18 Jun A True Connection | Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 6/21
Are you ready to embrace new opportunities and connections?
Sirena Moon is here with a message for the Full Moon in Capricorn, and she says this week could inspire you to follow your heart.
Simply click on the video below to listen to her message now.
P.S. Will you say yes to these changes? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello friends, on June 21st, we have a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn. I’m going to do group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this Full Moon time. And if you would like a private reading from me, just click the link below this video. Okay. So, on June 21st, we have a beautiful Full Moon, in the sign of Capricorn, and Capricorn is an earth sign. It’s all about being grounded, ambitious, and having a practical plan to achieve your dreams.
It’s symbolized by the goat climbing to the top of the mountain so you can do it. So, there’s a lot of beautiful, supportive energy for your dreams and ambitions around this Full Moon time. So, with that being said, I’m just tapping in Spirit, I’m asking Spirit to please give us any messages Spirit would have us know for our highest good about this Full Moon time, this time around this Full Moon in Capricorn.
Okay, so the Four of Cups. So, we could be feeling, some of us, a bit bored or a bit dissatisfied with some issues. It’s kind of weighing us down or weighing on our heart, there could be something, a Full Moon always brings emotions to a head. So, there could be something recently where you’ve just felt like, “Ugh, this is stagnant. Something needs to be shaken up, moved forward.” It’s just feeling dissatisfied, okay? And you have to honor that at this Full Moon time.
It’s totally okay to just feel like, “You know what? This just no longer excites me.” Maybe it’s something about a job or something you’re doing or a relationship or a pattern that you’re in where you’re like, “Something is missing. Something is missing. I’m not feeling quite lit up. I’m not feeling like I’m really excited about my life.” So, it’s kind of just saying, “You know what? This is coming to a head right now, and it’s important to, it’s important to honor that and investigate that feeling.”
For many of you, it’s like something is coming to get your attention. A change needs to be made, and Spirit, what is that change? Whoa yeah. The Knight of Wands, whoa! Well, this is all about taking action, feeling lit up, feeling inspired. This is like saying, “You know what? I am bored with this or dissatisfied with this. I feel stuck in a rut with this particular issue. I need to shake things up. I need this pattern to change.”
And it’s about just changing it, just saying, “You know what? I am making a change.” The Knight of Wands is all about making a change okay? Putting your passion into something, putting your movement, putting your will into something, and being playful, being lighthearted, and I’m hearing and feeling, being creative. How can you create something to shake this pattern up? What can you do to tap into that beautiful Full Moon energy to harness it, to push something forward? Okay, so create that thing you want to create. Or if it’s love that you’re wanting, how do you put yourself out there in a bigger way? How do you take a risk in a bigger way? How do you get yourself physically motivated in a bigger way?
Maybe, I mean, I’m feeling for some of you, it’s like working on your body, eating better foods that make you have more energy. You’re paying attention to your energy. It could be your literal physical body that you want to move more and there’s a need for more energy. You want to honor that around this time. And then what to let go of? This is the Three of Swords, and it’s in reverse. So, this is a real heartache that happened to you that you are really working on, for many of you, because it is in reverse.
So, it’s showing that you’ve done great work. So, it’s just letting go of the last lingering bits of this heartache, this disappointment, and saying, “I’m finally going to kick this to the curb. I’m finally going to put this to rest because I’ve done so much work. I’ve cried all the tears I could cry about this, and I’ve really honored my pain,” which is really healthy and really good.
And now you’re feeling like for many of you with it in reverse and in the position it’s in, you’re feeling like there’s still these lingering thoughts that happen, lingering patterns, lingering triggers that make you feel sometimes you could be doing well. You could be in a good head space, and then something triggers you, and then you’re just like, “Oh, I just want to go back to bed and tend to this wound. I’m feeling really triggered.”
So, it’s kind of with this Full Moon saying, “Okay, how can I really just let go of the lingering heartache of this particular situation, disappointment.” Perhaps you didn’t get that opportunity. Perhaps you got let go of a job. Or perhaps someone broke up with you, or perhaps you broke up with someone. It’s this lingering feeling from the past and that you’ve done really good work on. And to finally say, “You know what? I’m going to forgive myself. I’m going to forgive this situation and start a new pattern. I’m going to start a new pattern where I just embrace all the things I learned from this situation. I learned a lot from this situation. I grew a lot, and I don’t have to ever repeat it again.” So, it’s sort of putting that in the past and then what to focus on, what to embrace around this Full Moon?
Oh, the Ace of Cups, and it is in reverse. So yeah, it’s embracing new love. It’s embracing something fresh and new that really opens your heart, that lights you up. So, to make sure that your heart isn’t shut down from some past disappointment to try and embrace, really focusing on making sure that your heart is healed and open, gives you some kind of heart healing. Let me just pull, I’m feeling, one more card. What does that mean? What to embrace? Oh wow, Two of Cups. Beautiful. So, embracing a new connection of the heart.
So, where your heart’s been shut down, it’s important to embrace the possibilities that you could have a new emotional connection, okay? Coming together with another person or an opportunity that you really wanted. It’s that beautiful Ace of Cups energy where it’s fresh and new and you’re so excited. And then things start to really develop deeper. So that’s so beautiful. So, embrace that possibility with this Full Moon. Embrace that your heart can heal from a past disappointment, a past opportunity or love that just did not work out, that really, really bummed you out, hurt your heart and has left you with lingering bouts of feeling sad and stagnant.
And just like you don’t want to move forward and embracing this potentiality of coming together with you and a partner or you and a dream that is dear to your heart, that makes your heart sing. And in many ways, embracing solid partnerships, a possibility of magical connections with other people. Okay, what’s a surprise twist to this Full Moon? What’s a surprise twist to this Full Moon?
Ooh, The World. Okay, well that’s good. So, there could be something that we’re really able to let go of, but The World, it’s all about closing one chapter to begin another one. So, a Full Moon, this is interesting. A Full Moon is always about things coming to a head and closures happening. So, something comes all the way to fruition, and you can let it go. So, to embrace that energy, the Full Moon energy of release and renewal.
So, release, release, release, closing chapters, letting things go, letting things, experiences, that have come to full bloom and now it’s time to wrap it up and so you could start a new chapter. So, I think for many of you, this could be, there could be an ability to finally let something go so that you can start this fresh new cycle. So maybe something will happen.
Maybe you’ll get a call or an email for some of you, or just an insight that you feel like, “Oh wow, I can finally make peace with this thing that happened. I can finally make peace so that I have peace now.” It’s such a beautiful card, this card, The World. It’s like a total release and you’re just like, wow free, free from the past. And you’re embarking, but you haven’t started yet. on a new journey of some kind and a really beautiful card to embrace around this Full Moon.
And then the final message, a final message about this Full Moon time when final message, the Page of Wands, yeah, wands, wands, wands. So, go, go, go, Knight of Wands and the Page of Wands. So, get something set in motion. Get something in motion, absolutely. Start something new, move forward in some way. This is all about creativity, building something, action, inspiration, feeling lighthearted. And for some of you, it’s like connecting with someone that’s very young, playful, young at heart, and embracing that potential partnership.
And I’m just feeling for so many of you, you could be connecting with someone around this Full Moon time that kind of has this Page of Wands energy, like a little bit of a Peter Pan energy, a youthful spirit that’s very funny, and that moves forward and it’s adventurous, and that really makes you feel better. So, this could be a friend or somebody romantic, or a coworker or something. But it’s acknowledging those light-hearted aspects and the things within yourself that are creative ideas that make you feel lit up, passionate or excited, excited about forward movement.
Change, change, change, change; change is afoot. So, it’s about planting those seeds with this Full Moon and taking some kind of action. So definitely if you get some kind of, I don’t know, opportunity or an invitation or event or just like an invitation from a friend, say yes, around this time, it’s a big yes message. Say yes, yes, yes around this Full Moon time to change. Shake things up. Shake things up.
That’s what I’m feeling like, okay, shake things up. Shake up the energy. Go from sitting down in the same place to moving forward to flying forward. Somehow get in your car and just go somewhere new. Just shake up the routine. That’s what I’m feeling like with this Full Moon. And it’ll lead to some magical connections and a big release of some kind, so that you can start on some new chapter. That’s what I’m feeling.
So, this was a group general reading. If you want a private reading with me where I tap into your specific energy and see what’s coming down the pike for you, click on the link below this video for a reading with me. Until we meet again, I am sending you all so much love and so many blessings for this Full Moon time and beyond. Bye.
Elvira Garcia
Posted at 22:46h, 22 JuneThank you for the reading so accurate 🙏🙏🙏
Yetunde Alaafin
Posted at 04:04h, 20 JuneThank you sirena moon, for this special reading , to be sincere this is my reading, coz i’ve been expecting some social invitation for a while now, but i believe with your reading now, there’s hope for me soon .and again many astrogers do talk about my twin falme/ soul mate who’s desperately looking to connect with me please help me sirena on how to connect directly with my soul mate so that we can be together for life thanks once again and hope to hear from you soon .
Frederick Tapiwa Mahachi
Posted at 02:53h, 20 JuneThank you
Frederick Tapiwa Mahachi
Posted at 02:51h, 20 JuneThank you, right on spot and actually that is what’s happening with me,thank you once again.
Miriam Evio
Posted at 23:58h, 19 JuneThank you so much for nice reading..I t’s so much resonate with what I’m going through right now
Shelley Crozier
Posted at 23:51h, 19 JuneI have been feeling that things have to change in my life I feel stuck always in my house I just got divorced a year ago and the court proceedings in all is over. I feel like making a fresh start so I’m picking up and moving a town away and it’s a very exciting town with lots going on and I’m just so excited I get to move in next week, and I feel like I can finally put this chapter behind me and I can let go of what I wanted with my ex-husband and realize that the decision I made to leave was the best decision . And I am forgiving him more and more each and every day trying my best to put it all behind me and start fresh and I have a young man that I am speaking with who I care so much about and who is exciting so I felt this reading was totally for me Thank you
Roland Rodriguez
Posted at 17:58h, 19 JuneYou are very on point and very exciting read you just presented.. I will follow you. And maybe I can get with you for a personal reading. Thank you very much. For the heads up.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 16:45h, 20 JuneThank you, Roland! I would love to do a reading for you! Here is the link if needed, love and blessings xo Sirena https://members.cosmicupdates.com/sirena/?_gl=1*1w2oafu*_ga*MTE4ODI5NzQzOS4xNzA3OTU0NDE2*_ga_678PDF7261*MTcxODkxOTc2NC4yNC4xLjE3MTg5MTk3NzkuNDUuMC4w
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 17:25h, 19 JuneThanks sirena,
Have a nice week
Scott DeLisa
Marthijn Jansen
Posted at 15:54h, 19 JuneThanks! I always look forward to these videos 😀
Posted at 13:14h, 19 June‘So, release, release, release, closing chapters, letting things go, letting things, experiences, that have come to full bloom and now it’s time to wrap it up and so you could start a new chapter’.
‘So, go, go, go”
I’m still heart-broken but am learning………………………………………………………………………………………………
And THANK YOU again ,
Posted at 13:05h, 19 JuneHello Sirena. You have really hit home here. I can only read one paragraph at a time…………………………… then close the page to return 5 minutes later Am on paragraph No 4 now! Obviously your reading was meant for me today. THANK YOU.
And am persevering and much as I know that I will be in bits by the end, I know that you that you are out there. You and Spirit.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:07h, 19 JuneSo much love to you, Miranda!!Xo S
Jackie Youngsteadt
Posted at 11:41h, 19 JuneHi Sirena woke up this morning feeling that exact energy! There you are great reading! Yay! you are a wonderful soul🫶🏻🦋Jackie
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:06h, 19 JuneThank you so much beautiful Jackie!!!xo S
michael rennick
Posted at 09:54h, 19 JuneSeems like a spot on reading for me. It just come to me that change always meant something more and not less most of the time in my life. Something added together to give a positive more and that idea of mine left little room in my life to think more frequently that I should embrace change as a difference or subtration from my life which may be positive by letting go instead of adding to situations. I believe I need to focus more on this aspect of change and take things out of my life. This is probably intuitive knowledge to most people, but silly me assumed that I must view things always positive and overlooked the positive aspect of viewing change as taking away instead of adding in order to keep a positive outlook on life. I feel better now knowing that I can view my life from different aspects of what change really means, even though it has always been intuitive knowledge to me. Your reading brought this outlook out of me and I could only employ this change by writing this now. I feel so much better about any change now and will employ thoughts around what I should subtract from my life that I can change like I should. Thanks, Sirena.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:06h, 19 JuneOh Michael that is so beautiful, and so spot on!!! Biggest hugs to you!!Xo S
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 09:47h, 19 JuneThanks sirena,
Have a pleasant wensday.
Scott DeLisa
Posted at 08:14h, 19 JuneSerena moon, I cry I cry is very accurate ..I’m sorry I am heartache and disappointed and pain .please help me and to be healing 🙏
Eastlyn simon
Posted at 07:45h, 19 JuneMy name is Eastlyn Simon my day of birth is 07/24/1965
Susan Trudy
Posted at 06:53h, 19 JuneSirena moon you always help me to feel so much better. You’re Readings inspire me for the good.! Susie Rae
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:03h, 19 JuneThank you Susan!!!xo S
Piryanka adiwal
Posted at 06:50h, 19 JuneThank you so much for the reading ☺️ but I really want to know about my relationship 😔 I am so depressed please help me 💔
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:05h, 19 JuneLove and blessings to you lovely!! If you would like, get a reading with me at the link below the video.. I am sending you visions of love and blessings in the meantime. All of my love, xo S
Jeffery Singh
Posted at 06:39h, 19 JuneSirena, thank you for my reading it was magical and so accurate for me, thank you for confirming the changes both positive and letting go of negative beliefs that no longer serve me♥️♥️♥️
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:03h, 19 JuneBeautiful! Thank you, Jeffery! xo S
Posted at 16:03h, 18 JuneThank you
I hope I can move on and find something to inspire me because initially I was heartbroken
But now life just feels like a big grey cloud that will not dissipate I know I will never feel the way I felt for him ever again and nothing gets me excited. I have been through so many phases but this phase feels the worst no hope and life just feels and is a burden
I have been through so many horrible events in my life but none left me feeling no hope before.
I am so lucky to have a bright and beautiful daughter who loves me. So live for her.
Maybe one day there will be hope again to find an interest in anything so I pray your cards are for me.
Thank you for your lovely readings
Much love 💕
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:03h, 19 JuneOh Alethea, I’m so sorry darling that you have been through so much. I am sending you all of y love and so many blessings. You have been through enough and it is truly time for some happy experiences and blessings for you love. You deserve joy and nothing less. All of my love to you!xoSirena