A New Chance At Love | Weekly Tarot Reading | 12/26 – 1/1

Hello Tarot Friends, 

Happy Holidays, and happy almost new year. 

At the very tail end of the year, you have good news all around coming your way. 

That is, if you are willing to go with the flow of where life is trying to take you. It’s going to be an important week to trust the process, stay flexible… 

And just plain let go of what’s ready to move on out of your life. 

All signs point to a heartwarming start to the new year… and maybe even a romance filled one. 

So let’s take a look at what’s popping up for your week ahead.

Card #1: Three Of Wands | Expect The Unexpected

The Three of Wands represents expansion, looking ahead, momentum, and could be a sign you are on hold before a big expansion.  

The man in the image is looking out to sea with his back to us. This indicates you have put a lot of work, time and effort into something, but you are likely still waiting for the results. 

Just like the man in the card who is waiting for his ships to return, there could be some apprehension surrounding the success of whatever it is you are waiting on.  

Whether it’s personal in nature, business oriented, or something else, there could be a little bit of a waiting period to see the results of your hard fought effort. 

Instead of becoming sour or frustrated while you wait, this is the perfect time to hone in on what will need to happen next. 

You might find it helpful to create two different plans. One if all goes the way you want, and another that takes an alternative into consideration. 

There is no need to become disheartened if things don’t pan out the way you are hoping. Rather, the Three of Wands is a sign you have good momentum on your side. 

So you can expect other opportunities to rise up and meet you no matter how the dice fall.  

No work is done in vain. And once you get the energy moving, and the universe sees you are acting towards your own betterment, something begins to shift. It’s like a snowball that builds momentum as it rolls down the hill. 

So don’t get too caught up in things needing to happen exactly the way you think they should. Instead, stay dynamic, adaptive and life will surely meet you in powerful ways. 

In fact, it’s quite clear there will be some big changes on the horizon. Your next card is letting you know it’s time for the caterpillar to come out of its cocoon in a big way. 

Card #2: Death | Coming Out Of The Cocoon

Does the thought of change ever make you feel unsettled or anxious?

The truth is there are millions of tiny deaths and rebirths, starts and stops, every single day. As well as many larger transformations throughout one’s life.

Like the caterpillar’s transition from one state to another, there is a letting go, even a pushing away of something outlived. And the shaky welcoming of something new and not yet known. 

The caterpillar has no way of knowing what it’s like to be a butterfly. And as such, stepping into the unknown can be frightening, even though it’s one of the most natural things in life. 

There is an inevitability surrounding the death card. As you can see, the skeleton knight rides his horse onward nearly trampling a mother, child, and priest, despite their pleading and protest. 

Innocence may be lost, symbolized by the protective mother. And you might start to question the “correct” way of doing things, represented by the priest. 

This is all very natural, and part of growing into a wiser, more mature you.  

What you already know and understand is important. It gives you structure and a sense of safety. But when you have outgrown it, the walls of what you know can become restrictive. 

You could find yourself being called to new work, new relationships, or a brand-new sense of self. So get ready, because one thing is being released, so that something else can begin to take root in your life. 

What are some things you already know you are ready to let go of? And, what are some things you might be afraid of, or resistant to letting go of? 

As you already read above, the inevitability of change and transformation is simply the way of life. That being said, how you choose to embrace or resist transformation could, to some degree, be in your hands. 

Trust life. And ask yourself, what does life want me to become? 

The answer may not be too far away. Your next card indicates you could be getting some good news very soon, or maybe even a romance could be right around the corner for you.

Card #3: Knight Of Cups | Something To Warm Your Heart

The Knight of Cups symbolizes invitations, diplomacy, and the call to follow your heart. Of all the knights in the Tarot, the Knight of Cups has the most balanced pace. 

His horse trots along with beauty and poise, and the knight himself is reminiscent of the “knight in shining armor” from fairy tales.  

Often, the Knight of Cups arrives right before you get swept off your feet by a deeply romantic person. If you’re single this person could come knocking soon. If you’re in a relationship, there is the possibility for a deepening of intimacy in some way.  

His helmet has two blue wings, not unlike the wings on the feet of Hermes – the Greek God of messages. In this regard, you could receive a message of good news, or an emotionally important realization could swoop into your life. 

Ultimately the Knight of Cups is romantic through and through. However this doesn’t mean there needs to be a person bringing forth love in your life. 

Rather, the Knight of Cups is a call to delve into your softer, emotional, loving self-care. Allow your creativity to bloom. Let yourself be playful, silly, and tender with yourself. 

In particular, the Knight of Cups is also the most adaptive of the Knights. His slow pace, and the drastic differences in the environment he marches through – river, mountain, desert – are all signs he can change and adapt at a moment’s notice. 

Considering your first two cards, this adaptability is an affirmation to stay flexible, trust life, and meet what arrives with new eyes. 

Rigidity is not a good strategy right now. Instead, give yourself room to be playful and creative with what shows up.  One moment you could be waiting, the next you could be setting off in a totally new and exciting direction. 

Shed The Old

You are right at the very end of the year, and on the cusp of a brand new one. What a fantastic time to take stock of what’s working, and what isn’t. 

Your first card, the Three of Wands, is letting you know your hard work has set things in motion. However, there may be a delay before you begin to reap the rewards. 

Use this time to prepare for what’s next by letting go of stuff that is simply outmoded. Particularly with the Death card as your second card, it’s a good time to notice where you are resisting change. 

While it may not be easy to step into something unknown to you, doing so will open brand new doors and experiences. And if your third card has anything to say about it, you could either receive a really good message soon, or there might be new love to warm your winter nights. 

Sending big love your way for the holidays and new year. 

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What do you want to call into your life for 2022? What needs to be let go of in order to make room for what you are wanting? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!   

P.P.S. If you’d like some help exploring something that’s been giving you trouble, or if you’d like a forecast for 2022, you can schedule a private reading with me here. New Year’s 60 min Readings are currently reduced by 27$ if you schedule before the 1st  😉 

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Andrea Kelley
    Posted at 22:48h, 01 January Reply

    It is now 7:45 pm on 1/1/22, absolutely none of what was indicated to happen did. Such a bummer that nothing good ever comes true for me😢

  • Lanie Cubay
    Posted at 00:02h, 28 December Reply

    Thank you so much Jonathan for your awesome message… 😘

  • Sithadevi Harripersad
    Posted at 23:58h, 27 December Reply

    Thank you for the wonderfully accurate reading. God bless you for taking the time to make a difference in my life.
    Your readings are highly recommended.
    Thank you for your kindness 🥰

    Posted at 14:06h, 27 December Reply

    I love your weekly updates! They are the highlight of my week! I highly anticipate any email updates you send out and find them to be accurate! Thank you for taking time to do these! I enjoy it very much and see incredible value in them!

    Posted at 02:12h, 27 December Reply

    I noticed in my email update, the third card says Knight of Wands, however, the description talks about the Knight of Cups. Was this some mistake? If so, which one is it supposed to be? Thank you!

    • Kirstin Allen
      Posted at 05:19h, 27 December Reply

      Mine did too.

    • Kate
      Posted at 07:27h, 27 December Reply

      Mine too. Do they perhaps symbolize the same characteristics?

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 11:20h, 27 December Reply

      Hey all, it was a typo in the email. It’s supposed to be the Knight of Cups.

  • Mark Anthony Esqubel
    Posted at 22:14h, 26 December Reply

    I been celibate for about 8 years, gave up on trying to find a gf, lover, or wife. I believe it would be a miracle if I found someone in this world be life time. Prayed for love and prosperity but seen to get the middle finger so I stopped asking and not receiving. I just kool after my mother and pets and trying to accept this life!

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