An Authentic Connection | Sirena Moon | Venus in Aquarius Tarot Reading | 12/7

Are you ready for sparks to fly? Sirena says Venus entering Aquarius could create a magical connection.

She is here to help you embrace this innovative energy and share your authentic self this week!

It’s time to upgrade your relationships. Simply click the video below!

P.S. How are you sharing your true self this week? Comment below to let Sirena know!


Hello, beautiful, wonderful people. Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about Venus, the planet of love, moving into the sign of Aquarius and what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this time. So on December 7, Venus, the planet of love, the planet of romance, moves into the sign of Aquarius, the planet of innovation, of centricity, of technology, of doing things out of the box. The planet of being weird and authentic and experimental. So with Venus moving into Aquarius on December 7, that’ll last for about a few weeks until it moves into the sign of Pisces in early January. But with Venus and Aquarius, this could really bring a lot of luck to your love life in terms of meeting people online. Okay.

So Venus is going to add a touch of magic sparkle to technology, to love connections made through technology. It would also could inspire you to think outside of the box in love and to be a little more experimental or eccentric or do things in a different way, meet people in a different way, express your weirdness. And your weirdness could actually be really attractive to the right person. So this could really affect us all in a very positive, kind of wacky and quirky way for the next couple of weeks. And if you’re not here for love, Venus and Aquarius can really inspire you to look at what you value and how to break free of any limitations that are. That is holding your heart’s desires back. Okay.

To really think outside the box and to allow yourself to do things in a unique way to go towards what your heart is desiring. Okay. Venus is all about the heart, what we value, and it’s also about beauty and romance. So with that being said, now I’m going to do a group tarot reading. And as always, this is a group general reading. But if you would like a private reading with me, just simply click the link below for that. Okay, so let me just tap into Spirit and I’m asking, Spirit, what messages do you have for us with Venus in Aquarius? Time, beginning on December 7, what messages do you have for us for our highest good about this period of a few weeks when Venus is in the weird and wacky and wonderful sign of Aquarius, what messages do you have for us?

Okay. Okay. O. Wow. Oh, interesting. Wow. Okay, Very interesting. So Venus is moving to Aquarius. You know, the six of pentacles upside down, it means where are you not being of service? Another. Another point about Aquarius that it’s. It’s about the human Collective. It’s about others, it’s about society. And there’s this sort of. This question of how can you kind of give a little bit more in terms of your talents, your gifts? Where are you feeling isolated that you might be able to connect with others more in a really positive way, really make a difference, either with some kind of cause that’s dear to your heart or just with a friend. And it’s also bringing attention to how you can ask for that support.

Okay, so there’s some issue coming up from many of you about getting the support that you need or giving, having an even exchange of support, giving and receiving that kind of energetic support, loving support, or even financial support. And in terms of love, it’s making you kind of ask questions of, is this a reciprocal partnership? Am I giving? Am I over giving in this love relationship? Or is this person over giving to me? Are they smothering me? There’s this question of kind of balance. I’m feeling like that’s coming up for many of you at this time. But there’s this feeling that you’ve really focused on something for quite a long time. You’ve built something really wonderful. And this Venus into Aquarius is going to help you create this project or finish this project or bring to fruition some kind of dream in love.

And this is the card of the artist. The more unique you can. The more of your own uniqueness that you can put into this. This thing that you’re building around this time, or this wish in your heart, or this kind of thing that you’ve focused on for, put a lot of effort into for a long time. And it doesn’t even have to be a project that you’re working on if, even if it’s with love. This could symbolize all of the effort that you’ve put in, all of the dating you’ve done, all the relationships you’ve had. There’s this feeling of that you’re an expert at certain things, okay. And it’s really important to put your unique stamp on it. So you don’t just want to, you know, go on a date or meet somebody new and just be generic.

You want to make sure that you’re really being your authentic self and to understand that the more uniquely you, which we’re all very unique, the more of your unique qualities you can bring to the table, the more luck you’re going to have with this. Okay? And it’s this feeling for many of you that you’re just close to the finish line now. Like, all your effort and hard work is going to pay off, okay, in terms of building some kind of relationship structure that you really want, or finishing some kind of project or some kind of business that you’re launching or some kind of dream in your heart that you really want to materialize, okay? Venus and Aquarius is going to help you get that done, get what’s done that needs to get done, completed. All right?

So it’s important to let go of any fear that which you left behind recently was the wrong choice. Okay? There’s this feeling to fully let yourself move forward from something that might have been emotionally kind of difficult to say goodbye to or let go of in the last few months, but that you’ve made the right choice. And don’t. Don’t look back. You know. What’s that Oasis song? Don’t look back in anger. You know, there’s this feeling. Don’t look back with regret and don’t, you know, you did the right thing. Even though it’s very difficult, okay? This could be moving on from a dream or some kind of job or a person, okay? Or some kind of, you know, opportunity or could even be moving house or something. But there’s this feeling of not looking back, moving forward. You did the right thing.

Don’t worry, okay? Don’t worry. Not all is lost. All that effort you put into something, okay, you’re gonna get. It’s gonna be returned. There’s this feeling of, like. Feeling like justice will be served or karma will be served. Like, what. What you. All the energy you put out this year, it’s going to come back to you. There’s this. You’re, like. When many of you are looking at that balance, you know, and it will come back. And you don’t need to look back and regret about some decision that you made, okay? It was the right choice. And it’s important to just look forward. And then it’s important to focus on your spiritual connection, okay? On meditating, on connecting to your intuition.

Many of you could receive a sign during Venus in Aquarius, a very big spiritual sign that’s going to steer you in the right direction. Trust your gut with this. With this direction that you’re moving in or this choice that you made recently. Trust your gut with where you’re going. There’s this feeling. Feeling of getting kind of this sense of being called to something, pulled to something. For many of you, even if it seems a bit, you know, scary, like you don’t know really what the future is going to bring. There’s this feeling of having to trust in the mystery of life and the mystery of things unfolding. And this is also a sign for many of you that you are sort of in the dark of the tunnel. Okay, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to trust.

Just keep walking forward. That what I’m feeling like some of you just in this sort of dark tunnel, keep walking forward. Don’t, don’t go back to the other end. You’re almost at the finish line where you can come out of the tunnel and see the light. Keep your, keep focused, keep going. That is the big message here with this Venus and Aquarius time with this reading is keep focus, keep going. It’s going to balance out. And all of that effort you put in is. It’s going to, you’re going to reap the rewards of it. Okay, you don’t see it yet, you don’t see it right now, but keep moving forward and okay, then there is this opportunity with Venus and Aquarius that will come as a welcome surprise for many of you for some kind of healing with another person.

You might receive a message that really heals your heart from another person. There could be an opportunity to meet somebody or meet up with someone that really brings something into balance. This is the card all about balance, emotional balance and feeling just peaceful. And that there is this feeling of justice being served or some kind of feeling I’m getting for so many of you that somehow out in a surprise way and in an unexpected way, I think many of you are going to get some kind of feeling or experience where you get to feel a sense of that you are what you gave out of yourself energetically is now being returned to you. You’re getting that support that you desired and needed. And things are coming into balance, whereas maybe they didn’t start out that way.

In the beginning of December, okay, there’s this feeling that balance is restored, all right, with mind, body and spirit. But I’m sensing for many of you, it’s through. It’s like a one one connection, okay. But it’s going to come in a way another time that is unexpected, all right. And then the outcome is clarity, mental clarity. Okay? For many of you get a clear sense of direction again, there’s this feeling of moving forward, not looking back, knowing clearly where you’re heading and where you’re going. With Venus and Aquarius, some decision that you made, some knowledge that you received, possibly a message that you got from someone or communication that makes it clear to you what the next step is. And there’s this. Nothing’s going to stop you. Wild horses can stop you.

There’s this forward moving feeling, you know, forward we go, a sense of clarity. And. And for some of you, a new fresh idea that you should really take action on. It’s like an inspired idea that potentially comes from just having some alone time, meditating, paying attention to your dreams, allowing inspired thought to flow through you. There’s this feeling that many of you are going to get some kind of communication from out of the blue sky, possibly from Spirit. Like an inspired feeling, like. Like a download. And you’re like, oh, my gosh. That’s the answer. That’s the answer that solves this imbalance I’ve had going on in some area of my life. There’s this feeling of clarity. Okay, okay, now let me just grab one last card. Spirit, what is an affirmation for Venus in Aquarius for all of us? Oh, wow. Three of cups.

My heart is filled with joy, celebration and friendship. Three of Cups. Okay, so this is a time with Venus and Aquarius. So, yeah, the last three weeks of December. Just focus on coming together with others as much as you can in a way that fills your heart with joy. Okay? This is all about focusing on the things, the simple pleasures of life, the things that fill your heart up. All right? As you move through the sort of dark tunnel, period, and trust in the mystery, balance will be restored. Okay? Just keep focused. Keep focused. Keep your head down. Keep working on what it is. You just take each step day to day. Just take it step by step. You’re almost to the end of this journey, okay? You don’t need to regret anything you’ve done. Keep focused. You’re right on time.

It’s all unfolding as it should. And in the meantime, just fill your heart with joy as much as you can by connecting with others. Okay? Venus. Planet of love, Aquarius. Representing people, groups, society. Okay? So connect with others as much as you can at this time. It’ll be filled with. With a magic. Okay. That’ll potentially be quite. Quite healing and restorative for you. Okay, darling. Well, I hope that this helps. And as always, this is a group general reading, but if you want a personal reading with me, click the link below. And until we meet, I am sending you so much love and so many blessings. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 17:24h, 05 December Reply

    I echo a “Thank You”, to you, Serena. Thank You!

  • Mario
    Posted at 10:29h, 05 December Reply

    Thank for your information from Tarot

  • Connie Bishop
    Posted at 04:02h, 05 December Reply

    Feeling lost with our love and miss my deceased husband πŸ’”πŸ˜­. But, want to love again πŸŒ»πŸ¦‹πŸ’—

  • Kathleen Showalter
    Posted at 00:13h, 05 December Reply


    Great reading! So where I am now. Just broke up with a toxic relationship at 6 mos.2 mos we lived together & I saw his toxicity. I knew I made the right decision but kept questioning it at 1st. As we were going to travel. We were on (2) different paths & it wasn’t healthy. I deserve so much more then this! I do however, wish him love & light. Thank you for this clarity l. In love & light. Kat

  • Helen Dorothy Ellis
    Posted at 23:42h, 04 December Reply

    I would like a personal reading from you Sirena Moon if possible.

    Posted at 21:27h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you for this timely message πŸ™
    Finally feeling ready to completely close the swinging door of the past that was nothing more than a repetitive karmic cycle that I was stuck in for far more time than I’d like to admit. However, I see it & appreciate it for what it taught me and prepared me for. And your reading has just been the continued confirmation to keep me heading in the highest path forward. Much love

  • Pauline Lennon
    Posted at 21:05h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Sirena
    So insightful. Alot of your points resonate with me and my life at this time..It helps me to know I’m definitely on the right path.
    Many thanks 😊

  • Lin James
    Posted at 20:55h, 04 December Reply

    Aww thank you so much for your reading
    So very positive too.
    Always lovely to get a boost when you think things can’t get any worse.
    Love and light to you Sirena and thank you once again for your time πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  • Lilly Avello
    Posted at 20:53h, 04 December Reply

    I want to Thank You Sirena! I believe you know exactly what is going on in my life and I will not look back at the bad and keep moving forward to my next chapter with all the Love I missed out on. You are Truly Blessed. Thank You.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 17:16h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks sirena,


  • Serena
    Posted at 16:02h, 04 December Reply

    Bellissimo il tuo modo di esprimere le canalizzazioni. Mi sento in sintonia con te
    Grazie di cuore Sirena Moon
    A presto

    Posted at 14:35h, 04 December Reply

    I always love your messages Sirena….they are just the boost needed in the middle of the week! Are you planning on expanding your offerings as one of the other readers on this site is doing (beyond your personal reading offer)? I resonate with your readings the most so would be interested if you did. I claim all the blessings and eagerly anticipate what is in store for me from this reading! Thanks again for all you do.

  • Helen
    Posted at 13:44h, 04 December Reply

    Just what I needed to hear. It had eased my mind thanku

  • Helen
    Posted at 13:43h, 04 December Reply

    Just what I needed to hear. Sirena. It has eased my mind

  • Rahela
    Posted at 12:22h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you sirena for your reading I really needed to hear that I’m on the right track and to don’t look back on the hard love decision that I needed to make. Have yourself a wonderful dayπŸ™‚

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 13:29h, 04 December Reply

      Wonderful Rahela!!XOSirena

  • Antoinette C Williams
    Posted at 12:18h, 04 December Reply

    Yes want to moved forward and I want to tell you thank you for this message

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 13:29h, 04 December Reply

      Yay!! Thank you lovely!! <3

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