Embrace Fearlessness | Deco | Two of Swords Decan Tarot Reading | 9/15-10/2

Have you felt held back or even haunted by your fears from the past?

Deco is here to shine a light on these limiting beliefs, so you can break free and embrace positive possibilities.

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P.S. What fears are you ready to leave behind? Leave a comment below to let Deco know!


Hello, my friends at Cosmic Updates. It is Deco, back again. And this time we are looking forward because tomorrow is when this next decan starts for us. And the card that we’re looking at is the Two of Swords. It doesn’t look like a happy card, right? She looks like she’s guarding herself. She’s blind because she has her blindfold on. So the Two of Swords is really about fear and not knowing what the future holds and a fear of taking risks because who knows what the outcome will be? So the Two of Swords can be something that is a little bit daunting and overwhelming because there’s something in the future that we don’t see yet, that we don’t know what’s coming. And so we’re fearful of what that might be. 

We’re guarding ourselves or feel like we can’t move forward because something’s in our way. When it’s in reverse, we have kind of a different circumstance because it feels like we finally have this ability to move forward and start thinking about what comes next for us. And maybe we’re starting to get that bravery to keep moving forward and remember our soul. Swords are a mental kind of element, right. It’s tied to air, which has everything to do with our mental processes, our ability to communicate all of those things. And the journey of the swords in the tarot is kind of a heavy one. You know, it’s a lot of loss, a lot of disappointment, and a lot of, like, being in your head and overthinking things. And the Two of Swords is one of those that we kind of have to grapple with. 

But once we overcome it come these amazing opportunities. So we’re gonna pull some cards and see what we need to know for this, Deacon, for the next ten or so days to see what we might be tackling, but also what some successes we might have. So let’s pull some cards and see what we need to know with this Two of Swords being our card that falls in the Seacon. So. Okay. All right, so I’m getting reverse Two of Swords energy here. We have a lot of positivity in this reading. We’ve got the chariot, which is our major Arcana of the reading, and then we have the knight of Pentacles and the Six of Cups. So the chariot is all about moving forward, right. 

The chariot is tied to cancer, and cancers can kind of be a little bit up and down in their endeavors, but the chariot is really about pushing forward and going for those things. Cancer is a cardinal sign, so cardinal signs tend to be really good at getting things started. They’re the go getters, the people that are making those hard decisions. In a reading like this, it’s really positive, right? We have this ability to move forward and not let anything get in our way. Right. Now, what’s interesting is we have the knight of pentacles, which kind of slows the roll of this energy, if you will. The knight of Pentacles is like slow and steady wins the race. It’s all about persistent, consistent effort over time to make things happen. 

So even though you’re going forward really quickly and we have this positive forward momentum, it’s kind of saying, yes, you’re going to have momentum, you’re going to have success. But maybe we need to slow it down a little bit just to make sure that all of our eyes are dotted and our t’s are crossed so that we can make sure we’re successful. Now, the Six of Cups adds an interesting element here because it’s looking at nostalgia, the past, our childhood, but maybe even the children that are around us. So this could mean that you’re. You’re working towards something that is really positive for you, something that you’ve been longing for a long time. 

Or on the flip, maybe this is something that is fulfilling, something that you’ve always wanted to do for your own children, something that you’ve said, you know, this is a really positive experience from when I was young that I want to bring back into the lives of the children that are around me, that I love and that are part of my life. Right? So super positive reading so far, but let’s pull just a couple more cards to see what else we need to know. Because, again, it’s like, this is like nothing’s in your way, right? Which is the opposite of that. Two of swords energy. So let’s think, like, what obstacles might we need to overcome as we persist? Because no journey is perfect, right? 

There’s always going to be obstacles to overcome, things that might go wrong, that we need to be flexible about. And so let’s pull a couple more, see what do we need to overcome to make sure that this is happening? Okay, so honestly, there’s some, again, really positive images, circumstances kind of popping up. So first we have the Hermit in reverse, and we always look at that major Arcana first, but the Hermit in reverse, for means isolation. It’s like, yes, you can go, go for these goals, but this is kind of warning us, you don’t need to do this alone. A lot of times we have an idea in mind. And we’re like, you know what? 

It’s just easier if I just do all of it when really, there’s so many circumstances where if we kind of divide the responsibility or the work, it makes it a little bit easier to have success in those things because there’s more ideas, more minds in the pot to come up with better ideas or more productive ideas or more concise ways of doing things, you know? And so I think it’s worth it to say that, like, you might want to do this all on your own, but I think it’s important that you open up and let other people help you. And I think part of that is just being honest about what you’re going through. 

The four of Cups when it’s upright is kind of like, I don’t want anybody to see what I’m doing, and I’m just not having a good time, and I’m okay with it being that way. But. But maybe you need to open up and talk about it. So when it’s in reverse, it’s saying, okay, finally you’re able to kind of express yourself. And maybe this is kind of going against what you’ve generally done. Maybe this isn’t what you’re trying to do right now, but just a pattern that you found yourself in a cycle that seems to be repeating itself for some reason. And so I think opening up about that, being able to talk to people about that and say, hey, this is what I’m going through. 

This is what I’m trying to do for myself, but I don’t want to do this by myself anymore. I want to step up and step out of. You’re used to being independent, so it’s unnatural for you to say, hey, I could use help in this area, but this is saying, like, I think it’s time to open up. It’s time to start asking for help. It’s time to start saying, hey, this is hard on me, and this is weighing on me, and this is a lot for me, but it’s okay to be vulnerable and to let people see you going through what could be kind of a tough time, because I do think it’s going to open up doors for you. 

You’re going to start seeing more opportunities and having these ideas come to fruition because the Three of Wands is really more a forward focused kind of card, as opposed to something happening right now. You can see these opportunities, and we need to take one more step to start pursuing these opportunities. And sometimes all it takes is one person to give you that idea or give you that little push to help you get going in the right way. So let me look at the bottom of my deck because it often, I think, shows the subconscious of what’s going on. And that is the lover. So there’s definitely something going on here with this lovers in reverse that’s saying maybe there has been some issues with certain people in your life. 

So, yes, you want to open up, you want to be authentic, you want to try to ask for help and branch out and try to do more things for yourself. But maybe there is some hurt deep down that we need to heal from in order to really feel confident in that area. Again, we have that Two of Swords, like, can’t go through, can’t move forward. And maybe part of it is you’re afraid of moving forward with other people because you’ve had negative experiences in the past. 

But I think in this circumstance where you know what you’re going for, you know what positive outcomes you’re looking for in these circumstances, situations, your environment, culture, whatever, it’s like, I think that overcoming those traumas of the past and the things that you’ve been through leading up till now is going to be exactly what you need to persist and push through and have all of that positivity in the. On the flip side, as the outcome, as the goal. Right? So if you. If you really push, guys, I think this is like a long, extended journey that you’re going to be on, and I don’t think you need to do it by yourself. And I think that’s the ticket here. Ask for help. Reach out to the people that, you know, love you. 

And if someone seems iffy, maybe that’s the time to put up a boundary and say, you know what, this is my goal and I need people who are going to help me, not drag me down. Find those positive people in your life and you will have success. 

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

  • Audrey Porter
    Posted at 16:12h, 16 September Reply

    My daughter thinks I dont love her and I am being secretive with regards to her sister of whom visits me and Its hurting me badly to the point where she has blocked me on every platfom.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 12:11h, 15 September Reply

    Thanks deco

    Have a pleasant Sunday.

  • Patricia Harris
    Posted at 09:39h, 15 September Reply

    I need your guidance through this.

  • Patricia Harris
    Posted at 09:38h, 15 September Reply

    I have been dating a man online 3years.
    I am sending him money to come home on. He has a set of twins that I talk to frequently. Open to have him home by the first of december. Wanting to see that is realhe wants to come home and he does love me.

  • Terence Frederick Bone
    Posted at 09:05h, 15 September Reply

    Good reading Deco…

  • Pauli
    Posted at 07:43h, 15 September Reply


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