22 Oct A Renewal Of Hope | Sirena Moon | Venus in Sagittarius Tarot Reading | 10/22
Have you been fearing the worst in love?
Sirena Moon says that Venus could renew hope in your love life as it travels through Sagittarius.
She’s here to help you ease the tension in your connections.
Just click the video below!
P.S. How will you take advantage of this positive energy? Comment below to let Sirena know!
Hello, everyone. Sirena Moon here. And this week, I am talking about Venus’s move into the sign of Sagittarius and what that might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this time. So on October 17, Venus, the planet of love and romance, moves into the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of expansion, travel, and joy. And it’s a stays there until November 11. So this move of the planet of love into the sign of Sagittarius, the planet of lightheartedness, expansion, laughter, playfulness, travel, exploration, could affect all of us in our own unique way, but could influence all of us to feel that we want to expand our horizons more, to feel that we want to be more playful, more lighthearted, more adventurous, especially in the areas of love and romance.
So this could create quite a good energy to enhance our abilities to flirt, to be charismatic, or to really have fun with all of our relationships and especially in love. So with that being said, now I’m going to tap into spirit, and I’m asking spirit to please guide this reading to give us all any messages spirit would have us know for our highest good about Venus into Sagittarius about this time. About this time. Okay, so Venus and Sagittarius. Okay, so this is the Seven of Pentacles. And it’s about all the hard work we’ve done, all the things we’ve focused on maybe for the last part of this year, you know, the last ten months or so, everything we’ve tended to and all the seeds we’ve planted and everything that we’re trying to grow in our lives.
So Venus is not just about love, but it’s also about what we value. So there’s this feeling to really look at what we’re growing in our lives and what we value and what more we want to bring into our lives that is aligned with what we value and how we value ourselves. Okay. And there’s this feeling to keep tending to what we’re growing and to know that it’s going to bloom in its perfect time and that all of the work that you’ve done, maybe on a relationship or on yourself, and in terms of who you’re becoming in relationship, it’s been really good work. Okay. And those seeds that you planted are going to yield fruit. They’re going to yield blooms. Okay.
There’s some feeling here that possibly something during this couple weeks that Venus is in Sagittarius, possibly something will come to bloom from the effort you put in either to a relationship or to your self growth or to something that you value deeply, that you’ve been building. Okay. And what our focus. What is the focus of this time? Who? The Queen of Wands. Okay. So, yes, this is a highly creative card. So it’s something that we feel passionate about. And the queen of wands is related to the sign of Sagittarius. Cause Sagittarius is a fire sign, and the Queen of Wands is the queen of fire. Okay? So this is about tapping into your joy, into your creativity, and to continue to put your effort and your energy into this beautiful thing that brings you joy. Okay?
And that really just makes you feel your creative fire and your passion. All right? And to keep focused around this time, there’s this feeling that there’s a really supportive energy to everything that you value. So, interesting. So, Venus. Yes. It’s the planet of love, but it’s also really about what we value and what we’re passionate about. Okay? And there’s this feeling here to tap into what you’re passionate about creating. Okay? At this time. And for some of you, I’m feeling a sense of adventure, you know, allowing yourself to take an adventure or to expand your horizons in some way. Okay? What to let go of. What to let go of during Venus and Sagittarius. Ooh, the Queen of Swords. Okay, so this is, like, a feeling I’m getting from many of you.
Releasing self criticism, okay, of releasing your overthinking of things or your judgment on yourself, of turning in on yourself, but rather getting in your body and following your gut. Following your gut here, okay. Getting out of your head and into your body, all right, and following your heart, following your passion, following your joy, and letting a lot of the mental worry kind of fall away, at least for a few weeks, while venus is in Sagittarius, allowing yourself to tap into your passion, into what brings you joy, into what you want to create and being creative, okay? And allowing yourself to stop judging yourself so harshly, because maybe you’ve put some of you put quite a lot of effort into something, and it hasn’t bloomed yet, it hasn’t manifested yet.
And maybe some of you get really down on yourself or second guess yourself or feel like you’ve made a mistake somehow or you’ve been on the wrong path somehow. And there’s this feeling to release self criticism, okay. Also, I’m feeling for many of you to release the judgment that it hasn’t happened yet and to allow divine timing. That’s what I’m hearing. To release the judgment that you’ve placed, maybe unconsciously, on the universe and to know that you can’t see everything behind the scenes. Okay. You can’t see everything that is in the realm of the unseen, the realm of the energetic, and how that’s all lining up together. You don’t know what perfect timing is, and you don’t. You don’t have access to all of that, but. But spirit does. The higher part of you does. Okay.
So it’s this feeling to release judgment on the timing of this dream that you’ve been tending to. Okay. And to continue to be creative and to get your hands in the clay and just do it and follow your gut here. Follow. Follow that feeling inside where you’re like, oh, I just have to do this, or I just have. This just makes me happy. I have to continue this even if I can’t see how it’s going to work out. Okay. And then what to embrace during this Venus and Sagittarius time, what should we embrace? Oh, the Wheel of Fortune. Okay, so this is embracing change. Okay. Embrace the unexpected. Embrace. Embrace it. Embrace a new direction. Okay. Embrace. Embrace letting go of the way you.
You thought this was going to manifest, all of this hard work and focus you’ve put into it, the way you thought this plan was going to go and embrace adventure. Like with Venus in Sagittarius, it’s all about adventure. Embracing the wild unknown, embracing all that’s unknown, and knowing that things are always working in your favor spiritually, even though it doesn’t appear that way sometimes, that things are working out on your behalf. Okay. Embracing a consciousness like that as best as you can, as potentially in the next few weeks, there’s kind of a shift and a plan, potentially, there could be something a little bit unexpected that happens. But this is the card of luck, so it’s always for the more fortunate. Okay. I feel like we got this card last week as well. So that’s interesting.
So this time, definitely embracing change. Okay. Especially if it’s something that you kind of weren’t expecting in some funny kind of way. All right. But, yeah. So being open to the unexpected, to doing things in a different way, and to a change in a plan about something. All right. And then what is a surprise element? What is a surprise element? Spirit. About this time? Oh, the Three of Swords upside down. Okay. So surprise element is there could be a healing of some kind in a surprise way. So somebody that broke your heart in the past or some situation that perhaps was really upsetting to you with it upside down, there could be a surprise.
You could be surprised that you get over it, or there could be a surprise message you received somehow or surprise kind of happening where you’re able to say, oh, I can finally heal that, okay. I can finally release that thing that once was very upsetting. So there’s a kind of a feeling of a healing or a release, kind of in a. In an unexpected way for many of you. Okay. It could because you hear from somebody or you unexpectedly. Can I get another card in that spirit, maybe you have a change of perspective. The Six of Swords in reverse. Okay. So it could be that. It could be that some of you thought that you had lost an opportunity, and then it turns out you don’t have to leave it behind, okay.
That actually you don’t have to move on from this or that the other person never moved on, or there’s some feeling that what you thought had left you didn’t leave you. Okay, that’s. That’s interesting. So. But it’ll be. It’ll come. The message will come in a surprise way, and it’ll be something that you didn’t expect from any of you. Okay. There’s kind of a feeling of things kind of not going as planned during this Venus and Sagittarius time in some way, but it’s ultimately kind of healing and even relieving something that you thought some opportunity, possibly for many of you, or could be a person that you thought had moved on or had left your life. There’s a healing with that. Perhaps the opportunity is still on the table. Okay. For some of you. All right.
And now let’s see, what is the final message for the Venus and Sagittarius time? What is the final message? The Queen of Cups. Oh, wow. We got three queens in this reading. Wow. So the queen of wands is our focus during this time, which this is all about. Sagittarius energy, creativity, joy, expansion, and being in your. In your body. Okay. Letting go the queen of swords. Letting go of our. Of our mind. Overthinking in our critical. Being. Self critical. Okay. And then the overall message is queen of cups. So our heart. Okay. So some message here, possibly a healing of the heart. Okay. That can be achieved through being open and willing to change. Okay. In a positive way. Being open and being watery, flowing like water.
Not being controlling of how we think something is going to go for us, but rather being totally open to how the flow is the next couple of weeks and knowing that all of our hard work is going to pay off, even if we have to just be a little bit more patient. Okay. So there’s an emotional gratification, the more we can tap into our joy and creativity and inner fire and passion during this beautiful Venus in Sagittarius time. Okay. There’s a feeling of emotional happiness that can come from all of that, which is really nice. And now I’ll do an affirmation card for Venus in Sagittarius time. What is an affirmation? Spirit? Ooh. Two of Cups. It is my nature to extend love, connection, and harmony. Two of Cups. Oh, that’s nice. The Queen of Cups and Two of Cups.
So that’s a nice sign for emotional connection with others and with yourself and the feeling of things. Flowing. Enjoy. Flowing. So the affirmation, it is in my nature to extend love. Venus, the planet of love in Sagittarius, the planet of expansion. So let your love extend. Okay. It’s part of your nature to give and receive love. Okay? Let your heart open and let that love shine out. Okay? That’s what spirit wants for you during this time and really every day. Okay? So I hope that helps. And as always, this is a group general reading. But if you want a personal reading where we look deeply into your situation, whatever it is you are going through, I would love to give you a personal reading. Just click the link below for that.
And until we meet again, I am sending you all so much love and so many blessings. Bye.
Posted at 05:16h, 30 OctoberLove this reading thank you