09 Jan A Year Of Love | Zodiac Sign Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 1/10
Are you ready for brighter skies in 2024?
Sirena Moon is here with a special Zodiac Sign Tarot reading, so you can get personalized insights on your year ahead.
She’s here today to help you embrace the opportunities on your horizon, so you can make the most of the year to come.
P.S. Do you have a special intention for 2024? What’s one word that sums up what you want to manifest this year? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful people with Cosmic Updates, Sirena Moon here, and it’s such a pleasure to be with you this week. This week I thought I’d give a message from Spirit with the Tarot about 2024 and about each of the four elements of astrological signs. So, there’s water, earth, air, and fire. And, if you are a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, you’re a water sign. So, pay attention to the message for water signs if you’re one of those three signs. If you are a Sagittarius, Leo or Aries, you’re a fire sign. And, if you’re a Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus, you’re an earth sign. All right? And, if you are an Aquarius, a Libra, or Gemini, you’re an air sign. So, look for your sign and it’s a special message about 2024, okay? And, what it might mean for you, what it might have in the store for you.
WATER: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Okay so, I’m going to start with water signs. Spirit, what message do you have for our water signs? Pisces, Cancer and Scorpios. I’m feeling this card. Ooh, water signs, wow, this is the Two of Cups, which is the sign of water, wow. Partnership 2024 is, I know all the other signs are going to be jealous, but oh, you could probably find love this year, water signs, something very good. This is a great sign about meeting someone very special and finding love and communication. And, if you’re already in partnership, this is a sign of renewal about partnership, some kind of romantic renewal, something that feels really good, having true intimacy and a true bond, okay, this year.
One more card for our beautiful water signs. Oh, everyone is going to be so jealous of the water signs. Oh my gosh, wow. This is, oh, the Wish Come True card. This is a feeling that a wish will be granted in 2024. So, lucky water signs, this is the Nine of Cups. Again, it’s about water. So something really, you’re going to have a big blessing, water signs, in some way. Something that you’ve wanted will come true this year, and it’s going to feel very like, wow, you’re going to feel very blessed in some aspect of your life. Okay, wow. And it could have to do with love or partnership of some kind. That was good.
AIR: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Okay, and now, air signs, our beautiful Geminis, Libras, and Aquarius. Spirit, what would you, oh my gosh, very similar, Page of Cups. Okay so, you too can be experiencing new love. A feeling of, if it doesn’t have to do with love, it’s a feeling of your heart being very excited about some kind of opportunity for our beautiful air signs. There could be some opportunity that comes in that you feel like you’re really swept off your feet by, or infatuated, you feel this excited, like a kid again. This doesn’t even have to be love, it could be, for many of you, just some kind of opportunity, some kind of job or something that happens where you just feel like you’re in love with life again, for many of you. There’s some fresh new feeling going on for our beautiful air signs. Ok? It could be expressing yourself in a way that’s very playful, and for others of you, it is a sense of, wow, you’re feeling in love again with a human being. Just this feeling of being in love is very big for our air signs.
And, what other message, Spirit, do you have? Oh my gosh, okay, and The Wheel of Fortune for our air signs. So yeah, you’re closing out a chapter for sure in 2023 and starting something fresh and new in 2024 that is more fortunate. There’s definitely a turning of The Wheel. You’ve let go of something or someone in 2023, and it’s all about new, fresh feelings of love, adventure, feeling that your heart is feeling excited again about something. It’s like this out with the dull in with the new and fresh and good feeling energy. That’s really wonderful. So fortunate change for the better for our beautiful air signs. And, this is flying through the air, that’s really neat. Okay, so air signs, I’m sensing for many of you, something might come out of the blue that’ll ask you to make a change this year in some way that might even surprise you, but it’s important to say yes to it. It’s going to lead to a feeling of emotional satisfaction. So, this could be a job opportunity, a move, some of you moving to a whole ‘nother country. I’m feeling it’s like a big deal, a very big shift, opportunity, definitely an opportunity for many air signs that’s coming.
EARTH: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus
Okay, our earth signs, okay, earth signs, Virgo, Capricorns and Taurus, earth signs, Spirit, what message do you have for earth signs? Wow, a lot of cups, Queen of Cups. Ooh, okay, so this is again, emotional satisfaction. This feeling of, for many of you, a really big healing takes place, a really big healing of your heart, a feeling of whoa, you’re in the flow of life, just feeling relaxed, that things are calming down, that you can really just be, not have to burn out, but just be at your own pace. I’m sensing for so many of you, just a connection to the mystical connection to beauty, a connection to art. I’m hearing creativity, for so many of you. It’s like being, surrendering to creative ideas that you’ve held so long, an expression of your heart that you’re going to be able to really bring forward into the world. And, for many of you, this has to do with love and feeling like you’re really taken care of in love, and that your heart is really being tended to this year. You might meet someone or feel good in some way.
Then, The Sun, and it is in reverse, but it’s okay. The Sun, this is, wow, a very joyous card or sign. So, The Sun with a reverse, it’s really important to let The Sun shine in your life, to allow yourself even more joy than before. And, for some of you, you could be having a child or opening yourself up to that thought of having a child or being connected to your childlike nature or feeling playful again. And, it’s really important with it in reverse to really focus on that this year, to really put your joy number one. And, for many of you, it’s going to be a year of tapping into your enthusiasm, your energy, your vibrancy and your joy. That’s amazing. And, to have that Queen of Cups and that sunshine joy, The Sun, is considered the most joyous car in the deck. So, that’s pretty cool. So, feeling those feelings of emotional satisfaction and your inner radiance really allowing it to shine through and being really hyper aware this year of when you’re dimming yourself down or when you’re not allowing your vibrant energy flowing, your good health and your relaxation and all the good things to flow into your life so that you can allow that incredible, joyous energy that wants so much to come through you in 2024. There’s enormous joy available to you.
FIRE: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Okay, and now our beautiful fire signs, Spirit, what would you tell our beautiful fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? What is the message for 2024? Oh, the King of Cups. That’s crazy, that’s amazing, we’ve got so many cups. The Queen of Cups, the Two of Cups, wow, okay, the King of Cups. Again, this is related to your heart and oh my goodness, to feeling romance, to feeling romantic, to feeling safe emotionally, fulfilled emotionally, wow. So many of the signs, oh, this is similar messages for all of the different signs, but, yeah, King of Cups for the fire signs.
And, Spirit, what other message did you have for our beautiful fire signs? Wow, Queen of Pentacles, amazing, so, King and a Queen. Okay, so fire signs Queen of Pentacles, this is all about financial prosperity, creativity. Ooh, I’m feeling for many of you fire signs, this is the year to really write, express yourself, really strongly, give birth to something. I mean it could be a literal birth to a human being, or give birth to something that you’ve held in your heart for so long that you want to create. And, I’m feeling very strongly for fire signs, start it now in January, and by the end of the year, something will come to fruition in a very big way that could earn you some more cashflow, actually money. It could be a really exciting time for career for you, but again, it’s all about the heart for all the signs, it’s very heart-based, and that’s a good sign for love. But yes, for fire signs, really put yourself out there. I’m sensing, for many of you, it’s all about communication and writing and starting possibly your own business. There’s something like that. I’m feeling really strongly, and to just start it now, start taking the smaller steps now and it’ll all culminate and build to something by the end of the year. And, this is a really good sign for finances, for you, fire signs, for this 2024.
Well, okay, that was fun. I am wishing you all a beautiful 2024 and year ahead, and I’m just sending you all the biggest blessings for heart-based love and prosperity and peace and plenty. Blessings to you, I love you all. Bye.
Ruby Tauro
Posted at 05:21h, 12 JanuaryBefore I came to your reading today – I am receiving daily tarot Readings from another source and it was TWO OF CUPS and NINE OF PENTACLES for me today. Its a reaffirmation to you Reading of Water Sign I just read. Almost got goosebumps. Thank you for your great Reading Serena. 🦂🙏
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 18:13h, 11 JanuarySirena, Happy New Year! So Beautiful as always. Creating my joy this year as I am a Virgo.
Thank you!
Julie Swanson
Posted at 12:37h, 11 JanuaryAll four so positive! Lovely reading. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Posted at 05:42h, 11 JanuaryI claim my share of what you said about fire signs I am an Aries.
Betty. Briggs
Posted at 04:04h, 11 JanuaryI need to know if I will be getting any money soon if so when
Sean Docherty
Posted at 23:15h, 10 JanuaryI am a Virgo, and I feel very blessed by that reading. Love and Joy in abundance, abundance, abundance, is what I’m thinking. Welcome to 2024, the year of abundance.
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8 As in Heaven, so on Earth. Infinity. That’s what I think when I see the number 8. It’s also my door number. .Blessed be, Sirena
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 21:19h, 10 JanuaryI believe in a new chapter in My life. Could be artistic ora a new person in My life? I don’t know. I enjoy this journey called life. Thank You for your reading
KeMoria RaShon Williams
Posted at 19:57h, 10 JanuaryBeautiful 😍 I love it 😀
Cynthia Jarvis
Posted at 18:58h, 10 JanuaryYour reading for me was spot on!
The reading confirmed that my goals and determinations and wish for love are highly likely to come to fruition.
Thank you so much!
Peggy Huckaby
Posted at 18:52h, 10 JanuaryAll I truly desire is the return of the love of my life, my soul mate and twin flame! He ruined me for anyone else! Cause I don’t want anyone else!
Latamra N Washington
Posted at 17:58h, 10 JanuaryI just liked the reading and thank you so much
John Michael Gaugh
Posted at 15:03h, 10 JanuaryI’m o going to make the right choices for love money life
Martha Hollins
Posted at 10:19h, 10 JanuaryAwesome. Praying for happiness and a blessing.
Elizabeth Sheleski
Posted at 08:51h, 10 JanuaryWow I am a Libra and very interesting.. I do believe it!! Thank u 😊
Erica Marie Redford
Posted at 06:55h, 10 JanuaryThank you! I claim everything you said fur Fire signs (Aries) and it was just the confirmation I needed that I am on the right path finally!
Posted at 06:15h, 10 JanuaryIstina
Vaga/ novi posao, dugo ovekivan i bogata nagrada
Martha Hollins
Posted at 10:18h, 10 JanuaryAwesome and praying for happiness and blessings