Beware Of Illusions | Weekly Tarot Reading | 10/24 – 10/30

Hello Tarot Family, 

You have a really great chance to strike gold and land in a new arena of contentment and ease this week. 

Things could move very smoothly if you’re willing to let go of silly distractions and illusions that want to pull you away from true value. 

But all signs point to there being very little trouble, and plenty of support to help you navigate the exciting waters ahead. 

It could be a particularly special week coming up, so let’s take a look at what you might expect.

Card #1: Seven Of Cups | Choose What’s Real

The Seven of Cups represents choices and indecision. It might be an indication that you are getting lost in your fantasies.

Often, when the Seven up Cups is drawn in a reading, it means there is a lot up in the air right now. Whether you are waiting for something to come to fruition, or feeling overwhelmed by the many choices that lie before you, moving forward might feel complicated.

As you can see in the card image, there are seven cups filled with different things a person is trying to choose from.

Each of these items represents a different astrological planet and a different motivation. Some of the choices you might be facing are based in reality, and could well lead to success and growth in life.

However, some of them might be like “castles in the sky,” which may distract you from what’s really possible.

What’s important here is you get clear about what it is at the root of your motivation. What is pulling you in one direction or the other?

If you find yourself lost in a fantasy, or unsure of what opportunities or choices are truly the real deal, then it could be helpful to figure out what is driving you.

An example might be that you find yourself really drawn to a new investment opportunity. It seems too good to be true, but there’s a lot of information backing it up.

When you look beneath the desire to follow this opportunity, maybe you find out you are feeling fearful about money. Or, on an even deeper level, that you tend to feel like you never have enough, no matter what.

Are these drives going to help you make a good decision? Possibly, but they might also cloud your vision.

This is a good week to touch base with reality, and to make certain you’re not chasing “fool’s gold,” something that looks really pretty and perfect, but in actuality is far less valuable than it appears.

This does not mean you need to deflate your dreams or ambition. Rather, it’s a reminder to get your feet on the ground and make tangible moves to get things in motion.

Getting to the reality of any situation that presents itself could save you a lot of time and effort.

At least for the week ahead, err on the side of caution. If you are feeling both a desire to go with something, as well as an anxiety or that there are some red flags… go with the part of you that is more cautious.

Another way of looking at the Seven of Cups is that you have already chased the more base illusions, and now you’re being faced with newer and deeper possibilities.

The idea that more wealth, or the perfect material item, or the absolutely perfect mate, will make you happy, can make you chase after things that won’t actually give you the results you are seeking.

But once you’ve explored these trappings long enough, it could be time to reach for something that will sustain you longer term.

As you’re likely well aware, the good things that create lasting happiness tend to be valued from a deep place within you. The quick fixes and grandiose illusions, while fun and ultimately fine, may not give you the nourishment you truly crave.

Luckily, your next card is a sign that you already get this, and as long as you’re not pulled off course by the promise of false treasures, you’re on your way to sustainable success.

Card #2: Nine Of Cups | Success At Last

The Nine of Cups foretells satisfaction, success, and prosperity. This is a very auspicious card. However, as with all of the Tarot, there is more to the picture than meets the eye.

You could be on the cusp of a deep sense of contentment. Your projects will click into place, and everything will move effortlessly along.

As you can see in the card image, the man sits with an almost smug look of satisfaction. The cups behind him are placed in perfect order, which is a sign you might start to feel like everything is on track and just where it needs to be.

While this is certainly a card of prosperity, the man is sitting on a somewhat uncomfortable looking wooden bench. Even though you may soon find yourself benefiting in a big way, keeping your feet on the ground and remembering how much work it took to get here is important to keep in mind.

This is undoubtedly a fortunate card to arrive in your reading. However there are a few elements which you should be aware of.

You might also notice that while the man looks content, he has his arms crossed in front of his heart, indicating you might feel a little bit lonely – even with the success before you.

The card that follows the Nine of Cups is all about deep emotional connectedness, family, and relational joy. So while you may be experiencing a new kind of satisfaction in your life, the deeper treasure still awaits.

The other thing to notice is that the table the cups are resting on is hidden beneath a blue tablecloth. It’s almost as if the cups are being displayed or shown off.

What’s beneath the cloth, however, could be a cheesy poker table, or something else unexpected. Just like your previous card, the Seven of Cups, the lesson here is to not get so wrapped up in appearances.

Ultimately, the next phase in deepening your joy will likely come through relationships. And deep personal connections require letting it all be seen: your strengths and beauty, as well as your foibles and follies.

And this kind of relating has a lot to do with giving and receiving, which is a big part of your next card.

Card #3: Six Of Pentacles | The Right Investment

Often the Six of Pentacles is interpreted as symbolizing balance, charity, and generosity. While this may be the case, another way of seeing it is as representing discernment and intelligent investment.

The big question surrounding the Six of Pentacles is how are you using your time and resources. Whether in your relationships, your daily activities, or your finances, the Six of Pentacles is about using your discernment and making sober, wise choices.

If you look at the card image, there is a wealthy man giving money to one of two beggars at his feet. At first glance, we might say the man is merely being generous. But if you look closely, he’s only giving coins to one of the men before him, and it’s the beggar who appears to be less needy.

In this sense, the wealthy man is giving coins and support to the man who is more likely to use the resources intelligently.

Ask yourself if you are doling out your time and attention to people and projects that will appreciate and truly benefit from what you are giving.

You might be the individual who is investing in something important right now, or you could be the one who is hoping for some support.

Either way, a blessing could either be passed along to you, or you could be offering a blessing that will return to you down the line.

If you consider your first card, the Seven of Cups, this is another reminder to be wary about where you put your resources. And, to not be totally enraptured with the belief that one thing will make all the difference in your life.

Instead, what are the long gains you are willing to keep working on?

If you are seeking an investor for something you are doing, or you are in need of some financial support, the Six of Pentacles is a great sign you will get what you desire.

Similarly, this is a great time to give or invest if you have the means to do so.

Giving and receiving, even in regards to finances, is at the heart of relationships. Let this week afford you an opportunity to seek out what truly has value, and is worth your time and effort.

Using Your Prosperity Wisely

You have some really great options available to you, and in all likelihood, you could be coming into a new sense of contentment. 

However, as your first card indicates, being sure you aren’t chasing after a false illusion will be important. While the Seven of Cups could be a sign of the many possibilities before you, it’s also a warning to be wary of “too-good-to-be true” situations. 

If you can navigate the fake stuff, there is a good chance you’ll find that everything starts to fall into place. The Nine of Cups is a powerful sign that you’ll be on the up and up and feeling like everything is happening the way you want it to. 

But steer clear of getting too obsessed with appearances. Remember to stay diligent and intelligent about where you are investing your time and resources. 

As your third card, the Six of Pentacles is indicating that you might find some support for a project you’re working on, or some assistance in another area of your life. 

Conversely, you could be the one providing support. So stay humble, especially if things start to really take off for you. And remember to pass along some of your success to those around you. 

It’s going to be a great week! 

So enjoy it to the fullest. 

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What are the things you find yourself chasing even when you know they won’t give your what you truly want? Is there something you are really excited for in your life right now?  You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!  

P.P.S. If you’d like some help navigating some important decisions you can schedule a private reading with me here. Or, if you want to go a little deeper into your personal transformation, you can schedule an Embodied Alchemy session with me through the same link.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • T
    Posted at 14:02h, 26 October Reply

    Thank you very much for your wise words. Regards

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 08:51h, 27 October Reply


  • Sanni Idris Olamilekan
    Posted at 12:31h, 26 October Reply

    I have a girlfriend right now and her name’s omebere Meg kikanwa, she is my favorite lady I really desired. I really want to know if she’s the right person for me to have a everlasting relationship with or she’s not the right choice for me and maybe It could be her friend

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:02h, 26 October Reply

      Hello Sanni, these are such big questions my friend. Trust your heart, learn from the one you are with now. Be kind and attentive, do not rush, be open and listen to what the depths of your heart is teaching you through this connection. One step at a time my friend. Blessings

  • Rowena
    Posted at 09:32h, 26 October Reply

    Jonathan you are spot on once again,things are working out now for my future and for the better thankfully!thank you for all your amazing writings helping to guide the way!

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:03h, 26 October Reply

      My pleasure Rowena, thank you for reading and seeing and feeling what is coming through. Sending love –J

  • T
    Posted at 05:27h, 26 October Reply

    I am at a crossroads after a long period of limbo and negative events. An opportunity to invest in a project for my future has arisen but am unsure if making a mistake or not. Feeling frustrated by going round in circles and making mistakes these last couple of years. Not sure how to ensure I’m making a wise decision or not and whether this will propel my life in a forward direction. Becoming very despondent with things not working out and don’t think I could handle another bad choice. In my gut it feels right, but still apprehensive and scared at failing again. Procrastination and mulling things over doesn’t help as then more time passes and nothing changes for the better.

    • Sithadevi Harripersad
      Posted at 12:51h, 26 October Reply

      Thank you Lionheart. It’s gives me greatest of pleasure reading your posts. They are always spot on. When will the matters of the heart be favorable for me?. It’s always awesome to hear from you.
      Kind regards

      • Jonathan Lionheart
        Posted at 13:01h, 26 October Reply

        Hello Sithadevi, thank you for reaching out and I am happy to hear the readings give you pleasure. In my experience the heart is ripe and ready only when the heart is ripe and ready. There is no forcing this, and the best one can do often is to let go and attend to other matters until the heart calls out for it’s reciprocal. With love, — J

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:06h, 26 October Reply

      Hey Tanya, I understand the predicament. Who do you know that you can trust in these kinds of matters? sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own story, desires and fears, that it’s hard to see what might be clear to others. Reach out to someone who might have more experience than you, and lay the idea on the table. This might give you some deeper insight you might otherwise miss out on. Blessings.

  • Vanessa+Ormonde
    Posted at 04:33h, 26 October Reply

    Your spot on again Johnathan, I truly hope that this is the week I get what I deserve and have waited 4 years for,
    Many Thanks

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:06h, 26 October Reply

      May the blessings rain down upon you 🙂

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