A Powerful Renewal | Sirena Moon | New Moon in Virgo Tarot Reading | 9/2

A powerful fresh start could be on its way to you now…

Sirena Moon has an intuitive message for the New Moon in Virgo, and she says this energy could support a much-needed renewal in your world.

Simply click the video to receive your message.

P.S. What area of your life do you hope to refresh? Leave a comment for Sirena below!


Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And this week I’m talking about the New Moon that is happening on September 2 in the sign of Virgo and what this could mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit about this New Moon time. So on September 2, we have a New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign. It’s all about practicality, being grounded, making plans, cleanliness, organization, and getting things done. And mercury, at the time of this New Moon, is also finally moving forward. So this is a great time to move forward with plans and goals. And as with every New Moon, it’s a wonderful time to set a new intention and start something new. Okay, so with that being said, now I’m tapping into spirit, and I’m asking spirit to please guide this reading to give us all any messages spirit would have us know about this New Moon time. And this is a group tarot reading. But if you want a personal reading, click the link below to get a personal reading with me. Okay? Okay, spirit. So what messages do you have for all of us around this New Moon in Virgo time? What messages do you have for us? Ooh, the Tower. 

Okay, so something could be falling apart for some of us. We could just be really worried that plans are going to fall apart that we made, or there could be some kind of chaos going on around this time of September 2. Could be, you know, some kind of chaos in the outer World, in your World, or something happening to you where you feel like. Like the things that you had hoped would happen are now feeling really discombobulated. People around you could be feeling a lot of fear, a lot of anxiety. Could just be a lot on your mind and just things that possibly for some of you could be. You’re fearing the worst case scenario. You’re really fearing that something that, you know, you feel you’ve built or a dream you have is gonna fall apart or the other shoes gonna drop. And for others of you, it could just be a change in plans. It could be that you had something set up or you thought something was going to go a certain way and the plans are suddenly changing. Some. There’s unexpected information happening around this time that’s sort of shaking things up, and then what is this all about? Ooh, the Fool. Okay, so sort of shaking things up and you’re thinking of leaving the situation, or you’re making some kind of fresh start, or you’re feeling like a. 

Some kind of fresh perspective is needed here it’s just feeling like, for some of you, I’m getting. You’re really afraid of being. Being abandoned or being left alone. And for others of you, it could be that this shake up that’s happening is actually sort of shaking you free from a situation that wasn’t good for you anyway. So there’s this feeling of kind of like a fresh start for many, many of us, or wanting a fresh start in many ways. Okay. So wanting to just break free from a situation or remove ourselves from a situation and feel lighter on our feet. Okay. And so, spirit, what to let go of? What to let go of? I’m feeling this card. The Devil. Okay. So this is letting go for many of us, possibly a person that we feel like we almost… We almost feel chained to. Almost like we are maybe afraid to let this person go.  And for others of us, it could be a situation that we feel really afraid to let go of. But this is, um, a situation that we feel we’re somehow bound to, and it’s not healthy for us. It’s pretty toxic for us. Okay. And if it’s not another person or situation, it’s a habit. It’s a habit that, you know, we kind of can’t break. Oh, it’s so frustrating. We all have them, and it just feels like it’s always, you know, tripping us up, weighing us down. 

And in terms of this situation, it could be simply a lot of fear of change. So if there’s, like, a change in plan, something that has you feeling possibly worried the other shoe will drop or you just don’t feel that security that you’re wanting, it could be that you’re so afraid of. Of being let go or being abandoned or having to start fresh, some of you. So it’s letting go of this very deep fear associated with change. Okay? So that’s what I’m getting for many of you, letting go of this fear of change. And then for others of you, it’s letting go, literally, of something, someone that’s kind of kept you tied to a situation that really disempowers you, okay? Where you just feel kind of stuck. And really it’s time to. It’s time to set yourself free from this. It’s time to strike out on your own from this sort of agreement or partnership. For some of you, I’m feeling like the terms of this partnership are no longer working for you. Okay. You’ve come to realize that you need to shake things up, basically. You need to have a big shake up, which can be really scary, you know, but it’s ultimately going to set you free for the way better. And then what’s that embrace? I’m feeling this card. Oh, wow. Queen of pentacles. 

Okay, so embracing your self worth, your independence, your. Your desire to have prosperity and plenty in your life. And embracing feeling whole in yourself and relaxed and feeling, like, very creative. So embracing your inner power, basically, your inner power and your ability to manifest that which your heart desires. So for many of us, this is like letting go, possibly, of some situation where we feel really dimmed down by the. By the, like, control of another person or by our inability to see beyond the fear of this other person’s limited viewpoint of these other people that are kind of limiting your viewpoint. And to feel like, you know, you really can have. You really can manifest a dream that is dear to your heart, embracing what you value, basically embracing what your heart really wants and really, really honoring your own heart and your own needs in this situation and your ability to really have success in this situation. Okay. And then what’s a surprise aspect of this in Justice? 

Okay. So surprise aspect is even though these. Some sort of chaotic situation may be happening or you fear that thing, that the plans that you have aren’t quite on solid ground, a surprise twist in this could be that things are actually very balanced and that you get some kind of karmic retribution through this. So even if there’s, for instance, some of you, a shake up where you let go of a job or something, things will balance themselves out where maybe you’ll get some kind of unexpected amount of money or you’ll get a better job or this feeling of balance coming in after a shakeup. Okay. So this feeling that things do even out and what you’ve given, you get back in return, and there’s a sense of fairness and equality that comes to you through this situation. Okay. And for others of you, this could be an unexpected something going your way that you thought perhaps wasn’t going to go your way, okay. But it ends up that you get good news, especially in the area of finances or some big decision that had to be made. So there’s this feeling of balance and feeling like some sort of Justice is served. Okay. Oh, wow. In the World. Okay. 

So, yeah, it’s this feeling that you can really let this go now. Oh, interesting. So this feeling that you get some kind of news, perhaps, that, you know, if you were, like, done wrong or kind of something happened that really rattled you, there’s this feeling that you’ll get some kind of news where you feel like, oh, okay, things are. Things are evening out. I don’t have to be afraid or, you know, okay, this is all gonna work out. And you can. I can let this go. I can. So amazing. The World card, which is the last card in the tarot, and then the Fool, which is the first card in the tarot. So this is a really big New Moon time, potentially, for many of you, of closing out some kind of chapter and starting a new one or perhaps letting go of something. Perhaps it could be letting go of just a really bad habit or an addiction of some kind to somebody or to something. It’s a big closure, really. 

Letting that phase that you were in close out so that you can start something much better that really honors your worth and what you want to create in this life. Okay. It’s very powerful. So there’s a closure of some kind that is related to this feeling of some kind of balance or feeling that finally Justice is served kind of feeling I’m getting. And you can let go of that thing that you were holding on to, and it feels very freeing. And then the final cut. Oh, wow. The nine of pentacles. That’s really interesting. So the nine of pentacles is very similar to the queen of pentacles. So the nine of pentacles is all about knowing your worth, and it’s all about success and knowing who you are and feeling like, you know, your. Your worth is really seen in the World and feeling just like you’ve really built something that’s really dear to your heart. Okay. And that you feel free because you have the security and the. That the material World around you is making you feel secure. So that’s really beautiful. 

So this New Moon time could bring up either some fears of something not going the way you want it to or a change in plan of some kind or a shakeup of some kind that potentially sets you off on some kind of closure. Letting go of something so that you can start freshen, but ultimately leading to your greatest success. Okay, so this is really interesting. And if it doesn’t have to do for you with, you know, anything to do with a job or personal success and just all relationships, this could be the success of a relationship as well, by letting go of fear about somebody, letting go of your fear or letting go of somebody that’s really holding you back, closing a chapter so that you can set yourself free. And then there’s ultimately success that manifested and materialized. Okay, so that’s really beautiful. Okay, now I’m going to pick an affirmation card. So, spirit, what is our affirmation for this New Moon in Virgo? 

What is our affirmation for this time? Oh, wow. Oh, the One of Cups. Ooh. Yeah. I had a feeling some people that were, you know, maybe asking, thinking about a love question. It’s a beautiful affirmation. So the One of Cups, it’s like the feeling of emotions, your heart opening. It does represent new love. And the affirmation is, I am divine love and expression. And there’s a renewal. Renewal of love. I am divine love and expression. Okay, so your cup is full with love. All right. So it’s a really good sign about love, especially for those of you that were asking about love. If there’s sort of this feeling of the other shoes gonna drop, try and not be too afraid. Okay? And if it does, for some reason, just know your worth, because there is this sign of new love that comes out of an ability to let go and start. Start anew. Okay, there’s this. Everything’s going to balance out. Justice will be served. And I am divine love and expression. 

Okay. I am divine love and expression. So think about that affirmation for this New Moon, because when you are love and expression, you attract that which you are. Okay? So open your heart and radiate that out. Just any fear or shake up that could be happening around this time. Okay? All right. It’s all going to lead to a successful manifestation. Okay. Okay, darling. So this is a group tarot reading that if you want a personal reading, where we look deeper into anything that this reading brought up within you, any. Any shakeup or potential fear of a shakeup that’s happening, I would love to give you a personal reading, and the link is below for that. So until we meet again, I am sending you all so many blessings and so much love. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Andrew
    Posted at 06:30h, 29 August Reply

    Hi Sirena,

    I Love your readings and I really love the way you present them, so happy and positive!
    How can you be so accurate with a group reading? You seem to nail it every time…… it seems very much where I am with my situation. I’ll be interested to see how the next few days and weeks turn out.

    I’ll send another personal request soon, My life is about half way through my personal reading and it’s panning out as predicted so far! This group reading kind of reconfirms the end of your personal reading for me, it’s uncanny!

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:27h, 29 August Reply

      Hi Andrew!!!! Wow, amazing!!! Thank you for letting me know! I am sending you so much love!!!xoxoxoSirena

  • Elizabeth Lund
    Posted at 05:44h, 29 August Reply

    my fiance has just been diagious with 3 brain tumors. he been verbal abuse as well as putting his hands on me as well as stepping on my feet i have bad bunions and craming feet. his family is trying ti split us up weve been together 20 years ive know him 30plus years. i wanted to leave this good man because he memtally changed for the worse. he made me cry complain to family and friends

  • Kayleigh Wilkinson
    Posted at 01:55h, 29 August Reply

    You are amazing, i seriously relate to your reading today 🥰

  • shell
    Posted at 22:11h, 28 August Reply

    Wow , powerful and on point for my journey at this time

  • Jason William Adams
    Posted at 22:07h, 28 August Reply

    I’ve had to let go of my mother she’s toxic and with traveling I’ve wondered if it’s going to be safe or should I just go and bout to leave and I’m setting my self free funny I listened to this right as the ending just happened. I’ve kept dealing with it but I was trying to shake things up. And yes I deserve the best with everything I been through. I’m definitely embracing my inner power yes I have been . Letting go of the people that gets in my way and most people limited period I have dealt with when I wanted peace bit their was any being their. I was

  • Angela Marshall
    Posted at 21:11h, 28 August Reply

    Wow this reading was super on point for me. I’m trying to learn how to love myself and also to give myself the life I’ve always felt that I should be leading but too terrified of failure that I’m stuck and not able to be independent, or confident. I am planning an escape from my toxic relationship and getting a fresh start/new beginning. I’m shocked at how much this resonates with my exact situation

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:28h, 29 August Reply

      Thank you, Angela!!! Sending love your way!!xoxoSirena

  • winsome
    Posted at 20:52h, 28 August Reply

    Hi Sirena. Thank you!

  • Mavilyn Greenlee
    Posted at 20:07h, 28 August Reply

    Will I have a financial breakthrough soon?

  • Yesenia Ortiz
    Posted at 18:03h, 28 August Reply

    Hi Serena, thanks for your mom reading, was really interesting and resonated with me in some situations like I have had a situation with someone in my mind that I can’t or a refuse to let it go, and there is other love situation that is entering in my life now but I have doubts if open my heart in it or not…so was good resonated with me…thanks again.


  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 17:21h, 28 August Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Ive had a toxic marriage from my wife. I’m had a severe trauma situations

    Um currently moving to a homeless place on my birthday which is on august 30th 2024
    I’ve never been homeless until Friday on the 30th


    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:32h, 29 August Reply

      Oh Scott, I’m so sorry to hear this. From this very, in many ways rock bottom situation, I’m sensing you will bounce even higher than before back into your power. Like bouncing off a diving board. I’m sending you protection energy and may blessings come your way. So much love xoxoxoSirena

  • Deborah
    Posted at 16:35h, 28 August Reply

    Thank you, Sirena.

    Posted at 14:25h, 28 August Reply

    I now look forward to Wednesdays because I will have a new reading from you! Your readings always speak to my mind, heart, and spirit so well! And are always just what I need to hear. Your gifts are just phenomenal! I know what I need to do but it’s hard to find the strength to do it. I’m so afraid that other door won’t open or I won’t like what’s on the other side. Your readings always help!

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:29h, 29 August Reply

      Awww Jerry, you made my day!!! So much love to you sweet soul!!xoxoxo

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 11:46h, 28 August Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Have a nice day ( Thursday ) and weekend.


  • Karen Drouin
    Posted at 09:58h, 28 August Reply

    I need to know about money work etc

  • Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
    Posted at 09:10h, 28 August Reply

    Thank Serena … It’s amazing and interesting I have feeling now

  • Susan Lawler
    Posted at 08:23h, 28 August Reply

    This Reading was right on the money with me every single bit of it however, my main question is, I’m extremely broken and torn up about the situation between my mother-in-law and me. We had a very very special relationship and I hadn’t got that close to anyone as a mother figure in my entire life since my mother passed away, I finally felt in my heart I could call her mom.
    I really love her however, my husband went and told her that I was mean to him which is the farthest from the truth we were being mean to each other he did a complete 360 on how he was treating me, and when he would get in my face and yell at me, it crushed me, and I instantly go into defense mode. When you get in my face like that cause I’ve been beat on all my life I stand up for myself. and I just won’t stand there and take it when it’s for no reason anyway, so she completely shunned me like I was a disease I’m not allowed to go to her home, which is right across our yard. I can’t help take care of her any situation I’m not allowed to be in any family function and when they do have family get together‘s, my husband tries to not stay over there so long but I tell him that he needs to. did they all take pictures and posted on Facebook and well of course I’m never there and I get asked all the time where were you? Where were you? It’s hurtful it’s demeaning uncalled for. I did not deserve that kind of hatred. My question is after this real long story will she ever mend things with me I even apologized to her when I know, and God knows how wrong he did me, and then turned around and lied to his mother. I just cry all the time it’s so hurtful pray about it all the time can you reading for see anything good come in between her and I ???

  • Shae Margaret Carroll
    Posted at 07:58h, 28 August Reply

    I love your readings. They’re amazing.. thankyou

  • Curlene Kirkland
    Posted at 06:51h, 28 August Reply

    Once more, thank you Serina for your moon reading. Can I know something about my love life.

  • Curlene Kirkland
    Posted at 06:48h, 28 August Reply

    Hello sirena, this moon reading was very informative and interesting.

  • Melanie
    Posted at 06:45h, 28 August Reply

    I want to know about my love life

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