27 Nov A Milestone Moment | Sirena Moon | New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Reading | 12/1
A huge milestone could be on the horizon for you during this New Moon…
Sirena Moon has a tarot message for the New Moon in Sagittarius, and she says this moment has the potential to be life changing.
Simply click the video to hear the message.
P.S. What big life changes are you anticipating? Leave a comment for Sirena below!
Hello everyone. Sirena Moon here. And this week I’m talking about the new moon that is happening in the sign of Sagittarius on December 1st and what this energy might mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit around this New Moon time. So on December 1st we have a new moon in the sign of Sagittarius. And as always, new moons are about new beginnings, setting new intentions for something that you want to manifest or bring into your life. This new moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and Sagittarius energy is all about breaking free of anything that holds us back. It’s about expansion, broadening our horizons and traveling.
This could be traveling somewhere in the world or it could be traveling in your own mind and your own thinking so you can be learning something new or broadening your horizons in some way. So this new Moon could really help you break free of old patterns or ways of thinking that keep you smart, small. And Sagittarius energy is also about lightheartedness and fun and humor. So this new moon could really help you to see a situation in your life through a more light hearted lens. So it’s a really nice energy for a new moon. With that being said, now I’m going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this new moon. About this New moon. So Spirit, for anyone who’s watching, what is a message for all of us about this New Moon time?
What does this New Moon time hold? The first card is the High Priestess. This is all about tapping into your intuition. This is also about receiving a message potentially from your higher self or your intuition that will give you that light bulb moment or that feeling of I know I have clarity now, I know this direction. It’s about going within and tapping into that mysterious part of yourself or the mystery of the universe to get guided inspiration. This card is also about trusting the mystery of life. Okay? Trusting. Trusting that everything is unfolding just as it should, even if you don’t have all the answers or can’t see the end result yet. So it’s about patience. It’s about being comfortable in the not knowing of things. So this is a really. I love that there’s this New Moon symbol there in this card.
So it’s feeling like a powerful, potentially potent, spiritual new moon where you might receive some kind of mystical guidance, some kind of guidance. The more that you can go within and find a little bit of solitude around this new moon, the more that you can find that Guidance. There’s something to do with that. Around this new moon. What’s a challenge, Spirit? What’s a challenge? I’m feeling this card. Wow. So 10 of wands. So we could be challenged at this time because a we, many of us might have a lot to do, a lot going on. Okay. Just simply a lot on our to do list. We might feel very overwhelmed. And for others of us, this is not taking on things that don’t belong to us, things that are not ours to take on.
So potentially, some of you watching are very sensitive, very energetically sensitive. You could be picking up on a lot of stress in the world, tension in the world. Pe other energies, okay? And that’s weighing you down. All right? For others of you, this could be that you. You’re just going through a lot, and it’s feeling like you’re having to carry so much for you and other people up this giant hill, and it’s just too much. Okay? So that’s a challenge at this time. So you want to make sure that, you know, you’re taking times for rest, that you’re not taking on too much. Okay? And just know if you’re feeling burdened or overwhelmed by a lot that you know you’re not alone, and it’s okay to just ask for help. But, spirit, what is the root of this situation? What is the foundation?
What is causing us to potentially feel this overwhelm? King of Cups. Okay, so this could be a romance, a romantic partner that’s causing this overwhelm, or this could be simply your own desires and feelings. The King of Cups is a. Is a card all about emotions, a fullness of emotion of some kind. So this could be a partnership of some kind or a yearning for partnership that is causing this potential feeling of overwhelm. Okay? This could be a person in your life or just a situation that you’re feeling really emotionally, like something’s coming to an emotional culmination, an emotional head. Okay? Now, spirit, what is your advice for how to remedy this situation? What is your advice? The Queen of Pentacles. Okay. Queen of Pentacles. So this is stepping into our own self worth.
This is also a card about beauty, relaxation, taking things slow and receiving. There’s that big, giant coin, that big, giant pentacle. And this card is all about prospect, prosperity, receiving. So this is lining up with everything that makes you feel bountiful. So this is being grateful for everything that you do have, turning your mindset into everything that you do have. And this is also for some people, I’M feeling like simply getting out into nature will really help with this experience. Or just taking a break and practicing self care, extreme self care, taking care of your energy and really allowing yourself to feel beautiful, to beautify yourself or to just take a good rest. And for others of you, this is a good sign about some friend or woman in your life.
I feel that it’s gonna be able to take some of the burden off of you or help you in some way. And for others of you, this is kind of an energy of magnetism. And this is what if you could step into this feeling of self worth and self love. There’s this ability this, to manifest something at this New Moon time that can really make you feel bountif, prosperous and that you have the security that you’re seeking. Okay, so spirit, how can we best move forward out of this energy in this New Moon time? King of Pentacles. Wow, interesting. So the Queen of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles. This is really interesting. So for many of you watching, this is a really good time to. This New Moon’s a great time to launch a new business or launch some intention for prosperity, money.
And for others of you, this is just moving into the energy of the pentacles, which is all about grounding security, turning your mindset to what you’re grateful for so that you attract more into your life to be grateful for. It’s about feeling that you have all the resources that you need, okay. Feeling every excuse you can to feel rich, to feel wealthy, to feel like you have the abundance that you’re seeking and knowing that you’re what you set your intention on, it will come to manifest. Okay. This is two of the most prosperous cards in the deck, which is really amazing.
So it’s sort of, I’m getting this feeling of turning your attention away from this sort of possibly like person that’s draining your emotional energy or a situation that’s been draining you emotionally where your heart has been sort of burdened by something for many of you and it could even just be the world for some of you. If you’re feeling really, if you’re really sensitive that you’re taking on a lot in the world and it’s been weighing you down and to kind of try and move your focus into something that you’re building or something that is a wish in your heart that is, I’m feeling like is just on the cusp of like really manifesting big time into reality.
So so moving away from this emotional drain and really getting into the earth, into the grounding, your energy, getting into your body in a really big way and just focusing on this really big turn of events that could possibly happen. And for some of you, I’m feeling, it’s interesting, there’s this feeling of sort of being weighed down by this king of cups, but moving toward this King of pentacles. It’s really interesting. So for some of you, it could be kind of letting go of your hurt emotions and moving toward the things that you can control in your life, your reaction to things and all the things that you’re building with this new moon, all your intentions, everything you want to manifest.
And for others, it could be a literal person letting go of one person to welcome in this new person this new energy that’s much more stable and supportive for you. That’s really interesting. Okay, really interesting. And spirit, what is the possible outcome of this new moon? What is that possible outcome? Wow. Knight of Cups. Ooh, that is. That’s interesting. That is a very romantic card. Okay, so this could either be that there’s a, A good, like somebody could give you a message that’s romantic that makes you feel excited at this moment time, or there could be forward movement in a positive way for romance for many of you, especially if it’s like letting go of maybe somebody that hurt you in the past or somebody that’s draining your energy and opening yourself up to this new potential person.
And then there’s an opening or a breakthrough in terms of romance. Or this could be for others of you receiving some kind of interesting message or somebody pursuing you or some kind of positive step forward in terms of romance just after this new moon, in the coming weeks after this new moon. And for others of you, this is an opportunity that is related to getting an offer of some kind that really makes your heart sing. Okay, so he’s offering this cup that makes your heart very excited. Okay, so it’s somebody coming in to bring some kind offer. And this could because there’s so many pentacles, it could be work related for many of you. Okay, so around this new moon time, it’s important to take a time out.
There’s a message here about self care to not take on too much or if you feel really burdened to try, whether it’s emotionally or with tasks that you’re being forced to do, really try and step into this pentacles energy of grounding and being in more nature. Try and take a break. Try and take care of yourself and don’t take on something. I’m feeling like for many of you, that really isn’t yours to take on emotionally. Could be someone that you live with or someone that’s around you, or just the weight of the world. Okay. And that potentially, if you can drop some of that emotional weight and free yourself up psychically and spiritually, energetically, there is this nice little offer.
This could be a person or somebody that comes into your life or just kind of an opportunity that makes you feel very excited and very full of magical possibilities. So that’s very lovely. And then one last overall message of this new moon in Sagittarius time. Spirit. Oh, wow. Four of wands. Wow. So this is a milestone. This card represents getting married or going to someone’s wedding or having some kind of milestone of your own. Okay. So there’s like a potential here on this new moon to, I would say, set an intention for some kind of milestone that you would like to reach perhaps even before the end of this year. Okay. Just some. A dream in your heart, especially with all these pentacles, something that you want to manifest and have it be real. Okay. These are really nice cards.
Something that you want to see really come in. Okay. That’s. It’s important on this new moon to set that intention because there’s some sort of really interesting supportive energy here for manifesting on this new moon. Okay. And the biggest challenge of this new moon for many of us is just feeling burdened with too much, whether that’s emotional in nature or just too much that we have going on. And we might just be feeling kind of tired, you know, but other than that. Yeah, other than that, there’s a potentiality or for some exciting manifestation of something that would be quite a milestone. So that’s lovely. Okay, darlings. So this, as always, was a group tarot reading. But if you would like a personal reading with me, click the link below this reading to get a personal reading with me.
And I am sending you so much love and so many blessings.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:31h, 04 DecemberI love you all!!! Thank you for all of these beautiful comments!! I have been traveling and am just seeing these now!! I love you all so much!!XoSirena
Posted at 18:19h, 01 DecemberThank you Sirena. After feeling so awful recently, I’m feeling a bit better, more hopeful. Your reading supports that feeling of hope.
Posted at 15:47h, 28 NovemberThank you!
Chad Adams
Posted at 05:11h, 28 NovemberThat was a personal message for me after being with my wife 24 years she left me and I struggled with that for a year and a half just recently letting go not long after she left me I lost my business I lost my home I lost myself worth my pride recently I met a female but there’s a situation that has made it so we can’t spend time together that has put a lot of stress on me and I’ve been trying to decide if it’s worth staying I’ve been worrying about my finances I’m wondering if Prosperity is ever going to come to me and if I’ll ever find romance and love again. You are an amazing reader very uplifting and inspirational you speak clearly to our minds and hearts and we thank you for that.
Posted at 01:43h, 28 NovemberSirena, you were simply radiant today! I claim your message and await the blessings in this New Moon period!
Kathleen Showalter
Posted at 00:39h, 28 NovemberOh my gosh Serena I just broke up with someone after 7 mos (long distance 5 mos lived together 2) we were going to travel together but he was very unhealthy. He won’t stop bothering me. I am an emotional reck & want peace. I have to change my phone # after 25 yrs 🤷♀️ of having it. Very toxic man,. Moving on traveling alone soon! Thank you, you were spot on.. 💕 needed to hear this. much love
mark stephen cook
Posted at 22:22h, 27 NovemberI just Love you > Pure Intent, Balance, Positivity. Just the bump I need with Mercury in R
Posted at 20:02h, 27 NovemberThank you Sirena this is a great reading .
Onella Jay
Posted at 19:20h, 27 NovemberBeautiful and exact forth coming energy, even though the scales of life weighing down in reality, emotions running wild in the push for freedom and dreams manifesting! Faith in difficult times (even as a starseed, wayseer/shower or even light worker) or in the event of an individual moment, waiting in the passing of time to the turning of a new chapter, which in the knowing perhaps is to be, been tidal movement to get there all this while, will pay off.
The true sense of the King and Queen of Pentacles – to me sounded a stable twin flame notion too, finding their way too the best healthiest and wealthiest plan of living. Maybe striking a gold mine of their manifestation coming true after a WHEEL OF TERROR, being strong through the ups and downs though held on tight and for the eternal bond that made them share and come together in the first place. I believe in the new firm pentacles arriving in business and trade.
Overall a wonderful desired and hopeful reading Sirena Moon. (Been enjoying the readings this far, insightful, courage built-in and a sense of renewed hope and love sprinkled in it each time! Has been an additional life confirmation to the way of life cycles aswell)
Thank you! With love!
Jeanita Suzanne Roper
Posted at 18:37h, 27 NovemberSirena,
That was like a personal reading for me!!! It all made sense and you hit the nail on the head!!!I knew what you were talking about at every turn of the cards. Thankyou soooo much!!!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 13:58h, 27 NovemberHelllo sirena,
Thanks and have a nice Thanksgiving holiday. As for myself I’m officially homeless because of my wife. On august 30th is the day I went homeless out of Tacoma, Washington. I m living in my damn car in northern area of Washington state. I will not be having thanksgiving dinner
Carmen Eaves
Posted at 12:03h, 27 NovemberThank you very much. I love this reading Sirena Moon. Nice and good energy. Much love
Carmen x x
Nikola nixon
Posted at 11:49h, 27 NovemberI’d like to get a personal reading
Mimi Gaines
Posted at 09:02h, 27 NovemberLoved today’s reading.
Posted at 08:12h, 27 NovemberGreat reading!
Posted at 07:35h, 27 NovemberLove your energy, so joyful.