A Wish Come True | Sirena Moon | Full Moon In Pisces Tarot Reading | 9/17

Have you been dealing with frustrating changes that seem to be creating obstacles for you?

Sirena Moon says that the next Full Moon in Pisces could expose the unexpected blessings behind these detours, if you’re willing to remain open to your heart’s true desires.

She’s here to help you harness the mysterious energies of the Full Moon, so you can align with the wish you most want fulfilled.

All you have to do is click the video below!

P.S. What is your heart’s true wish? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello, Cosmic Updates Family. Sirena Moon here. And this week I’m talking about the beautiful Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse that is happening in the sign of Pisces on September 17. And what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this Full Moon time. So on September 17, we have a Full Moon and lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces. And Pisces is the sign of spiritual wisdom, intuition, your dreams, your subconscious dreaminess, art, creativity, your heart, your emotions, and sensitivity. So Full Moon times are always sort of sensitive times where things come to a culmination of sorts. But a Full Moon and eclipse means this is going to be an extra powerful Full Moon. 

Eclipses pack the power of ten Full Moons and one so and being in the sign of Pisces, which is quite emotional and sensitive and tuned in. I’m a Pisces. This could be a time where you’re feeling perhaps extra sensitive or even extra psychic, or it’s extra intuitive, or you might have very profound dreams. So pay attention to your dreams and write them down. And this could also mean, because it’s an eclipse, it can also mean that something is eclipsed out of your life. So there could be a change of some kind. But if anything does change, know that eclipses are the universe’s way of moving you to your highest path, really as quickly as possible, okay? Because the universe doesn’t really want you to waste time in situations that are not serving your highest evolvement or for your highest good, okay? 

So if change does happen, just trust that it was really meant to be. And then if nothing changes, trust that, well, you’re doing fine. You’re on your highest path. Okay? Not every eclipse creates wild change or anything like that, but if something does change, just know it was really meant to be. Okay? And with that being said, now I’m tapping into spirit, and I’m asking spirit to please give us all any messages spirit would have us know for our highest good about this Full Moon and eclipse in Pisces on September 17. Ooh, the Three of Wands. Ooh, I love this card. So this is all about having a vision of what you’re going to do next and sometimes seeing a broader picture of where your life is going. So this is broadening your horizons in some way around this time. Okay. It’s very exciting. 

So some of you could get an idea in your mind or perhaps meet someone that brought into your horizons or just have a sense of, wow, I need to. I need to broaden myself in some way, or I’m ready to let go of this old situation in order to feel more free and more expansive. So this is freedom and expansion around this Full Moon time or after it, and then the focus. Oh, wow. The Knight of Cups. So you have romance. Okay. So some of you could be feeling like, perhaps the romantic person I’m involved with is. You know, perhaps we need to broaden our perspectives. Perhaps we need to change this relationship in a positive way. Perhaps you’re feeling like, okay, it’s time for me to change. Have a change in my romantic life of some kind. 

Or perhaps you’re seeing a longer term vision with this person, okay, that you’re involved with. And for those of you not asking about romance, it’s having some kind of vision of some kind of possible offer you want to get or someplace that you want to take your career or take your life or take this passion of yours. Okay? Take it to the next level, the next step, and maybe even putting together some kind of plan in your mind for the next steps, for this. This. This dream or this passion in your heart. Okay. And then what? To let go of the Eight of Cups. Okay. So I’m feeling like. 

I’m feeling like for many of you after this eclipse, there is this need to sort of let go of either somebody that you’ve been with or some kind of vision that you’ve held about what this perfect partner needs to look and feel like. There’s this sort of letting your mind be expanded to make room for something that is for your highest good. I’m being really drawn to the moon here, the Full Moon. So it’s this feeling of letting go, of really just letting go as much as possible of where you’ve held yourself. Okay. Whether it be in terms of romance or in terms of this dream that you’re working on. It’s this feeling of. Of allowing yourself to walk into a much greener pasture and just being really comfortable with shifting and changing. Okay. And just embracing that. What to further embrace? 

What to further embrace. Wow. So many Cups. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Two of Cups. Wow. Whoa. Okay, so it’s this focus on this Knight of Cups leaving behind of either a projection that you’ve had on this person or if it’s not a person, this. This dream in your heart or this opportunity. It’s like being willing to say, okay, this could go a different way than I thought it was gonna go. Being willing to let some aspect of this go or let this person go, and then embracing this new opportunity or this new person or this new version of this dream in your heart that makes. That really expands your world. 

So being flexible and open here as you come together with this, either this opportunity, this new partnership, or this new romantic connection or new vision of love that’s gonna happen for many of you. Okay, so, boy, lots of Cups. So, yeah, this. With this. Pisces. Pisces is a water sign. There could be just a lot of feelings where you’re really connecting to your romantic desires, your romantic dreams, and to others romantically. I mean, this is a very positive sign about romance. So it could be that some of you kind of let go of. Of somebody really walk away, and then either they come back to you or you meet someone new, or it could be that you let go of some kind of. 

For some of you, I’m sensing some kind of, like, desire in your heart, letting go of the way you think it’s supposed to play out. And then even better opportunity comes to you, if that makes sense. It’s like getting a. It’s like getting an offer or something, and it’s not. It’s not quite right. So you let it go, and then something much better comes that is a better fit for you and for your heart and for your dreams. Okay. And then what’s, like, a surprise kind of twist in all this? This is good. Whoa, man. Okay. Nine of Cups. This is the wish country cards. Oh, okay. Well, some of us watching, definitely a wish is gonna come true of some kind that has to do with your heart. Okay? Around or after this eclipse time. 

But for others of us, this is a sign to just don’t settle, to really focus on this desire in your heart. Focus on the wish that you have. Don’t settle, especially when it comes to romance, okay? Or it comes to the right of people around you to make your vision come to life. Okay? To make this bigger vision come to life, focus on the dream, because if it’s in your heart, it’s. It’s probably part of your soul’s calling, you know, your purpose, right? This dream in your heart. So don’t settle on the wrong, the wrong people or the wrong job or wrong opportunity, but rather be willing to shift change and ultimately walk away from something that’s not quite feeling right for you, because something better will come to you, okay? 

Something that really makes your heart sing, and it feels like, whoa, that is. That is like wish come true for me. That’s really cool. All right, so that is a good sign. Okay. And then the final card about this time, the final card about this Full Moon and Pisces. Okay, so the five of Wands in reverse. So don’t stress. Don’t stress and don’t fight for this. And walk away from. So I’m feeling like, just be mindful of. There could be at this time, Full Moon eclipse. A lot of people could be feeling, you know, emotional, frazzled, you know, around you. So it’s just really important to protect your energy. Walk around. Don’t get sucked into that. And your own psychology. Don’t get sucked into. I have to, like, fight for this relationship or this person. It’s about saying, like, no, I’m gonna. 

I’m going to embrace walking away from drama and stress, okay. Of all kinds. All right. And I’m feeling that. To pull another card about that. What does that mean? Spirit, the Ace of Cups. Wow. I can’t make this stuff up. Okay. Another cup. The Ace of Cups. The holy grail of Cups. Okay. In tarot. So, yeah, this is like, whoa. So for some of us, this Full Moon eclipse is a big catalyst, definitely, in terms of our romantic relationships. Okay? So it’s about nothing for some of you. Not maybe you’re in a relationship where you’re fighting a lot, and it’s just about really letting that go. For some of you, like, letting that relationship go to make way for one that is a real wish come true, and it’s a great relationship, okay? It’s about letting go of this, like, fight and believe. 

The Ace of Cups is, like, the best, one of the best cards for romance. It’s about new love, and it’s about that powerful love and. Okay. And for others of you, it’s just not dealing with the struggle of trying to get this dream in your heart launched or working, but rather just aligning with it in your heart and in your vision, okay. And knowing that it really is in flow for you. And if you. If you’re willing to let go of what doesn’t work after this eclipse time and kind of walk away from a certain aspect of this, that you will be given something better. Okay, so there’s, like, an offer made, perhaps, that you took, and it’s not right, and then you could walk away, and then there’s something even better offered. Okay. 

And then again, this a reminder from spirit, the Ace of Cups, just like some fresh new start in the heart. And this could be love, or it can just be an opportunity of some kind, a change of some kind that you really, you’ve been wanting for a long time, okay? A refreshing change that makes your heart very happy. Okay? And it’s all about dropping the struggle, dropping the fight, and dropping as much as you can, turning away from the stress of it. And even if people around you are telling you, oh, you need to, like, deal with this, oh, there’s a lot of stress at work or people around you freaking out for many of you just to say, you know, I’m turning away from that. 

I’m turning into my heart energy as much as I can, and I’m getting in the flow of my life, okay? And I’m welcoming in all of my good by getting in the flow and keeping that bigger vision. This is really, I’m feeling very powerful about this time for many of us. And then what’s an affirmation for this Full Moon time spirit? What is an affirmation for this time? The Nine of Cups. The Nine of Cups. Okay. All things are working together for good in my life. Surplus satisfaction. Okay. Wow. All things are working together for good in my life. Okay. Double Nine of Cups, guys. Make a wish on this Full Moon. I’m telling you, make a wish on this Full Moon. Whoa. All things are working together for good in my life. 

Okay, so, yes, so even if there change that happens at this Full Moon, even as things shift and change, even if you find yourself walking away from something, some kind of situation or person or opportunity or somebody walks away from you, or you just walk away from some kind of habit that you had or could be really anything that you’re shifting and changing with, make a wish. You are definitely going towards some kind of fulfillment of something that’s really fulfilling for your heart, a wish that is dear to your heart. Okay. That’s where. That’s where this eclipse is pulling you towards. Okay. All right. Wow. It’s amazing. Okay, so, and as always, this is a group general tarot reading for the energy of the collective. But if you want a personal reading with me, I would love to give you one. 

So just click on the link below for that. And until next time, I am sending you all of my love and so many blessings for this Full Moon time and beyond. 

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Christina Nelson
    Posted at 06:15h, 22 September Reply

    I <3 you Sirena. My wish did come true Thursday. I came into some money and I was totally able to be able to buy a steal of a deal of a car and I didn’t tell anyone and surprisingly so everyone approved and was happy for me. My old car I’ve had for 9 years and it was hanging by a thread…. And this newer car has boosted my self confidence, it safer and more professional. And today I’m going to get a new phone sent to me which is a massive upgrade.

  • Jamie johnson
    Posted at 21:37h, 17 September Reply

    This reading makes perfect sense! Lots of changes.. or… Is it actual changes? Temporary? I guess we shall have to wait and see! Everything reveals truth of life and it always comes to light

  • Sharon Ann poynter
    Posted at 09:25h, 13 September Reply

    Thank you for your reading, it was awesome and encouraging. I’ve been struggling with a decision and this group reading has helped me tremendously. I really enjoyed this. Thank you so much.

  • Benson Afoakwa -Acheampong
    Posted at 22:00h, 11 September Reply

    Nice illustrations

  • Sirena Moon
    Sirena Moon
    Posted at 20:20h, 11 September Reply

    For some reason, I’m not able to respond to each of you personally. this week, but I want you to know I am reading all of your messages! I’m sending you all so much love and so many blessings!! <3 Sirena

  • Sheryl madrazo
    Posted at 19:10h, 11 September Reply

    Thank you Serena .. I love it so much

  • Gilberto Aluizio Csaszar
    Posted at 17:42h, 11 September Reply

    I loved the text. I want to be happy.

  • Gilberto Aluizio Csaszar
    Posted at 17:40h, 11 September Reply

    Esse comentário serviu para mim em cheio, adorei. Vou aproveitar muito em meu benefício e daqueles quem amo.

  • Corinne A Russian
    Posted at 17:37h, 11 September Reply

    Thank you my friend 🧡
    I’m excited and looking forward to this change for the better Amen.
    Thank you for the teaching.
    God Bless 🙌

  • Julie
    Posted at 16:08h, 11 September Reply

    Similar reading to mia for me

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 16:03h, 11 September Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    I sure hope for my life to get better soon. I just got into a homeless shelter for the first time in my life at the age 55 years old THAT SUCKS BIG TIME.


  • Sarah Wenham
    Posted at 14:56h, 11 September Reply

    I think you’re quite good. Let’s see your next chapter. I believe if you really know me you would give me a little insight before I actually ask you for a reading.

  • Tereasa Madson
    Posted at 13:24h, 11 September Reply

    Will me and my love survive what we’re going through

  • Sirena Moon
    Sirena Moon
    Posted at 11:40h, 11 September Reply

    I would love to give you a personal reading! Here is the link! https://shop.cosmicupdates.com/products/private-reading-sirena

  • Hanumanta Narsappa Kawali
    Posted at 10:45h, 11 September Reply

    I’m saying only thanks univers..
    & thanks sirena moon..

  • Teresa MOON
    Posted at 10:00h, 11 September Reply

    Wow! So many cards from my personal reading

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 14:07h, 12 September Reply

      Amazing Teresa!!XOSirena

  • Sean Mahler
    Posted at 09:29h, 11 September Reply

    To be come wealthy but not only in money but in love and wisdom as well and to the point I have no worries about anything anymore!

  • Sharon Pam Forbes
    Posted at 09:11h, 11 September Reply

    I would like to request a personal reading please Sirena

  • Susan Bernadette Williams
    Posted at 09:08h, 11 September Reply

    I would love a reading please

  • Susan Williams
    Posted at 08:56h, 11 September Reply

    happy for the invite

  • Christopher
    Posted at 08:40h, 11 September Reply

    Thank you so much 4 all your reading Definitely spot on every time I feel u are talking to me. 🙂 Thanks for your smile

  • Kathleen
    Posted at 08:35h, 11 September Reply

    This reading definitely resonates with me and where my life is going. I would really like a personal reading from you surrounding my love, luck, and wealth.

  • Rita
    Posted at 08:01h, 11 September Reply

    🙏 Thank you!
    Manifesting Love, Health, Prosperity.

  • Nikola Nixon
    Posted at 08:00h, 11 September Reply

    Dear Sirena Moon,

    Your talks and readings always resonate with me. How so I go about booking a poersonal reading with you?


  • Patrena White
    Posted at 07:10h, 11 September Reply

    Is my relationship over

  • Donna Dianne Landreth
    Posted at 07:03h, 11 September Reply

    My love life

  • Franco Demichelis
    Posted at 06:54h, 11 September Reply

    Love my tarot but sirena i put the ñame of a person that Inés y in my life i know your telling me to Let go but we have something rreally it was Just a miss underdtanding
    I out your her name and Britherhood date si Where is the love spell that was that i paíd dont get me atingí love the tarot Reading but one thing is one and the other another so please love to get my spell for that person i así for

  • Eveline Marshall
    Posted at 06:47h, 11 September Reply

    My Birthday is July 16 I’m a Cancer I would love a reading on me.

  • Basil
    Posted at 06:46h, 11 September Reply

    Will my ex return

  • Tracy Walker
    Posted at 06:32h, 11 September Reply

    Happy to be here

  • Deborah Pinter
    Posted at 06:29h, 11 September Reply

    Omg I finally get to watch the video Rose I can’t believe it!!!! She’s doing our cards.

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 14:07h, 12 September Reply

      Love to you Deborah!!!

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