A Message From Your Guides | Jonathan Lionheart | Timeless Tarot Reading

This urgent message from your spirit guides needs your attention…

This new perspective could help you align with success like never before.

Jonathan Lionheart is here to guide you. Click the video below to receive your message.

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With Love,

Angel Adams

P.S. Does this message resonate with you? Let Jonathan know by commenting below!


Hey there, friends. Welcome to another timeless tarot reading. We are looking into what it is that you can do to make yourself more available for a soulmate relationship, how you can draw a soul mate into your life, what might be getting in the way, and the actions you can take to really sort of move this forward so that you can have a fulfilling love relationship. Excited for this particular reading. If you’d like to get a more personal reading, you can do so down below you can also see the other courses and one one work that I do with people. And in the meantime, enjoy yourself and I look forward to connecting again soon. Take care. So we’re going to look at preparing for a soulmate relationship.

What it is that you’re looking for, what it is that you can do to speed up this process, the actual actions you can take and what might be getting in the way. So let’s take a look here. I’m just going to tune in with those of you that are watching this particular video or that will be bring our little feather back into place there. All right. So yeah, some aspects of a soulmate relationship are sort of set in stone. They’re going to happen at some point, but exactly when they’re going to happen, there’s a kind of ripeness that one needs to have. We can sort of get stuck in patterns that put us in kind of like a cul de sac on our journey to life where we’re just kind of spinning.

And sometimes what makes those available is actually taking some action, bringing some elements to consciousness, to awareness, so that we can actually get back on track and moving towards that element of destiny or that element of fulfillment. So our first card is going to be what are you seeking in a soulmate? So what is it that you’re actually wanting in a deep relationship with somebody that’s holding that soulmate frequency for you in this lifetime? Pretty straightforward. I would call this an absolute soulmate card. This is the world card. And this represents a sense of fulfillment, completeness, feeling physically, spiritually, emotionally content. So the type of person that you’re looking for is somebody that helps you feel this kind of fulfillment, this kind of contentment within yourself. We might say that feeling of being at home within yourself, being at home with this particular person.

This is also a highly spiritual card. So it can be somebody that brings forward attributes in you that you may not have even known you had or that you’ve known you had, but they’ve kind of been diminished through time. So. So they bring forward aspects of yourself that make you feel more alive, more connected. This is also a card of like, deep belonging, feeling like you belong where you are, like you are supposed to be here. So this person brings this really deep, unique wholeness into you. That’s what you’re desiring. That makes a ton of sense. Let’s take a look at our next card, which is what work do you need to do on yourself in order to make this a possible relationship, in order to be able to progress through towards having a deeper soulmate relationship?

And our four of pentacles is showing up now. You might notice when you look at this card that the pentacles are covering his head, his heart, and his feet. So he’s not necessarily available to deeper insights, he’s not necessarily available for connection, and he’s not fully grounded into life because there are fears and insecurities that are getting in the way. So this can be a sign that you might be holding on to some old insecurities. You might be holding on to some pain from the past that has you a little bit closed down or shut down, unwilling to connect or be with others. It’s. It’s indicative also that he’s outside of the city, so he’s not in the milieu of enjoying relationships and people and movement and things. There’s an aspect of this person that’s held back a little bit.

So you might be feeling a little bit of guardedness or fear around connection, uncertainty as to whether you can actually trust people. So the work that you can do on yourself is re building some of this inherent trust, creating pathways for safety in your nervous system, in your relationships. You might work with saying some affirmations that remind you that you are supported, you are safe, you are loved. Saying things that remind you that you are deeply connected with something beautiful in this life, which is at the core of who you are.

This is also one of these cards that’s a good reminder that working with somebody, whether that’s a therapist or a spiritual coach or another kind of person that does relational work can be really helpful because most of the places where we have injuries that have us not trusting anymore or not feeling available for love happen in relationships. Those injuries happen in relationships. And so to repair and to heal them are often requires a stable relationship. So let’s take a look at our next card, which is what external forces are influencing the timing. So what are the things that are getting in the way or that are making things sort of maybe slower than we would like them to be. So we’ve got our two of pentacles you can see our friend is here on the beach juggling two coins.

It’s kind of hard to see, but the sand is rather rugged. The waves are very wavy. So this is a sign that you might be juggling many activities. You’re kind of consumed with the many things that are on your plate, whether those are relationships, friendships, work environments, paying the bills, dealing with kids, all the different things in life that can feel a little bit hectic. You can see that it’s kind of like his attention has to constantly be on something because there’s so many moving parts. So this might be delaying the timing of connecting, which means that there are some elements of your life that are maybe a little bit overly complex, where it feels like you’re having to attend to so many different things. This can be a strong reminder to a make sure that you’re prioritizing your energy and your attention.

Are there things in your life that are just adding extra drama that maybe are ready to be let go of? Or are there ways that you can better structure your time so that you’re not getting pulled apart in so many different directions and therefore don’t have time for the kind of inner work that wants to happen or for the availability to welcome somebody beautiful into your life? This can also just be a sign that you’re in sort of a staging phase. There are a lot of different elements that you’re getting prepared for in your life. They may not have come to fruition yet, but there’s a lot of attention, sort of making the plans, putting things in place, relationships in place, finances in place, self development in place, so that you can then launch into something more profound.

Let’s take a look at your final card, which is what steps should you take next? What are the practical steps that you can take, the spiritual steps that you can take to really move things forward and get you into a position where you could welcome this kind of love into your life. So this is a very active card. We’ve got our chariot here, and it’s basically saying, get clear about what it is that you want. If you’re wanting to have a really potent, deep, spiritual relationship, a relationship that brings deep fulfillment to you on many different levels, it’s time to get your priorities straight. What are the things that you can actually do to start unlocking some of these stuck places, this insecurity, this mistrust?

What are some of the things that you can do to simplify your life, to bring your attention down to the really important things? And where is it that you can begin to make the growth happen that you really want. The Chariot is not a card of like, oh, just wait. It’s all coming to you. It’s all going to be fine. There’s a right time for that and a right place for that, where we’re allowing ourselves to sort of become ripe for the next moment. This is saying, this is a time to sort of get strategic and take actionable steps that will help progress you towards the person that you are becoming. Making yourself available, this kind of deep work that you can do on yourself and getting things a little bit more precise.

It’s kind of like sending a beacon out to the world saying, hey, I’m ready. Hey, I’m ready. Hey, person out there, that’s really right for me. I’m ready for you. We are always putting off a particular frequency into the collective field, the field that we’re all sharing. And the more work you’re doing and the more clarity around your intention, the more likely you’re going to become available for the kind of connection that we’re talking about here. So thanks so much for tuning in with me. As always, you can get more information about what I’m up to down below. And it’s lovely to tune in with you. Sending a lot of love your way. Take good care.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Jules Schofield
    Posted at 11:20h, 01 January Reply

    Jonathan I totally resonated with this reading today. Thank you and Happy New Year….welcoming 2025 with open arms and an open heart!

  • Berthold Thomas Hantke
    Posted at 14:44h, 30 December Reply

    Lieber Jonathan, vielen herzlichen Dank für deine erhellend Worte. Und ja ich heile mich selbst zur Zeit mit meinem Mentor. Auf das ich mein wahres Selbst bald Leben werde. Hab einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
    In Liebe Berthold

  • Julia
    Posted at 08:25h, 30 December Reply

    Thank u for making my situation clearer. I now understand what is happening around me at this moment in my life

  • Diane Thielman
    Posted at 06:24h, 30 December Reply

    Thank you 🙏

  • Brenda Bowman
    Posted at 22:08h, 29 December Reply

    Oh such c a great reading. Thanks Jonathan

  • mark stephen cook
    Posted at 21:19h, 29 December Reply

    As usual your Clarity, Understanding and Compassion, are what the World Needs. THANK YOU = GRATITUDE.

  • Teresa Florez
    Posted at 21:01h, 29 December Reply

    This really felt like a perfect time to hear this reading. Kinda surprised.

  • Kimberly Billings
    Posted at 18:58h, 29 December Reply

    Jonathan, Thank you so much! I will need you in time and I definitely would love to sign up with soon!! I don’t think you’re going to get rid of any time soon! I’m going to need you!!! Your Awesome 😎

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 16:00h, 29 December Reply

    Jonathan, I have no idea what to say about this topic. Have a nice Sunday.


  • Arleen Otero
    Posted at 14:56h, 29 December Reply

    It was much needed, Adam is Awesome soul

  • Arleen Otero
    Posted at 14:54h, 29 December Reply

    I would like to share, that this reading was really on point especially with the realshonship part, waiting for the right time to finally be together, the insecurities and distrust come from this distance of miles between us it’s been a 1 1/2 year now, thanks for the reading now I know what I need to do, very helpful

  • Leigh Steward
    Posted at 14:36h, 29 December Reply

    Adam wanted me to see you

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