A Moment To Yourself | Deco | Four of Cups Decan Tarot Reading | 7/12-7/21

Have you been needing extra time to reflect lately?

Deco says this period can bring clarity about the shifts taking place, so you can plan your next move.

Just click the video below to receive your message now.

P.S. What are you processing during this reflection period? Leave a comment and let Deco know!


Hello my friends. It is Deco Back again and I am once again so excited to be doing this Deacon reading for you. We did our first one back on July 7th, and we focused on the Three of Cups, which was really fascinating because from one deck I showed you the card, and then the next time or the other deck I used, we pulled and the Three of Cups popped out in reverse. So this week for July 21st, we are focusing on the Four of Cups, which is the card that is tied to our deacon right now. And again, if you want to know anything more about deacons, there’s so much information out there, it’s definitely worth reading into, especially because every deacon gives you another layer of understanding your own sign and when you were born. So very fascinating to see all of that. But let’s focus on the four of Cups, what it represents, and then we’ll pull some cards to see how the Four of Cups might be affecting us positively or negatively this week and what we might need to focus on.

So the Four of Cups is an interesting card, especially because it follows the Three of Cups. If you watched my reading from a couple of weeks ago, the Three of Cups is all about camaraderie coming together, that good feeling of being with people who love you unconditionally, that chosen family that loves you. These are platonic friendships, not necessarily romantic ones. That’s more Two of Cups energy. But the Four of Cups is what I call the glitter hangover after you’ve had all of that good connection with those people that you love. So a glitter hangover in my definition, you did something really fun, really glittery and exciting, and something that felt magical, but it’s over. And now you’re feeling kind of low. You’re feeling like, I think I just need to stay at home, reset, rejuvenate, and even if people are going to invite me out, I’m going to say no.

I’m not going to let ’em know how I’m feeling, especially if there’s some negative feelings mixed in there. You’re starting to think back on that time together like, oh, what was this person’s intention? What was that? But the Four of Cups really is about hiding in your little cave and not letting anybody see how you’re feeling and not really engaging in life in any way. The Four of Cups is an emotional card for sure, but it’s also a spiritual card. So it might talk about a little bit of spiritual exhaustion or maybe emotional exhaustion or whatever. But regardless, we’re lacking motivation. We’re lacking that ability to really show up and feel like we can engage with life. On the flip, when the Four of Cups pops up in reverse, it means we’re starting to open up a little bit more. People are starting to see us out and about and engaging in life and doing the things that we’ve always done, but that we really need to do to feel good in our space. I think it’s important to connect with people. And so in the Four of Cups is in reverse, it helps us to remember that we need to open up and talk about the things that we’re feeling, right? And when this is upright too, maybe you still need to do those things, but this is finally, it’s happening. 

So now that we kind of have an idea of what the Four of Cups is all about, I’m going to shuffle these cards and see what do we need to tackle for this week and maybe even leading into next week about this Four of Cups and how it’s affecting us, how we might need to tackle it, what challenges it might place before us. What do we need to know about the Four of Cups? Interesting. So we had two swords fly out, and then another sword just came out as well. So let’s talk about the cards that came out on top right away. Both in reverse are the Four of Swords in Reverse and the Nine of Swords in Reverse. And these cards, honestly, it’s an interesting combination because the Four of Swords in reverse is this restlessness. There’s this need to turn inward, right? There’s almost a need to claim this. Four of Cups energy, maybe not. So as much Four of Cups as much as the Four of Swords is saying, we need to really take time for ourselves and to relax, where the Four of Cups is more like, I’m doing this because I don’t want to engage. 

The Four of Swords is like you need to do this in order to rejuvenate mentally, but it’s like you’re trying to rush past it, rush past the really heavy things that you need to be sitting with and healing from, and then moving on from the Four of Swords follows the Three of Swords, which is really, really heavy, full of grief, full of all of these things. So when we’re moving out of that chapter and looking at that opportunity for self-care, sometimes we’re like, okay, I’m tired of just feeling like I’m not up for anything, so I’m just going to go and do and whatever. But sometimes that’s too much. What’s interesting is I do think that you’ve healed enough from the things that you’ve been through to not have a lot of worries. The Nine of Swords when it’s in reverse, I call it the Hakuna Matata card.

Like finally, I don’t have anything to worry about. There’s not a lot on my mind, and I’m starting to feel more in my element. But then we’ve got the Page of Swords, which is saying that I think you’ve taken on this new mindset, and I think that is very positive for you. I think that it is something that is going to help you with communicating your needs better and talking through things better, and just having better communication, but also thought processes in general. It’s not all communication, it’s also the way you’re thinking about things. So when we see that page of Swords along with these other things, it’s like, yes, you have this fresh start. You’re starting to think of things in a new way, probably a much more positive way, but we need to take a step back. And maybe the challenge here is that you’ve been in this place for a little bit where you’ve struggled to feel settled, to feel like you’re ready to engage.

And I think that you’re like, do I need to stay at home more? That’s what I’m trying to heal from. That’s what I’m trying to get out of. Why can’t I just engage? And I think that right now it’s about just making sure that this new way of thinking isn’t just a passing phase. This is something that you’re really integrating and activating in your life and making a more powerful presence in your life. It isn’t just, oh, well, I’m thinking this way this week. It’s like, oh, I’m thinking this way this week and I’m going to be intentional about making sure that I’m thinking about that moving forward. And part of doing that is taking time to heal and to process those things. Okay, now let’s pull some more cards and see what else you might need to know about this Four of Cups energy. Again, I feel like you’ve been here for a while. Kind of hold up in your emotions and you’re trying to get out there. What else do we need to know?

Interesting. Okay, so there is this restlessness, this four of swords that’s in reverse is saying like, you’re ready to move on. And I think that you’re trying to trust your gut. The moon is here and the moon is saying, trust your gut. The way is not clear. Make sure that you are feeling things out. And if they feel right, that is when you’ll know to engage and move forward. But there’s also this sense of a lack of knowing how to move forward. The Seven of Cups is saying that there are way too many options for you, right? You are excited about all of them. It’s like you have seven different paths you could take and you’re trying to take a step down each one, but you’re not moving forward enough with any of them. There’s just too much difference between all of them. And maybe that’s because you’re exiting a chapter.

More than likely that is what’s happening. We’ve got the Star in reverse, which follows the tower, which is some big tumultuous craziness. And like I said, we had the Four of Swords, which follows that Three of Swords, which is asking us to heal, to focus on making sure that we’re processing our grief or whatever it is that we’re going through. And so we’re trying to settle ourselves and take on new thought processes and communicate in a different way. But the Star being in reverse here right after that Tower moment, that Three of Swords kind of moment is saying, we need to let the dust settle. We need to get our bearings again. We need to kind of see how things are feeling before we’re ready to move down any particular path. Because again, we’re trying to take on these new thought processes and integrate them into our life, but I don’t know that you’re ready to fully engage in any of those yet until you get your feet under you a little bit more. So what I’m seeing here with this Four of Cups in mind is I feel like we kind of have to take a step back and embrace this energy, not in an unhealthy way, but in a way that is saying, you know what? I need to find stable ground again. The fours in the tarot are all about stability. We think of a chair. It has four legs. It is a stable surface. And so it’s like we have to be focused on finding that stability for ourselves again,

In order to fully engage, to fully heal, to fully move forward, and to feel confident in our decisions. Instead of feeling like we’re navigating blindly through life. It’s like we kind of need to sit and settle and process and then engage and trust our gut as we’re moving forward too. I don’t think that there’s a really set certain path here. There’s a lot of different ways that your life could go from here, but just running wham bam, thank you, ma’am, into this next chapter is not going to give you the answers that you’re looking for. I think we need to take some time and process and be sure of how we’re feeling and how we are planning on composing ourselves moving forward. So my friends, I really think that you’ve got some interesting energy to think about this week moving into next week too, just thinking about what are the ways that I’m working on myself and how can I make sure that those things stick the way I’m communicating, the way I’m engaging, the way I’m thinking, and make sure that those things are set and then you’re going to be ready to move forward.

But you got to let that dust settle a little bit. Again. I think you’ve been through some big changes recently, some life altering potentially, but I think that it just takes some time to figure out where you want to go and how you want to move forward. And once you do that, you’re going to be good to go. Best of luck, my friends. I will see you in a couple of weeks.

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

  • Elizabeth P
    Posted at 23:44h, 23 July Reply

    Hit me full force gave me some insight to exactly how I’ve been feeling & thinking. See you next time thank you

  • Berthold Thomas Hantke
    Posted at 01:37h, 22 July Reply

    Hallo Deco, Du hast in mein Herz getroffen mit deiner Lesung. Es fühlt im Moment alles genau so an, wie du es beschreibst. Ich weiß jetzt das ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin und was ich zu tun habe. Staub liegen lassen.

  • Richie Redmond
    Posted at 14:00h, 21 July Reply

    Can I have a free reading

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 11:24h, 21 July Reply

    Well thanks Deco,

    I have no friends, no social life. My wife left me for no reason. I’m fucking lovely, isolated, hurting, angry. And lots lots of fucking tears.


  • Heather Davis
    Posted at 10:08h, 21 July Reply

    Thank You Deco I’m really all over the place And don’t know which way to go…. Newly Divorced, Relocated, Jumping from Job to job they don’t feel right to my gut! Im isolating myself from Everything. Life and Situations just doesn’t feel good I can’t find my way! I need a lot of direction everything is so foggy and cloudy since I relocated I don’t know what to do honestly my money just stopped coming in! Imma feel things out and tread lightly.

  • Sherri Nelson
    Posted at 09:51h, 21 July Reply

    Nailed it! Thanks for the reassurance!

  • Arabella
    Posted at 09:06h, 21 July Reply

    Spot on Deco! Wow! I started a new job the past couple of days on the same day I started I got offered another position. I’m unsure which way to go. My plan initially is to feel it out! Thank you for your reading! Take care.

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