Do They Deserve You? | Deco | Weekly Tarot Reading | 5/5-5/11

Are you feeling iffy about someone in your life?

Deco says your intuition could be sending you important signs about your connections.

She’s here to help you trust yourself, so you can decide who really deserves you.

P.S. Is something feeling off between you and another? Leave a comment and let Deco know!


Hello, beautiful people, it is Deco back again for a Weekly Tarot Reading. I’m really excited for this reading today because I really think all of us could kind of use some guidance in this question, and that is, Are You Giving Too Much? There are so many different areas of our lives where we tend to struggle with just giving too much of ourselves, our resources, our time, our energy to people and places that maybe don’t deserve all of it. And so, let’s see what we need to know on that subject. Let’s find out together. Are we giving too much? 

Okay, so here’s what I’m seeing, I do see that in general you have pretty balanced relationships, but the thing that we need to prioritize here, with the Six of Pentacles being here, is to make sure that we’re not giving favors or receiving favors with strings attached, right? This needs to be a really balanced relationship where we’re making sure that whatever we’re giving, we’re receiving in return as well.

Then we have the King of Pentacles and the Knight of Cups, which is telling me that in general, you’re acting on your emotions when you are giving parts of yourself to other people. There’s this feeling that emotionally you are being fulfilled by giving certain things, and you have a plethora of resources, right? The King of Pentacles is saying that you have a lot of resources at your disposal, emotionally, physically, but maybe even in your work, you’re able to give those things in a way that is good, but maybe we have some other things that we need to look at. So, we’re going to keep those cards out and see what else we need to know here, because in general, I’m seeing good things, but there’s some things that we might need to consider. 

So, The Fool is in reverse, as I’m pulling more cards here, and The Fool being in reverse in this reading is saying that we need to be really careful about how quickly we give so much of ourselves. Again, it emotionally fills you up and makes you feel good when you are giving those parts of yourself to other people, other places, whatever. But, if you do it too flippantly, then there’s a chance that you’re going to give too much, right? It’s when someone asks you a favor and in the moment you say, “Oh, yeah, sure.” And, then you take a step back and you realize, “Oh, maybe I needed to say no to that, and now I regret giving that much of myself to this circumstance.” And, this might be something that’s more long-term, right? Because the Seven of Pentacles is saying that you’ve been working on this for a really long time. You’ve been working to build up your reserves of resources, whether that’s your time or your energy, or even your money. And so, what we need to be thinking is, are you jumping into things before they make sense? And, in a way that is maybe a little bit self destructive.

The Seven of Wands is also in reverse here, which is saying that you’re not stepping up for the things that you believe in. You’re allowing other people to come in and say, “Hey, I need this from you.” And, you’re saying, “Okay, here you go.” And, again, you have so many resources that I don’t think you’re feeling spent right away, but maybe those things that you’re giving aren’t very authentic to you. So, we need to be considering that you’ve worked hard for these things for yourself, and it’s important to know when to give and when to keep those things. So, we need to take some time to just make sure that, again, the resources that you’re giving to people are resources that they have earned, that you know that they’re going to come back and repay you for those kindnesses that you’re giving to them. Because, if they don’t then that is where those relationships become a little bit more uneven. But, in general, are you giving too much? Maybe, but I think it might just be in the wrong circumstances and letting people take advantage of you in circumstances that don’t make sense. 

We also have a little bit of numerology here. The two Sevens coming together would make 14. And, 14 in the Major Arcana is Temperance. So, when we look at Temperance, we’re looking at finding balance in our lives, just like the Six of Pentacles is all about those balanced relationships, Temperance is someone who feels like they’ve got a foot in both worlds, the spiritual and the physical, but also, the emotional and the more grounded parts of ourselves. So, what we need to be thinking is just making sure that what we’re giving, we’re receiving tenfold, what we put out into the world is what we should receive. But, when we find those people that don’t make us feel good, when we find those people that make us feel like we owe them, or like they’re going to hold this over your head, those are the people that you need to be a little bit more cautious around, because they will see your kindness and start to take advantage of it if you aren’t aware that maybe their intention isn’t so good and is more selfish or manipulative, right?

Now, I want to pull some cards and just think, how do we set boundaries with these people? Because, I think that’s easier said than done. What do we need to do to make sure that these people are good people that deserve our time and our energy and our attention? Okay, so I think this is more a warning than anything. Yes, there’s some things in the past that I think that you’ve been working on releasing, but sometimes we find ourselves in a habit where we’ve interacted with a certain type of person, and whether it was positive or negative, we’re drawn to that type of person. And so, whether these new people coming into your life are good or not, we’re being drawn to them. And, I think that it’s just really important that we kind of vet the people in our lives to make sure that they have our best intentions, right? Because, you’ve been through some crazy things. You’ve definitely had some people step on your toes, and while again, you’ve been working on building up your own resources, there are some people that’ll see that and think, “I want that, too.” And, instead of creating it for themselves, they’re going to try to take it from you. 

And, the Knight of Pentacles in reverse is telling me it might make you lose your steam a little bit. So, just make sure that the resources that you’ve been working on, the things that you’ve been working to have for you remain yours, or at least are given to people that will then fill you right back up the way that you filled them up. 

So, are you giving too much? Maybe. I think it’s more just being really careful about who and when you are giving out those things, your energy, your time, your feelings, all of those things, because people tend to be emotional vampires, resource vampires, just kind of sucking you dry, and you need to be careful around those people. 

So, my friends, really what the message is, is be picky, know who people are, trust your gut. If something feels off, then step up for yourself, because these Sevens would also say that we need to be focused on our own goals and our own future, and making sure that our momentum isn’t getting sidetracked for any reason, okay? You’ve got this. Set some boundaries for yourself, pay attention to people’s actions and who they really are deep down, and know whether or not they deserve all that you have to give. Best of luck.

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

  • B. Peter
    Posted at 13:46h, 07 May Reply

    Thank you for letting us know this! As it has assured me about my decision with people that only want to see me struggling after being so nice to them. Much appreciated 👍 be blessed 🙏

  • C leist=copley
    Posted at 11:10h, 07 May Reply

    I wanted to ask you hit the nail on the h ead with me today. I have been trying to find out if this one person is indeed my twin f l ame and if it is Wirth going fie ie should I just walk on. He is much younger than. Me but that s owsnt matter to me but may e to him and others. I am very confused

  • sheranie singh
    Posted at 05:39h, 07 May Reply

    Deco, I love your readings, so precise and to the point!

  • Vanessa Hart
    Posted at 20:41h, 05 May Reply

    You are very intuitive

    • Graciela
      Posted at 20:04h, 06 May Reply

      Is my BFF really a friend or not

  • Tanya Marie Ellis
    Posted at 19:52h, 05 May Reply

    I can honestly say you have been so spot on with your readings . And i just want to say thank you for them heads up. You have really. Helped me too grow and keep moving forward to my next chapter.

  • Sadepowell
    Posted at 18:34h, 05 May Reply

    I’m always helping and then they turn around and cheat or treat me bad and make up a sad story just to get in my pants and then leave and gone and hardly or don’t too reach out to me

  • Tracy Subers
    Posted at 18:32h, 05 May Reply

    My relationship isn’t working. Never change same o thing. Don’t see where we can go forward. No day is a happy day anymore.

  • Winsome
    Posted at 18:13h, 05 May Reply

    HI Deco You hit the nail . Thank you!

  • Emily
    Posted at 17:40h, 05 May Reply

    This is just too much generalized BS.

  • -
    Posted at 17:33h, 05 May Reply

    It’s depression that makes me give away that which I worked for. To the point I want to stop suffering from something worse than depression.

  • Ingrid seals
    Posted at 17:24h, 05 May Reply

    Yes, that might be me. I like to help and be of service, actually more with animals than people.
    I would feel lonely if I wasn’t wanted.
    You’re sweet Deco. I know that you understand.. I love you too!

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 11:47h, 05 May Reply

    Thanks Deco,

    Have a nice Sunday.


  • Bonnie
    Posted at 06:59h, 05 May Reply

    Thank you so much Alot of it makes sense ,., the guy I got involved with told me he would text me after concert never did.He was either busy partying are tired might be the reason way..

  • Jeffrey Charles Lotierzo
    Posted at 06:48h, 05 May Reply

    Love it! Thank You

  • Jeffrey Wisinski
    Posted at 06:36h, 05 May Reply

    You are spot on with giving to non appreciative people there are many and in more ways that are sneaky ways and means. This type of giving to nothing in return has to stop and get nipped in the butt. There are just too many people out there in the world only for themselves and have no heart when it comes to asking for money and favors from a complete stranger.

  • Okie Girl
    Posted at 06:30h, 05 May Reply

    Nailed it!
    Yes, I’m in a really bad relationship – eyes wide open now & you confirmed it. Big changes ahead for the good, thank you very much.

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