A Romantic Awakening | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 3/31 – 4/2

Have you been feeling a desire for things to change in your love life lately? Inner changes and realizations you may experience this weekend could bring a fresh surge of romance into your life.

Galena the Mystic is here today with a pick your own card love reading to clarify the current energies in your relationships, so you can experience a romantic awakening. Enjoy!

Early Bird Sign Up For Private Readings With Galena

Exciting news! Starting this April, Galena the Mystic will be offering Private Tarot Readings to a select few of Cosmic Updates subscribers. Due to popular demand, her schedule will fill up fast.

If you’d like a Private Tarot Reading from Galena, and want to cut ahead of the line, then enter your Name and Email in the form below to secure your early bird spot…

P.S. Which card did you choose and what did it have to say about your love life? Leave a comment below and let Galena know!


Hello, beautiful people here at Cosmic Updates. It’s Galina the Mystic, your intuitive tarot reader again. And I’m back with another Weekend Love Reading, this time for the weekend of March 31 through April 2.

I’m really excited for this one, because spring has sprung. And I feel so optimistic and hopeful about the love we’re manifesting, not just for others but for ourselves, especially as we continue to create community and encourage one another in the comments. Thank you so much for your vulnerability and your openness and your warmth. I really deeply appreciate you sharing so much of your stories with me and with one another. So thank you so much for that. And thank you for doing something to take care of yourselves by tuning into this reading today.

This is another picker card. So you’re going to use your intuition to choose from one of the three stones that I show you. And feel free to check out more than one pile if you’re not entirely sure, claiming the messages that feel right and feel affirming to your experience. Now let’s get into your pile selection.

Okay, lovelies, I have your crystals ready for you. So for pile number one, we have an amethyst. For pile number two, we have clear quartz. And for pile number three, we have hematite, which is inscribed with the word faith. Feel free to pause and take a moment if you need some more time. And I’ll see you in your readings.

First Group – Amethyst
Welcome pile one, thank you so much for being here. You chose this amethyst, which is amazing for connecting to your intuition, enhancing your dreams and also activating your psychic gifts. Let’s go ahead and see what your overarching energy is for your love life this weekend.

And we have the Three of Wands, which is a wonderful energy all about moving forward, making plans for the future, kind of understanding which aspects of the past you need to leave behind you and which aspects you can actually take forward, what lessons you’ve learned that are really useful.

Let’s go ahead and pull some more cards to see what other messages spirit has about your love life this weekend. What does my pile one need to know? Okay, we have Justice reversed.

I also wanted to mention that, with the Three of Wands, you could be traveling this weekend. Let’s go ahead and get a couple more cards.

We have the Six of Swords. So yes, moving forward, moving forward with mental clarity, understanding what you’re going to take with you and what you’re going to leave behind, especially mentally, what mental baggage are you leaving behind?

Justice reversed, someone could have lied to you. Okay, if there were lies that you’ve been told by others, whether it was your family, whether it was a past partner, or lies that you’ve told yourself. You’re actually deprogramming your brain from those things.

And we see that really reflected with this Queen of Swords reversed as well. So something that you’ve been really good at… I actually get this feeling intuitively that this is something you’ve already been working on. And this weekend, you’re actually going to feel like you’re moving forward.

But something you’ve really been putting effort into is reprogramming your mind… the way you speak about yourself, and being more honestly compassionate with yourself.

Let’s go ahead and pull another card. This is really exciting energy. I love this for you. It seems like this weekend, you finally feel like you’ve left it behind.

And I’m also hearing the song Closer by Goapele, I believe is her name. Particularly I’m hearing the words. “Sometimes it feels as though I’ll never move past it. But I’m moving higher and higher closer to my dreams.” That’s what I’m hearing. So I love that.

Wow, you’ve been doing amazing work reprogramming your mind and also choosing to regulate your nervous system. And shifting your focus away from those who maybe have spoken negatively or spoken negativity over your life is what I’m hearing.

Let’s go ahead and get a couple more messages for you. Okay, we have two cards here, Knight of Cups reversed and the Tower reversed. So if you’ve been waiting for some kind of offer, and it hasn’t happened, I feel like this weekend you’re finally accepting that it hasn’t happened on your timeline. Not that it might never happen. Well, you kind of are accepting that it might never happen and you’re becoming comfortable with that.

But with the Ace of Wands here on top of the deck, I’m also seeing that there is actually a fresh new beginning and something this weekend that really inspires you and gets you moving.

However, with this Knight of Cups reversed and the Tower, this could have literally been a broken engagement, or some sort of offer, some sort of proposal that wasn’t made to you. And this was a huge Tower moment internally for you. It really made you question yourself. It really made you maybe take on a lot of lies and false… falseness, surrounding who you are and how worthy you are and what you’re capable of manifesting in your life.

And so that’s where this Queen of Swords reversed and Justice reversed comes in. But I can see that this Tower moment, you’re actually finally moving past it. You’re finally putting it behind you.

I’m hearing Smoky Quartz, which is my favorite crystal for removing emotional baggage and breaking free of karmic cycle. So I’m really seeing that this Tower moment that was so destructive to you, and was so difficult for you to bear, you’re actually finally making progress this weekend. And you’re going to feel inspired, again, you’re going to feel like you can finally move forward, that you’re going to say yes to something, is what I’m hearing, that you’re going to follow your inspiration.

And you’re finally feeling like you have control of your energy, that you’re able to put your energy towards the future. And that is your area of focus. Your mental focus is actually you’re feeling driven, you’re feeling driven forward. I’m almost getting, like, the Chariot vibes. But it’s, it’s very much the beginning and… not the end, if that makes sense.

So I’m seeing here with this Three of Wands, Six of Wands, you’re actually looking towards the future with hope you have something to work on, is what I’m hearing. So this could be some aspects of your love manifestation that you’re able to focus a little bit more on and hone in on. There’s just this energy of focus that I’m getting. Your focus is in the right direction.

And it could be completely unrelated to love. Say you have a new creative endeavor that you’re working on. Or say you have a healing modality that you’re taking on, that you feel really confident and comfortable with. And you’re just focusing on that, and it makes you feel good. It makes you feel energized. I have, like, a burst of energy. I feel really excited, actually. So that’s the messages I’m getting for you for this weekend for your tarot cards.

So when you see me touching the cards and kind of spreading them around, it really helps me channel messages.

Another message I’m getting for you intuitively is that you could be meeting someone this weekend that really shakes up your worldview. And this is not necessarily romantic, but something about them just really inspires you. It sparks something within you where you feel, even if it doesn’t amount to anything romantic with this one particular person, you just feel hopeful and optimistic. Like, wow, I made a new friend or I made a new connection. That’s really helping me to move forward and understand that my life doesn’t exist in the past. The future that I want to manifest doesn’t exist in the past.

You’re officially also moving on from exes, and you’re not hoping for them to come back anymore. There’s something that I’m hearing for you for this weekend. You’re actually finally looking up, looking forward, and facing the future you desire, and just the possibility of it. And it seems really open-ended. It seems like this energy is going to carry you really far. And you’re not exactly sure what that’s going to look like. But that’s kind of the excitement of it, actually… get a lot of unknown energy with this. And it’s interesting, because these aren’t always cards that I associate with the unknown. But that is what I’m getting for you.

So let’s go ahead and see your Oracle Card from the Kuan Yin Oracle deck. You have Ivory Swan Goddess, wow. So you’re reconnecting with something pure within you, something divine within you. You’re seeing your inner light again. You’re kind of stripping things back also, is what I’m hearing. It’s almost like you’re clearing, you’re doing a lot of clearing, actually. And you’re removing all of the impurities that other people may have projected on you, or things that you sort of gathered energies and thoughts and constructs that you sort of gathered from other relationships in your life is what I’m hearing.

So you’re clearing out negative thoughts you’ve had, things that you’ve picked up that are not necessarily natural, and spirit right now is talking to me about how natural your pure essence is, how natural it is to find yourself beautiful, how that’s actually what you were designed for you were designed to appreciate yourself. And you were designed to appreciate others.

And there’s just this pure, beautiful essence about you this weekend, where you’re finally able to see yourself clearly for the first time in a long time. And it’s a good thing you see yourself clearly and it’s something that you really appreciate actually. You’re like, wow, um, some of you, this could be inner child work where you see yourself as a child and you’re like, wow, nothing was ever wrong with me. I can’t believe I went XYZ, 5, 10, 15, 20 years of my life believing these lies where people maybe told me I was unworthy. You told me I was horrible or told me that I would never amount to anything or that I would never experience great love, right? There’s no reason for me to think any of those things. And so that’s what this Ivory Swan Goddess is telling me. You’re stripping back all of those lies that have been told to you. And you’re finally moving forward with just, like, this sense of optimism and clarity about who you are and what’s possible for you.

So pile one, this is really exciting. Thank you so much for bringing your energy to the table. And please go ahead and comment down below if this resonates and just what you’re up to this weekend. I love reading about it and I love reading about your healing journey. I’m sending you all so much compassion, so much grace, so much abundance, and so much love. And I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.

Second Group – Clear Quartz
Hello, pile two. You chose this clear quartz. So this is a stone of truth, clarity, and amplifies other energies, and it removes obstruction. So let’s go ahead and see what your overarching energies are for your love life this weekend. And you actually got two cards, the first one being the Two of Wands reversed. And the second one being Strength reversed.

Wow, let me go ahead and feel into this. If you see me kind of touching the cards or pushing them with my hands, I hope it doesn’t bother you. That’s just part of how I channeled messages.

Wow, so I see that you’re struggling to accept something. You’re struggling to accept something, and it’s actually preventing you from moving forward.

With this Strength reversed, you might feel like you don’t have the willpower to accept it. Let’s go ahead and get a couple more cards. This could be something that happened in the past with this Two of Wands reversed.

Let’s go ahead and get some clarification. Okay, we have here the Queen of Wands, the Page of Pentacles reversed. So this could be some sort of creative endeavor that didn’t quite work out. You’re having a hard time stepping forward, though, is what I’m hearing. And you’re actually being invited to take a pause. I can see that with this Four of Swords.

With this Queen of Wands, this is someone who’s very capable, very sensual, very attractive, very creative. But with this Page of Pentacles reversed, it’s almost like you can’t move forward with that energy, and you don’t know where to apply, is something that I’m hearing.

Maybe you’re attracting a lot of people in your life right now. But it’s almost as if you can’t accept their advances, or you can’t accept, or maybe you don’t want to accept. Like, maybe they… you feel like they don’t fit into your life. Or maybe you can’t accept that you’re attractive enough to receive their advances. When people make offers to you, you could be denying them or rejecting them.

Let’s go ahead and get a couple more clarifying cards… it’s a really interesting energy that I’m picking up on. It’s like you want to move forward in your love manifestation. But you’re almost struggling to accept that you’re an attractive person, are struggling to accept that people want to be around you.

We have the Star reversed. Let’s get a couple more. What else does pile two need to know about their love life this weekend?

I’m hearing a message about what makes you unique. This weekend, you’re really working on what makes you unique. And showing your authentic self to the world. This Star card’s making me think of vulnerability. (I’m actually going to go ahead and cover this. So I don’t get in trouble by YouTube.) But it’s making me think of vulnerability and showing your true colors and showing your scars to someone.

And the Star’s also making me think of the sign of Aquarius, which is the sign of unconventionality and rebellion. So there’s something different, there’s something unique about you.

For some of you, maybe you’ve tried to turn your unique qualities into a business venture of some sort, and it hasn’t taken off. And maybe that’s shaking your confidence in love a little bit. That’s kind of a specific message. But generally for you, group number two, I’m really seeing that you’re struggling to express your uniqueness and your vulnerability to others in a way that makes you feel confident in love. And so with this Strength reversed, I’m getting this message of self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is really where you are go…

Oh, wow, I just was interrupted, and I just heard the message… you could be like a quirky person, people could find you kind of an oddball, you could be like the black sheep of your family or of your community. And you can be feeling like it’s kind of getting in the way of love, or no one else would understand your uniqueness. But really what I’m seeing is that that’s actually what makes you so attractive. And leaning into that. And embracing that and beginning to express yourself more boldly is actually going to be vital, not just for your career, because for a lot of you, I do see that this is career related as well. But also for your love life.

If you’re not able to roar like this lion, right, you’re kind of taming yourself right now. And if you’re not able to be more vocal about who you are and what you really stand for, then I have a feeling that that’s going to keep blocking your love life, and you’re not going to be able to take practical steps forward.

Let’s go ahead and get a couple more cards. Oh my goodness. Okay, so a couple fell out. But it was quite a lot. So let’s go ahead and get a couple more cards for you. Okay, we have a lot of cards that keeps spilling out actually. It’s been, it’s been kind of a lot. And so I’m seeing here that someone could be spilling their feelings to you pretty soon. If that happens, please go in the comments and let me know, very interested.

But we have the Page of Cups reversed, Knight of Swords reversed. You can actually be the one spilling your feelings, and I’m actually going to use the other stone to my other piles, thank you so much piles one and three for volunteering their stones to us.

But what I’m seeing here is that you have everything you need with the world to get someone or go after someone that you want. Because we have the Page of Cups and the Knight of Swords reversed, which both give me this idea of going after it. And with this Ace of Wands, this is a “yes” card. So receiving a yes in response to something inspires action. Especially with Aries season right now, I’m really feeling that you’re being encouraged to take inspired action.

So I think you could be encouraged to tell someone your true feelings this weekend, especially because so many cards are just flying out. And with the World, I am seeing that you are complete. You’re whole and complete, and you’re perfect, and you actually have everything you need.

Not to mention, we have the Sun on top of the deck, which is all about vulnerability and exposure. Some of you, I’m also getting a message, you could be experiencing more exposure in your career for some reason, or socially, you could just be experiencing more exposure. And it’s actually making you, like, want to clam up a little bit. You’re being encouraged to embrace more Leo energy, and embrace who you truly are.

Also, I’m hearing something about your throat chakra, your voice being really important.

And so something also is being illuminated here. I’m seeing here that with this Page of Pentacles reversed a blockage to your success is being illuminated or multiple blockages to your success are being illuminated. With this reversal though I’m feeling like most of the blockages are internal paradigms that you’re kind of unlearning or shifting.

So let’s go ahead and see what your Quan Yin Oracle Card is. But I am feeling like with this Ace of Wands, you’re going to be saying yes, moving in a new direction, and actually embracing your voice, expressing yourself more boldly.

So let’s go ahead and see what this is. We have the Gates of Heaven. Wow, okay, so this talks about how we can live in the Forbidden City of fear of attachment to the roles that are prescribed to us. And we can subscribe to that and stay small. Or we can enter the gates of heaven, overcome our fears, and receive our blessings from the universe.

So, wow, you’re being called to stop limiting yourself. Don’t limit yourself to specific roles that others give you. Don’t limit yourself to the fears or the constructs that other people have introduced into your life and that you’ve sort of internalized. There’s really no reason for you to keep yourself small. And it could be preventing you from meeting the love of your life, or being honest with the love of your life, and actually manifesting that relationship.

And with this card, I’m really getting the message that there is a blessing of a relationship possible for you. Because this card is about divine miracles and ordained blessings that we are meant to receive in our lifetimes. It’s really a card about destiny. And so I can see that in more ways than just your love life, in more ways than one.

Your voice being more vocal, sharing more of yourself with the world, being more honest and more authentic and really baring it all. Something about that is important to your destiny. So for example, I am an intuitive tarot reader, right. For a long time it was hard for me to say that, especially on the internet, and especially in front of a lot of people, but once I started saying it, more blessings entered my life and more opportunities for me to read tarot professionally started appearing in my life.

And so state who you are and what you are, and state it with confidence and state it boldly. And you’re going to see so many blessings start to filter into your life, including a potential love connection. So this is really beautiful energy pile two.

In the comments state who you are. I really want to know. Introduce yourself. Think about what you would say if you went on a date. How would you introduce yourself? Or alternatively you can share a unique talent you have. Get the ball rolling on some of this energy work you’re doing this weekend. Okay, so pile two. I love you so so much. Thank you for tuning into this reading. And I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.

Third Group – Hematite
Hello, pile three. Thanks so much for being here. You chose this Faith worry stone which is made of hematite, and this helps transmute energies. It can help transmute fear into faith. It can help transmute stress to protection and so on and so forth. So if you need to turn some negative vibes into some positive vibes, this is an amazing stone for you.

Let’s go ahead and see what your overall energy is for the weekend of March 31 to April 2. And I see here we have the Four of Cups reversed, as well as the Four of Pentacles reversed, very interesting.

So the Four of Pentacles and the Four of Cups are both cards that can talk about attachment. You could be learning about your attachment style, or you could be working on creating more secure attachment. But with these cards, I can see you’re kind of looking back at the past and looking at ways that you’ve expressed attachment before.

And it’s kind of putting you off this weekend, if I’m being honest. It’s like you have clarity. So this is something I can relate to a little bit because something happened when I turned about 24. Around that time, I kind of started looking at my teenager self with more IQ of like, oh my gosh, I can’t believe that one time I did that, I can’t believe that I was that way in relationships, or I can’t believe that I used to be so insecure in this way or that way, right.

And so you’re being invited to have more compassion for yourself, first of all, and understand that you only knew what you knew. And past relationships, you could be realizing that you were toxic in different ways. And now it’s almost like you feel sober. And you really want to release the past. You really want to release burdens of the past. And you’re kind of looking back at times when you weren’t as clear on things and you weren’t as aware of things. And now it’s time for a fresh new beginning.

I mean, we have the Fool here. So you’re actually, even though this is the energy of the Fool, which can sometimes talk about being oblivious, I’m not getting that for you. I’m almost getting the message that you wish you were oblivious, so that you didn’t have to like cringe at yourself, pile three.

But it’s actually better to adopt a good sense of humor about who you used to be. For example, if you’re good friends with an ex who was in maybe a toxic partnership with you, and maybe you’ve matured, maybe you’ve moved on… maybe have a laugh with them about how you used to show up in relationships. And I think that that could actually make you feel a lot better.

But with this full kind of embrace this new beginning energy, understand that you only knew what you knew in the past. And that the way you’ve behaved in relationships is not indicative of who you are as a person. And we’re all only human, right.

So let’s go ahead and get a couple more cards for you. And I’m really getting this energy of wanting to laugh. And I feel like it’s because you’re really being encouraged to take yourself a little bit less seriously. You could have recently gone through a phase of shadow work. And now you’re being encouraged to embrace the sun again, and kind of get going and get moving and step into leadership roles as well.

Let’s go ahead and see what else this is. We have a card that flipped over, we have the Page of Cups, ooh, wow, okay, King of Wands, Page of Cups. This could be someone actually. This could be a masculine Air sign coming to make an offer for you. That’s a very literal interpretation. But I am seeing the potential here for an offer.

And I’m also hearing peace offering. So someone who you’ve kind of maybe had a tough past with, you could be having this type of connection this weekend where you just kind of get together and reminisce about the past and kind of laugh at yourselves for how silly and maybe immature you were in the past, both of you. And I’m seeing that this conversation can actually help you have more compassion for yourself. And it can help you regain your confidence and kind of own it, is what I’m hearing.

And for those of you who have ever seen real housewives, I’m picturing Lisa Rana saying, “Own it right now.” So maybe you just need to own your past more fully and kind of take accountability for your past actions. And it’s gonna allow you to move forward in a way that feels really healthy, positive, good humoured, optimistic. That’s the energy I’m getting for you this weekend. So yeah, this conversation could be occurring.

Let’s go ahead and get another one. We have Ace of Cups. Wow, okay. So for some of you, you are actually beginning a new relationship this week, or you’re deepening some sort of relationship this week. And it’s coming from radical honesty, authenticity, really baring your heart and kind of pouring your emotions out. But, again, it doesn’t feel heavy. It feels good humor, it feels light. So some kind of good humored conversation, just kind of smooth things over.

For some of you, you could have recently been in a situation with someone where you just fought. And it was kind of a silly argument, you know, maybe the moon was void, of course, or maybe you were both hangry or something like that. And you just kind of took it out on each other. And now you’re able to laugh about it. And it’s almost like it refreshes your whole connection. And this comes from you both just kind of owning your role in this situation. And being able to look at it from a place of maturity, as we have the King here who’s the most mature or the most evolved of all the court cards. So here there’s this energy of maturity. And I’m also getting Sagittarius energy. So for some of you that could be relevant, but of course, it’s not going to apply to all of you.

So let’s go ahead and look at your Oracle Card from the Kuan Yin Oracle. And we have here the Amaryllis Lute, so this is all about five and tuning your vibration. And I love this message about fine tuning and adjusting. Because we’re always growing, we’re always getting better. Part of why this could be painful… you kind of looking back at past decisions you’ve made with more clarity and more maturity. It could be extra icky to you or feel extra cringy to you. Because you think of yourself as a very self-aware and maybe compassionate person, or you’ve always been mature for your age. But we’re always adjusting, we’re always learning, growing, and fine tuning our vibrations. And this new fine tune meant this adjustment. It’s something that you’re able to do in order to manifest better connections.

So you’re actually manifesting more good humored partners, and people who take things a little bit lighter, people who are really vulnerable as well in a way where they can just laugh at themselves. And you being able to laugh at yourself is allowing you to manifest people who can laugh at themselves, too. So you’re taking yourself a little less seriously, but also maturing at the same time, which is an amazing combination for you this weekend, pile three.

So go ahead and comment a funny story from maybe a bad day you’ve had, maybe a silly argument you’ve had. I’ve totally been there where I had a conversation with someone or nitpicked at my partner for something and then ended up being totally in the wrong and us having a really good laugh at it. So maybe tell us a fun story about that. Or just something silly that you do, something silly that, you know, okay, this is my ego. This is an immature thing that I have. Maybe I get a little jealous, or maybe I have a hard time admitting when I’m wrong. And we can just laugh about it and cheer each other on. I would really love that.

So with that being said, pile three, I’m sending you all the compassion and grace in the world. And I will see you in the next reading. Okay, bye bye.

Galena The Mystic
Galena The Mystic

Galena the Mystic is an intuitive tarot reader and spiritual educator. She specializes in helping her clients with love, manifestation, personal empowerment, and psychic development. As a lifelong student and teacher of the mystical arts, she believes that all things are possible through self-trust, compassion, and serenity!

  • Alisa Collins
    Posted at 17:43h, 08 April Reply

    I’m Holy stating :
    I’m a Virtuous Christian Woman of God.
    Yes, me and my guy had a silly simple argument over something stupid that could have been compromised and worked out.
    I do feel out of faith he will return with a new perspective of how to move forward. Now I know how to move forward as well, with laughter and the fact I’m ready because I have been focusing on myself internally and will lighten up on myself. Doing things differently to grow as a person so we can grow before his arrival. Imma be ready for my Holy Hercules ( inside joke).

    Thank you kindly

  • Misty
    Posted at 22:52h, 02 April Reply

    Yes beyond understanding

  • Carmen
    Posted at 16:26h, 02 April Reply

    Hi Galena
    I must say iam amazed by ypur readings…I been checking my readings on here for a year and a half but I must say yours was the best..I dont mean to say the other readers were not good but yours was the most clearly expressed and very much resonated with me the unusual thing is the first reading hit completely and when you said vocal I really said wow…cause I sing since i was a child til now and have musician friends lots of them and some are intetested in me but i hold back for certain reasons…and then your second reading also fit some of my situation as well…and by the way iam a tarot reader myself but havent been able to read clearly for myself in a few years cause of health issues but i used to be pretty good from what others said that i used to read for…i been reading for more than 30 years ..and thats why I felt my intuition tells me to let you know you are a amazing reader and i hope cosmic updates will make you the main reader

  • Luvky Libra
    Posted at 12:00h, 02 April Reply

    Galena I’m am sooooo amazed by you since day one I liked you. I was group 2 today an let me tell you your spot on and I’m sooooo happy to hear the good news also you mentioned show authenticity . All of my other readings have been saying the same thing show my true self and come out the shell the world needs to see me. I’m a struggling plus size model for years so idk if they mean show myself more or what honestly I don’t know what this mean because I thought I was showing my true self .

  • Andrew Clinton
    Posted at 08:59h, 02 April Reply

    Blessings to you Galena.
    Lovely reading.Resonated with most of it.
    Thank you.

  • Jo
    Posted at 04:51h, 02 April Reply

    Yes it’s resonated..You’re great Galena!

  • Randy Alvarado
    Posted at 14:34h, 01 April Reply

    Hi my name is Randy, had an argument with my last girlfriend, because it was my fault I was frustrated I had a lot of things on my plate,, I just wish I could apologize to her but it seems like she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore, can you give me an answer?

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:49h, 01 April Reply

      Hey there, Randy! I hear and see you and I’m sending you so much compassion as you navigate this tough chapter. While I cannot give you a specific answer here, I am offering private readings soon! Make sure to sign up in the form above to get notified about my personal guidance this month! <3 🙂

  • Chanelle B.
    Posted at 08:33h, 01 April Reply

    Galena!!! Good morning, so spot on for pile 2. I am an ♒️ rising, eccentric in all ways & the black sheep amongst family & friends. At the age of 40, I have grown to accept it and embrace it, but still also struggle with having congenital cataract in ☝🏾 eye. Many times I avoid direct eye contact with people, especially walking in the street. Subconsciously, I tend to look away— thus possibly walking past my potential soulmate, divine relationship. My throat chakra is def blocked, I struggle to express how I truly feel, which is contradictive to my ♐️ moon that is blunt & direct when I do express myself 😂. Queen of Wands is my personality card, and with the Page of Pentsr, it’s def my current energy. Moving forward & accepting advances. Rejecting them…. So yea, you read me alright. Thanking Spirit for delivering the message! Love you!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:50h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you sooo much for sharing what resonated, Chanelle! I’m so happy to hear this reading helped you and that you feel gratitude toward Spirit for the affirmations. Sending you lots of love! 🙂

  • Jeffrey Craven
    Posted at 06:17h, 01 April Reply

    I am in love with someone but I messed up big time with her and I dint know if she will forever or take me back. My family and friends tell me to move on but she is always on my mind. I miss her so much and love her so much. I don’t know what to do. I left her out of the blue for someone else and now I come to find out that person isn’t who they say they were and now the woman I truly love is gone and I dint want to live without her anymore. Please can I have your advice on what I should do to get our relationship back to a stronger place.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:54h, 01 April Reply

      Hey there Jeffrey, I am so sorry to hear that you’re experiencing regret in your love life right now. As I am not tapped into your situation fully, I cannot say for sure if she will return. However, I can say that these separations often happen because we are meant to learn a lesson before we can give and receive true love, and the separations often heal and can be mended when we fully begin to accept the lessons and work through the consequences of our past mistakes. The more your vibration rises, the more you are likely to attract the person you are meant to be with. If you’re interested in receiving personalized guidance in a private reading from me, make sure to sign up in the form below the video! I’m wishing you lots of luck! <3

  • Darlene Carpenter
    Posted at 02:10h, 01 April Reply

    Lol I’m a Sagittarius🤣, your 3rd reading with hematite stone .,most accurately, was with my ex boyfriend & we laughed in conversation about the way we acted towards each other ..both knowing we had love in our hearts .but knowing better to be friends. Knowing we would always be close towards one another. I felt satisfied saying goodbye ❤️❤️❤️

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:54h, 01 April Reply

      Haha, I’m so happy to hear this, Darlene! I’m so glad this reading resonated and that you received the closure you needed. Thank you for sharing. <3

  • Maria del Carmen
    Posted at 01:50h, 01 April Reply

    Thank you for your reading. Seems like all of them had a little for me, Again thank youl

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:55h, 01 April Reply

      Lovely, Maria! Thanks for tuning in. <3

  • Ty
    Posted at 23:58h, 31 March Reply

    Thank you for my reading which was pile 3 Faith. I love it and I can say that I look back on my past and laugh at some of the things that I have done and was really wrong. I did apologize for it but I had just walked out of my bf house mad for no reason just was like it’s done he was confused. Idk why lol but we talk about it.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:57h, 01 April Reply

      When we are able to find the humor in a situation, it’s a good sign we have evolved beyond it. I love this for you and glad you get to talk it out from a place of authenticity and acceptance! <3

  • Danielle
    Posted at 23:46h, 31 March Reply

    I picked pile 3 and it resonated and described my currant stage deeply. One embarrassing thing I’ve done was thinking I can be slick and have this guy pick me up without any effort n communication for like 3 days, then when the day came he flaked on me and I didn’t get picked up. Lol I look back and have to laugh because damn I rly thought I could finesse him like that

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 22:59h, 01 April Reply

      Hahaha, I had to share a laugh with you, Danielle! I’m glad you’ve realized that you should put more effort into your connections to receive dependability. Sending you lots of love as we continue maturing in love! 🙂

  • Linda
    Posted at 22:51h, 31 March Reply

    Thank you Love Your Authenticity
    All pikes spoke to me about recent (1 week ago) in regard to breakup planetary influences were sooo intense that my world was turned upside down! Crashing pain of lies & manipulations to my Core
    I have been put down for my voice in every way by my recent x partner I was hurt angry & surprised at his arrogance I told him to take his arrogance self chauvinistic self on his own path he had ruined the creative endeavor in the new business we started 1.1/2 yrs ago it needs to sell asap I have been working on that manifestation my heart has been broken again by him – so many triggers for me I saw the red flags had left 3x before I was trying to listen to my intuition but believed him Ian licking my wounds

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:00h, 01 April Reply

      I’m sending you lots of love and compassion as you heal from this hardship, Linda! Thank you for tuning in and receiving my messages. <3

  • Angela Beebe
    Posted at 21:50h, 31 March Reply

    I picked pile 1 and 3 . All the piles resonate with me . I am a visionary and I hear angel messages and ideas In my thoughts sometimes . I am learning how to no have or be co dependent In any relationships . I am putting myself first and growing . Progress not profection.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:01h, 01 April Reply

      Progress, not perfection! Beautiful message, Angela. I am glad you tapped in and resonated with these readings! Thank you for sharing and showing up on your healing journey. <3

  • Michelle
    Posted at 21:43h, 31 March Reply

    Thank you
    My choice was amethyst such a great reading

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:03h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Michelle! <3

  • Dalton Patrick Parks
    Posted at 21:21h, 31 March Reply

    I am Dalton and I chose Pile one cause it is my birthstone which is amethysts and it sounded on spot but I sat through all 3 piles and they all seemed to be on spot to me maybe not all.of the other 2 piles but some of them they all opened my eyes and heart and spirit thanks for the reading I’ve been dating a girl online now for 2 years I’m on disability and ssi but I don’t know sometimes people say that she is fake don’t know if it’s out of jealousy cause I want to go be with her and she wants me to come to her I truly honestly love her but her phone she says is messed up and her ios doesn’t work well and has trouble using it I don’t know I’m sometimes confused about everything

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:08h, 01 April Reply

      Hey Dalton, thank you so much for tapping in! I encourage you to use discernment and follow your intuition. True love can be easy and clear, but sometimes we choose situations in which we can’t fully trust or see others in their wholeness. While you may be wondering if she is trustworthy, it may be more helpful to ask yourself why you are accepting a situation which is so distressing. At the same time, it is true that jealousy from others outside the relationship can be very real! I recommend signing up for a private reading above, if possible for you, so I can give you more specific guidance on your situation. Until then, take your time with this matter and remember you deserve the highest form of love. Thank you <3

  • Amanda Lee Farrell
    Posted at 21:10h, 31 March Reply

    My love reading

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:09h, 01 April Reply

      <3 <3 <3

  • Gisselle Mejia
    Posted at 21:04h, 31 March Reply

    All, 3 readings were dear to me. All speaking to me in a personal level. I was excited to hear and particularly loved the Hematite reading. Thanks for sharing and for always giving it, your personal touch.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:10h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Giselle! It means so much that you appreciate my particular reading style. I’m so glad it resonated! <3

  • Stephanie Shan Russell
    Posted at 20:54h, 31 March Reply


  • Soni Weiss
    Posted at 19:52h, 31 March Reply

    I had a very busy morning so I didn’t get around to reading this until late afternoon and I I chose the one pile this time and it was very much on spot. I had already done much of what it spoke of. I shared this with a couple of friends and one chose the 2 pile and it was so on spot. We had been talking about her situation yesterday.

    I enjoy your thorough style and clarification. You present your thoughts well. I read the transcripts. Thanks for the reading and I hope you stay for a while.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:12h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you sooo much for watching and sharing with your friends, too. It truly means so much that you enjoy the way I channel messages with tarot, and that you intend to keep tuning in! I’m so happy it resonated! <3

  • kate
    Posted at 16:48h, 31 March Reply

    wow, I picked the clear quartz pile 2 and pile 1, both resonated, but especially pile 2… I am finally starting to belive in myself again, my talents and abilites as a professional coach, in both riding and helping people find their feet again after abuse. I had been anihilated by my soon to be ex husband for too long, opportunites now are presenting themselves and ive been holding back a bit but now I feel my self belief mounting I will stop procrastinating and grab what is coming my way with both hands. I feel like I need to share this with someone special who came into my life december last year who has shown me great respect and behaved honestly and honourably, something I just wasnt used to. we cannot be together at the moment while we are both sorting out personal, legal and financial issues but there might just be light at the end of the tunnel and I finally believe this is what I deserve, so thank you!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:23h, 01 April Reply

      Kate, I love hearing about your growth and I am praying for you to align with the love I know you have always deserved, but are much more capable of maintaining now! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. <3

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 15:54h, 31 March Reply

    I’ve chosen the 2nd cards. It sounds a major fit with me of the situation.

    Have a nice weekend.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:24h, 01 April Reply

      Wonderful! Thank you, Scott! 🙂

  • Arnesha
    Posted at 15:24h, 31 March Reply

    I initially chose pile 3, but there was a message for me in both 1 and 2. Thank you for the reading.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:24h, 01 April Reply

      Lovely! Thank you so much, Arnesha. <3

  • Niecy
    Posted at 14:18h, 31 March Reply

    Hi there I chose pile two however pile one totally resonated with me on all levels

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:24h, 01 April Reply

      Wonderful! I’m glad your intuition lead you to check out Pile 1. <3

  • Ruby
    Posted at 14:00h, 31 March Reply

    I choose the Amethyst and most of it resonates. Kuan yin is an Ascended Master. She is so very compassionate. Thank you Galena for this read.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:25h, 01 April Reply

      Kuan Yin, beloved Ascended Master and compassionate rebel of radical forgiveness. <3 Thank you, Ruby!

  • Leanne Lodata
    Posted at 13:19h, 31 March Reply

    Pile one really spoke to me. Thank you so much for your reading!❤

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:26h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Leanne!!! 🙂

  • Corey
    Posted at 11:20h, 31 March Reply

    This theme of the importance of voice and acceptance of my skills has been on repeat- I am listening. I am a human rights educator and model and I have been able to express both sides of myself more recently. I also have had a lot of interest lately and I haven’t known how to accept it. I suppose it starts with me. Thank you.

    • Nesem
      Posted at 11:34h, 31 March Reply

      Thank you Galena.
      I chose pile no.1

      • Galena The Mystic
        Galena The Mystic
        Posted at 23:26h, 01 April Reply

        Thanks so much, Nesem! <3

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:27h, 01 April Reply

      Wonderful, Corey! I’m so grateful that this resonated and that you’re unlocking that throat chakra. May you speak your truth more boldly for the highest good of the collective! <3

  • gillian choo
    Posted at 11:19h, 31 March Reply

    Love you Galena Initially drawn to pile one but verred to the chystal. both were for me in various aspects Many blessings to you xx

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:28h, 01 April Reply

      So much love to you, Gillian! Thank you for finding me here and for tuning in. Xoxoxo <3

  • Karina
    Posted at 11:18h, 31 March Reply

    One thing is for sure, referencing pile 3, I won’t be getting back with an ex or even allowing communication with them. Has taken me a long time to finally heal and allow a scum of an Ex to have a laugh with.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:30h, 01 April Reply

      I’m glad you know your boundaries! This message was definitely for those who are further removed from past difficulties and if you cannot laugh with an ex, it is healthy to laugh at yourself from time to time. 🙂 <3

  • Diane Thomas
    Posted at 10:56h, 31 March Reply

    I’m almost 62 yrs old, a Reiki Master and very intuitive myself. In the past 3 yrs I have done so much shadow work, separated from my husband of over 30 yrs, been involved with a past love who made a lot of promises of which none ever came to fruition….and now. Today I finally feel that I can breathe. My heart is broken, I can see the past love in his truth which isn’t pleasant, I’m dating my husband with boundaries of not wanting to live with him again and looking forward to see where my journey takes me. Our kids laugh us & our grandchildren are happy with just seeing us together with them! I chose the AMETHYST & HEMATITE! Now all I question is whether the past love will show up again (due to the hematite reading) to try again. HE WILL BE MET WITH THE DRAWBRIDGE UP.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:33h, 01 April Reply

      Hey there lovely! I see your journey and love that you’re dating your husband again. It is much more likely that the person you’re laughing about the past with is your husband, as pile 3 was not an indicator that an unwanted ex would return, but more so a feeling that you would be laughing about the past with someone you’ve moved forward with. 🙂 Thank you, Diane! <3

  • Maureen A Wilson
    Posted at 10:44h, 31 March Reply

    Thank you for the reading. What really resonates with me is leaving a bad relationship. Of course I’m putting this in my own words but I decided to leave someone that I love very much. But the relationship is toxic, and he does not love me. Without going into that I realize that it’s time for me to move on. My plans have been in the making for 1 year and I decided to wait for him to go on his vacation to move out. I am making such a radical move because I don’t want for him to come here and convince me to change my mind as I did before. He’s had his three chances and things never improve. They only get words over time. I’m done. Another thing that resonates pertains to my creative energies. Without the ability to make certain investments I will not be able to realize my goals creatively. That’s what has been blocking me from getting some projects in motion.. also I want to enhance my skills and go to school to learn audio engineering. That will enable me to work independently and branch out into other areas of the creative arts. I’ve been through a lot in the past 5 years with my now x. I really have no interest in a relationship at this particular time, as I’m still healing. But yes, there are a couple of men pursuing me for quite some time. I have absolutely no romantic interest in either of them. And with good reason too. I am not interested in building anyone up as I did in my last two relationships. The next relationship I get into, this man has to come with something to bring to the table. I don’t know who you say I’m going to meet this weekend but I have enhanced my standards as far as relationship is concerned. My life is improving and therefore the men I choose in my life have to be of a higher standard as well.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:35h, 01 April Reply

      I loved reading about your story and how you’ve risen beyond lower vibrational connections even though it was painful. Here’s to the new connections you’re manifesting, Maureen! Keep those standards high! <3

  • Dodie Norine Abafo
    Posted at 10:36h, 31 March Reply

    As I read through your message to me , I was quite taken by what you said, because it was very accurate. I want to let you know I appreciate everything that you said.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:35h, 01 April Reply

      Thanks so much, Dodie! <3 🙂

  • Lena Fortier
    Posted at 10:16h, 31 March Reply

    I picked amethyst, and u were spot on everything u said,it really encouraged me to continue the reprogram I’ve been doing

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:40h, 01 April Reply

      Soooo happy to hear this, Lena! Thank you thank you thank you! 🙂

  • Susan A Bruce
    Posted at 09:39h, 31 March Reply

    Hi, I’m almost 60 years old and going through another major change in my life. Not sure why, but as I was deciding on which stone to pick it automatically started the reading from the first one to the last one. I listened to all 3 readings and they all seem to have a lot to do with me. I have been a shy person since my childhood and I went through a lot of emotional abuse and financial abuse because I don’t know how to say no. Always wanted acceptance no matter what it cost me. But this past year I was put on medication for a mental breakdown and it has changed my life tremendously. I have very much more confidence and understanding of what I ñeed in my life now, but the romantic life is still a little tough for me. Thanks for the 3 readings, because I am going to go out this weekend, (which I never do), and try to get a little fun in.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:39h, 01 April Reply

      Hello Susan, feel free to pause at the crystal selection if you need more time to decide, then fast forward to the section with your crystal of choice. I hope you were able to have some fun this weekend! 🙂 I’m sending you lots of love. Thank you for sharing your story. I love that you’ve grown in confidence overall and I’m sure it will impact your love life for the better! <3

  • Ramona
    Posted at 09:30h, 31 March Reply

    Hi Galena. Thank you for your great reading . I picked pile 1. Looking forward for positive outcome. See you on next reading. God bless

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:37h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Ramona! Much love to you! 🙂

  • Prashanti Govender
    Posted at 09:28h, 31 March Reply

    I have read all three piles and found that each one resonated with me based on my current circumstances. Thank you, this was insightful. With much love and gratitude, I appreciated this reading.

    • Sabrina Tyler
      Posted at 21:05h, 31 March Reply

      I will let you know how it turns out at the end of the weekend

      • Galena The Mystic
        Galena The Mystic
        Posted at 23:09h, 01 April Reply

        Lovely!!! <3

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:37h, 01 April Reply

      Lovely, Prashanti! Thank you so much. <3

  • Marquita Jordan
    Posted at 09:27h, 31 March Reply

    Thanks for such a great read! I selected the amethyst and I couldn’t have been more spot on. I’m hoping to meet my new guy for the first time this weekend. We have been talking for a few weeks now!! I’m so excited about what’s to come and I’m enjoying being my authentic self.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:36h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you so much, Marquita! I’m excited for you! 🙂

  • Ashley Miller
    Posted at 09:18h, 31 March Reply

    Thank you!!! I chose the Amethyst AND the hematite. Yep, I was called by both. You are dead on for me! And your readings gave me so much hope!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:36h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear this! <3 🙂

  • Janet
    Posted at 08:52h, 31 March Reply

    Very intuitive this day. Must think on the reading.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:35h, 01 April Reply


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