Change Is In The Air | September 2023 Tarot Forecast | Jonathan Lionheart

Are you ready to find out what kinds of twists and turns await you in the month ahead?

Jonathan Lionheart is here today with a special “Pick A Card” Tarot Forecast for September so you can receive personalized insights into the energies unfolding in your life. Enjoy!


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P.S. Which card did you choose and what did it say about your future? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!


Hey there friends. Thanks for tuning in for your monthly forecast reading for the month of September. For some of you, this is going to be a really balancing easy going month. It’s going to feel just very integrating and refreshing, and for others, this is going to feel a little bit more like a transformative fire. There’s going to be some big shifts, some big changes, all of which are going to be important and moving you in a good direction. But just to note that some of you’re going to feel a little bit easier going with things and others might start to feel the fire transformation making its way in.

So I’m excited for you to take a look. You can grab a private reading with me down below. You can also hop on my email list where I do weekly tarot readings on a regular basis and one way or another, I always love connecting with you. So I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Take good care wherever you happen to be right now.

Give yourself a few moments to take a few breaths. Allow your awareness to drop down into your body, maybe feeling the earth beneath you, and then maybe resting some awareness in your heart space and finding something that you’re grateful for, something that makes you smile. Alright. All right, call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east and the west. Please be with us now. Call out to mother, father God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones. Please be with us now. Bring forward a clear message and the perfect energy to support us during this time. Thank you.

Alright, so we’ll choose from one of these three cards using your intuition and subsequently following the card to the specific reading for you in this month. So give yourself a moment to sense into each of these options. Notice if one of ’em is speaking to you or calling out to you. And then once you’ve chosen your card, you can skip ahead to the reading that goes with it. And we’ll start with our first option, which will be underneath this double helix here. So if you chose this particular option, this will be your reading for the month of September. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose the first option.


All right, let’s take a look here. First card is the situation for the month of September. This will be the overall situation, likely what it is that you’re growing through at this time, what it is that you’re learning and evolving at this time in your life, and that you can expect through the month of September. Second card will be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy. It’s the energy that’s pressing up against your growing process. It’s a necessary energy that helps you continue to grow and evolve. Third card will be the outcome, which is the likely outcome as a result of this growing process and the obstacles that you’re facing and the events that are basically occurring in and around your life at this time. And then the card up above will be your advice card.

So let’s take a look at our first card for the month of September, and our first card is our Page of Wands. And the first thing to notice about the Page of Wands is his rather flamboyant outfit, which can speak to a certain kind of creativity, exploratory energy, sometimes a little bit of magnetic energy, some magnetism. He’s known for his ability to create from nothing. So for some of you, this can be representative of your own specific energy, which might mean that you’re heading into a very creative time period, a time period where you’re curious, you are exploring many different things. Maybe you’re trying out different outfits in a sense, like different aspects of your character, whether this means that you’re literally putting on different types of clothes or trying out a new aesthetic, or if that means you’re going to a new coffee shop where you’re trying out some new interesting things like acting or painting or something like this, that there are some different flavors of your character that might start to shine through.

Now, the Page of Wands can also sometimes represent an individual in our lives. This can be somebody that is inspiring but kind of flighty, somebody that’s got a lot charisma, sort of gets your energy going when it’s a romantic context. This can be somebody that you feel really inspired by and really attracted to, but then they kind of disappear off the map. They show up and then they disappear. Often this can be representative of a Peter Pan archetype in the masculine, which is an individual who really makes you feel excited, but they tend to be very afraid of commitment. They’re running away. The Jungian archetype is the puer eternus. So it’s somebody that can really create a lot of attraction, but you can’t ultimately trust ’em. They’ve got sort of a little kid element inside of them that hasn’t been integrated yet. So for some of you, this can represent a particular individual in your life. So let’s take a look at the obstacle card for the month of September.

Obstacle card is our Queen of Cups, and I love the Queen of Cups. She’s the epitome of the watery, emotional, deep feeling parts of ourselves. She’s so empathetic, so warm, so lovely to spend time with that being said, when she’s an obstacle, it can sometimes mean that she’s a little bit lost in her emotions. She’s overly emotional, she’s hard. It’s hard to sort of fully grasp what’s real and what’s fake because she’s so sort of deeply in the moving, flowing energies of the watery emotional element. So in the context of our guy right here, what this can be is we can feel fooled by the creative flightiness of the Page of Wands, which means that, “Oh, I’m inspired to go this way. Oh, but can I trust that I go this way? Oh, okay, now I’m inspired to go this direction. Oh, but can I actually trust the feelings that are around that?”

The Queen of Cups in an obstacle position can be like a murkiness, a murky, complicated place. A place where we don’t quite fully know what we can trust or what’s real or what’s not real. She’s very in this sort of obstacle position. She’s very much like The Moon card in that sense, where it’s watery and murky and a little bit complicated. So particularly for those of you that maybe have a love interest that shows up and then disappears, or maybe you’re in a relationship with somebody that doesn’t seem to be fully in, or they’re not fully trustworthy regarding their commitment, the Queen of Cups is a sign that you’re a little bit too lost in the emotional element of things. And it could be important to get your feet on the ground, find some of that earthy quality or some of that air quality where you can look at things from a distance and not be sort of tugged around by the emotional element that might be showing up around this particular situation.

For those of you that are in this creative exploratory realm, it’s good to not get overly attached to anything. Allow yourself some room to go this way and that way and be in that exploration rather than getting stuck or lost in “shoulds” about where you should be or where you shouldn’t be.

Alright, let’s take a look at the outcome. For those of you that chose this first option. Oh boy. So we’ve got some Tower card energy showing up here. As some of you know, this can be a complicated card because it often, the representation here are literally people falling off of a building and the crown falling off. But at the end of the day, this tends to be a good thing. There’s some sort of edifice in your life that’s becoming disrupted, something that maybe you’ve congealed around, whether that’s a relationship or even a personality.

For some of you, this card is definitely representing an individual. For some of you, this is representing you exploring new parts of your personality. And when we’ve congealed around aspects of a personality that maybe aren’t our true self, when they start to get disrupted, it can be existentially threatening, but it’s ultimately creating room for the true you to come forward. For those of you that maybe are in a relationship, you may have built your life around somebody or built your life around a certain ideal of relationship or an idealization of romance, and that’s getting shaken up. So at the end of the day, this is likely a good thing. It might not be super comfortable, and the reminder is to get your feet on solid ground, that the emotional realm could feel a little bit chaotic, a little bit confusing. Alright, let’s take a look at your advice card for this month.

Wow, this is fantastic advice, which is ultimately there’s some kind of revolution that’s happening here, whether that’s a revolution of personality or a revolution around the type of relationship that you really want in your life. So The Lovers card that’s showing up here is saying, are you really willing to listen to your heart, to the deeper calling that’s here? The Lovers card is about the radical choice to make the choice that is not the normal choice for people, it’s to turn towards your soul. It’s to turn towards the calling that is deepest inside of you. So even if things feel a little bit chaotic this month or there’s some big changes that start to happen, tune in with what’s really right for you. Tune in with the deeper knowing. Let that be your guiding principle. Anybody that follows the deep revolutionary calling inside of themselves absolutely will go through some tower card moments. There is no way to really be truly yourself without disrupting some of the norms that are around you.

Alright, so for those of you that chose this first card, that is your reading for the month of September. Thanks for tuning in with me, and I look forward to connecting with you again in the future. Take care.


All right. Alright, so for those of you that chose the second card, this is going to be your reading for the month of September. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose the second card.

All right, let’s take a look here. So first card is the situation, which is the basic evolutionary process that you’re going through here in the month of September, the growth and development process that you’re learning. Second card will be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy that’s pushing up against that growing and learning process that you’re going through. And third card will be the outcome, which is the basic outcome of the events and the growing process that you’re going through. And the card up above is your advice card for the month ahead.

So let’s take a look at the situation card for the month of September. Situation card is our Four of Swords. And the Four of Swords, as you can see in the image, we’ve got our knight, somebody that’s been putting a lot of, there’s been a lot that they’ve had to go through recently. Some of you might know the Three of Swords, which is the bloody heart in the sky, which means somebody’s been through a lot, whether they’ve been through a lot in terms of their relational world, or they’ve been through a lot in their work or anything else, they’ve been through a lot. And now it’s time to recuperate. This individual is in a spiritual sanctuary, in a position of prayer, resting, recuperating, re attuning with their higher self, with prayer with God.

And this is the situation for the month of September, which means this is a great time and a great month to slow down intentionally disconnect from any drama, intentionally disconnect from media devices, from chaos, from anything that is unnecessarily distracting and go inward. For some of you, this could mean as simply as just finding more time for yourself and self-care. For some of you, this might actually be like a spiritual workshop or a spiritual retreat where you intentionally go spend time somewhere to attune yourself to get quiet.

For some of you, this might just be reconnecting with your own prayer practice or your own meditation practice. It’s important for you to be doing some inner work right now. This is a time to be listening to the transpersonal spheres, which means your higher self, angels, the divine in general. Like listening in, tuning with, and getting the information from those realms.

Alright, let’s take a look at your obstacle card for the month ahead. Obstacle card is the Knight of Pentacles. Okay, so interesting. So for some of you, this could be that work is slow, boring. It’s taking up a lot of time. You feel like you’re having to put all of your attention and all your work on mundane things, which is making it challenging to attune with the spiritual realm. You could be having to focus a lot on your finances or worry a lot about your finances. It could also just feel like things are just moving really slow. And so the remedy for that is to say yes to it, to still attune to what’s here, to still attune to the divine, to be in the meditative practices that are important for your life and not see this, the work world, the financial world as being a obstacle, but rather part of what it is that you’re growing through. For others, this could actually represent a particular individual, somebody that is super grounded, but maybe overly materially focused, and that you feel like that detracts from your own connection with the spiritual realm.

So you’ll have to tune in with that and see how that’s landing for you. Once again, the obstacles that show up in our life are really the things that we are learning to grow through. So if there’s somebody in your life that feels like they’re the reason that you can’t connect with yourself, or they’re the reason that you cannot connect with the higher energies, it’s really important to look at where there might be some misperception there. And maybe the process of using somebody as an excuse for why it is that you can’t create or you’re not creating your own connection or your own boundaries around how it is that you want to connect in life. Alright, let’s take a look at the outcome card for the month of September.

Outcome card is our Queen of Cups, and our Queen of Cups is this deep emotional connection point, and I really like this in terms of the development here. We’ve got the clarification of the mental realm, the willingness to not get overly bogged down by the physical realm, which creates deep access to the movement of the emotional realm. So this is you connecting with the deep warm qualities within yourself, feeling nurtured by life, feeling like your emotions have enough room, enough space, enough affirmation to be expressed and to be seen. So for some of you, this is just you connecting with a deeper layer of the dignity of your own emotional competency. For others, this can be connecting with somebody that is a healer or a therapist or someone that can help bring some healing and some affirmation to your own developmental process one way or another. This is a really healthy, positive movement. I see this month is being on the one hand, deeply integrative, peaceful, and at the end of the day, likely quite healing for you.

Let’s take a look at your advice card for this month. Advice card really has to do with a being gentle with your financial pieces, not overly spending this month focusing on grounding yourself, focusing on creating a sense of security for yourself. So this is a great combination with the spiritual side of things. I just feel like there’s an enormous amount of balance in this month ahead for you. And so yeah, it looks really positive to me. So for those of you that chose the second card, this is your reading for the month of September. Thanks for tuning in and I look forward to connecting with you again, Sue. Take care.


And for those of you that chose the third card, this will be your reading for the month of September. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose the third card. All right, let’s take a look here. So first card is going to be the situation, which is the basic evolutionary process, the developmental process that you’re going through at this time and will be emphasized in the month of September. Second card will be the obstacle, which will be the reciprocal energy or the energy that is pushing up against this growing process, this learning process that you’re going through. And third card will be the outcome, which will be the basic outcome of the events and the growing process that you’re going through. Card up above is the advice card.

Let’s take a look at your situation card for the month of September. Oh my. So Five of Swords is your situation card, which means that something has felt unfair. It’s possible that there was something that was a pretty uncomfortable conflict or something that is currently going on that feels unfair, unjust, out of integrity that’s occurring in your life. Now, this could be something that’s happening to you from the external. In other words, your working world or a relationship of some kind or something in your personal life that is unfair, that feels very unjust, that’s happening to you.

It’s also possible that you are the perpetrator in this situation. In other words, you are unfairly taking advantage of somebody. You are misusing your power in some way even. And it’s also possible that you are doing so out of necessity. In other words, there are situations where we have to be a little bit extra sharp or a little bit ferocious in order to protect ourselves from people that would take advantage of us if we were not. So just paying attention to where there might be some injustice that’s happening, something that doesn’t feel good to you, whether you are the individual that’s having to do something or somebody’s doing something to you. This could be something that you’re already experiencing or that you are, you could be heading towards where there’s going to be a conflict of some kind.

So let’s take a look at the obstacle card. In this situation, obstacle card is our Chariot card, which means it’s possible that you’re using a little bit too much willpower or that you’re in a situation that’s requiring a certain kind of forcefulness in life, and that is part of what’s creating the possibility or the propensity for there being some injustice that happens. So let me see if I can say that a little bit more precisely, because I’m getting the sense that this obstacle card is part of what’s opening the doorway to bring some resolution to whatever this is. And it has to do with how you’re modulating your effort and willpower at this time. In other words, it’s possible that there’s an element of stubbornness on your side that could create some of this challenge here, or it’s possible that you’re going to need to be a little bit more proactive and action oriented in order to navigate a troublesome situation. One of the beautiful things about The Chariot card is the armor that the charioteer is wearing, which means that they can stay attuned and empathetic and emotionally open and still move through life because they’ve learned how to protect themselves regardless of that situation. The other important thing to note with The Chariot card is polarity. That there is a balancing between correct, the right way or the wrong way, or the left and the right, or the mind and the heart, that there’s a balancing that happens with the charioteer, which often looks like going this direction and then reorienting and going this direction.

So some of what’s happening with The Chariot card is a reminder to a put warrior your armor on so that you are protected and you can stay attuned with what’s true and with what’s right. And the other is to be willing to adapt as information comes forward. Change course, reorganize, reorient.

Alright, let’s take a look at the outcome card for the events of the month of September. Wow. So this is a pretty good sign and it makes me curious if you are in the process of liberating yourself from a situation that maybe was unfair or that you’re finding your way towards a new kind of autonomy. Because the Nine of Pentacles is somebody that’s really sort of created their own. They’ve created a powerful sense of autonomy in the autonomy in their lives. They’re the ones that are in control. They’re the ones that have created their own safety, their own wealth, their own position of power. This is a place where you’re actually getting to enjoy yourself a little bit. It feels like you can rest, relax, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. So this is a great sign. In terms of outcome, it seems like the month of September could be a little bit intense at the start, but it’s moving you towards greater freedom. It’s moving you towards greater self-empowerment by the end of it.

Alright, let’s take a look at the advice card for your month of September. Advice card is the Four of Cups, and suggests being willing to create space to reflect, to look inward. It’s okay if there’s a little bit of melancholy. It’s okay if there’s some uncertainty about the direction that you’re heading. At the end of the day, it seems like you are in fact moving in a good direction. Be willing to keep your eyes open for the X factor, for support that you might not be aware of. Just now. There are forces that want to support you in whatever the process is that you’re going through at this time.

Alright, so for those of you that chose the third card, thank you so much for tuning in and for everyone else, thanks for tuning in with me. I always love connecting with you, and I look forward to doing so again in the near future. Take good care.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • TY
    Posted at 20:52h, 05 September Reply

    Thank you so much for the reading I really appreciate it I chose card 2 and 3 cause both resonated with mešŸ˜‡

  • Molly Kjellesvig
    Posted at 10:00h, 05 September Reply

    Love your readings, they always resonate with me. Please add me to your weekly readings list!!

  • Celeste
    Posted at 17:58h, 01 September Reply

    I chose the first card ,and is so true .Thank you !

  • Sunny
    Posted at 15:04h, 31 August Reply

    Thank you Jonathan! I chose the first card with the Helix. Your readings and explanations are as always, phenomenal. The Page of Wands, The Queen of Cups, The Tower and The Lovers. This reading while a ā€œgeneral readingā€ turned out to be a spot on personal reading for me. If this reading resonated as perfectly for any others in your audience as it did for meā€¦ I send them strength and happy energies my friend, as they may need it.

  • Victoria
    Posted at 10:23h, 31 August Reply


    I chose the first cards, once again so true.
    Thank you.

  • Marsha Seaton
    Posted at 10:12h, 31 August Reply

    Thank you for the reading. Please add me to your weekly readings.

  • Ronald Fisher
    Posted at 07:41h, 31 August Reply

    Please add me to your weekly email and reading. Thank you- Ron

  • Marlene Elizabeth LEMIEUX
    Posted at 04:47h, 31 August Reply

    I would like to follow you

  • Sarah Horniak
    Posted at 04:25h, 31 August Reply

    I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I am currently homeless period taking care of a 5 year old with AD HD in autistic spectrum. Also a 7 month old period my boyfriend of 10 years left me at the hospital. After my daughter was born through a VSE secto. This day, he still won’t answer any of the text. Incompletely disarmed his 5 year old son has not seen him. And I want to say about 5 months now period I’m struggling to take care of everything for both my kids. Make sure that I have a living environment when the end of this month comes around because currently staying in the campground. And I’m in New England so campgrounds shut down in the winter. I really don’t know coat. I’m praying for financial grace at this very moment. I need to win the lottery, LOL. Maybe there’s something you can do. Give me some type of nugget of help without making me spend that much money.? Help?

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