Are You On The Right Path? | Timeless Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon

Do you ever wonder if the Universe really has your back?

Sirena Moon is here to help you align with the right path, so you can receive the love and support from the Universe that you deserve…

Simply click on the video below to get your message now.

P.S. Does the path you’re on right now give you energy… or does it leave you feeling depleted at the end of the day? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And today I am talking about how to know if you are on the right path. Are you on the path of your purpose? I’m going to do a Group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about how to know if you’re on your right path, maybe what’s blocking you from being on your right path to your purpose, and if you are off path, how to get back on. So let’s get started. Okay, so I’m just tapping into Spirit. Okay? So Spirit, what can you tell us about how to know if we’re on the right path? Okay, what is a sign, Spirit, that we are on the right path? What is a sign that we should look for? Wow, this is the Nine of Pentacles. So you know you’re on your right path when you’re feeling like you’re really doing things your own way, you’re not listening to other people around you, you’re not being swayed.

You don’t feel powerless, you don’t feel dimmed down. You’re really in your power and you’re able to really express yourself in your own unique way. And honestly, when you are in that flow and when you’re feeling like you’re really doing your calling, then the things that you need tend to come to you, the right amount of money you need, the right people, the kind of support, and you just feel like you’re not dependent upon others for your happiness. There’s this feeling of, you know what? You’re focused, you’re lit up from within, and you’re doing your thing that’s unique to you, and you’re not listening to everyone else around you. So you feel powerful. A good sign that you’re on the right path is if you feel this way. If you feel powerful, not power over others, but power within yourself, self-confidence and self-love. You’re not afraid to be your own unique self, your own unique voice, and do things your own unique way because you’re following your heart.

So if you’re not feeling quite this way, it’s a sign you might not be quite on your right path. Okay? So Spirit, what is a sign that you’re off your path? What is a sign that you’re not on your right path? Wow. Wow, the Five of Cups. Okay, so you’re feeling depressed, you’re feeling sad. That is not at all what your spirit wants for you. And we all go through the ups and downs. That’s part of life. But if it feels like you just can’t seem to get your mind off of what isn’t working and you just bog down all the time, you just can’t feel that light within you glowing. This is a sign that you might be off your path if it’s feeling like you just can’t seem to get out of a rut. So if you’re feeling this way, if it’s feeling really bogged down, just depressed, sad, that’s a sign that does not where Spirit wants you to be for too long.

Of course, like I said, we have ups and downs in life. Things happen. It’s part of life. We heal, we grow, we deepen. But to just be only feeling this way for a long time, it is not meant for you to feel this way. And that’s a sign your off path. Okay? So how to get back on the right path? How to get back on the right path, how to get back on the right path. Oh my gosh, the Nine of Cups, so focus on your heart’s desires. Focus on your dreams, your dreams, your dreams, your dreams. If you have a desire in your heart, that dream absolutely is meant for you. It’s meant to come true. So focus on hope, focus on the dream, and take your mind off the things that didn’t work out and focus on that. These things can work out in time, okay?

So follow what truly lights you up. What truly makes your heart sing, okay? What is a dream to you? And just even a little bit every day, don’t listen to people around you that say it’s not possible. It is possible, okay? And when you have that dream in your heart, that is your calling. And to follow it as best you can, just a little bit every day. All right? And that will get you back on that feeling of feeling lit up from within and in your power and in your confidence and back on feeling like you’re on path.Β 

And what might be some things blocking us from feeling like we’re on our path or from getting on our path, Spirit? The Queen of Pentacles. So this could be a fear of money, a fear of not being able to support yourself and make the money. And that fear could be taking you away from getting on your right path because it’s like, “Oh, that’s not practical, or how the heck is that going to work out?” And again, it’s just this feeling of really just paying attention to honestly what lights you up and not worrying about if it’s going to work out or not financially especially, but just doing it a little bit every day. Just literally doing it is going to make you feel lit up from within and take you out of this feeling of being in a rut and get you back on this feeling of your path. And things will work out over time, but it’s important to know that it does take time and to not have fear because you fear it won’t happen right away. It’s too long of a process for it to come true.

There’s just no practical way this could happen. It’s important to take your mind off of that because that could really be blocking you from being on your right path. Okay? And then, Spirit, what is one last message about being on your right path, about getting onto your right path? What is some advice here, Spirit, about being on your right path? Wow. So the Six of Wands, this is all about celebration and feeling good. So a lot about getting on your right path is honestly what makes you happy, what makes you feel light-hearted, and what is a vision that you can see in your mind of people saying, “God, I’m really proud of you. You did it.” What’s something where you feel like other people would be celebrating you or you celebrate yourself? What is that vision that you want to be celebrating? To really take some time and think about that and to embrace celebrating others, to embrace a feeling of lightness, of play.

And with all these wands, that is a creative energy. So it’s getting out there in a spirit of joy as much as you can, and embracing creativity and action. I’m being drawn to this horse moving forward. I want to take another card, but embracing light-heartedness, celebration, and I’m hearing from Spirit, celebrate every small win, celebrate the small things. And the more I’m seeing this image of this avalanche, something that starts small and the more you celebrate your tiny wins every day like, “I did it. I did it. I stuck to a schedule today and I took some action today on this dream I have.” And it will build and build and build and build, and it’s this giant massive snowball. That’s what I’m seeing. Okay, and then one last card. One last card. The Ace of Wands. Yes. Okay, so do it. Just take any action toward it.

The Ace of Wands is all about action. It’s about doing, it’s about moving forward. Okay? Even the smallest of steps, it will get you somewhere. Don’t worry if the vision is just too big right now. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen with smaller steps and you’ll feel in your purpose when you allow yourself to take a small step each day toward something that is really a dream in your heart. You’re not playing small, but you’re going for the big dream. The thing that would feel like such total emotional fulfillment. Something that just really, really lights you up and makes you want to celebrate life. It’s important. So there’s the Six of Wands, but it’s important you start with this Ace of Wands. It’s just one small step each and every day, one small step. And then you’ll feel as you take these small steps, you’ll feel like you’re getting back onto your path, onto your right path, and that you’re not stuck in the mud anymore. It will help.

All right. Okay, darling. So I hope that helps!Β  If you like this group reading, this is general group reading. If you want a personal reading where I look directly into your energy and what’s coming for you, you can get a reading with me right here on the side. Okay, darling. So until we meet again, I am sending you so much love and so many blessings. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Ojo Alaba Odunayomi
    Posted at 18:53h, 16 May Reply

    I’ve been feeling stuck for sometime now I lived alone in the town I was happy even if sometimes I had my low days but still I felt good but last year I had to moved back to my hometown in my village because the house I was living in the city got sold by my landlord and I had just paid a new rent he run away with my money I was broke I moved back to my hometown since then I’ve been feeling stuck, sad, depressed, lonely and bored I feel like I live like a zombie like I’m not alive I pray everyday for a helping hand financially so I can start living my dreams and desires but it’s not happening sometimes I even have suicidal thoughts my parents and siblings doesn’t seems to really understand my silent scream and pain that I really don’t like it in my hometown I desperately want to leave I never liked the place ever since I was a child I’ve always wanted to leave that made me grew up too faster than my age when I eventually got to leave I was happy and grateful but despite all my hard work I still end up back here in the Same town I so much hate I’m still screaming for help and a way out I pray God hear my screams

  • Margaret
    Posted at 14:34h, 16 May Reply

    Posted at 18:00hrs on 16th of May.
    Thank you Sirena for amazing reading..Everything you said in your reading was so accurate and on point..I’m now seeing small achievement growing each day.. Sirena you was absolutely right, when You said ” I’m doing my own thing not listening to anybody…it was so true..only way is to believe in myself ,”” I can do it ” .Sending you love and light.

  • Arndria Seymour
    Posted at 20:11h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you so much Sienna – just what I need to hear this week. God Bless!

  • karla dabney
    Posted at 18:03h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you for your group reading and thank you for not rushing me in and allowing me to understand that I’m still moving forward by taking small steps because that’s where I’m at today I don’t feel Saturday depressed I kind of feel normal free normal with a smile I’m not stuck in my head right now yes I had a little delay from last night but I’m going to continue my journey as in tomorrow I don’t know what my journey is but I’m going to continue it thank you so much for the smile like I said reading has been hard for me I have a problem with comprehension and focus always had even in school I was in a different class so it was always a little fuzzy for me because it’s too much sometimes the reading is too much it’s too much to read and absorb so but you did good with your video and thank you thank you so much

  • karla dabney
    Posted at 17:51h, 15 May Reply

    Hi. It’s to much to read. For me but I will try to read some of it thank you for reaching out to me I get so many emails that they want me to read all of it and it’s like a day so many emails a day where they want me to read something it’s too much for me but I like to say thank you and I am going to take a look at it that means read some of it and thank you for trying to help me I have problems with comprehension and focusing I have all my life so I will try thank you again

  • Julie Swanson
    Posted at 14:20h, 15 May Reply

    Wonderful reading. We have to move, and I was feeling daunted by all the books and stuff. Small but steady steps, eh? πŸ’™πŸ©΅πŸ’š

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 14:58h, 15 May Reply

      Yes, small but steady steps Julie!!! Wishing you blessings on your move!!! <3

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:49h, 15 May Reply

    Thanks Serena,

    Have a nice wensday

  • Charles Goromonzi
    Posted at 09:50h, 15 May Reply

    Hi Serena.
    Great way of confirming my alignment with my divine path. I hope staying pumped up and aligned

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 14:59h, 15 May Reply

      That is wonderful, Charles!!!! <3 Sirena

  • Nina
    Posted at 08:28h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you. I have been applying for jobs and going on interviews to no avail; however, each day, I get up and do it again and do it again, and do it again, etc. I get excited about what the new day will bring and hope to get a call from one of the applications I submitted. Will it be today? Will my life take a positive turn today? Who knows, but I continue to do it again and do it again. All days are not good, but feeling depressed does not help my state of mind, so I keep busy; let’s say my house is so clean the dust and dirt held up a surrender flag. I am going to get there; I know I am! My dream job is waiting for me, my perfect job, and I will connect sooner than I expected! (I’m manifesting)

  • winsome
    Posted at 07:56h, 15 May Reply

    Hi Sieina, Geat reading. Thank you!

  • Trish W
    Posted at 07:01h, 15 May Reply

    Your reading resonated so much with me. I have lived in the past with the hurt for too long. I looked deep into myself, shadow work and changed my daily routine. Took the people out of. My life who were constantly bringing me down or reminding me of the past. I moved forward doing the things I enjoyed and found self love . I asked the universe aloud for my dreams, wishes,, my deepest desires and each day I am finding more and more happiness, contentment . With patience each of those wishes, dreams and desires are becoming fulfilled . I can say that after sitting in the past, repeating the same mistakes year after year I have finally broken the cycle and now look forward to a future that is filled with abundance, love, happiness and this has all come from realising I am worthy of it all. I love your readings. Thank you.

    Posted at 07:00h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you Serena good reading today πŸ™Œ πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ™πŸΌ 😊 πŸ‘ thanks again have lovely day πŸ˜€ 😊 😘

  • Susan Trudy
    Posted at 06:52h, 15 May Reply

    You are amazin’ Sirena Moon! This group reading was spot on for me and my journey. Sending back love and laughter back to you!

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 14:59h, 15 May Reply

      Aww thank you Susan!!! Love to you!! Sirena

  • Mary
    Posted at 06:45h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you so much – this is exactly what I needed to hear! I am at a crossroads and sometimes doubt my feelings, because they seem inappropriate and unrealistic. But when I just do what others expect from me to make everyone happy, I start to feel heavy and depressed. I wondered if this was only temporary or a warning sign that I am not moving into the right direction …

  • Francis Gipson
    Posted at 06:29h, 15 May Reply

    I want to no if the person I was with going to be ok with me not in they life?

  • Alethea
    Posted at 03:23h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you that’s just what I needed to hear
    I have been depressed for too long and I’m trying so hard to get things back together and wherever I have been turning to for work just depresses me even more. The million dollar question is what is my dream??

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