16 Apr Are You Missing Someone? | Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 4/17-4/23
Are you longing for someone you just can’t seem to recover from? The path to healing is being revealed to you now!
Sirena Moon is here to point you in the right direction. Just click on the video below, and hear the message your heart needs to move forward!
P.S. Are you ready to move on? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates Family, Sirena Moon here, and in today’s video I’m talking about how to heal a broken heart. So, whether you’re dealing with an upset in a romantic situation, in love, or in a situation in life, any situation that’s left you feeling disappointed, let down, or even broken-hearted, hopefully today’s reading can give you some insight for how to heal your heart. Now, I’m just tapping into Spirit and I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading, to give you any messages you need to hear about how to heal.
So, this first card represents the situation you’re in, the situation you’re in, oh, The Devil in reverse. Okay, so The Devil represents feeling bound to something or someone, it represents feeling trapped, and it is in reverse. So, you could have just come out of a situation where you were bound, but you’re not sure how to free yourself right now. It feels like a very stuck energy. So, you could be feeling like, “Oh my goodness,” you’ve been set free, or “I’ve been set free, but I can’t move on. I don’t know how to move on.” It feels kind of deep and dark, and it could be deeply psychological. Some of you could be dealing with addictions and just feeling like, “Oh, is there no way out of this?” It could feel a bit hopeless at times, but the most important part about The Devil card is to see that they can easily walk away from the chain. It’s only their mind that keeps them feeling bound. If you shift your perspective, you can see that there is a light in this tunnel. There is a way out of this situation, and actually the situation is really profoundly here to heal you in some way. You’ve learned something really amazing from it. And, The Devil card also represents the character of Pan, the playful spirit. So, there’s a need for more laughter. There’s a need to shine a light in the darkness and be lighthearted about something that has you feeling quite deep and quite stuck, okay? So, you’re dealing with that.
And, the card number two is what is needed to heal your broken heart? What is needed here? The Sun, and it’s in reverse. Okay, so The Sun is joy, it’s connection, it’s other people. It’s getting outside. It’s the most joyous card in the deck, and it is in reverse. So, it’s saying that you really need something that brings you joy. So, sometimes in order to heal, you just need a distraction. It’s like you need to watch a funny movie or hang out with someone that makes you laugh. There’s such a need, it feels like here, for any effort at all to find a way to laugh, and that laughter is the greatest healer. So, even if it’s temporary, just taking your mind off of the situation, even if you can just temporarily find a bit of playfulness, a bit of joy, allow yourself to be a kid again, to be very childlike, throw out your responsibilities out the window, give yourself a break. Sometimes you just need to play and do something fun, something that makes you feel like a kid again, and that will be enormously helpful in helping you move on from this feeling where you’re just feeling very stuck and you don’t see a way out of this situation that has you feeling potentially very disappointed or even heartbroken. So, it’s important to give yourself that little break. Get outside, do something fun. Just do it no matter what, even if it means you call in sick for work, just do what you have to. It’ll help you with this healing.
Okay, and card number three is how to put the pieces back together after this broken heart. How do you put the pieces back together? How do you put the pieces back together? Ace of Wands, so moving forward, taking action on something. Okay, moving, moving, moving, moving. Do not stay stagnant, okay? That’s how you put the pieces of your life back together. After this, you’ve got to move forward, you’ve got to move on. The worst thing for you to be doing right now is to sit and be alone thinking about it, okay? Pondering it, thinking about what you did wrong, what you could have done differently, okay? This is a sign to just take action on something. Just get out, move your body if you have to, just take a walk, take a walk, but do something, do something. The Ace of Wands represents new action, forward movement, okay? So, as best as you can, take action on something, on anything that gets you in your body, out of your head and moving forward, okay? Forward movement.
And then, something you can do to help yourself feel better, something you can do to help you feel better, something you can do. Ooh, the Nine of Cups. So, this is a wish come true card. So, something you can do to help you feel better is to think about the wish in your heart, and to know that Spirit is saying that that wish is coming true. This is Spirit’s message to you, to not give up hope, to know that the dream in your heart is your soul’s path for you. If it’s in your heart, it is there for a reason, darling. It’s not there for you to not to have it. If you dream of a beautiful soulmate, connection, love, it’s there for a reason. It’s because your soul is here on this planet to experience that, and Spirit wants that more for you than you even want it for yourself. If you’re here because you have a dream, for a dream career, something that your heart really wants to do, you want to have your own business, whatever it is, your soul wants that for you. So, following your heart, believing in that dream and taking action on it, and trusting that it is all working out, it’s all happening. It’s all coming to you in perfect divine timing. All is in divine order, and to not lose sight of that dream in your heart and to know that you are so worthy of it, the entire Universe is conspiring to get you to that dream and sometimes to get you to that dream, to your actual soulmate, it means someone breaks up with you or it means someone breaks your heart and leaves you because they are not your soulmate, they’re not the actual one. Even though they have a lot of qualities that the actual one for you maybe does have, or maybe you learned something from this person, or maybe you learned something from this job opportunity, but it’s not the best situation for you. So, you have to trust, follow that North Star. Know that your heart’s desire, that dream is coming true, okay? It is just you have to trust it. If it left your life, it left for a reason, okay? Rejection is God’s protection, as they say, okay?
So, that’s how you can feel better is to focus, to have a knowing inside, to have faith inside that not all hope is lost. Keep going, just around the corner when you least expect it, it could be an opening for this dream in your heart, this dream in your heart can materialize. It’s going to happen. So, whatever disappointed you right now does not mean that it’s going to be this way forever.
So, how you can begin to move forward, how you can begin to move forward, Justice in reverse, so in order to move forward, you don’t want to feel bitter and resentful and that something is unfair. So, you want to just say, “You know what? Yes, this person or this opportunity, it really was terrible, I was treated terribly.” Some of you might be feeling like “That was very unjust. I would never treat someone that way. I would never wish this upon anybody.” It might feel very unjust. But, in order to move forward, you have to forgive, for yourself. Forgiving is selfish, it’s for you. It’s not for the other person or for what happened to you. It’s a very selfish act to forgive because you set yourself free. Again, you set yourself free, okay? So, you have to just say, for some of you dealing with potential feelings of bitterness or resentment, you have to say, “Oh my gosh, I forgive this situation. I forgive you. I set you free. I set you free, and I trust that this happened from my highest good because life is moving me towards something even better.” And, that you’re going to look back and thank this person or this opportunity for not coming through or not working out the way that you had hoped, because something even better is going to work out in your favor. So, it’s letting go of those feelings of injustice so that you can set yourself free and move forward.
Okay, and then the final card is, why are you deserving of lasting love? Why am I deserving of lasting love? So, why are you deserving of lasting love is the Ace of Cups. That’s so beautiful because you are love, oh my goodness, you’re deserving of lasting love. And, for those of you not even thinking about love, but you’re dealing with a disappointing situation, you’re deserving of lasting love, joy, happiness, prosperity, because look, the Ace of Cups, you are a heart that loves, okay? You’re filled with love, you want love, you want joy, you want these wonderful experiences.
If you’re watching me, you’re watching this video, you’re on this channel. You resonate with these messages for a reason. You feel that love that is within me coming to you, and you recognize it in yourself. You recognize that light, you do, otherwise, you wouldn’t come across me. You wouldn’t come across this channel. You wouldn’t come across the other readers on this channel. You’re a heart that is filled with light and filled with love. So, that’s who you are, and so, you are deserving of that being returned to you. You’re made to love. You’re on this planet to love. You deserve that beautiful experience of being loved just as you are, just for who you are, for that unique, beautiful spirit that you are, that light that you are. You were born and created by Spirit, just as you are, to be exactly as you are, and to be loved dearly and deeply for who you are. So, that is why you are deserving of love, darling. And, the Universe, Spirit, take this as a sign that you are on the path to love and to joy, prosperity, everything that you are wanting, okay? You are on that right path. You’re doing everything just as you should, and you’ve learned so much from this situation, and it’s time to be gentle with yourself, be loving to yourself. Allow yourself to cry, if you want to, release all that energy from your heart, from your body, allow yourself to sit with this pain. Allow yourself to talk about it to others. It’s very real. You’re a human being, and this is life. Things that are very difficult happen to all of us. It gives us strength. It helps us to grow. It helps us to be compassionate people, and most of all, it deepens our ability to love. And then, when that right person, right situation, right job comes in, we treasure it because we’ve had these experiences in the past of loss and heartache and disappointment.
So, you’re doing a wonderful job, and you’re brave to love. You’re brave to put yourself out there. It’s so much easier to just shut down and not be involved or not put your heart on the line for anything. That is the easy path. The hard path is being vulnerable. So, I congratulate you for being vulnerable and putting your heart out there. That is a wonderful thing. And, all of this opening of your heart, it will come back to you. It will come back to you like a water wheel of love. What you’ve given out will come back to you tenfold, okay? So, keep going, and I love you. You’re doing a really good job. And, be tender with yourself as your heart heals, alright? Until we meet again, I am sending you so much love, bye.
Clarissa. Walker
Posted at 21:08h, 21 AprilYour light shines through my friend! Thank you so much for your kind words!¡!!
Ruby Tauro
Posted at 09:29h, 19 AprilYou tenderly lifted me up in my spirit in the entire reading that would stay with me all thru’ the week or even more. Thank you Sirena.
Tina Hazelwood
Posted at 12:39h, 18 AprilThanku Serina ☺️, That was Amazing! Your readings were spot on.. 💯% Correct! Thanku for sharing, God bless 😇❤️😘..
Felicia Washington
Posted at 12:34h, 18 AprilSirena thank you so much for that heartfelt reading, all of what you spoke is exactly what I am dealing with but today hearing those encouraging words better days are coming and the things and relationship I want is also coming I’m going to continue on the patiently waiting journey because it will happen for me. I wish you much happiness and I’m sending my love and hugs to you as well. I love you too.
Caterina Scuderi
Posted at 09:05h, 18 AprilThankyou Sirena for your reading & your lovely heartfelt words & your prediction made me feel enlightened
Much love to you & God bless.💕
Michelle Bautista
Posted at 04:15h, 18 AprilThank-you Sirena, I needed that. You lifted our spirits❤️
Etna Gerlinda
Posted at 03:02h, 18 AprilHello Beautiful Sirena
My name is Linda
I send you a hug from Spain
You have given me hope again
I have a long distance friend but you give me hope that we met soon
Because the cards don’t lie right 🌺
Rachael Berglund
Posted at 02:40h, 18 AprilThanks Sirena I really lack the ability to let go of someone who is not deserving of my love I ended feeling so depressed and the anxiety gets too much I wish I was stronger to just say no
Posted at 02:27h, 18 AprilThis was so amazing. Thank You
Phatty 🧚🏼♀️ Cakes 🍰
Posted at 23:54h, 17 AprilThis is so real . If it comes back or not I’m moving forward doing what’s best for me and my situation time to put me first . Yes !!! My soft era I am healing ❤️🩹 through it all & it hurts …
Angela Anderson
Posted at 23:11h, 17 AprilI just love you Sirena. Truly. Your messages always hit home and are so uplifting. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Julie Swanson
Posted at 22:20h, 17 AprilJust beautifully stated encouragement. Lovely.
Tracie Weale
Posted at 22:17h, 17 AprilThis message could not have come at a better time…. My soul needed it desperately. Thank you so very mych for sharing this message and also for sharing your gift ❤️
Carl Phillip Fleming
Posted at 21:51h, 17 AprilPray for me how do I escape and save kids
Carl Phillip Fleming
Posted at 21:49h, 17 AprilShe’s demonic
Carl Phillip Fleming
Posted at 21:47h, 17 AprilThank you so much I know what you tell me is true but I can’t shake this off miserable and despondent enslaved almost like a zombie by 17.10.1986 all your cards are true I hope I do escape I have children who need me being kept hostage by this woman or devil I can’t leave trapped s.o.s ??
Ruby Deloach
Posted at 19:57h, 17 AprilI got this. The most amazing I have heard. Thank you
Posted at 19:23h, 17 AprilThis is the best reading ever! It really resonated with me. Thank you Sirena for your words of hope!
Tashieka Clunie
Posted at 18:53h, 17 AprilI’m ready to move on
Ruta Brazis
Posted at 18:39h, 17 AprilThank you so much! You’re an angel, many blessings <3
Paula belle
Posted at 18:35h, 17 AprilYou touched everything that I am going through right now my baby was killed in 2018 and I’ve had a big problem that I can’t get this out of my head or out of my heart but I appreciate everything that you had said I miss her so much but I know I got to go on. So thank you
Yuniel Garcia Cejas
Posted at 18:16h, 17 AprilMuchas gracias sirena
Maryjean Arthur
Posted at 18:16h, 17 AprilYou are the best. Because of my loss I gained a big family of brothers and sisters. I found out things about myself I didn’t really know before and because all of you I’m growing. I’m stronger and much happier. All my love. Hugs and kisses
Glenna Maitland
Posted at 17:59h, 17 AprilThank you Sirena for that reading. I am in tears right now, I feel everything that you were saying here. And yes I am going through a pretty rough time right now. I had recently lost 3 people who meant the world to me. One was my boyfriend, he got stolen from me by a lady who wants bad things to happen to me. She is VERY jealous of me, cause she met my long time boyfriend, & now she wants him. And she has him, cause she put him under a spell to keep him away from me. She doesn’t even know me. She has NEVER seen me before, ever in her life. I am heart broken by this. My boyfriend, the one she took from me, he wanted to marry me. I was so happy cause I do love him very much. And now I have been having bad luck with everything in my life. Me & my mom are no longer on talking terms. I have lost so much in my life, over the past 7 years. I try to pick myself up, but I feel like I can’t. I have 2 boy’s who really need me to be here for them. But I just want to disappear forever.
Susan Joy Reibelt
Posted at 17:34h, 17 AprilHello Sirena , I love your warmth and energy,
I recently had a bad experience, so it really hit home to me x
This is my first ever comment, but I felt so much better after watching your video at 3am this morning,
Australian time !
Thank you 🙏
Elizabeth Sheleski
Posted at 17:33h, 17 AprilThank u!! I am not giving up!!! Awesome reading! ❤️
Rosemary Benoit
Posted at 17:33h, 17 AprilThank you Serina you have a beautiful heart! I could feel the hopeful message full of love right through the screen. I had to close my eyes to absorb every last bit! You are a gift!
Posted at 17:31h, 17 AprilThankyou you said just exactly what I needed to hear. Your message was so spot on for me. I thankyou from the bottom of my heart.💖💕😘xxx
Ann Casselman
Posted at 17:30h, 17 AprilThat was amazing and so heart felt. God bless you and may you have beautiful days ahead.
Thank you.
I lost a very close good friend. He fell in love and forgot I was his close friend.
Thank you for your enlightened message!!
Lorna Stoney
Posted at 13:42h, 17 AprilI totally agree this man I use to be with was to show me he is not my soul make for life. This was a life lesson to learn from. To understand I still had to love myself more until the right person shows up in my life to see clearly and to feel fulfilled of balance and boundaries.
Rosa Motsay
Posted at 13:42h, 17 AprilThank you. You are always right on. I’m dealing with a twin flame. I know it is meant to be. I am giving him time and space. I have come to learn that I can move on. Hoping the universe comes thru for me.
Sherry K garcia
Posted at 19:17h, 17 AprilI loved the reading.It was what you said was very close to my heart.Thank you
Tommy Cooper
Posted at 13:20h, 17 AprilI’m still heartbroken, she left me for another man, she left me and our daughters for another man, and I thought we were so in love after 27 years, will she ever come back to me
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 11:23h, 17 AprilThanks sireana,
Have a nice wensday.
Ellen Rafferty
Posted at 10:59h, 17 AprilWhat a fabulous deep reading, thank you
Patrícia Cerqueira
Posted at 10:10h, 17 AprilMuch love to you yoo Sirena.
Tatiana A
Posted at 09:46h, 17 AprilBeautiful words, and it makes lot’s of sense with the present moment
Doris Hatcher
Posted at 09:18h, 17 AprilI watched your video this morning. That is what just happened. I decided to try to date again. I met a very nice man. Very down to earth and a pleasant surprise. We went out a few times and last night if I wanted to date and see how things go. It’s great. I’m glad I did. I have opened myself up and let my past go. It’s great. I’m glad I did so your message was spot on.
Posted at 08:03h, 17 AprilThank you!
Posted at 07:13h, 17 AprilHi Sirenam, Thanak you!
Tywa Champion
Posted at 08:20h, 17 AprilThank you!
Posted at 07:10h, 17 AprilTHANK You!!
Posted at 06:41h, 17 AprilThis resonated with me so much. Thank you 😊
Kim Michelle Ross
Posted at 06:30h, 17 AprilMuch love to you, Sirena, and thank you 😊
Rebecca Lillie
Posted at 07:16h, 17 AprilThank you for sharing this with me. It allowed me to understand why I felt so alone in my mind
Jill Sokolec
Posted at 06:29h, 17 AprilMany Thank Yous Sienna Moon! The tone of your voice + your beautiful message is healing. I very much appreciate you being here …
michael rennick
Posted at 06:27h, 17 AprilIt’s always good to hear words of encouragement, Serina. Freeing ourselves for our protection, and being thankful for others in the future that we may have to free ourselves from today, and it’s a selfish action that should work for all in the long run. These ideas are powerful and uplifting to me also, Thanks!
Penny Dease
Posted at 06:21h, 17 AprilThank you and I will. You too