02 Apr A Second Chance | New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries | Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 4/8
Have you been hoping for a second chance at something?
On April 8th, the New Moon in Aries will be accompanied by a solar eclipse. This powerful moon may just help you bring an old situation back to life!
Sirena Moon is here with an intuitive reading for this cycle, so you can apply this intense energy in the right direction.
P.S. Are you hoping to revive something under this powerful eclipse? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here, and this week I’m talking about the powerful New Moon – Solar Eclipse that is happening in the sign of Aries on April 8th and what this might mean for you. And, I’m also going to do Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit about this powerful New Moon – Solar Eclipse. So, on April 8th, we have a New Moon in the sign of Aries. And, Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It’s a pioneering sign. It’s about a fiery can-do energy. So, we’ve got this fresh new energy with this New Moon in Aries, and it’s paired with a full Solar Eclipse with the pioneering Aries energy and a New Moon paired with a full Solar Eclipse, this is about a big change of some kind. This powerful Eclipse might not show the big change in certain area of your life for another few months, but if something does Eclipse out of your life, if someone leaves, if a job leaves, or if a big change happens, if a big opportunity comes in, know that it’s divinely inspired by this Eclipse time, and it’s ultimately for your highest good, so surrender to it, surrender with it, and just trust the flow. Just trust the flow.
And so, with that being said, I’m going to do a Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit for anyone who’s watching, about this Eclipse time in Aries. And, this card wanted to fly out right away, so The Chariot. The Chariot really symbolizes Aries energy, it’s asserting your willpower to make something happen, it’s using your force, it’s using your body to make something happen, pushing something forward, letting it be known to others, and really just declaring what it is you want. It’s about reaching out for opportunities, reaching out to people. This New Moon Eclipse might have a real fiery energy that gets you inspired to do something, to take action on a dream, to move forward. And, for some of you, it could be a move happens or some kind of adventure happens, some kind of invitation happens that causes quite a lot of shifts and changes in your life. That feels quite exciting.
All right, okay, what else, Spirit, what would you have us know about this, this Eclipse time? Oh, so wow, the Two of Cups. Okay, so you could be dealing with a relationship, for some of you, this could be a new stage in a relationship, a new development, and a love relationship that feels very positive coming together in a way where you feel really seen and acknowledged and heard and loved by another. So, this is partnerships, relationships of all kinds. And, if you’re not talking about love, we could be dealing with, around this time, a business partnership or somebody that you’re creating something with or working together with someone. But, with the Two of Cups, this usually does have to do with romantic love.
Okay, and what else is the focus around this time? Oh my goodness, and then the Four of Wands. So, this card symbolizes marriage, weddings, celebrations. So, some of you could get a proposal after this time, or others of you could be thinking like, “Is this the person I want to marry? Do I want to take this to the next level? Is this person right, is this the one?” Really thinking about that, and for others of you, there could be something significant that comes up at a gathering of some sort, where everyone’s celebrating. If you go to it around this Full Moon time, you could really meet someone there, okay? So, definitely go to that event for those of you watching this as a sign to go to it. So, there’s issues of dealing with romance and thinking, “Is this the one? Is this not the one?” For some of you, after this Eclipse time, it’ll be, you could get somebody wanting to take your relationship to that next level, and then you’ll be celebrating, alright?
And then, what to let go of, let go of about this Eclipse time. Okay, so The High Priestess, alright, so letting go. I’m feeling like to let go of being passive. I’m feeling like you should let go of waiting around for a sign that what you have been thinking is right, it is like a waiting around for Spirit to do everything for you. In a way it’s like this feeling of not being passive, but rather like this original card we got, it is rather taking action, really asserting yourself and not just waiting, waiting, waiting for the external situation in your life to change and how it’s related to this partnership issue. Well, this could be reaching out to someone, saying how you feel to someone or making some decisions. Just taking a chance on a business partnership or a creative endeavor, if it doesn’t have to do with love for some of you. But, I’m feeling like there’s this feeling of just coming out of a dream, a passive state and really coming into the real world and taking some real world action on something that has been in your head for a long time after this powerful Eclipse. So, just coming out of that state and really just trying something out and just having no fear going for it. That doesn’t work out if the person rejects you, although there’ll be somebody else. It is just this feeling of giving it a try and not being so quiet, not being so dimmed down, but rather being loud and expressive and kind of out there a little bit more.
And then, what to embrace, what to embrace around this Eclipse time, ooh, the Three of Wands. So, embrace a bigger vision, embrace the possibilities, embrace seeing a bigger picture, making a big dream for the future, embracing the bigger vision of yourself. So, again, not dimming down, not playing small, not being quiet, but rather opening those curtains in your mind and saying, “I know what I really want.” And, for some of you, it is related, this big issue of partnership coming up, and is this the one? If you want marriage, really opening your mind and going, “Well, what kind of partner do I really want?” Your heart and your heart’s dreams and desires are your spiritual roadmap. So, you shouldn’t settle for something that’s not right, or someone that treats you badly, poorly, doesn’t get back to you. There’s this feeling of really honoring some bigger vision here.
And then, in terms of work partnerships, the support you really need, and to get into the realm of thinking like, “Wow, this is possible. I can create this.” And, for others of you, it could be a move of some kind where you’re like, “Wow, that expands my world. I never thought I’d leave the city, but oh my gosh, I think I might actually move to another city.” That’s kind of the feeling I’m getting for some of you, okay? This opportunity could come up, after this Eclipse, that makes you feel like your world is broadening. So, letting go of that smaller version of you to welcome a bigger version of you that’s filled with more possibilities.
Okay, an unexpected event, insight. What is the unexpected element of this Eclipse? Oh, Death in reverse. Okay, so maybe something that you thought had left your life, died or fallen apart in the past is not gone. Not all hope is lost. It’s like a rebirth feeling, okay? So, there’s this feeling that maybe it’s an old dream that you had let go of and an unexpected time, or possibly you get an idea or something comes back to life. So, something that you had maybe let go of in the past and said your goodbyes too, this could be a relationship, a person or a job you had, or really a dream in your heart even that you had let go in the past that you thought was long gone, seems like the Eclipse might have a rebirth of that, where maybe a new version of it comes back into your life and the things you learned from this event or this experience all comes back to serve you now with this second chance. That’s what I’m hearing, the second chance opportunity to do it right this time. And, I’m feeling like this is going to last the rest of the year. There’s something big coming in, for many of you, I feel that somehow relates to the past and it’s coming back because it’s not done yet. So, it’s exciting. Something you thought was gone is not gone, alright? And, you get a second chance to do it better, okay? That’s exciting.
All right, and then the final message of this New Moon Eclipse, Oh, Six of Wands, celebration. That’s really cool. Okay, so there’s something to celebrate here, so this is really exciting. Alright, so if you take action on something just every day, just as much as you can, just doing what you can, putting yourself out there, making things move to the best of your ability in your life in a real way, and come out of the background of your life, stop being quiet, stop being passive, but rather assert yourself and assert your desires, your dreams, put yourself forward. And, there’s some issue with partnership or some wonderful opening in a relationship or questions about relationship, for many of you. And, this relationship could go to the next level. So, it’s very positive, but many of you might even be thinking, “Is this the one? Is this not the one? Is this the right business partnership? Is this not the right person? Is this the right person in my life somehow?” So, there’s questions of marriage coming up, those kind of questions, and there’s this feeling to really broaden your sense of possibilities, to really open yourself up to your true dreams and desires. Something you thought was lost is coming back to be a rebirth in your life. And, there is a celebration. Okay, that’s a lot, wow.
These are the two biggest celebration cards, so some event could happen or something can evolve in a relationship that this Eclipse energy opens the energy to, for you and you will be celebrating, alright? So, interesting, and this could happen just around the Eclipse time, around April 8th. It could happen just the days after it, or this could happen in the coming couple months. Eclipse energy, it takes a few months to work everything out because it’s big transformative energy, okay? So, with that being said, I am wishing you all a beautiful week, and I’m sending you so much love and so many blessings for this beautiful Solar Eclipse time and beyond, bye.
Joe Candow
Posted at 02:21h, 06 AprilHow lovely to wake up and hear your voice with such radiating messages. One thing that has made an impact was “2nd time round – a chance to do it right !! My ex and I have recently reconnected and I smiled knowing that I learnt many hard lessons whilst apart so just listening to your message of positivity and possibly has boosted my confidence…
With love 🫶 Joe
Posted at 16:59h, 05 AprilThank you, Sirena ✨️ A beautiful, exciting reading ❤️💗❤️
Posted at 16:14h, 04 AprilThis reading was right on. We discussed marriage yesterday and are taking time to reflect on the decision actually. He’s a sagittarius and I am a cancer. This could prove to be a great relationship if we can make sure to communicate well and listen to each other about what is important to us.
Sabrina Marie Turner
Posted at 02:41h, 04 AprilGot a call from. A publishing company that will help put together my writing and create a book is this that change. I love writing but a book was an unrealistic dream is it coming true. Should I take the contract and leap out on faith. Is my writing good enough
Erica Irish
Posted at 01:31h, 04 AprilDo my boyfriend really love me his name is Tone
Kim Michelle Ross
Posted at 00:38h, 04 AprilThank you, Sirena,
Love and blessings to you xx
Amy Lynn Harker
Posted at 22:24h, 03 AprilI want physical union with my twin flame, Gordon V. Jay, when the time is right for us both.
Amy Lynn Harker
Posted at 22:22h, 03 AprilI want physical union with my twin flame, when the time is right for us both.
Posted at 19:55h, 03 AprilSirena,
Thank you so much; I am going through life changes at the moment, but it will be way better in the future. I want my true new love, that is all I ever want in this lifetime. I will not settle for any less. Always with love., to all.
Pamella Sobuza
Posted at 19:51h, 03 AprilThanks so much Sirena. I am hopimg for asecond chance with my partner of 22 yrs who we broke up last year which we have 3kids together.
Leslie Zwin
Posted at 19:15h, 03 AprilLove your clips. I’m hoping for a 2nd shot at a job that I previously interviewed for, received an intv invite for next week, fingers crossed.
Chandra E Johnson
Posted at 18:12h, 03 AprilYou are without a doubt, a very positive and refreshing person,who’s energy is pleasantly contagious.. And you spoke on exactly what I have been struggling with. You are my confirmation after spending countless hours with God about everything… And this resonated with what He has been telling me.. Thank you so much for your time and efforts and I pray God will bless you and yours and that He give you fully, the desires of your heart for eternity… You Rock Awesome!!!
Jill Marie Schepp
Posted at 18:38h, 03 AprilI’m a Leo and I think the readings are amazing,and I’m a Dragon: so best n worst of both– lol I was wondering about this rebirth?? I know it can mean many things but id be really surprised if I got a call from one of my 2kids? Grown married,overreacted about some things 3yrs ago when I was changing my life it all went to hell and I’ve Ben tryna to get back on my feet,and I don’t have there#s so I have to write it I feel like I’m being punished for something I never did!!
Joe Candow
Posted at 17:46h, 03 AprilVery inspiring reading and certainly felt close to home .. Thank you 🙏..
With love and Harmony Joe
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 16:36h, 03 AprilThanks sirena,
Have a nice wensday
Posted at 17:59h, 03 AprilInspiring Sirena. How do people contact you for private readings,
? Thanks, G
Lorna Stoney
Posted at 14:46h, 03 AprilI am hoping who ever I may meet as a friend I hope I don’t mess up this time. Expecting something more in a instant When they say no cause I was rushing I would shy away with shame not to have them as a friend do to rejection. I will stop testing myself with the closeness I may have with him or whoever he is. I have not had a friend that I was so very interested in a long time. I feel it has to be mutual and have something in common. I hope we connect so well like before but without the rush I made into it or they would. 🦂🦂🦂❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼☀️☀️☀️
Ruby Tauro
Posted at 14:33h, 03 AprilThis is an awesome reading. As you advised to keep an open mind, well I’ll take your advise, as I had closed up on myself. Why am I saying this, is because recently, I vividly heard a soft voice in my mind from our of nowhere i.e. : “You are a marriage material”. But whose voice was it – not able to make out I felt strange after hearing that. Thank you Sirena. 🙏
Lisa Johnson
Posted at 14:09h, 03 AprilWow!! Sirena Moon 💐🇬🇧🙏🏽💛💡, thank you for this further confirmation and facts 💡. Let me explain myself. 1. Moving into a brand new flat. 2. Had a reading yesterday as my boyfriend has been distant with me within last month , the reading showed he is going through somethings which I knew about 😉 but the unexpected but is he will be coming back to apologise and talk through issues he has with me . 3. His family whom are all abroad as he isn’t English, have been asking for me and he has told them apparently, he wants to make things right . 4. The drum 🥁 roll is he told them , he wants to ask me to marry him and apparently the cards showed this summer period 2024, with only friends as witness on his side , which is right as his family as I say are all abroad , so maybe at a later stage , we can go out there and do another wedding for his family to be involved in 😉, I mean omd , of cause with has our problems on his part with communication and yes I did reach out to him., but the reader told me because of the death within his immediate family, which wow , exactly what happened, he is currently within silent mode from everyone, as he is feeling into his emotions. But I wasn’t to worry as not about our relationship, it’s this and another issue I am more than aware of . Seriously if this happens as the predictions of the reader and the cards say , I am super excited as these are all big changes for the good , so my answer will be yes ! Yes . Because I care for him and love him so so much , let this journey unfold 🎉🎉. Btw I have never been married B 4 even though I have two children from my ex of 18 , we split over 6 years ago . But you know what Sirena , this man , he is my man , my one , my true ❤️
My blessings from the universe and God . Keep you posted . Have a fabulous week , much gratitude always 💛😊
Posted at 09:56h, 03 AprilHi Sirena, I seen a turn around in my life lately, and I love your reading today. Thank you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:58h, 03 AprilBeautiful Winsome! Love to you! Sirena
Patricia Mattie
Posted at 08:35h, 03 AprilThank you Sirenal .your reading was awesome and it made me feel that you were reading to me.
My boyfriend has been distant and I am trying to understand why cause we had a great realship. Also I will be going to a family wedding. So thank you ever so much and I would like to have a reading in the future.
Have a great week.
Rae Burk
Posted at 08:13h, 03 AprilThank you Sirena, this was the best message I’ve received!! I’m definitely hoping my ex will come back for a second chance ❤️❤️❤️
Jeanne Mcnabb
Posted at 07:55h, 03 AprilP this woman who reads the cards has the most beautiful soul I mean when I look at her she just glows you know some people do and some don’t I guess but I think she’s just extremely sweet and honest and kind and informative smart just all around a really great person
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:59h, 03 AprilAwww Jeanne, thank you so much!!! What sweet words!! Thank you and i’m sending you so much love and many blessings!! xo Sirena
Peggy Pe Ruatoe
Posted at 07:42h, 03 AprilThank you so much Sirena. I was so touched by everything you said. I feel that you are talking to me.
I’m separated from my husband, and his with another woman. Our Son is getting married in August, so I don’t know how things gonna turn out. Nearly 2 years I’ve never heard anything from him, but last week out of the blue I have 9 miss calls from him. So I replied back, just hearing his voice lightened me again. Even he left me and our children and grandchildren I’m still waiting and hoping that he will come back. So lightened to you gives me hope again. Thank you again. God bless.
Posted at 06:55h, 03 Apriluhhhhh. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Lisa J Campbell
Posted at 06:39h, 03 AprilI my boyfriend cheating on me
Sasu Petteri Kerman
Posted at 06:34h, 03 AprilThank You so much Sirena!
You were talking straight to my heart. I was crying out of joy.
Thank You for your work.
All the best, Sasu
Posted at 23:33h, 02 AprilThank you, very good reading!❤️
Ellen Rafferty
Posted at 22:55h, 02 AprilI need life to open up the opportunities to earn money, build a home and community supported by love, friendship and laughter. To step into my power. In health and happiness.