20 Jan Brighter Days Ahead | Weekly Tarot Forecast | 1/21 | Deco
Do you ever struggle to let go of old connections or parts of your past that you’ve outgrown?
Deco says the coming days could bring a spark of inspiration into your life that helps you take control of your destiny and enjoy brighter days ahead.
She’s here to help you find the balance in your situation, so you can remember how powerful you truly are.
P.S. Where could you use some inspiration in your life? Are you still thinking about a situation that ended recently? Leave a comment and let Deco know!
Hello my friends, it is Deco and we are here first for a reading for the next couple of weeks. Today is January 21st, and so we’re going to kind of look ahead to see what to expect these next couple of weeks, what kind of things you might be encountering, what you might need to prepare for, what solutions you might run into, some good things. And then, at the end of this video, I chose one of the comments from last week’s video and we’re going to read based on that comment. So, kind of a cool thing that we’re trying out. I’m really excited to do this reading. I tried to pick one that really resonated with me, so we’re going to do that at the end of this reading. So right now, let’s see what we need to look forward to for the next couple weeks. And then after that, we will jump into the personal reading that we’re going to do. So, what do we need to know for these next few weeks as we’re entering February? What do we need to know? Okay.
All right. So right away I feel like there’s some good here. We’re definitely entering a new chapter, one that is requiring that we step away from something that we’ve been a part of for a long time. This card represents The Hierophant and it’s in reverse. So, The Hierophant is about an institution or something larger than us that we’re a part of that is important, something that is a box that we fit in really nicely, but when it’s in reverse, it’s like maybe we’re starting to step away from those things. Maybe we’re uncomfortable with what that institution represents anymore or maybe we just don’t vibe with it anymore, and so we’re ready for what comes next. I do think that you’re a little overwhelmed by that though.
We’ve got the King of Pentacles in reverse, which is telling me that just your space is feeling uncomfortable. You’re feeling out of control. You’re feeling like things aren’t working the way that you want them to, and the things that you normally would have control over or just out of your hands, right? It’s messing with you mentally. You’re feeling like things are just slipping through your fingers. But, I do think that part of that could be the environment that you’re working on exiting, and I think that it’s really important that you remember that sometimes leaving a space is the best thing to do to find more balance in your life.
And, Temperance is 100% backing that up for us. I think that it’s kind of suggesting to us that we need to do that in order to find balance in our life, in order to feel like we’re more in our element. And, I think, sometimes that does take stepping outside of something that was previously our element, because things always change.
What else do we need to know? Okay. It is a chapter that you are not wanting to let go of. It’s one that you’re perseverating on. Death in reverse is a chapter that is closed that you’re either not allowing to close or that you are just very focused on. You’re really reliving it. You’re focused on the things that we’re good about it instead of maybe what is better in moving past it.
But, the good news here is we’ve got The Star and we’ve got The Magician. So, The Star represents kind of a light at the end of the tunnel. The Star follows The Tower, which is those big uncomfy changes, which could be represented here, but The Star is finally feeling like that lightness is coming back in. Not like The Sun, not completely illuminating and everything is clear, but at least you’re seeing this opportunity for lightness again and good coming back in and feeling like things are just a little bit less heavy.
And then, we’ve got The Magician, which is a really great omen as far as what comes next. And, it’s also a challenge for you for what comes next. And, I think what we need to be focusing on my friends, is having a really firm plan of how we move on from here. Something ended, you’re leaving some circumstance, could be a job, it could be some kind of family structure that just isn’t vibing for you anymore. Could be your actual family, your biological family, or your chosen family. Sometimes we grow apart from people instead of together with people. And so, it might be an opportunity for you to step out and do something different for yourself, which is really exciting, but it is going to require a firm plan. Where do you want to go from here? What is authentically you that you want to start investing in in a way that you weren’t able to in your previous circumstance? I think it’s really important that you start thinking of not only where you are, but where you want to be in all of the steps in between. What do you need to do to feel more comfortable in that circumstance? Okay so, my friends, I think that’s the main message for today or for these next couple weeks, just to see what you need to know and how to move forward from this chapter that you’re trying to move on from.
Now, I’m going to tell you who we’re reading for, who I chose from last week’s reading in the comment section. I did choose a comment from the blog, the Cosmic Updates blog, and I chose Summer Johnson’s question. She kind of laid out her situation and I want to see what the future might hold. So, let me give you kind of a rundown. She moved in with a guy last year as roommates, and the chemistry was just off the charts. Everybody, including his mom, was excited about it. It was like she wasn’t entirely sure where he was emotionally, but everybody was saying, “Keep trying, get excited, be patient. Things will happen.” But now, his ex is kind of coming back in the picture and she says that he isn’t really a fan of this ex, she seems a little bit abrasive, and most recently she overheard this ex asking him, “Do you love her? Are you going to marry her?” and all of these questions. So, I want to see, for Summer, what is the potential of this relationship? What do we have to look forward to? But also, what might we have to overcome? There is an obstacle in the way, right? Now, let’s see, what does Summer need to know about this guy?
Okay, so there’s definitely opportunity here, Summer, The Lovers is here, and so is The Emperor. We’ve also got The Devil in reverse. By the way, if you hear a background noise, that’s just my child, he’s on his gaming device. But anyway, what I’m seeing here is there’s an opportunity to come together, but you might need to be a little bit more forceful than you’ve been. People keep telling you to be patient. People keep telling you to act a certain way, but you need to trust your own gut and decide what you want for yourself.
And, The Emperor is suggesting that you need to step up in this circumstance. Yeah, there’s some things getting in your way, but you know exactly what they are with this Devil being in reverse. You know what the obstacles are. First of all, he’s not being upfront about how he’s feeling about you, but part of the reason that that’s happening is because this ex is in the picture, right? You said, what did you say? You said “An ex keeps showing up and halting things.” You said that she’s like, things seem to be going well only for her to come around and you realize like, “Oh, maybe he’s not ready yet.” But, maybe that’s a conversation that you have, like, “Hey, yeah, we’re roommates”, but maybe, you ask him how he feels about this ex or you ask him how he feels about you and you are upfront with him. It’s really counterintuitive for us to be vulnerable in that way. But, sometimes you’ve got to shoot your shot and this reading is suggesting that you do just that.
I do want to look at the bottom of the deck, too. I often look at that as the shadow side of the deck. Like fears are some things that are unconscious for you, and The Moon is in reverse there. And, The Moon being in reverse in this reading is telling me there’s a really clear path forward. And, I think you already know what it is, Summer, but I think what you need to remember is that you know what you want deep down. You know what your support systems and his support systems see for you and the potential for you. So, I think putting yourself out there and being a very clear communicator, expressing your passion for him, but also the opportunities that you could have together, because The Lovers is about our mental processes. I think being rational and being honest about those passions is going to be really helpful for you guys to grow together. Tell him how you feel. I think there’s a lot to look forward to.
But yeah, guys, that was so much fun. I’m really excited to do more of these. Make sure to keep commenting on these videos. I’m sure that other readers on here are excited to do something similar to this, so feel free to share what’s going on with you and what you want to know. And, maybe you’ll get chosen to have one of these readings, but we do also do personal readings outside of this as well, if that’s something that you’re interested in. So anyway, Summer, really good luck with all of this, I hope that you feel confident in stepping up and saying your piece and sharing how you feel and seeing what might happen. And, for everybody else, I do think that there is a lot to look forward to as long as you can leave that past chapter in the past. Alright, best of luck these next couple of weeks. I will see you next Sunday and have a great week. See you soon.
Lorna Stoney
Posted at 13:41h, 24 JanuaryI am thinking alot about my ex but i know he is not meant to be together do to different paths.
Anabel Avila
Posted at 22:56h, 23 JanuaryYes I’ve been in a relationship for the past 8 yr , we have a past that most couples don’t go through, we were homeless for like 3yr in the beginning of the relationship, but since we’ve be out of the streets, thing a are more hurtful , he accuses me of being a cheater or I’m flirting with the neighbors, witch isn’t true, we did live together for a little while but then he moved out and left me alone he was my provider financially, when he left he shattered my heart but I didn’t give up on us, he’s not the same as in the beginning caring always complimenting me how beautiful I look, he made feel special, now a days I feel like I’m a burden on him like he’s frustrated when I’m around him he still thinks I’m a cheater or talking to someone else like secretly wearing my Bluetooth and hiding it from him, like who does that? Finally I’m to the point where I don’t want to be hurt anymore I want to be loved and happy, we are compatible I’m a Virgo and he’s a Tauros I love him still I just can’t do it alone anymore I need to know how he really feels about me and how he sees me through his eyes and if he still has me in his heart
Posted at 20:44h, 22 JanuaryThank you deco
I just having drama about my ex I don’t understand them we broke up threw to a third party I do miss him I just can’t get him out my head or out my dreams i don’t
What it mean please help me
Erin Caplan
Posted at 06:12h, 22 JanuaryThank you Deco for 01.21.24 reading as I resonate as an empath and intuitive myself. I have had a love relationship with a man for 50 years. We met in 1974, went through middle/high school together as good friends. The day he married his first wife just out of high school, we both knew he married the wrong woman. We’ve always stayed in touch through the years and across the miles always picking up our conversations where we left off the last time with life changes and events. Through 3 marriages (me), 2 marriages (him), 8 children and 6 grandchildren along with other past relationships and jobs, it took the loss of my 27 yo daughter on 07.24.2022 being killed by a drunk driver to physically bring us together. We have had such an unconditional love for one another that we have been inseparable and find joy and compassion in everyday life that we want to spend the last 1/3 of our lives together. However, my love made a terrible choice/mistake in a white collar crime of embezzlement to which he has now been sentenced to serve a couple years of prison time with restitution. We will be separated on 02.02.2024 to which I intend to remain in the state he will serve not knowing anyone and completely away from any of my friends or family to live until he is released which we continue to pray is less than the court order. We have plans to move forward in spite of the upcoming road bump of his incarceration as well as what would appear for me to not be socially accepted. We have missed opportunities throughout our first years of life and know while we were first Love’s we are each other’s last Love’s. Besides taking a huge leap in faith and staying in prayers,, what can I do to ease the pain of our temporary separation as I still have the deep feeling of loss over my only baby girl being taken away?
Nonhlanhla Sannah Khumalo
Posted at 05:03h, 22 JanuaryHi how are u since I wanted the man ho loves me but I m only meeting roung man I learn that if someone he loves me he sgonns show me I wanted a happy family but it’s not happening I have waited my life but I have this feeling and dream s the is someone who loves me I need my own house will be happy again in my life again pls tell me🙏
Magdalena Cichocka
Posted at 02:51h, 22 JanuaryDear Deco,
I trust that you are doing well,
Thank you for your readings and efforts to provide us with some insight about nearly future and with the guidance.
I really appreciate you.
I’m currently on the crossroads in my life and I feel lost.
The company I was working for 5 years decided to relocate to the Philippines and I don’t see myself leaving my life in Amsterdam. I have been 25 years table tennis player and due to the injury I needed to stop my passion. I lost my identity. Working in the office was draining and I didn’t feel like this is my destination. I miss doing something meaningful and be a contribution to the community. Living with pain daily is not making life easier but I have capacity to try and fight for my growth so I can become stronger and help others. I don’t know if I should focus on healing or search for a new job. I feel like I’m the loop. Many things happened in last 2 years and I’m trying to move forward but it’s like making 2 steps forward and one step back. Separated from my girlfriend after 10 years (seems like she didn’t love me for last couple of years and I was trying to hold on and fix something that was gone), 2 knee surgeries and now kinda loosing a job. It’s been hell of a ride.
I wish to know if better times are coming and what shall I do with my life , which direction choose. There is something that bothers me.. I was very careful with my heart since I was heartbroken after splitting up with my girlfriend. I think the grieving took me 1 year and I thought that this pain will never ease. However after my knee operation I was referred for the physiotherapy. I didn’t noticed her for couple of months I mean I knew she was there but I was blind . My heart was closed and still healing. She is not my therapist but one of the coworkers. After few months I found that she was top athlete and we started to chat a bit … I went to her game and I was done… like I start looking at her from different perspective and I started to finally notice all her beauty inside and outside. I haven’t felt such a profound connection and when I look ar her eyes, the times stops.. I can feel and sense her emotions. We understand each other without words like we become one flame and the whole universe is cheering for us.
I can’t explain it. Was is the sad part is that she is already in the relationship. She is living with that person and I dont want to interfere. I just found out from her friend from work as we are in a good terms. She told me that we would be a great couple if she won’t be in the relationship. The thing is that I haven’t told her that I know about her relationship. I haven’t seen her since I found out. I feel that she has feeling for me and I know that in a different circumstances we could have something so pure and beautiful.
I’m sorry for such a long story.
Wishing you all the best.,
Shamiah Ruffin
Posted at 02:33h, 22 JanuaryWant to know if the person I was talking to coming back in my life will she call me her initial is S.Y bday 1/11/76
Karla Anne Pf;aume
Posted at 23:13h, 21 JanuaryAmazing, that you chose Summer, and I have the exact situation going on … with the x-baby mama, told him that “if he dated me his kids would never speak to him again.” and he believes her. He’s scared to death of her deploying the children against him.
We broke up and he still wanted to talk to me, morning, noon and night… but I said no, I needed to heal, I said we could speak after January….. I was just hoping he would take his power back.. I was just wondering if the miracle was for me…? Thank you for all your wonderful readings. .
Della m Amparan
Posted at 22:31h, 21 JanuaryIt sounded good. But things are really not well right now. I’m very stressed and not sure what life is going to bring. My husband and sons job had gotten really slow so they aren’t working like they were and now we don’t know what’s going to happen. Are we going to keep our house? Are we going to be homeless again? It’s scary. My son joined the army because of his job. That makes it hard on me. He had been my helper thru my cancer and everything else.
Bridget Diorio
Posted at 22:01h, 21 JanuaryDeco Thank you for your readings. I look forward to them every week and you are so on point. I appreciate you
Scott DeLisa
Posted at 20:53h, 21 JanuaryThanks Deco
My wife had cheated on me and lies a lot about her work schedule hours and days of work
Kelly Vang
Posted at 20:45h, 21 JanuaryHi there, Deco. 👋 I enjoy your insightful guidance reading. As to what should I lookout for? Who should I be open to and when could it happen? I have someone special that I no longer see, we don’t communicate our feelings well and now is on our spiritual growth journey. Were we just twin flames? Were we soulmates, just on different levels spiritually? Is there any reconciliation near future?
Lawrence F. Kissell
Posted at 20:21h, 21 JanuaryI really love your weekly video show. I wish you could do a reading for me, as I feel so lost at times. Did I say “at times”? Maybe I should say all the time. I’ve been lost for so long it just seems like it is all the time! This feeling has been going on for years. And it never seems to go away. It has been going on for so long, that I’ve started seeing a shrink for the last few months. And it is helping, but just not enough, because I’m still lost and confused. I’ve been personally meditating out in the woods—-my “safe” haven—-as it were. I’ve always been at home in the woods, ever since I was a very young child. But I’m always alone and can’t seem to find what it is that I’m looking for. I never thought I would be asking a stranger for help, but since nothing else seems to be working for me, maybe you can help me find the answers that I seek? So, Deco, thank you for all that you do. And please continue with your weekly video show. I find it very enlightening!
Pamela Miller
Posted at 18:18h, 21 JanuaryHi, I watch you every Sunday. I have been in separation from my twin for 2.4 years. He has a women living with him, but all psychics have said he would be back soon and kicking her out. Well last night it was posted on Facebook, that they were getting married. I’m devastated. I’m soon going to be 68, I don’t have a lot more years for us to be together. I keep tell the universe the timing is now for us to be together now and forever. Last night after I found out about the engagement I saw 1111 and 111 everywhere.
Thank you, will he be back.
Karen Davies
Posted at 17:21h, 21 JanuaryHi ,
I’m currently separated from my husband , we had been married for 18yrs . Then in September 2022 he had told me that he was over me and just got horrible from that day on…
His son had moved up from Sydney and previously said dad you owe me 30 years. It has been 3rd party interference… My husband has had nothing to do we me other than through Lawyers.. They have been sending me nasty emails and trying to make me sell the house and close down the business.. I thought he was my Soul Mate / Twin Flame… He there any hope for us moving forward? What do you see for me moving forward …Thank you..
Posted at 16:12h, 21 JanuaryAm l with my soul mate, we appear to be in a rut and have had a very bad run of things in life including health issues and we keep battling on with a mortgage around our necks.
Would love to hear from you.
Regards Trish and John.
S. Kelly
Posted at 15:22h, 21 JanuaryHello Deco: I keep getting emails from spiritual and medium communities that I belong to that I have a former lover coming back to me. There is only one man I can think of and let’s call him M.J. Is it him? I have had a hard time letting this man go even though we haven’t spoken in 2.5 years. I think of him often still….
Viv Eliot
Posted at 14:53h, 21 JanuaryDefinitely resonated with me.. loved it thank you 🙏 ❤️
Sherri Nelson
Posted at 08:38h, 21 JanuaryDeco your reading was an inspiration to me. I just retired and decided to move across the country. I have always played life safe and conservatively and I need change! I have 4 children and 5 grandchildren and realize I have never made life about me. Your card read empowered me in my life to make my goals and look forward to my future! Thank you for the motivation!
Posted at 08:19h, 21 JanuaryRelationship question; I have had six years with a man I feel like I don’t know recently we moved together and I thought it would get better, but seems like we’re both really distant, which has been taken place for many years would be do I need to continue or something that’s ending
Posted at 07:57h, 21 JanuaryYour reading hit right on with me today!! I’ve been in a bad situation for years, and I’m about to step out of the comfort zone and move on… but there’s another man in the picture! And I’m lost on how he feels about me..
Ginger Phinney
Posted at 07:12h, 21 JanuaryI agree with Ellen-personal card readings should be just that. Personal. Enjoyed the reading otherwise!