Are They Right For You? | Jonathan Lionheart | Timeless Love Tarot Reading

Are you feeling uncertain about someone on your mind?

Jonathan Lionheart is here with an intuitive message to help you determine if they really are the one…

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With Love,

Angel Adams

P.S. What will you decide? Let Jonathan know with a comment below!


Hi there, friends. We’re doing a little bit of a timeless reading today, looking into if they are right for you. And I’m sure you know exactly who I’m talking about, whether this is somebody that you are currently in a relationship with, used to be in a relationship with, or you’re hoping to be in a relationship with. This reading will help bring a little bit more clarity about what this connection is, about what the potentials are, and I hope you enjoy it. So let’s jump right in. So. So, taking a look at if they are right for you, I’m just going to tune in with those of you that are going to watch this video, and we’ll mix our cards up here for a moment. All right, let’s take a look here. So our first card is going to be looking at their true intentions. 

Now, this could be somebody that you’re in a relationship with. It could be somebody that you have a crush on or even somebody that you haven’t fully met yet. This can be romantic. This can be friendships. So what are their true intentions? And I’m sure you know, the person that we are talking about here. Second card will be how this person affects you, the way that they affect your energy, how they make you feel, what happens when you’re spending time with them. Next card will be the potential of the relationship. So what’s potentially going to happen in this relationship or as this relationship continues to grow? And our final card will be the advice going forward. So how you might act in such a way or how you might make some decisions and how that will affect the relationship moving forward. 

And I’ll probably pull one more sort of mystery card at the end. So let’s start with their true intentions. And this is going to give us a sign of what their intentions are in the relationship right now. And what’s showing up is our Four of Swords, which means they’re probably needing to take time. Their intentions are to heal, to rest, to get more aligned with themselves. It’s totally possible that they’ve gone through a painful breakup or some kind of painful experience or chaotic period in their life recently, and now they’re just needing to rest, recuperate, get in touch with themselves, get in touch with their spiritual core. So this can sometimes feel like they are pulling away, or maybe they’re not available. And the truth is they’re not fully available at the moment. They’re needing to do this recuperation. 

They’re needing to sort of connect with themselves. Now, for some of you, this could be that your relationship with them was painful, that there’s already been a bit of a past conflict or a past challenge in the relationship, and now they’re definitely needing that space and that time to heal, to sort of reorganize themselves. So for now, the intention from this person is. Is needing space, is healing time. So it’s definitely a good idea to respect that. To honor that next card will be how they affect you. So how this person affects you in the relationship and in your life. This is a classic soulmate type of card, the six of cups. When this shows up, it means that this person makes you feel at home, makes you feel secure, safe. 

There’s a certain kind of innocence that happens between you two, a joyfulness, a safety. There can even be a little bit of, like, nostalgia, that time that tends to come up. This is definitely a sign that this person is familiar to you, whether that’s from previous incarnations or just deep soul alignments. This would be somebody that definitely could be considered a soulmate. There’s a deep knowing of one another and a deep sense of safety between the two of you. So our next card will be the potential of the relationship. So what are the potentials, and where is this relationship potentially heading towards? So we’ve got our Page of Wands showing up now. 

It means that there’s a lot of adventure, excitement, curiosity, creative energy, a lot of attraction and magnetism happening between the two of you.  This can also be a sign that there’s sort of a freshness or a newness to this relationship. It’s got sort of a young quality to it. And this being sort of one of the younger court cards, there can be a little bit of flightiness where it feels like things are on, and then they’re off, and then they’re on again, and then they’re sort off again. It can feel like there’s great potential. There’s a lot that’s possible, such deep, powerful alignment, and then things kind of drift apart and they don’t feel as close. 

Now, this could be a sign that is the karma that is sort of the direction of this particular relationship going forward, that it’s going to be a little bit of an on again, off again type of connection, or that this at the very beginning, this is how it’s going to be. And both of your willingness to mature into the relationship takes it further. Let’s take a look at your next card, which is the advice going forward. So the advice to you regarding this relationship, regarding this particular connection. This is a fantastic card for advice, the Priestess card, which is saying, listen to your intuition, listen to what’s not being said, be in tune with yourself. First and foremost, listen to the sort of wise parts of your soul when it comes to this particular relationship. The Priestess has seen a lot. 

She’s been, she’s been initiated into the mysteries, which means that she understands that this lifetime is only one drop in the bucket of many lifetimes. Which means this may be the lifetime where there’s a you and this person are coming together. This may not be that lifetime. And that’s okay too. There are many different possibilities of how we can grow and evolve through relationship, through partnership in this particular lifetime. So she’s saying listen to your deep knowing, listen to the deep wisdom that you have inside of yourself. And she can sometimes be a bit of a sign that there are things that we haven’t seen yet and we want to be listening to and being aware of what it is that hasn’t been revealed yet. So being in touch with your own stability, your own self, is definitely helpful in this particular connection. 

Let’s take a look. Maybe we’ll pull one more card, like a mystery card here, just to see if there’s any more information that wants to come out. And what’s showing up is our Seven of Cups on the one side. This is a strong reminder that there are many options and many possibilities. So if this is not the right connection for you should just know that there’s definitely a other opportunities and other possibilities out there. The Seven of Cups can also be a sign that things are feeling a little bit confusing, they feel a little bit hectic, and that you might be in the process of differentiating between what is just fantasy and what’s true. 

And this is going to be really important for a connection like this that sparks that deepen soulful experience, sparks that deep sense of love is where is it that I’m creating fantasies and stories about the situation and what are the truths that are actually on the table? Because when our heart gets touched in a deep way, it also sort of injects this tendency to get lost in fantasy. So keeping your feet on the ground and knowing that you have other options out there are definitely other situations that may or may not better for you. So I hope this is helpful. Thanks for tuning in with me and I look forward to connecting again soon. Take good care. 

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Angel
    Posted at 20:16h, 14 October Reply

    excelente mi hermano , gracias por la información,te felicito al 100; DIOS NUESTRO PADRE CELESTIAL ESTA CONTIGO

  • Claudia B
    Posted at 19:51h, 14 October Reply

    wow, it resonates with me a lot. Actually, I don’t know if the connection is real or imaginary. But when I try to dissolve that connection in my mind, that’s when I encounter him the most. Surely it is a way in which life puts my feet on the ground, locating me. I don’t understand why he hurts me so much. If there never was anything.

  • vanessa
    Posted at 14:09h, 14 October Reply

    Great Reading !

  • Magdeline ngozo
    Posted at 12:44h, 14 October Reply

    Hi Jonathan I do understand your reading but I don’t know who you talking about because there is a person I broke up with him few years ago so now he wants the love back but I am scared to go back to his life because he use to brake my heart but he is a good person he took care of me,so what should I do go back to him or not?

  • Himanshu Lotia
    Posted at 09:01h, 14 October Reply

    Unbelivable . Where do u get.these kind of energy from ??. It is spot on..I found new love kind of relation and she is having some chaotic situation running to hospital for someones medical attention..She is just on and off with me in last few months..just a meet of eye but you are right she feels to me like i know her from past birth as if my soul is very much talking to her soul..kind of soul mate…i am very shocked at your reading.

  • Anh
    Posted at 05:55h, 14 October Reply

    Unbelievably true!

  • Alethea
    Posted at 04:48h, 14 October Reply

    Wow Wow wow
    Honestly You got everything so so so spot on that I am speechless
    Thank you 😊🤗🤗🤗💕

  • Kate
    Posted at 03:47h, 14 October Reply

    wow, I know this is a reading for the collective yet it spoke directly into my current relationship situation, we are in a soul mate connection without doubt but its been very tough going for both of us with my ongoing divorce battle causing a lot of triggers which we are working through, communication became a problem, I shook things up and now we are taking a bit of time out to work on ourselves, communication has improved greatly between us meaning when things have calmed down and we are both more centred we can hopefuly move forward in amore healthy way

  • Alexandra
    Posted at 00:18h, 14 October Reply

    That was amazing, it totally relates to what I am going through with my ex-fiancé in a kind of an on-off relationship where he seems to need time and space now to recover from something that I’m not sure what it is. I do feel that he is my soul mate and I am his and it has been hard to navigate his need for space and his silence. This reading helped me a lot in confirming what I thought and giving me hope that once he heals things will get better. Also that I should follow my intuiton and not what everybody around me is saying, that he doesn’t care about me and so on when I know in my heart he cares very deeply about me. Thank you so much and may God bless you.

  • Elizabeth Sheleski
    Posted at 21:03h, 13 October Reply

    Wow hmm 🤔 now got me thinking.. good reading..

  • Renta Jean McAninch
    Posted at 20:24h, 13 October Reply

    It was helpful. My keeps doing good and bad. I think it’s telling me to go on. Then it tells me we r soulmates. But isn’t a soulmate someone u have to learn a lesson from. I learned mine it was not to cheat. I still haven’t went on and it’s been almost 3 years. My heart can’t go on and neither can his we keep coming back to each other. I’m heart can’t handle all of this anymore.

  • Alyson
    Posted at 18:01h, 13 October Reply

    Hi Jonathan, you are spot on,
    I’ve been in this relationship for 11 years and more,
    When we’re good, we are just good together, we have such a youthful side of us as well,
    We also have so much to explore in our journey as a whole,
    But then I can say once he blows hot and cold it surely leaves me to a standstill,
    All you said was true and thank you

  • Berilyne Jewell
    Posted at 13:25h, 13 October Reply

    Hello Jonathan… THANK YOU for the reading.

    You were so SPOT ON !

    But I MISS him although I ask myself, do I really want this? Or need this? Will he come back?

    Oh !! So many unanswered questions !

  • Mary L Nelson
    Posted at 11:10h, 13 October Reply

    Very interesting almost spot on to what l’m dealing with in a relationship

    Posted at 10:40h, 13 October Reply

    Well C.. those cards are exactly the situation for him, for us and for me. Unfortunately they weren’t forthcoming on how to move forward. So I will continue to do nothing, which the negative in me thinks that’s exactly what he is hoping I will do and just disappear so that he doesn’t have to explain or answer questions.

    Thankyou for the amazingly spot on reading. You are a true Gentleman

  • Hayley
    Posted at 10:04h, 13 October Reply

    💯 resonated with me and my current situation.. you said everything spot on, wow.. thankyou so much for your time and energy. Truly gifted 🩵

  • Teresa
    Posted at 08:35h, 13 October Reply

    Thank you! You were so on point about my current relationship, we are both Capricorns, we’ve been on and off, somehow we always end up going back to each other! Right now, we are taking a break, so we can work out, and if we were to go back, it would make it stronger where we wouldn’t have to take breaks only time will tell! 🙏🌺💕

  • Lukman
    Posted at 07:45h, 13 October Reply

    You just to me directly in my state of mind,thanks

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