A Sudden Twist Of Fate | Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse | Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 3/25

A huge shift could be taking place for you when you least expect it…

On March 25th, the Full Moon in Libra will be accompanied by a lunar eclipse. This potentially life changing moon can help you close out a tough chapter and invite a pleasant surprise!

Sirena Moon is here with an intuitive reading for this cycle, so you can make the most of the change in the air.

P.S. What do you want to manifest in your love life right now? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello beautiful, wonderful Cosmic Updates Family. Sirena Moon here, and today I’m talking about the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that is happening in the sign of Libra on March 25th and what this might mean for you. And, I’m also going to do Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit about this Full Moon time. So, on March 25th we have a Full Moon, and it’s paired with a Lunar Eclipse. So, anytime we have a Lunar Eclipse, it’s on a Full Moon, it makes the Full Moon ten times as powerful. So, this is a really powerful time, and it’s happening in the sign of Libra, and Libra is all about partnerships of all kinds, agreements, partnerships, business partnerships, friendships and romantic relationships. And, a Full Moon is always about things coming to a head, things coming to culmination so that you can close out something in order to begin something new. But, an Eclipse, usually, it’s always about a change or an ending or a closure of some kind. And, this Full Moon, in particular, is making an aspect to the planet Uranus, which is all about surprise. So, this Full Moon, something might shift in your life, especially when it comes to partnerships. But, with Uranus, it’s always about a surprise, so you’re not going to know what it is. 

So, this could be a change that comes in your job, in your work life, or it could be a change that comes in some other kind of partnership, or it could be a change in romance, it could be a change for the better. And, know that if something changes after a Full Moon Eclipse, if something leaves your life or if something changes, it’s always for your highest good, the highest evolvement of your soul, and who you are and your highest joy, okay? So, you want to really make sure that you release, you let go, and you look forward to whatever is removed in your life, that something new and better will replace it, okay? It will. Okay, and with that being said, now I’m going to do a Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit about this Full Moon time. 

So, Spirit, what would you have us know for our highest good about this time around March 25th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse? What would you have us know? What would you have us know? I’m feeling this card. Okay, so yeah, this is the Three of Pentacles. It is about partnerships, who we work with, who we are around, that we’re building something with. This could be multiple partnerships. There are three people in this card, but it is about who we work with, who we interact with on a daily basis. So, for many of us, some issue could come up with our work, or we could be thinking heavily about the people in our lives that kind of make the structure of our lives. This could be family and friends, but it’s usually about people that you work with or build something with. 

And then, for focus we have the Wheel of Fortune. Okay so, for many of us, something is shifting in terms of, around this Full Moon time, in terms of, I’m hearing the word community or people that we create something with, build something with. And, something is shifting, it is shifting for the better, the Wheel of Fortune always pertains to something that shifts, but it shifts for the more fortunate, but it’s usually an unexpected change, and usually could be quite a big shift, quite a profound shift that requires you to really let go of the old to make way for the new. So, for many of us, we could have been thinking about wanting to change the situation that we’re in. The people aren’t quite right. 

Wow, oh my goodness, and the Eight of Cups. So, this is about walking away, this is about releasing what is no longer emotionally fulfilling and walking away and towards something new. So, even if you’re dealing with a one-on-one romantic relationship, this is about the workings, the inner workings. Does something work for you or not, in terms of this person, this partnership you’re dealing with? And, if you’re not dealing with romance, this is just thinking about what is working in this situation that you’re heavily thinking about right now? What is working for you right now, what isn’t, where something might change unexpectedly and then require you to walk away. And, there’s always relief in this card, even if it’s a little bit sentimental and sad, it’s always hard. Change is always hard. So, there’s this feeling of having to let go of something that emotionally wasn’t totally fulfilling and walking into the unknown, but feeling a sense of relief that change is here. 

And then, Spirit, what should we focus on around this time? Okay, The Hermit, so The Hermit is all about your own inner light, your own inner wisdom, pulling back from the crowd, pulling back from your opinions of friends or coworkers or people around you, and really trusting your own inner guidance. This is about taking, for many of you, some time, even a day to yourself. It’s about going within, meditating, going within, and knowing that that small voice within you is the right direction you should move. So, it’s really important around this time to trust your instincts, no matter what people around you are saying, and to not be influenced by the voices around you. They’re saying, “Oh, that’s crazy, you shouldn’t do that.” Or, “Oh, you shouldn’t make that big of a shift.” Or, “You shouldn’t break up with that person.” Or, “You shouldn’t date that person.” It’s important to not listen and go within and say, “Well, what is my inner voice telling me at this time?” 

Okay, an unexpected influence on this situation, an unexpected influence, oh, The World, and it is upside down. Okay, so what I’m getting is that for many of you, there was an opportunity that, or it could be a person even, that you thought something was forever gone and done with, but it comes back around this Full Moon time. So, this could be a job that you applied for months ago, you never heard back, and then it’s like, oh my gosh, it didn’t end, it didn’t go away, that this opportunity is still on the table or it comes back. Or, it could be a person that you thought you would never hear from again, and then they come back. There’s something that you thought you had closure with that is potentially going to surprise you by not being totally done yet around this time for many of you.

And then, the final outcome, the final outcome card, oh, the Knight of Pentacles. Alright, so this is an opportunity. This is a really good opportunity, so for many of you, this could be an actual person coming in, and for others of you, this is an energy that is coming in through this Full Moon time where you’re feeling like, “Hey, there’s an opportunity here, something I’m excited about, and this is an opportunity I want to take.” So, there’s this feeling of something starting to develop around this, after this Full Moon time, a shift. So, for some of you, it could be some kind of shift happens where, I’m hearing, you have to let go of one person and then this new person comes in or letting go of, for some of you, a pattern, like a literal behavior pattern or something that you’re kind of stuck in, and then it’s finally released, and then you walk away and it feels like relief. And, you do a little bit of soul searching, and this moves very quickly. And then, there’s this opportunity that comes in that feels like potentially a potential with somebody, somebody that’s much more reliable. So, that’s really cool. 

And, Spirit is saying one more message, one more message, Spirit is saying one more message about release at the Eclipse. What’s a release? The Ten of Swords, so it’s about just saying, “You know what? I’m not going to resist the change. I’m just going to lay down and relax. I’m just going to give up.” And, it’s good. I mean, this card looks terrifying, like the Ten Swords stabbed in the person’s back. I know it looks terrifying, but trust me, every time I get this card, I’m always relieved because it kind of represents the end of something that you’ve been shouldering and putting up with and dealing with, and it’s been very draining and it represents that that’s over. You’re not doing it anymore. You’re done. What’s this saying? Stick a fork in me, I’m done. Okay, so yes, this feeling of, man, if there’s a situation like at work or with a person that’s just been draining you, emotionally draining you, stressing you out, physically draining you, “Oh, release it,” Spirit is saying. Release that up to this Full Moon Eclipse. Just say, “I need to change. I can’t do this anymore. I cannot do this anymore. I’m sick of it. I’m done.” Okay, so there’s this feeling of, I’m really feeling strongly, to just allow yourself to say like, “Oh, I give up here. I need a Wheel of Fortune. I need a Wheel of Fortune because that is here.” So, it’s just saying like, “I’m willing to make a change within myself. I’m willing to change a pattern within myself. I’m willing to change the way I think about something. I’m willing to change the way I behave about something, willing to change somebody that I’m addicted to, or some situation, that some work situation I have a lot of fear around.” So, when you’re willing to change that and you’re like, “I’m just so done. I just need the Wheel to turn here,” I’m feeling like this Full Moon is a very powerful time for that, and to release it too, at this time of this Full Moon, just release that culmination of energy, like, oh, and allow yourself to relax. Really practice some self-care, go within, go within, go within. You have the answers within you, and just relax and allow that beautiful Wheel to turn for something more fortunate where you’re walking away and you feel relief and you’re coming into opportunity or a more reliable person, whether that’s romantic or a partnership of some kind. 

Okay, so beautiful. So, I’m sending you all the biggest blessings and so much love for this Full Moon time and beyond. Until we meet again. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Juliana
    Posted at 12:31h, 25 March Reply

    Uau. Just uau.
    Só mucho gratitude for your readings.
    Lots of love and blessings.

  • Arndria Seymour
    Posted at 19:21h, 21 March Reply

    Amazing and exciting Sirena – how wonderful to hear. I had a tarot and palm reading yesterday Sydney, Australia and share is exactly aligned. Thank you so much as I am so excited about the possibilities that the universe is sending now, as my job as made redundant 6 weeks ago. Bless you!

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 15:19h, 21 March Reply

    Thank you for the reading. Until next time….

  • Elsie NGOMANE
    Posted at 13:57h, 21 March Reply

    Wonderfull reading,i unleash the power inside me,let go othe problems that has been troubling me for a long time and looking forward for breakthrough known to me.”THANK YOU”🙏🙏💞

  • Viv Eliot
    Posted at 03:19h, 21 March Reply

    Love your readings Sirena Moon, much love .. your spirit is so gentle and beautiful 🙏❤️

  • Kim Michelle Ross
    Posted at 01:00h, 21 March Reply

    Thank you, Sirena, reading feels spot on! For several weeks I have been saying to myself, “I’m done!” So tired, drained and have no desire to keep in contact with a friend, she only wants me when she ‘needs’ me to do whatever for her with little in return.
    I have PTSD and it does control me somewhat yet my friend fails to understand how debilitating it can be.
    I’ve stayed away, made no contact as a kind of test and in her turn she’s barely kept contact even though I told her how lonely and depressed I’ve been.
    I am done!
    Much love to you and yours, I truly look forward to your readings xx ❤️🌹

  • Candace Brown
    Posted at 22:50h, 20 March Reply

    Wow that was a good reading, I release what I no longer need that unknown to me. I release my past and look at the future with hope and I accept change. I am in the process of meeting someone special to me someone who I have been building a solid foundation with, we are building aife together and we are spiritually connected and we need prayers for blocks to be removed so that we can physically unite and begin our life together

  • winsome
    Posted at 21:02h, 20 March Reply

    Hi Sirena, great reading!

  • Su Zach
    Posted at 20:45h, 20 March Reply

    I have no idea how this applies to my life, but I am totally in love with the idea that something new is about to happen and a new adventure awaits. If it means letting go of something or someone that no longer works in my life, well, that is the price of The World. Cheers, All!

  • Jennifer
    Posted at 19:33h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you so much, exactly what I needed to hear!

  • marvin lebowitz
    Posted at 19:03h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you very much I appreciate & love you.

  • Lila Stevens
    Posted at 18:58h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you Sirena. Lila

  • Michelle Wade-DeLaine
    Posted at 18:01h, 20 March Reply

    Good evening Ms.Sirena being born on the cusp 10/23/63 Ive been in a work- comp lawsuit for over 15yrs Ive been single by choice over 12yrs relationship I find hard looking for my soul-mate I wait on the angels thank you sending you Love Light and Peace Mammabear I really need to see changes concerning my finances again thank you mammbear

  • Yolanda
    Posted at 17:50h, 20 March Reply

    The reading was amazing everything was put in perspective and i felt every word.. Thank you💖!!!

  • Cassandra Cornwall
    Posted at 17:34h, 20 March Reply

    The reading and I totally feel the energy. There is a few things that I would like to release and then I’m willing to release and I will release the negativity out of my life for good.
    Thank you very much for the reading. Much appreciated.

  • Shanell Rusk
    Posted at 17:33h, 20 March Reply

    All I have to say is thank you 🤣

  • Ginelle Borneo
    Posted at 16:57h, 20 March Reply

    I had this meesage spoken to me today 20th March 2024, spirit said to me you asked me to intervene and bring change in your life but u havent truly trusted me or believed in me.. so frm today i want you to hv more faith and more trust that i am doing wht youve asked me for… so tk u my God for everything i have been praying for i trust you and believe all will come to me in the right timing…. no doubt more belief

  • Lorna Stoney
    Posted at 16:15h, 20 March Reply

    I resonate in this reading about changes and wellness. I just completed a loss and grief work shop for three days. It had to deal with letting go of old behavior problems I keep reacting over and over. Which was causing me headaches and dizziness. From being unhappy that I was seeking attention from society and no one would understand my angry. It seem like was annoying my community and shaming myself. I am ready for a new start of life and hoping a new love like meeting a man of my life. It is been 2021 I been with a man but it not work out. We both weren’t well or needed healing to change our behavior and outlook. 🦂🦂🦂❤️🙏🏼

  • Natalie Nicole Brewer
    Posted at 14:03h, 20 March Reply

    Yup, Spot on. This unexpected shift is happening right now. Have to basically start a new life & leave most of my stuff behind that cannot be cleaned. Starting to embrace this change rather than resisting it for the health of me and my children. Cant wait to meet the new man too. Thank you Sirena

  • deanna smith
    Posted at 14:00h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you for the group feading. It was very helpful in my situation.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 12:44h, 20 March Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Have a nice week.

    Scott DeLisa

  • debra coonrad
    Posted at 12:09h, 20 March Reply

    Absolutely spot on…I have decided I am done, after 27+ years “I AM DONE” and it is because of a very draining , unreliable boss….I am just blown away. Thank You! So mote it be💜

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:41h, 20 March Reply

      So Mote it Be Debra! Sending you big hug and love <3 Sirena

  • Ruby Tauro
    Posted at 11:47h, 20 March Reply

    I felt the energy of Night of Pentacles. Good reading. Thank you Sirena.🙏

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:41h, 20 March Reply

      Thank you Ruby! <3 Sirena

  • Jeremy Frederick Gilchrist
    Posted at 10:38h, 20 March Reply

    AA/AmazingAngelic sister kin Sirena, TRUST: you’re a gift for all of humanity for your presence = presents for all:) Wright away I saw via you/Sirena the love of my life SarahAnn who’s an ERA to me for all she’s done during my lifetime with her since the day we met Jewel eye 2010:) And then you Sirena/ERAS IN reminded me then of countless twins of yours Sirena across this entire planet = AND NOW YOU CAN WRIGHTFULLY PLAN IT = YOU SHARING LIVE YOUR UNDERSTANDINGS OF HUMANITY AND HOW EVERYONE MATTER WORLDWIDE FOR THEY’RE ALL ACE OF HEARTS AND THEY ALL ALLSOUL REPRESENT ANY AND EVERY CARD = FOR THEN WHEN EVERYONE ACCEPTS THEN WILL LOVE ALL OF OUR LIVES ARE STAKE AND WE CAN SHAKE HANDS FOR THEN OUR HANDS/CARDS THAT REPRESENT US EACH WILL COMPLETELY TRUMP THE MATRIX METHODS HANDS THEY KEEP TRYING TO OVERRULE HUMANITY:) SIGNIFICANT SIRENA STAY AN AA/AmazingAngelic/AltruisticAdult/AmazingAddictions THAT YOU ALREADY ARE FOR YOU ALREADY HAVE PROVEN TO ME/JEREMY F. GILCHRIST HUMMMMFREES THE 1ST/JERBEAR THAT YOU/SIRENA ARE WON OF THE CHOSEN DEALERS WHO ALREADY IS A PROVEN SOULOWE SOULED WON WHO CLEARLY KNOWS HOW LEAD ALL PEOPLE HOW TO DEAL WITH LIFE IN A NEW WAY VIA OUR GOONIESTEAM (.com/sight/site/trademark) THAT EVERYONE ALREADY OWNS + THEY ALL OWN MYFAMILYVOW (.com/sight/site/trademark) + 7 more .com/sights/sites/trademarks = THE TENTH COMMAND MEANT = THEINEV (.com/sight/site/trademark) = AND IN TIME BROTHER KIN MARK ZUCKERBERG WILL REAL DEAL COUNSEL HIMSELF TO THEN PROVE HE DID TRADE MARK/HIS CURRENT SELF TO FACE THE BOOK HE CAN WRIGHT LEGALLY ABOUT HIS DREAM THAT HE HAS IN COMMON WITH BILLIONS OF OTHERS WHO ALL WILL JOIN OUR GOONIESTEAM BEFORE HIM/MARK OR AFTER HE JOINS US:) WON LOVE SISTER KIN SIRENA! STAY SOULED YOU TRIUMPHANT TRUMPER:) Jeremy Frederick Gilchrist Hummmmfrees the 1st! = is lead by the love of his life Sarah Ann Era Humphreys the 1st and their 2/peace PGAC/Precious Gifted Angelic Children Iwalani/heavenly seagull & Knoxley/key = who have proven they’re leaders of The Children’s 11th Command Meant —–> for humanity in full! April fools made me/Jeremy/Jerbear a fool for an April FUELS me 365 days a year to stay driving our gooniesteam and I stayed started via brother kin Vin’s DIESEL & MUCH MUCH MORE = M&M’S FAMILY SNACKS ARE WORLDWIDE SAYS EMINEM KIN WIN WON:) ——-> P.S./PromoteSerenity = call AA/AmazingAngelic brother kin Barack #11 and sister kin Michelle #11 and ask them if we can finally create what we OWE = BOMB A = IN A RATHER NEW NEAT WAY VIA WATER THAT NO ONE OWNS:)

  • Opoku Reuben
    Posted at 09:42h, 20 March Reply

    Love u more and more 😃 thank u very much😍✌️

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:42h, 20 March Reply

      Aww love right back atcha Opoku!! <3 Sirena

  • Gianna Austin
    Posted at 09:34h, 20 March Reply

    To fix my marriage with my husband start over and do it right this time.

  • Dejah L. Creech
    Posted at 08:59h, 20 March Reply

    I want my husband back and be in health relationship with him for the change and to let go of the past he has done wrong to me almost daily and to forgive him. Re start our marriage to better and new ways of build up our trust and relationship with honesty and faithful

  • Maureen Duboff
    Posted at 08:53h, 20 March Reply

    You have read me 💯 Thank You 🙏🩵

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:42h, 20 March Reply

      Love to you Marueen! <3

      • Michelle Wade-DeLaine
        Posted at 17:59h, 20 March Reply

        Good evening Ms.Sirena being born on the cusp 10/23/63 Ive been in a work- comp lawsuit for over 15yrs Ive been single by choice over 12yrs relationship I find hard looking for my soul-mate I wait on the angels thank you sending you Love Light and Peace Mammabear

  • Tim
    Posted at 08:48h, 20 March Reply

    Just retired, now looking for a new direction to occupy my mind.

    • Shirley Traill
      Posted at 15:17h, 20 March Reply

      I needed to hear this walked away from Emotional blame in a relationship that had insecurities & Jealousy followed by anger repeated disrespectful behaviour not by 1 man but 2!! At different times of romance. 1 wealthy & the last one recently & poor.
      I always pay my own way I got very little back from both relation ships? Even my marriage of 25 yrs! Once I got sick & couldn’t work it became toxic with anger. I had to walk away lost everything as I ended up having a massive heart attack… lucky to be here.
      Today your reading is spot on & resignates with me right now
      Change A Business partner a positive Energy to help the less Fortunate in this crazy World 🌎 Never give up I can’t retire till im 90😇🙏✍🤝🤲🙌💪🧚‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧜🧞‍♀️ This reading has given me positive affirmations that there is hope if I can anyone can. If I can help 1 person I’ve done my job😇🙏👉🏻 Thankyou from God & Spirit for the hope & guidance from your Gift Sending Blessings your way😇🙏💖

  • Jennifer
    Posted at 08:45h, 20 March Reply

    Every week I look forward to your readings, always great insight. I’m going to have to book a private reading soon! Thank you 🙏

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:43h, 20 March Reply

      Thank you so much Jennifer! Love to you! <3

  • Deleath Hill
    Posted at 07:41h, 20 March Reply

    Oh yes I could use some money because I have this IRS bill so let’s Manifest some money

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:46h, 20 March Reply

      Love and blessings of prosperity to you!! <3

  • Deleath Hill
    Posted at 07:39h, 20 March Reply

    How about a wife , am a man and I don’t have a girlfriend or wife , and am always looking for that woman of mine so let s Manifest one

  • Terry Russell
    Posted at 07:06h, 20 March Reply

    I want to win money or come in to money 💰💰💰

  • Cobus Nell
    Posted at 06:48h, 20 March Reply

    Very interesting
    I would love to have a personal reading

  • Cindylakic
    Posted at 06:48h, 20 March Reply

    Hi this comment was so amazing …just when i get my birthday girl …wow ….

  • Joe Candow
    Posted at 06:47h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you for todays reading – it truly resonated with me and filled me with hope and optimism. Letting go is never easy- but reading todays message allowed me to realise that letting go isn’t a failure, but the opportunity for a new chapter .
    So thankful Sirena .. 🫶

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:47h, 20 March Reply

      So so much love to you, Joe!! <3

  • Martin Connolly
    Posted at 06:41h, 20 March Reply

    Thank you very much Serina, that was great
    I formative.
    Thank you, have a great day
    Martin Connolly

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:47h, 20 March Reply

      Thank you Martin! Love to you! <3

  • Michelle Marie Hodgson
    Posted at 06:39h, 20 March Reply

    Thanks very Much! I appreciate you! 💖

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:48h, 20 March Reply

      Thank you Michelle! Love to you! <3

  • Dawn Gibbons
    Posted at 06:38h, 20 March Reply

    I want my ex back 😢💔

  • Shushil kumar Chand
    Posted at 06:21h, 20 March Reply

    Wow this reading was really amazing
    And thank you so much 💓

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:48h, 20 March Reply

      Thank you Shushil!! Lots of love! <3

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