26 Dec Hope Is On The Horizon | Full Moon In Cancer Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 12/27
2023 is ending on a beautiful note…
The last Full Moon of the year will bring comfort and hope into the forefront, according to Sirena Moon. She says it’s time to lower your emotional defenses, and really let yourself connect with a feeling of positivity and hope for the future.
She’s here today to bring light and understanding to your heart, so you can find or deepen a soulmate connection in the year ahead.
P.S. Have you met your soulmate already, or are you still waiting for them to enter your life? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful cosmic family, Sirena Moon here. And in this week’s video, I’m talking about the beautiful Full Moon and the sign of Cancer that is happening on December 26th. What this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit about this full moon time. So on December 26th, the full moon occurs and the sign of cancer. So with this sensitive energy of Cancer, you might be really particularly in touch with your heart, with your sensitive emotions, feel really connected to your family, to the people you care about. And you might feel that your heart is more open and that everyone’s heart is more open to sharing emotions, sentimental feelings, and to connection to real, authentic connection. And cancer is also about the home. So you might feel like you just want to be indoors and decorate your house or clean it or make it feel extra cozy like your personal sanctuary.
And the energy of this Full Moon will really support that. It’ll support anything that has to do with home comfort, security, your emotions, softness, relaxation, and healing. So it’s a beautiful full moon. And with that being said, now I’m going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this full moon in cancer time.
So spirit, I’m just connecting with spirit. Spirit. Please guide this reading to give me any messages you would have us know about this Full Moon in Cancer time. What themes, what messages would be in our highest good to know about this Full Moon in Cancer time?
Okay, so at this time with the Seven of Cups, we might be daydreaming a lot. We might be thinking about all the possibilities. Perhaps we’re thinking about what we want to manifest in the new year. Perhaps we’re thinking perhaps many of us have time off work, and you’re having time to sort through your thoughts, sort through your options. Just take a breath and let your mind wander. And that’s a good thing. And I’m really feeling, for many of you, this is just such a powerful, powerful full moon to really make a wish, a really big wish in your heart, to really dream and to daydream, and to realize that your daydreams are actually powerful times because it’s you sending out signals to the universe, you getting clarity about what it is that makes your heart sing. So take some time to dream around this time to daydream and to think of all the possibilities and to let yourself just kind of float, meditate, relax and to just chill out in the focus on The Star.
Wow, The Star. So The Star is all about inspiration. It’s all about inspiration from spirit and about combining elements to create about, it’s about alchemy, okay? So creativity, inspiration, drawing something from above down into earth, down through your body so you can create it. So for some of you, maybe you’re allowing yourself to daydream and be in that space, that dreamy space, and you’re channeling a poem or something you want to write or something you’re inspired to say and create. Or for some of you, it could be your own business or a job or something that just really, really feels like a dream. Really good. And then it’s coming from your higher self. It’s inspired. And for others of you, something comes into focus that perhaps you’ve held in your heart, and perhaps it’s coming into this focus about the steps that you can take in the new year for how to follow your north star, to dream big, to go for what really inspires you for what really, really feeds your soul.
This is such a beautiful card, and I’m hearing for others of you, there’s this perhaps opportunity on the horizon. You get a message for something that, an opportunity where you’re going to really be allowed to shine and to really share your gifts and talents. I’m hearing for some of you incredible healing talents and something is going to come together where you feel like, oh, that’s what I need to be doing in order to use my healing gifts. And I’m just feeling from spirits. For so many of you, this is about getting clarity around your purpose, your bigger purpose, your dream, and following that north star that is so beautiful and what to let go of on this beautiful final Full Moon of 2023.
What to let go of. All right, Strength. Interesting. Okay. So for many of us, it’s about letting go of the feeling that we have to do it all on our own, that we have to be strong and hold down the fort and keep it all together. So yeah, Cancer energy is about being vulnerable. So Cancer tends to have a really hard outer shell because their inner world is so sensitive and so vulnerable. So I think spirit is saying, let go of your defenses. Let go of feeling like you have to wear this mask that really can’t show who you really are to the world, and to let that drop, let that go, and to let yourself not be strong and hold it all together, but rather let yourself be soft. Let yourself be soft. Let the emotions run through you. Let yourself be tender. And then that’s where this portal to your magic is, and portal to the spiritual guidances that leads to your dream and not doing it alone. Asking spirit for help, not feeling like you have to do everything on your own and be so strong and individualistic that you need community. Sometimes you need people to help you. You need that sense of comradery and just the ability to be soft and be gentle with yourself especially.
And then what to focus on feeling this card, The Chariot. So The Chariot is strength as well. It is kind of like this card, The Chariot’s very strong, but it’s about having the willpower to make something happen because you know that it’s the right path. And so your energy is coming from, not just from you, but it’s coming from your spirit. So you’re spiritually energized. So The Chariot is about moving forward with passion and courage. So maybe if something comes up where a dream clicks into place and you’re inspired, take that courage a step, have a sense of yesness about you as you move into the new year. And with this Full Moon, really focus on what it is that gives you energy. For some of you just to focus on your actual physical body, your physical health at this Full Moon time, and for others of you to just allow some kind of big energy surge to come through. Perhaps after you relax, you get your energy back, and then it’s like, okay, time to move forward. So there’s this sense of the Full Moon could bring something to light where you feel like, wow, I’m really passionate about this and I am super charged about this, and I have the will to make it happen. I really do. So this is a feeling of positive forward movement and feeling charged up and ready to have just change happen in a big way, and a change and adventure and forward movement that is passionate and surprise insight, unexpected insight or surprise.
Oh, the Nine of Swords, and it is in reverse. Okay, so the Nine of Swords is a lot of anxiety where we feel really stuck, but it is in reverse. So an unexpected insight that comes out of this time is we could be, for many of us, we could finally feel free of some mental situation where we felt really stuck that we could not see a way out of, and it could be that there’s this feeling of, oh, that’s the way out of this. Or somehow this anxiety for so many of us that was holding us down, something happens. There’s something maybe unexpected that happens or some insight that we’re given where we see things in a different light and there’s relief mentally, and maybe that is what leads us to be able to feel that we can move forward with this Chariot card at this time. And the final card for this Full Moon and Cancer time.
One final card. Ooh, The Lovers. Wow. Okay. So for many of us, a big question about love might be coming up at this Full Moon time. There could be something that gets resolved and there’s the coming together with you and a partner, there’s a healing with you and a partner, or there’s a meeting of someone new. There’s this feeling of love coming to the center and the forefront of this beautiful final full moon of the year. For those of us that aren’t dealing with love, there’s this feeling I’m getting where you’re going to have to make a choice between two things. That’s what this card also stands for, but I’m feeling like it’s going to be easy to make that choice.
Finally, perhaps you’ve spent the year going back and forth, but I’m feeling like for many of you with this North Star card and this feeling of inspiration, I feel like you’re going to get the kind of clarity you need to make that choice as you move into the new year, and especially with the sensitive Full Moon and this being more connected to your intuition and your emotions. And then for those of us that are dealing with questions of love, this is a really good sign and a good time to potentially have an opening in love, a healing in love, or something where your partner or who you’re wanting really comes into focus and you’re able to see clearly this person who they are and get some answers, questions answered about this person, about this love that you question with love that you’ve been dealing with for quite a long time.
Something comes to culmination with this Full Moon, and I think for many of you, I think it’s going to feel really good. And for others, I feel like you’ve been thinking about starting a new relationship. I feel like with this Star card, I feel like you’re going to start to get really inspired guidance about finding your soulmate in the new year. Something will start to click into place, and you’re going to start to feel like, oh, I know now the kind of person I want, or where I want to take my love life, the direction I want to move it into in 2024. For some of you, I feel like you’ve grown a lot this year. There’s certain things that have changed about what you’re looking for in love, because this is a very deep card, a big card. So it’s about asking the big questions about what it is you truly want, and a partner now, especially with this final Full Moon before the new year. As you move into the new year, I think a lot of these questions are going to start to come up in your mind, and for a lot of you, you will be finding clarity around this Full Moon, about love and about what you’re really looking for and about potentially who your partner really is or about coming together with this person. And for some of you, it could be a blessing in your love life with this full moon. So yay. With that being said, I am wishing you a beautiful full moon time and a very happy, happy New Year. I’ll see you next year. Lots of love.
Leah Michael
Posted at 15:01h, 28 DecemberI wish I knew whether or not the one I’m thinking of is truly my soul mate or not. I feel like he very well could be if not certain, but there are currently too many toxic distractions invading our cosmic connection. This is extremely difficult to deal with as I’m suffering thru this time now and can’t seem to get a clear head or see my way out of it. I only miss him, our time together, our intimacy, our nights laughing, how incredibly whole and happy I felt while we were together & our souls were connecting
Now, I rarely speak to him as he chooses for us not to, and hardly see him either. He has told me that we should see other people for the time being and that because of his current soul searching endeavor and toxic additions that arise with our being a couple, that we need time apart. I however am completely unable to move on. I don’t find anyone else even remotely attractive or desire anyone else whatsoever, I’ve tried a couple times and it’s impossible.
He has also mentioned that 1 of his reasoning for our breaking up is because he believes that I’ve been less than honest with him in the past and that I’ve had deceitful relations with others while we were together. I’m not sure if this is a tactic of making our breakup easier for him or what, because these are such completely false accusations and the numerous times I’ve come forward with proof or plead with him to show me the “people involved” face to face, he backs out with a random excuse every time. The happened the last time I saw him actually, we were simply a little time with each other, something suddenly triggered him and upset him, resulting in him suddenly accusing me once again of infidelity. I immediately stood my ground and said that I was more than willing to go to the persons house right then and confront them to get the truth and he at first agreed as we began to drive to “this person’s house”. Me being more than confident even drove the car. However on the way “there” he one became more and more frustrated with the situation and began uttering specific instances that he had “heard” I had done, with specific people. Once again, this was all entirely and completely false leaving me to assume he’s made this all up in his own mind(?) Wherever it’s coming from its not the truth. I have been me than devoted to him since the beginning of our relationship in early spring of 2023, having only 1 encounter with 1 other person and this was an act of desperation on my part because he had taken off and left me for about a week and a half without a trace or a word as to where he was or why he had vanished. I was miserable and lonely without him, desperate to know what had happened and what or who had taken him from me. Especially when I was under the impression that we were deep in love and had mutual feelings. I hadn’t ever told him about this encounter with another but he has since found out and I fully admitted to it all. Since then I have not seen or even had the slightest desire to see anyone but him and continue to feel that way. He is the only person I love, desire, and have a full commitment to and would easily continue to for the rest of our lives If given the opportunity. I may actually end up living out this commitment to him whether I’m with him or not as it seems so incredibly impossible to think or do otherwise.
My days lately have been more than dull, lonely, aggravating, and just depressing. I have no interest in getting out of my house or really even my bed and everything I do or everyone I see, seem so uninteresting that I’m beginning to come across as harsh. I don’t want this, of course I don’t. I’m a happy, positive person usually, so this is most definitely unrecognizable behavior for me. Please help me to learn, understand, and proceed in the direction of which I should go from here, whether it’s with or without him. Any type if clarity on the situation would ne a tremendous help. Thank you for your time and for sharing your gift with us all, and Thank you for reading this today.
Willow Moon
Posted at 13:20h, 28 DecemberWonderful insightful reading.
Staci Neal
Posted at 08:26h, 28 DecemberThank you so much I welcome them with open arms, mind body ans spirit
Peace and blessings for the New Year and always
Kayla Duran
Posted at 07:46h, 28 DecemberI claim it❣️ So ready for this New Year❣️ Thank you Sirena❣️
Posted at 06:35h, 28 DecemberHi thank you and happy new year to you too xoxo ❤️🙏🏻
Pierre Desrosiers
Posted at 02:00h, 28 DecemberHappy New Year
I am still waiting if my soulmate will come back or the real one will show up
The last few years where really tough , it is about time for a new beginning
Thank you for the reading
Julie Johnston
Posted at 20:04h, 27 DecemberThank you 🙏 Right on, beautiful reading ❤️May you have a Happy New Year
Jonnetta Harshaw
Posted at 19:43h, 27 DecemberHappy New Year!
Reading the message was very pleasing and understanding.. I really enjoyed…
Teresa Mullany
Posted at 19:41h, 27 DecemberThank you for sharing your most powerful and inspiring words. Starting over for me has been quite a challenge because change isn’t easy but it is necessary for us to learn and grow through our life experiences. I highly recommend to step out of your yourself make a choice to choose a better life for you. Happy New Year. Best wishes from Terri Mullany of Healing Oils Perth Western Australia 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺☘️☘️☘️♥️♥️♥️
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 16:21h, 27 Decemberwow, your reading puts a smile on my face, bringing harmony into my life. thank you so much.
Janice Scott
Posted at 15:00h, 27 DecemberThank you Serena I am waiting for my soulmate my new love who is coming to me very soon. Thank you Universe and God for helping me and bringing such abundance and happiness to me Love to everyone Amen. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
John Muriuki Njeru.
Posted at 09:07h, 27 December🕊️Wow, thank Heavens for such Cosmic manifestations of the full moon’s astrological signs and it’s illumination energy to enable us crossover year 2023((7))to the abundance year of our Lord 2024((8)). Thanks and be blessed to be a blessing dear Sirena.
Nenette chiong
Posted at 08:01h, 27 DecemberThanks
Tina Marie Purves
Posted at 07:54h, 27 DecemberThank you Sirena! Your intuitive readings are very uplifting and have a healing touch on our collective thread, yet somehow they are personal to me as well! Many blessings to you and gratitude. Happy New Year!