Claim Your Worth | Deco | Six of Wands Decan Tarot Reading | 8/2-8/12

Have you been experiencing blockages to your success?

Deco is here with an intuitive message to help you receive the outcome you deserve.

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Hello, my friends, at Cosmic Updates. It is Deco back again, and I’m so excited again for these decan readings. I really think that looking at these cards and seeing so many different sides of them and how they can affect us is really helpful in knowing how to navigate this part of the year, because these deacons do fall in certain parts of the year, and so they do define that time. So let’s look at today’s card, which is the Six of Wands. And the Six of Wands, you guys, is a very positive card. It’s. When I think of the Six of Wands, it’s like you’re getting the attention that you deserve. You are getting the recognition that you deserve. You’re getting celebration and rigmarole and all of the good stuff that comes with successes. Right.

The Six of Wands can also be a struggle with that. Like, maybe you feel like these compliments aren’t legit. Like people are just pulling the wool over your eyes or trying to almost manipulate you by. By cheering you on towards something that they want you to really do. Or maybe you feel like you’re not getting any of that, and you just feel this lack of affirmation from the people around you that you feel like you’ve been wanting and needing. So the Six of Wands is going to be our focus for today, and we’re going to see how that. What challenges it might give us, what kind of things we might be experiencing this, this week and maybe into the following week, too. But let’s together find out what we need to know about this week and today, specifically August 4, surrounding the Six of Wands. Let’s find out together. Don’t mind the noise in the background. My kiddo is playing a video game right now.

So let’s find out what Six of Wands challenges will we have this week. What kind of things might we need to overcome? Okay, so this is an interesting mix of cards here. So we’ve got the knight of Pentacles, the Five of Swords is in reverse, and then we’ve got the three of wands. So, when we’re looking at these cards, it’s interesting because it’s showing me that we’re. Remember we were talking about how sometimes we have, like, manipulation when the Six of Wands is in reverse. Well, the Five of Swords in reverse is saying that you’re starting to weed those people out, right? You see these people that maybe haven’t treated you well or haven’t given you the recognition that you’re due, and you’re starting to come to terms with the fact that those people do not belong in your life anymore. Right. You’re coming to terms with the fact that, you know what? I had invested in these people, and it felt like they were investing in me, but maybe their intentions were not as good as I thought they were.

So the Five of Swords in reverse is really a positive card here, especially having to do with the Six of Wands. Cause it means you woke up a little bit. It might not mean that you’re feeling affirmed or like you feel like you’re getting recognition or celebration, but at least you’re recognizing that the people that you are surrounding yourself with maybe weren’t the people who are going to give you that anyway. Right now, the Knight of Pentacles in the Three of Wands is saying, like, you know that this is necessary work, and you’re going to put in the work to make sure that you’re not surrounded by people who would treat you poorly, and also that you’re looking for these new opportunities for yourself, and not just looking for them, but seeing them, recognizing that they’re there and that they are worth reaching toward. Right. The Three of Wands, though, isn’t about action yet. It’s about the potential for action. So the Knight of Pentacles needs to be put into practice. Like, you really have to be acting with that Knight of Pentacles, because the knights are tied to fire.

Fire is tied to action. So when we see that Knight of Pentacles, it means we’re working. We’re taking actions towards these potential outcomes for ourselves. But it might not be super quick. It might take us a little bit of time to really get our feet planted and feel settled in that chapter that we’re looking to start. Now, let me pull a couple more cards and see what else we might need to know for this particular deacon. Let’s find out together.

Okay, so, we’ve got the Page of Wands, the Ace of Swords, and the Seven of Swords is in reverse. And so the Seven of Swords being in reverse here, especially with that Five of Swords in reverse earlier, is telling me that there’s a little bit of something going on where you’re maybe not being 100% real with yourself about what was going on. Like, yes, there were people in your life that maybe didn’t treat you super well or didn’t. Didn’t have your best interest at heart instead had their own best interest at heart and wanted for you what they wanted, not necessarily what was best for you, you know, but the Seven of Swords in reverse is saying, maybe there was a little bit of fault on your end, too, by not seeing that sooner, by convincing yourself that, oh, no, these people would never do that, when all of the actions and evidence shows that, hey, these people really don’t have you in. In their heart. They really have what they want in their heart.

And so I think there’s something to be said here about saying, you know what? I need to stand up for myself and give myself some of the credit and not be so reliant on other people to give me that affirmation that I’m looking for, that the Six of Wands is saying that we need right now, the ace of swords and the page of wands are both about beginnings, okay? The ace of swords is tied to your mental capacities, right? So, the ace is talking about new ideas, new community, or new ways of communication, new ways of thinking. And the Ace of Swords is saying that we need to put those things into practice and that it’s just the beginning of that journey. The Page of Wands adds another element to this, because the Page, again, is about ideas, which are those beginnings, right? If we don’t have an idea for something, we can’t act on them, which is what those nights bring in. So, the Page of Wands is saying we need to be thinking about the things that really bring us joy, those things that the Six of Wands would be the outcome for. Right. We’re going toward those things. We’re thinking about those things. We’re excited about those things.

And in the long run, we want to feel like people recognize all the incredible things that we’re doing for ourselves. But it’s like, in order to get there, we have to start somewhere, right? We have to start at the beginning and start thinking about what’s gonna bring us joy, what’s gonna bring that magic into your life, that fire that you’ve been looking for. And once you nail that down, I feel like you’re gonna have an easy path forward to find the Six of Wands energy, right? But, again, that Seven of Swords in reverse is saying that there might be something underlying or something. Some behavior that you’ve held onto for a while that maybe you need to be real with yourself about, and you need to start grappling with so that it doesn’t become a giant roadblock that keeps you from getting these incredible outcomes that you’re looking for right now.

I’m going to pull an oracle and see what else we need to know here. So let me give this a quick shuffle and see what else there is to think about moving forward with this Six of Wands energy, because there’s the potential for so much good after going through some kind of hard times. You know, you might not be feeling the Six of Wands energy right now, especially since you’ve been weeding out some of those iffy people and saying, you know what? You don’t belong in my life. And that’s okay. You know, two cards popped out. I don’t always read two cards, but when they pop out like that, we’re gonna read them. So these are important. Okay? Again, we’ve been talking about that Five of Swords in reverse and weeding out those iffy people in your life. And the. You got the Love card from this Starseed deck by Rebecca Campbell. It talks about codependency boundaries, right? Like, you do have the love, but you need to have love for yourself and know when it’s okay to say no to someone else when they need something, right?

When you have to focus on yourself and your own self care and your own cup being filled, you know, instead of filling other people’s and just sucking yourself dry all the time. Like, boundaries are really, really hard to create, especially with people that have been in your long. In your life for a really long time. So this card in particular is saying, like, you have to set those boundaries for yourself simply so that you don’t feel like these people need you, but also so that you know that you don’t need them. Because there is a codependency side of this when we look at this in reverse, because it’s like, we need that affirmation. We need those people to say these positive things and to boost us up and to make us feel good about all of the things that we’re doing for ourselves. But do you really need them? Probably not. You could be autonomous in your, like, self. Oh, what’s the word I’m looking for? Like, self driven? Self motivated? Intrinsically motivated. Knowing that you are going to have a positive outcome whether anybody sees it or not. And that’s where this card comes in. Like, do you really need those people’s affirmation to feel successful and to feel like you’re doing amazing things for yourself? I don’t think so, personally.

The other card that we’ve got here is the Star Ancestors card, which says, “hidden secrets, lost wisdom, look a little deeper.” And I think that this is part of this, too. And setting boundaries, it’s knowing what’s important for you. It’s important to know how you expect to be treated, how you expect people to act toward you, how you expect people to talk to you. All of those things, and a lot of those things are lost because of things that we went through when we were a kid, because of things that we went through in relationships as adults and all of these things. And so really diving deep and turning inward and saying, okay, what is making me feel bad in these relationships? And how can I tell these people that that’s not okay and that’s not how I will accept being treated? And so what you need to do for yourself is say, what have I been ignoring? What have I been putting up with that I need to stand up for myself for? So that I am being treated well, so that I can live my best life. And that’s how we get this Six of Wands energy, because it’s not just about other people, but it’s also about you and how you feel on a day to day.

If you feel like you need people to say you’re doing a good job, maybe it’s time to look inward and say, do I need people to tell me I’m doing a good job? Or can I just own this energy and recognize that I am doing a good job, whether other people recognize that or not? Okay. I think there’s a lot to do here, guys, and the biggest, most challenging part of this is setting those boundaries. But I believe that you can do it. So get excited, get ready. You’re gonna get all of that positive affirmation. You just have to find that for yourself. And then the right people being allowed back into your life are the people that are going to give that to you externally as well. Okay? Best of luck. You’ve got this, guys. Just be real with yourself. Don’t pull the wool over your own eyes. You can find that positive feeling on your own. Okay? All right. Talk to you soon.

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 02:20h, 10 August Reply

    Thank You! I feel like I’ve been played for far too long in a trapped emotional situation and created boundaries.

  • Lawrence F. Kissell
    Posted at 00:01h, 06 August Reply

    Dear Deco, In all things Tarot, your readings are simply the best, and always so Worthwhile! A delicious surprise for me, on my birthday, August 4th.
    Please continue your great readings. Thank you ever so much.
    Lawrence F. Kissell

  • roxanne coots
    Posted at 11:22h, 05 August Reply

    You know I can say , your right love your self very very important don’t let any body make you fell like you worthless if you feel good the energy bring good energy love joy and if the energy no good got to move in a different direction keep smiling alway always remember the good part in life it the toughest but it pays off always love every one

  • Arlene Kline
    Posted at 04:15h, 05 August Reply

    Thank you. I relate to this. Did learn self love and to work on not needing affirmation though I gave him plenty to build up his ego and inspiration. But distance and then making me an option not priority was slowing killing my spirit so I withdrew when he went silent for 4 days. I hear he is healing and will want to reconcile with a commitment but would it last. I’m cancer and he is Gemini. 💕

  • Eva Wypych
    Posted at 20:52h, 04 August Reply

    Thank you very much. Amazing reading. God Bless you. Much love and light. 💖💥

  • Winspme
    Posted at 20:10h, 04 August Reply

    Thank you!

  • Berthold Thomas Hantke
    Posted at 19:07h, 04 August Reply

    Hallo Deco, du hast meine Gedanken gelesen, die mir zur Zeit im Kopf herum gehen. Ich muss endlich lernen meinen Wert für mich anzuerkennen. Und ich werde kämpfen lernen dafür endlich nein zu sagen zu den Leuten, die mich schlecht behandeln. Deine Lesung war ein Treffer ins Zentrum der Zielscheibe.

    Berthold Thomas

  • Zulfagger Baker
    Posted at 10:36h, 04 August Reply

    Hi I am in a financial thin n don’t have Mon to pay for anything

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:30h, 04 August Reply

    Thanks Deco,

    Have a nice Sunday


    • Kathy rench
      Posted at 20:43h, 04 August Reply

      I have a best friend who keep saying we are just friends but I know more then that but I have true feeling for him but he says I gave you a change and you kind mess the up but I have just not long got out of bad relationships his name is Calvin johnson but we do have and when I get hotel room he stay with me then we time up he go bck to stay at his sister plus I’m trying to find a way for
      calvin to stop texting this one female she just using him her name is Amanda Albert and I want him to ask me to be his girlfriend soon can you help I need help getting my own place but in fix income hard to find place

  • Jaenah
    Posted at 10:17h, 04 August Reply

    You were 100% right about my situations..
    About whats going on in my life ..
    And what I had done to get rid of those whose been hurting me and turning me into
    Their puppets on a string..obeyed their every command…BUT NO MORE..

  • Ndabi ngugi
    Posted at 08:18h, 04 August Reply

    Thank you

  • Leonida Gamboa
    Posted at 08:17h, 04 August Reply

    Your reading was spot on. You were reading what I have been experiencing lately. I used to be in a toxic relationship eventhough I feel not really happy but comfortable. They call it a Stockholm syndrome. I felt trapped for a long time. And I know it but I was in denial.> It took me a while to accept that I was kept captive..caught in a trap. and want to get out. And I did. At first I felt so angry at myself for allowing it to happen. But I am feeling better now. It was quite a lesson that will help me as I move on.

  • Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
    Posted at 08:03h, 04 August Reply

    Thank you deco … Me I back him

  • Eyerus Demelash
    Posted at 07:46h, 04 August Reply

    Give Back Ex

  • Shannon bratcher
    Posted at 06:40h, 04 August Reply

    I need to know if I’m being played by someone I know

  • Patricia Maple
    Posted at 06:30h, 04 August Reply

    Thank you I really needed that talk. Iam tired of negativity looking forward to some positive vibes .

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