Are You Having A Change Of Heart? | Weekend Love Reading | 9/2 – 9/5

Hi Friends,

Do you need to hit the reset button in your love life? Are you at a romantic crossroads and in need of some greater clarity?

Look no further! The cards that appeared for your love reading are powerful!

Change, new beginnings in love, having choices in love, and independent thinking are energies you can expect to experience over the weekend.

If something ends, do not worry because the Universe is sending you a better relationship to replace it. That could be with another person or by developing a healthier relationship with yourself first.

Be open to the possibilities heading your way and an opportunity for a fresh start! Let’s take a look at your cards.

Card #1: Death | Change And Renewal

People tend to groan and become concerned when they see the Death card appear in a reading. Don’t be!

This card can indicate some positive events like beginnings, a change for the better, and renewal.

You’ve been working hard to improve yourself this year and the Death card is confirmation that you are growing spiritually and emotionally.

You may be moving on from a person, situation, or thinking pattern that is no longer serving you.

In numerology, the number eight indicates total stability and movement.

Change is a part of life. Fall turns into winter, winter turns into spring, and spring turns into summer. We are a part of this cycle, which means change is a part of our existence.

The Death card is associated with the Scorpio in the zodiac. This sign is passionate, mysterious, emotionally strong, individualistic, and rebellious.

If you look closely at this tarot card, the Sun is rising in the background and the color blue marks up most of the landscape.

Blue is a positive color that represents our emotions, peace, and intuition; and in Tarot, the Sun is often considered the best card in the deck!

If a relationship is ending, or you are going through a transition in your feelings and emotions about someone, trust that it is in your best interest.

When you see your next card, you’ll understand why!

Card #2: The Lovers | Choices, Love, And Union

This is the second Major Arcana card in your weekend reading.

(The first was the Death card.) This means that major themes in your life are changing!

It’s a relief to receive the Lovers card after the Death card. The Lovers card is about choices, being attracted to someone, love, union, the need to make a clear decision, and even trials to overcome.

The angelic being on the Lovers card is believed to be Archangel Raphael. What is interesting about this card popping out for this weekend is Archangel Raphael is a BIG part of the Astrology for August. 

This Archangel helps with healing, safe travels, and finding a good partner. His name literally means, “God heals”. 

If you have to overcome a difficult pattern or obstacle in your relationship, the Lovers card is encouraging you to make a clear decision about it as you move forward. 

So, if you do wind up leaving a relationship, Archangel Raphael will be there to help you heal. 

The Lovers card is associated with the number six which represents harmony and success. 

This is great because the Death card can seem unfortunate and tough, but the Lovers card is assuring you that any loss or change you experience will have a positive outcome.

In Tarot, the zodiac sign that is connected to the Lovers card is Gemini, which is cooperative and adaptable. These are great energies to tap into when experiencing change. 

Gemini is also ruled by Mercury which is social, witty, and intelligent.

These positive traits can help you start a new relationship with a love interest or get through a time of change! 

Although change is at hand, and different choices are available to you now, you still may need to gain clarity. This is where your next card comes into play.


Have you been wanting to communicate better in your relationships? Is there an older woman or mother figure in your life who gives you trusted advice?

The Queen of Swords symbolizes clear thinking and communicating.

In Tarot, Queens represent women, femininity, a mother figure, and being receptive. Swords are associated with the element of Air which is also the element connected to your last card, the Lovers. 

Clearly the Universe is asking you to use your mind more than your emotions during this time of change, and to be flexible as things unfold. 

The Queen of Swords represents a woman who is detached from emotion and can think, speak, and act independently. 

This could be someone in your life or you! 

Perhaps you have dinner each week at your mother or aunt’s house and they ask about your love life. This would be an opportunity for you to share about the changes occurring and for them to give you wise guidance based on their experience.

It could also be that because of the change and personal growth you are experiencing, you are clearer about the type of person you want to be with; or you may receive clarity that you don’t want to be in a relationship right now. 

If you look closely at the Queen of Swords card you will see clouds and butterflies. 

Clouds represent higher thought and messages from the Universe. During this time, you could receive a sign that is helpful or confirms what you are thinking. 

I would be on the lookout for butterflies, birds, or anything that catches your eye when you look at the card.

Butterflies are all about change because of the metamorphosis the caterpillar experiences when transforming into a butterfly. 

On the Queen of Swords card, though, butterflies symbolize changes in thoughts.


One of the challenges with the Queen of Swords is the temptation to detach from your emotions. 

When change, an ending, or beginning occurs in your life, it’s important not to process the experience only in your mind. 

Instead, feel the emotions that you’re experiencing through the change so you don’t keep them bottled up inside. 

The Queen of Wands is a strong, independent thinker and communicator; so consider using the energy of this card to express your thoughts and emotions about the change you experienced. 

Let it out!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the new horizons that are opening up for you!

With Love and Gratitude, 

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. What changes in love are you hoping to experience this weekend? Who is the matriarch in your life who helps you through challenging times (it can be you!)? I look forward to reading your comments and experiences below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Sithadevi Harripersad
    Posted at 13:46h, 05 September Reply

    Always a pleasure to receive a reading from you my dearest. It’s always spot on. Many blessings. Thank you.

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 16:51h, 05 September Reply

      Thank you Sithadevi!

  • Viviane Paolini
    Posted at 01:15h, 05 September Reply

    Thank you Luna, the soulmate the Universe promised is here. What a beautiful reading for something I was waiting to happen.
    It gives me hope to find love and happiness finally. I will use my intuition, and the Lovers card came up. Good sign.

    Thank you again.

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 16:51h, 05 September Reply

      That’s wonderful Viviane. Congrats!

    Posted at 00:35h, 05 September Reply

    Good morning, I see a great change in the life of my son with his fiancé that is taking place, happiness after a great advice I gave them from my experiences in a relationship and marriage. I pray these changes will strongly build their union, love and make it a greatest friendship that intake in deep love that they will feel for each other.. thanks for the reading even though it wasn’t meaning Anything to me but I opened to see it more Clear to my son. Thanks

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 16:53h, 05 September Reply

      Best wishes to your son and his fiancé. Take care!

  • Jacqueline
    Posted at 19:53h, 04 September Reply

    Hi Luna, I will no longer be with my husband for some reasons and I think this is what I just read. I have to do it for my self, for me to be stable and to go forward in life. Thank you so much

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 17:00h, 05 September Reply

      Glad to hear you are putting yourself first, Jacqueline. Many blessings on your path ahead.

  • Deairee
    Posted at 11:19h, 04 September Reply

    I am going through a divorce at the moment and sometimes I feel so alone but not scared I look forward to reading my cosmicupdates and it always helps me to think positive and I will come out Triumphantly

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 17:11h, 05 September Reply

      Wishing you healing and loving connections.

    Posted at 09:49h, 04 September Reply

    Hi Luna, are you spot on! OMG – yday grief for my mum hit me big time in a supermarket & I haven’t been able to stop crying. She died 5yrs ago but I had no time to grieve. Also a guy I liked (a mentor) now has a girlfriend & I have to erase him from my thoughts which is very difficult. So yday my insides felt bruised & today they feel on edge. Possibly a major transition? I’m also taking stock of where I’m at in my life…… I wasn’t hoping for any of this but I have to trust! And have an elderly friend who I turn to for great advice. 🙏🙏

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 17:30h, 05 September Reply

      Hi Alison. Wishing you healing and joy!

    Posted at 05:11h, 04 September Reply

    There have been many butterflies around me. I was wondering what they meant. Thanks

    • Luna Dragonwell
      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 17:29h, 05 September Reply

      My pleasure 🙂

  • Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 03:34h, 04 September Reply

    Hi Luna , long time and thank you for insight . I bottled myself up from love for so long so now it’s time to open up for love . Although I don’t want scambags lover in my life and I pray to mother universe bring me the I had waiting for whole life Luna thank you.

  • Mary Cathrine Messano
    Posted at 01:54h, 04 September Reply

    Thank you for your enspiringwords! What changes in Love am I hoping to experience! As my husband and I are separated but talking more with one another. I am hoping he will be more honest and take more responsibility for the part he play in all that has transpired between us these past 6 years of separation. And not trying to place all the blame on me. Which is too much of a load to carry. Who is the Matriarch in my life that helps me through the challenging times. They’re is a gentleman at work that has feelings toward me. That I try not to reciprocate back.. But truly it is my husband. But part of me wants to say he feels the same way too. But he tends to shut up and retreat to his cave. And it becomes a viscous cycle.. How do you break the cycle? Sincerely Mary

  • Usman Binta Fatima
    Posted at 01:26h, 04 September Reply

    Thanks for the update

  • Gretchen Carpenter
    Posted at 01:00h, 04 September Reply

    Dearest Luna, well I must say this is a great fortune when Love is near me. I have been trying to get out of a relationship for along time now My finances have been holding me back. But I’m staying positive, raising my vibrations and I know that everything I put out in the Universe will come back to me.. But I know, if I stay positive and I work towards working hard on my own I think this is what tarot meant by the Queen. I have always gone to my mother for everything. She was always my Best Friend and Wonderful mother anyone could ask for. My mother passed away a few months ago. And I wasn’t ready for her to go .. But thank you so much for everything Luna. For thinking of me.. And much Gratitude to you . may God Bless you each and everyday.. With sincere 💘.

  • Richard
    Posted at 00:13h, 04 September Reply

    The changes I’m hoping for are for my ba k account to grow. I also hope to find a special lady to be in my life. 6 years since my last relationship.

  • Adaline Griffie
    Posted at 22:09h, 03 September Reply

    To better love myself and regain what was taken from confidence in myself,,and all the hard and rough times I’ve been through in my life that’s where my strength mad me stronger to over come and I’m my own matriarch.

  • Rajini priya
    Posted at 20:38h, 03 September Reply

    I want my love back in my life

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