03h, 18 June Reply

    Thank you 😊 so much Sierna for the timely message. I am a Gemini and I really felt The Energy.
    Have been stuck for quite some time now 😭😭 Just need that sudden break through Energy on my path right Now

  • Nesem
    Posted at 03:15h, 16 June Reply

    Thank you Serena.

  • Felividad
    Posted at 09:57h, 15 June Reply

    Thank you thank you very much for your assistance sending guidance advices to me, I hope will work well with God blessing and God bless you always with good health and good luck, thank you again for your initiatives helping us that I will never forget

  • Kathleen Daniele
    Posted at 04:33h, 15 June Reply

    Thank you, Serena, for your mesmerizing eyes and warm smile. You are a beautiful person. I’ve been putting up with mental cruelty for four years now. He won’t he honest about what he is doing so that I could LET GO and leave his deception, hurtin me continually. He never wants to phone me. And now he’s making excuses for not seeing me. I feel like a fool and hope to God I find the courage to Let Go. Thank you again, Serena!

  • Thomas Christopher Biggs
    Posted at 23:35h, 14 June Reply

    Dear Sirena,
    I truly enjoyed the reading as I felt it hit home for me. I have been struggling with being comfortable going back to my old job for safety and security. I had an interview for the 19 to do a similar job, but working in the prison really weighs me emotionally. As an officer, I am limited in how I can help individuals there. My goal has been to try and go back to college for my master’s degree in psychology. I already have an associates as well as a bachelor’s degree. I promised a long time ago that if the higher power would help me attain education and get licensure, then I would use it to help others. So over the course of several years, I have been working in the prison system as an officer, not utilizing my job skills to manage. I walked away from the prison job a few days ago and have been looking in my area for jobs as an administrative assistant or Manager in some capacity. 10 years of food management, and 14 years of a medical supervisor. I only took a prison job because it was steady money while I worked towards my bachelor’s degree. So in thinking in terms of what you said. I will keep my options open and keep applying until I land the job I truly need to be in to help others and myself. I suddenly tonight received word from a former boss that he would give me a good reference(the last thing I needed for my application to start college to work on a master’s degree. So your reading was spot on for me. Thank you and I hope the positive energy keeps flowing not just for me but to you and all the others that this reading is reaching out to.

  • Viviane Banoun
    Posted at 23:28h, 14 June Reply

    Change, change and more change, let’s do it.
    Thank you Serena

  • Heather Henry
    Posted at 22:31h, 14 June Reply

    I’m still hoping my husband ,comes back. I’ m not sure what these cards mean , but i have still hope that things will work out.

  • Jennean Marcucci
    Posted at 22:12h, 14 June Reply

    My name is jennean I really enjoyed your energy and the message you delivered was clear and to the point.. I have been stagnant for a long time. I Believe fear is what hinders me. I guess it started when I lost the ability to trust my own judgement.. I also have been grieving the loss of my Son this past January Im lost I feel like I have a huge gap in my soul. I need purpose

    • Thomas Christopher Biggs
      Posted at 23:57h, 14 June Reply

      Your life has worth and purpose. I am so so sorry for the loss of your son. It will take time for that gap to be filled again, but it will in time. Go to the mirror and take a good long look at your self, the reflection staring back. Its ok to feel all of what you are feeling inside But it needs to come out. You need to look at your reflection and see the good mom that you were, the good friend that you were, think of the good times you shared with your son, the good way he made you feel. Be proud that he is out there somewhere in the universe, you will see him again and for now be assured he loves you and would be proud of you, and certainly he loves his mom, the person staring back as you look into the mirror. Tell yourself , you love your son, you love you and you will work on something that helps you remind yourself of him, go to a place you visited, prepare and eat a favorite food, listen to a song you both liked, do something that gets you out into the world around you. If you stay inside and not venture out, dwell on the negative aspects, it will be a chain and ball that weighs you down. I believe that you will find that you are strong, beautiful, smart, funny, have many skills and tallents. You son loved you for a reason. you love him for a reason. He would want you to be happy…….you can be again…..It will take some pushing on your part, pushing self, not easy…But you certainly have worth and value even to me a complete stranger because reading your story made me feel not alone in grief. I lost my Grandma, my Aunt, who was like a sister to me, and my uncle, all to covid in 2021, I almost lost my mother a cancer survivor for many years. I packed up and moved from two hours away into the basement 1 bedroom apartment of my mom’s home where my granny lived. I took the job again at the prison near the house because it was a steady regular income. I wanted to help my mom recover financially and emotionally to lean on one another, and I had to drop out of college then. I just recently four days ago walked away from the prison job, and decided it was time to move forward. signed up for working towards masters degree. So a lot of uncertainty, but I feel better in my heart knowing I have goals despite the negative stuff I’ve dealt with struggling to move forward because its harder to move than it is to stand still and do nothing. I hope my word help you in some way. Best wishes to you and give my advice a try. It may help. I had to do itmyself more than a time or two. I had to stand in front of the mirror and tell myself that I was worth it and that I loved me despite no significant other or feeling like no one loved me and not even myself. But it did change over time. Tough, no one gives us a manual on how to live, what choices to make, or even how to love self much less know what love really is. one sure knows when you don’t have it and one sure knows when you do. You have it, you just got to see it, all your tallents, skills, knowledge, all of who you are can never be replaced. Use it to do something to honor you and your son. In time youll be happy you did. written with caring and friendship-sincerely, Thomas Biggs

  • Raya Praul
    Posted at 22:01h, 14 June Reply

    Wow, thank you Serena. That reading spoke to exactly where my life is at right now, and how I was feeling about it. It’s great to get that reassurance that I am heading where I thought I was, and that it will be just as I felt it would be. I feel renewed energy, focus and certainty. I look forward to enjoying the ride! Blessings

  • Jamie G
    Posted at 21:54h, 14 June Reply

    This reading was spot on of my life rightnow wow amazing

  • Michael Anthony Charo
    Posted at 21:53h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for helping me to make a decision on letting go of something I’ve been trying to do it was a person that I need to just let go as nothing good has ever come of me trying to find this person only heartache and pain as is my lot and has always been .I do hope the wind as you say carries me to a place I’m appreciated and actually loved and somehow makes a way that I don’t have to be homeless or poor anymore so people won’t laugh at me and judge me as has been my whole life cause I’m tired in a way that even death seems gain .I do hope there is a good change in my life easpecially in the money department as there are so many things I want to do as I love helping people I love playing music and I just can’t see why ive been given talent to play music that exceeds people who have been playing all there life why would 8 be given anything when I can do nothing with it I don’t have any help and none that believe in me so I always hope so ething would happen finally that I can move forward I am grateful to you for any help you can give me so very grateful as your kind voice is the only one that I get to hear as there is no 9ther kind voice in my life I’m alone and always have been god bless you and thank you for giving me courage to let go

  • Khadijah Brown
    Posted at 21:30h, 14 June Reply

    The reading was spot on. Thank you for your gifts. My area of finances and career guidance could use fortunate changes. I have been unemployed for 8 months and have spent all of my savings to keep me afloat.

  • Catrina
    Posted at 21:20h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve been feeling a sense of distance between me and my significant other. My intuition has me feeling one type of way but when I confront the issues it makes me feel as though I might be wrong I don’t know what to think anymore I believe I need help in the love situation please and thank you cuz it’s real or not

  • Robert Jenkind
    Posted at 20:58h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve been told by many syphics tell me that I have a financial windgall coming into my life very soon
    I’m a virgo born 8/24/66. Could you tell me what you think.

    • Dyan Germaine DeLong
      Posted at 21:22h, 14 June Reply

      Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed to hear all that. Thank you may the God’s blessings be bountiful. Xo

  • Karin Kohler
    Posted at 20:54h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you Serena for a wonderful and insightful reading.
    Much Love, Karin

  • Chiquita I Rodriguez
    Posted at 20:53h, 14 June Reply

    I need help with my love life. I dont know if i should keep seeing this person or let him go. Please help

  • Niecy
    Posted at 17:18h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you so much for increasing your volume! I absolutely resonated with this fantastic Reading. I am wholeheartedly accepting new change within my life.& patiently awaiting an enormous portion of Grain. Thank U & have the best weekend!

  • Kenneth Munson
    Posted at 16:19h, 14 June Reply

    Hi Sirena Moon !!! I’m 66 goin on 14 and I just got out of the hospital from being in there a year. My friend rented me a room and the same time I met a couple that my friend was renting a room to. They both have good hearts and they help me out . The problem is we all started doing meth after I was clean for a year and I am going to stop. I don’t have the strength I need to get around good yet. So I thought I would do meth to give me more energy. But it’s not helping and I feel like me life is so negative even when I was clean. I think I’m going to join this witch craft club online they talk about Light and Love and that’s what I need in my life.Your card reading felt like you were talking just to me. Thank you for your loving encouragement and onsite and also for letting me vent. lol. Very Greatful with Light and Love Kenneth Munson

  • Marta Gomes
    Posted at 16:06h, 14 June Reply

    Your readings are just amazing, so on point. It really feels directly to me at this moment. Thank you!! All the love ❀ πŸ’«

  • Celeste Woodyard
    Posted at 15:14h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for a reading once again hit the nail on the head for me ! I’m still wrestling with making that decision of letting go I guess what I’m doing is stalling praying he will do or say something while I’m just sitting waiting like the idiot I’m being ! I love this man so much and I know nothing of what his feelings are it’s like he’s just giving me enough to keep me hanging on ! I have no one to talk to so things build up pretty fast for me so I start talking out loud hoping some how he will hear me feel me anything ! I know I keep telling myself I’m to old for this ! To me this is high school stuff ! I’m straight forward and honest and upfront I gotta know things this not knowing is driving me insane but yet what do I do nothing but holding on ! So I know there’s a big decision to make and I’ve been talking to myself about it I’m preparing myself for rejection ! Once again thank you !

    • Kenneth Munson
      Posted at 16:48h, 14 June Reply

      I know what you feel like it’s fucked up right. Hit me up on my email and I’ll send you the answer to your problems with Light and Love Kenneth Munson ps: hang in there Celeste

  • Dixie Brookshire
    Posted at 15:02h, 14 June Reply

    Will I fine love

  • Lisa Rivera
    Posted at 13:43h, 14 June Reply

    Such a beautiful reading thank you β™₯️

  • Jannief Whitaker
    Posted at 13:41h, 14 June Reply

    Definitely asking for positive changes in my finances and relationship.

  • Jaz S
    Posted at 12:28h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you Sirena Moon for a wonderful positive reading x

    • Lyndia Sparacino
      Posted at 13:45h, 14 June Reply

      Thank you for wonderful reading

  • Delene Dartez
    Posted at 11:43h, 14 June Reply

    I enjoyed these positive insights, I was well appreciated and needed. I wish you peace, love, and blessings. I hope to hear more from you soon.

  • Cathy Ann Hill
    Posted at 11:24h, 14 June Reply

    Wonderful reading! Thankful and grateful everyday just to be alive.

    • William Clark
      Posted at 14:05h, 14 June Reply


  • MR Campbell
    Posted at 11:15h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for your input, it was much needed!!

    • Lorena Price
      Posted at 12:15h, 14 June Reply

      Needed a postive thought. Thank you.

      • Claudia Barillas
        Posted at 17:44h, 14 June Reply

        your words resonate in my heart, I’m already starting to get out of my comfort zone and facing fear. Thank you

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:32h, 14 June Reply

    Thanks for the wensday reading.

  • Betsy Smith
    Posted at 10:13h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you Sirena! It is always nice to see your smiling face! I have been feeling stuck in the last week because I am traveling overseas. I am anxious to get back but do need a big change regarding finances (income), a career to work part time as well as servicing, I am looking out for a new partner for an online business as well as romantically. New relationships too.
    Peace, Love & Blessings

  • Rolando Quicho
    Posted at 10:10h, 14 June Reply

    From now,my career is my best changes want to happen,secondly now is my love ,and I feel it is happen, hopefully by the help of our Lord Jesus Christ…..

  • Rolando Quicho
    Posted at 10:09h, 14 June Reply

    From now,my career is my best changes want to happen,secondly now is my love

  • Eloise Harvey Campbell
    Posted at 09:46h, 14 June Reply

    I really need help with my finances. This is my biggest wish πŸ™

  • Crispo matete seko
    Posted at 09:39h, 14 June Reply

    Want to know my immediate future in love,money,occupation,health n family

  • Claudiu Dumitrache
    Posted at 09:31h, 14 June Reply

    Pt.un loc de munca.

    Posted at 09:12h, 14 June Reply

    Want to know about my future in love and finance. Thank You

  • Gregory Tony Croes
    Posted at 09:12h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for the insights and reassurances . Your reading has given me comfort. I am grateful πŸ™πŸ»
    Blessings ,
    My best and kindest regards to you.

  • Joycilia J Williams
    Posted at 09:06h, 14 June Reply

    Grand Rising I could really use fortune in my financial life my luck life and my love life

  • Lois Wingo
    Posted at 09:00h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for the reading. I could use a positive change in my finances and luck!

  • Mary
    Posted at 08:57h, 14 June Reply

    This hit right on with me something I have been trying to do .affirms I was right in doing this… Thank you…

  • Lisa Caldwell
    Posted at 08:57h, 14 June Reply

    This resonates to me unbelievably. I and my husband have been going through our divorce for 10 months. He hurt me terribly but in the last few weeks he has been trying to restart a relationship with me. Understand, I did not want the divorce so I have been excited about this. Yet his old ways are showing back up, he gaslights me after spending a weekend with him. Then a few days later he is back to his charming self. Just last night I told him that I could not do this anymore. I am happy for a few days and then in the depths of massive depression because he goes dark. I just have not had the courage to break this cycle and make a clean break. I hope now that I can.

  • Samantha Stewart
    Posted at 08:56h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve been holding on to soo much for so long it’s is time for a huge change

  • Myra Ann Britt
    Posted at 08:55h, 14 June Reply

    That was GREAT. Her voice is soothing and comforting. I appreciate her positivity and nice outlook in this New Moon in Gemini.

  • jennifer rivas
    Posted at 08:55h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you Serena. Your a true blessing. Much love. Xox

  • paul baltuta
    Posted at 08:51h, 14 June Reply

    hi, when will my ex come back, maybe this month?

  • Ursula Grant
    Posted at 08:49h, 14 June Reply

    Peace, Love and Blessings

    I could definitely use a fortunate change in my Finances

  • Learie Thomas
    Posted at 08:43h, 14 June Reply

    Good morning Serena. Be safe and be well.

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