A Second Chance | Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 7/21

Have you been hoping for another chance?

Sirena Moon has a message for the Full Moon in Capricorn, and she says this moon could bring the opportunity to revive something special.

Just click on the video below to listen to her message now.

P.S. What are you hoping to revive in your life? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello everyone. Sirena Moon here, and this week I’m talking about the beautiful Full Moon that is happening in the sign of Capricorn on July 21st, what that might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this Full Moon time. And as always, this is a group reading, but if you want a personal reading with me, click the link below. Okay, so on July 21st, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. And no, you’re not delusional. Last month, just exactly a month ago, I did a tarot reading on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Yes, we have two Full Moons in Capricorns in a row. So on June 21st, last month, we had a Full Moon in Capricorn, right at the beginning, the first degree of Capricorn, and now we have a second Full Moon at the very last degree of Capricorn.

So it’s very rare to have two Full Moons in a row in the same sign. So this means this Full Moon is doubly powerful. So anything you were going through then, it’s probably rearing its head again right now for you to deal with, heal or launch a dream in your heart perhaps that you were thinking about on June 21st. It’s back probably dealing with something that you were dealing with around June 21st of last month. And again, Capricorn, it’s all about ambition, hard work, practicality, taking a big dream and manifesting it through practical steps. 

So Capricorn, it’s a really great sign. It’s an earth sign, and yeah, we’re all going to be feeling this energy to some degree. So with that being said, now I’m doing a group tarot reading, getting any messages from Spirit. I’m just tuning in the spirit. I’m asking Spirit to please give us all any messages Spirit would have us know for our highest good about this Full Moon in Capricorn. What would you have us know, what is going on around this Full Moon in Capricorn? 

Okay, so the Five of Cups in reverse. So we might have been through something quite disappointing emotionally recently, but we’ve really turned a corner for many of us, and it’s feeling like, okay, I’ve stopped obsessing about this. I’ve stopped looking at this through such a critical lens, or I’ve just come to peace with this, come to peace with letting this go or moving on in some way. Many of us have done really good work. We’ve really turned a corner, and this Full Moon is a feeling that, okay, I’m ready to, for many of us, move on, move forward and shift, make a shift here for the better and let something go that I’ve been quite hurt about. But it’s come far for many of us. 

And what is this issue we’re dealing with ? Knight of Swords. So could be that we’ve just been dealing with communication from somebody that really hurt us, or some person that is just behaving in an erratic way or some issue that’s kind of felt like things are moving forward very quickly and we have to make some quick, fast decisions about all of this. But again, we’re going with these changes. For many of us, we’re just going with the flow. We’re not letting this past thing, this information perhaps we received, were just for many of us not letting it drag us down into the dump. So we are ready for change, we’re really ready for answers, we’re ready for clarity. We’re ready to make a very positive change for many of us.

Spirit, what do we need to let go of here to make this change that we want to make? Justice. So we need to let go of some need for justice to be done, justice to be served. So we need to forgive. We need to forgive basically, and justice will be served. It always is. We just don’t always see it. So whatever this person did that hurt us or this situation that kind of was like ouch. In order to swiftly let this Full Moon clear out the energy so we can swiftly move forward to a better place, we have to try and forgive this thing that was so out balance here that might have happened in the last month since the last Full Moon in Capricorn. So something might have happened that kind of threw us out of equilibrium or made us feel like, wow, that’s not quite fair. What that person said with the Kniight of Swords, it’s communication, it’s thoughts. So I’m feeling like for many of us, it was something kind of said or communicated that it was kind of like, oh, that’s just, that’s not totally fair, that’s not correct, or something needs to be sorted with a legal matter or a contract in a way that is fair for all. But it’s important that we don’t get too hung up in this, but we just say, you know what?

Everything is going to be balanced. You’re embracing balance, and you’re letting go of this feeling of things being out of balance by making peace with what it is just as it is, and finding forgiveness for yourself and for the other person or the others that had you down for a while, that you are moving on from so many of you. There’s this freedom that you’ve given yourself, and it’s important to embrace this queen of Pentacles, which is, this is all about self-worth and abundance. It’s plenty. It’s an overflow of resources. So that says, wonderful. So it’s coming out of a consciousness of, oh, I didn’t get mine. I didn’t get what I needed from this situation, this person or this job, or this thing that I so desperately want to receive what I’ve put into it. 

I want to receive that back or this feeling of imbalance and just say, you know what? I’m giving this to myself. Or I’m finding all the places in life where I do receive so abundantly. So I’m paying attention to those situations, those people that make me feel really supported and that make me feel like I have all the prosperity I want and embracing that. And that’ll really shift the energy here, embracing your self-worth, embracing, relaxing and embracing, just taking things easy and not struggling and not fighting, but rather receiving that which is really meant for you. And that is what’s going to help really shift this energy, move it forward because you’re so ready. You’ve done for so many of you great inner work here and you’re ready for things to move forward. And then what’s a surprise twist in all of this?

What’s a surprise twist in all of this? The Eight of Pentacles. So something that many of us have been working on for a very long time, something we’re great at, something we’re experts in, something that we’ve really built up. We’ve really taken these Capricorn practical, we’ve really worked on something. We’ve really built something here. And in a surprise twist, some kind of opening could happen. Opportunity or some kind of growth can happen here where it’s like all these seeds you’ve tended to for months, you’ll start to see some practical results from this, I think. But it’ll come in a way you weren’t expecting. But this is interesting, all these pentacles, so this is a very good sign about things financially with all these pentacles. So there could be a breakthrough of some kind. For some of you, it could be a new job opportunity or some kind of ability to say, “Gosh, you know what? I am really good at what I do and I’m going to put myself forward confidently or share all these things that this knowledge I hold inside that’s so special, so unique that I know I’m really gifted at. Not only am I gifted at it, but I put in the 10,000 hours of work on it that they say is the tipping point for making someone really brilliant at something.” So just hold tight to this thing that you’ve put the work into and you’re really good at, okay? And just hold it within and emanate that within, things will come into balance. You’ll get what’s yours, even if it doesn’t appear that it’s happening right now. It’s shifting behind the scenes here. 

And if this is about a romantic situation, you’ve put in a lot of work to yourself and to knowing how to move on from something that’s not working, how to let someone go. You’ve done really good work inside yourself for so many of you, and it’s going to create a change possibly very quickly that leads you to feeling more supported because you’ve done the inner work. So this is about honoring all the steps you really have taken that your reaction to somebody is now very different than it used to be. So to be proud of yourself, even if you have really hard days where you are crying or upset or down, okay, so many of them, I’m feeling like they’ve turned it into days now and not years. It’s like you’ve really done quite good work. You should be proud of yourself for that. It’s not easy.

And then the final card. the final card for this. Oh, the Page of Cups. Beautiful. Wow. So the Page of Cups, it often symbolizes a new love, a new person you meet that feels like a crush, infatuation, or new possibilities in terms of romance. Or for some of us, this could be a new opportunity that makes our heart sing, that comes from all of this hard work that it might come by surprise. So I’m feeling like something could happen because of this beautiful inner work we’ve done, whether it be for our purpose, our career, or something that has to do with love. And there is an opening here after this Full Moon, okay, there’s some kind of opening of the heart or some potential offer or information that really feels exciting and beautiful and healing that makes you feel that sense of balance that you were feeling like has been missing in this situation.

Something can come into balance. Okay, so work on, continue working on this good work you’ve been doing with letting go resentments, forgiveness, so that you can move forward quickly and not keep yourself stuck. And there’s something really good happening, I think for some of you financially, some kind of really good offer or something good happening in terms of romance, where you feel like it’s honoring you, honoring your self-love, your self worth, something that’s going to be reflected back at you. I’m feeling like is this potential of this Full Moon in a gesture of love or a hopeful sign of romance or a renewal of some kind and some kind of romantic partnership perhaps that you’re already in.

For many of you. And I just want to get a little tarot affirmation card here. There’s one last message. So spirit, what’s an affirmation for all of us with this Full Moon in Capricorn? What is an affirmation that we might think of for this Full Moon, July 21st, in Capricorn, what is an affirmation for this time? The Three of Wands with an open mind and heart. I welcome new opportunities with an open mind and heart. I welcome new opportunities. Preparation is the word, preparation. Yeah. Oh wow. This really ties it all together with an open mind and heart. I welcome new opportunities. That’s beautiful. So the Page of Cups, new opportunities, new opportunities, and love, our work and preparation of pentacle. So you’ve done the preparation, you have done the inner work as you embrace self-love, let go of resentments as best as you can.

You’re doing great. You’re doing great. So just open your mind and heart, welcoming, new, surprising opportunities perhaps you hadn’t even thought of before. Opportunities in both love and in purposeful work or financial prosperity, whatever it is. Okay? So remember that. Just say that anytime you’re feeling blue with an open mind and heart, I welcome new opportunities. Beautiful. Okay, so this is a group general reading for the collective, but if you want a personal reading, click on the link below to get a reading with me. Okay, darlings. And as always, I am sending you so much love and so many blessings for this Full Moon time and beyond. Until we meet again. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Shae Margaret Carroll
    Posted at 22:53h, 20 July Reply


  • Keshia L Blake
    Posted at 07:09h, 18 July Reply

    Confirmation at its best

  • Abigail Brown Barry
    Posted at 06:00h, 18 July Reply

    Good morning from my end, am glad to meet u because it’s has been a long journey for me to find my life partner, all those I been around been betraying and disappointing me. I was even married but that was a abusive on and I couldn’t be love rather I was abused , beating and insulting. So I decided to get out , it’s have been 4 years up to now . So am asking if there is someone in this world that can show me love , care? I want to be love again with my soul mate the right person.

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:49h, 18 July Reply

      Oh Abigail, I’m so sorry to hear of all the abuse you suffered, darling. So very proud of you for getting out. Yes, there is absolutely someone for you to show you love and care, Sending you so much love and blesssingsxoxo

  • Suzie
    Posted at 03:52h, 18 July Reply

    Do my x still love me and will he want to give us another chance
    Or should we just continue n move on

  • Bridget
    Posted at 21:31h, 17 July Reply

    Give me strength. 💜💜💜

  • Claudia Barillas
    Posted at 21:19h, 17 July Reply

    Thanks You. 💐
    This reading resonates in my heart.

    • Linda Kay Phillips
      Posted at 00:03h, 18 July Reply

      You are so incredible, so spot on, thank you

      • Sirena Moon
        Sirena Moon
        Posted at 10:47h, 18 July Reply

        Aww, thank you, Linda!! Lots of love!!xo

    Posted at 21:11h, 17 July Reply

    I pray for second chance in my LIFE, and to have choice to make and this is my LIFE for renewal. i wish to succeed and universal to save guards me.in my present and my future purposely.

  • Brian Goodwin
    Posted at 18:11h, 17 July Reply

    I want my ex back so much.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 17:30h, 17 July Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    I sure and pry for a better and a second chance in my life soon.


    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:47h, 18 July Reply

      Blessings to you, Scott!!XOSirena

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 17:20h, 17 July Reply

    Thank you, thank you, a most hopeful reading. Like a ray of sunshine which we all need.

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:46h, 18 July Reply

      Love to you , Suzanne!!XoSirena

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 15:48h, 17 July Reply

    Thanks Sirena,

    Have a nice day on wensday


  • RAP
    Posted at 15:36h, 17 July Reply

    I really love ♥ this.. awesome and amazingly exciting . Thank you Sirena Moon

  • Zinhle Mthabela
    Posted at 15:34h, 17 July Reply

    Thank you Sirena with an open mind I open new opportunities, I’m praying for a breakthrough in a new Career hope I receive great new and justice has been served starting from today someone apologised for the words they spoke 7 months ago I forgive them, I’m letting go and welcoming new opportunities

  • Christie L Lundholm
    Posted at 13:05h, 17 July Reply

    Thank you I really needed that reading and I hope that he gives me a second chance I love him so much and I really feel that we have a great chance together if he would just give me another chance

  • Paulina
    Posted at 10:02h, 17 July Reply

    I love ❤️ this. Thank you so much. Sending you love and light ✨️ too 😘

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:42h, 17 July Reply

      Awww, thank you Paulina!! Love to you!!!xox

        Posted at 21:04h, 17 July Reply

        Thanks you for Letting me understood the meaning of your card appreciate your consideration for adding me here muchy LOVE.

  • Elizabeth Sheleski
    Posted at 09:30h, 17 July Reply

    Ur doing amazing and love ur reading.. I believe its gonna happen for me.. ❤️

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:42h, 17 July Reply

      Yes, El.izabeth!!xoxo

      • Iris Dildick
        Posted at 17:47h, 17 July Reply

        Bedank lieve Sirena 🌹🙏Moon ik kijk er hier al naar uit tis hopen dat ze mij nog een kans geven ook ik geloof dat het dot keer zal lukken ❤️ heel erg bedankt Sirena Moon 🙏🙏🌹🌹❤️💯⭐️

  • Lorna
    Posted at 07:52h, 17 July Reply

    U got it right last june 21,,, it was the start of my unhappiness… the start if our seoaration

  • Julio Ortega
    Posted at 07:42h, 17 July Reply

    Name Julio I’ve been going through so much with my relationship work stressed out no luck in money it’s been bad for few months now

  • Jocelyn viray
    Posted at 07:27h, 17 July Reply

    Your awesome❤️❤️❤️

  • Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
    Posted at 06:59h, 17 July Reply

    Thank you Serena … I hope very soon I have new job

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:44h, 17 July Reply

      Sending you luck and blessings for a new job soon, Sheryl!!xox

  • Ashley Henderson
    Posted at 06:57h, 17 July Reply

    I’m a Capricorn an u were right on point can u pls sent me protection

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:44h, 17 July Reply

      Protection and love to you, Ashley!!xox

  • Lori
    Posted at 06:47h, 17 July Reply

    Miss you mom and dad and love you with all my heart! ♥️

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 10:43h, 17 July Reply

      Loads of love to you, Lori <3

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