In The Nick Of Time | Numerology Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 3/27

Have you been looking for a sign to guide you in the right direction? The answer you need could make its way to you, just when you need it most.

Sirena Moon is here with a personalized intuitive Numerology reading to help you move forward. Just keep your question or situation in mind, and click on the video below!

P.S. Are you ready to move forward from a situation that has you feeling stuck? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello everyone. Sirena Moon here. I just love these Numerology Video Readings. So, look at whatever time it is right now for you, whenever you happen to be watching this and make a note of the time. You can write it down if you need to. And now, think of a question on your mind, just one question, and now take the time and add all the numbers up so that they eventually reach a number between the number one and nine. So, for instance, it is 1:27 for me, so that would be 1 + 2 = 3, and 3 + 7 = 10 and then you add 1 + 0, which equals 1. Alright? So, my number would be one. So, you can pause this video if you need to, but get to a number between one and nine. And then, Spirit is going to give you a special message about the question that is on your mind. Okay? All right, so you got your number? Okay, let’s do this. Okay, so I’m just tapping into Spirit. I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading to give us all any messages Spirit would have us know for our highest good. 

And now, I’m starting with the Number Ones. I’m feeling this card, wow, Number Ones, The Star. This is a sign with the question you’re asking to follow inspired guidance that everything is going to work out. It really is with this question that you’re going through, and it’s important to really, really consult spiritual guidance. So, you could say, “You know what? However, this question needs to be resolved, Spirit, give me a sign.” And, you will get a sign, okay? You’ll get a sign through the radio or you’ll get a sign in your dream. This is about getting a really inspired sign and following your North Star in terms of this question, following your North Star, following that direction that you feel intuitively is important to go and things are going to resolve in a very magical way here with this question. The more you trust your instincts, follow your own intuition, follow your own North Star, and know that even if it doesn’t make sense to other people, you are right on track when you are following that intuitive guidance, okay? This is a sign you’re very much being protected, held, and guided by Spirit in terms of this question. And, it really will be healed with the water going on in these cups. This is a very healing card. This situation will be healed and it’s going to be great, alright? And, you could even be The Star in this situation in some way, if that relates to your question. Okay? You could shine very bright in this situation, you’re a bright shining star, so, let your light shine. All right, number ones, 

Okay, Number Twos, Number Twos, oh, the Wheel of Fortune. Okay, Number Two, so with this question, this is a big catalyst. Whatever’s going on, there’s going to be a shift, ending of a cycle, beginning of a new one perhaps, or a shift for the more fortunate. This is a great sign about the question you’re asking. This is all about change. Nothing ever remains the same. Don’t be afraid if the issue that you’re questioning right now changes, because if there’s a change involved, it really is for the better. It’s for the more fortunate. This is a very exciting card. 

And, for others of you, there’s some surprise I feel that’s going to happen with this issue you’re dealing with. There’s a twist in the story here, and it really is for the better. You could get a surprise phone call. Someone could say something that’s like, “Wow, I never thought that could resolve this, or I never thought that that would happen, but it did.” So, there’s this feeling of things really shifting for the better here with this question that you brought to your mind, okay? 

All right, and Number Threes. Number Threes, I’m feeling this card, ooh, Number Three, the Nine of Pentacles. This is a sign of real success here, especially if it’s something that you’ve done that has your own unique stamp on it. This could be your own business idea, your own thing. This is a really wonderful sign that something is going to really come into fruition, and you’re going to experience some increased prosperity and security here. And, if you’re not asking it all about money, this is a sign to just really, really know your self worth in this situation. Things will work out. The more that you really hold to what you know is true for you and authentic for you, and to step into your most powerful self and to express yourself in this situation, express your truth in this situation, and to know that you deserve that respect in this situation. Okay? 

All right, and Number Fours, it’s Number Fours, the Three of Wands. So, Number Fours, it’s really important to have a broader perspective in this situation, this feeling to open your perspective up about what you want your life to be, to have a broader view. So, whatever question you’re going through, it’s really important to not see it just for black and white, for just the small reality it is, but to say, “Wow, well, what are the other possibilities here? What are the other solutions here? How can I open this frame of reference to really see such a bigger vista than the one I’m looking at and to go towards it?” So, this is all about freedom and expansion in terms of this question that you’re asking. All right? So, your own freedom, your own expansion, feeling lighter, feeling better, feeling relief, and going away from being sucked into thinking really small and feeling trapped by a situation and setting your mind free. Setting yourself free in this situation, and that’s where you’re going to find your luck and your joy. Okay? 

Alright, and Number Five, Number Five, Number Five, wow, so Number Five, the Three of Pentacles. So, this is cooperation, working with other people to solve this issue. So, it’s really important that you listen to other people’s perspectives, that you work together, that you don’t feel you have to solve this all on your own, okay? You do not have to go through this alone. You can get the support of others right now, and you can ask for that support from others. And, for some of you, it’s about saying, does this work for me or not? There’s this feeling for some of you that this is just, it’s okay. Some parts of it work, some parts of it don’t. This thing you’re going through and it feels like there’s some changes that need to be made where you need to kind of say, maybe I’m just in the wrong role here, or maybe this friend I have is a little draining or doesn’t make me feel good about myself. There’s these components that are worth sort of checking out. But, I do get this feeling, Number three, for many of you, this is going to resolve itself and work out. The more you don’t try and figure it out all on your own, but rather listen to what other people are saying, take it into consideration and getting the support you really deserve and need, okay? Because it’s there for you, and that’s going to shift something in your life in a beautiful way. Okay, Number five. 

Okay, and Number Six, Number Six, ooh, Number Six, The Devil. So, The Devil’s all about feeling trapped by something. There’s just no way out or there’s no way this is going to change, but it’s a mental projection into the situation. It’s not really true with The Devil card as a reminder that it’s your own thinking that is making you trapped, that you’re not actually trapped. Okay? Okay. So let’s do another card for Number Six, because that’s kind of a negative card, kind of a scary card. 

So, Spirit, what else can you say to Number Six about this situation that they might feel trapped in? Oh, The Chariot. Okay, so The Chariot’s all about breaking free. It’s all about moving forward with your willpower and your courage and your strength and your vitality. So, Number Six, the message, overall message I’m feeling for you, Number Six, with this question is things are going to change. You are absolutely not trapped and you are not stuck. And, there’s a big change coming with The Chariot. Like, I’m seeing horses let out of the gate off and running. The horses are off and running. So, where you felt really stuck, things aren’t in a repetitive pattern, you can’t get out of, there’s this swoosh energy coming, okay? So, it’s just your own thinking. Remind yourself, this too shall pass. I am not stuck here, and I’m not willing to put up with situations that make me feel dimmed down or terrible, or people that make me feel bad. I’m making those changes. I’m making a change here in this situation with my own willpower and my own heart. And, I’m saying, enough is enough, and I’m out of here. I’m moving forward. And, there’s the support from the universe to get you moving forward, get you out of this situation into a much more empowered situation for you. You’re The Chariot. Yes, you’re empowered and you win and you’re the winner, okay? That’s what I’m feeling. 

Okay, and Number Seven, Number Seven, Number Seven, Judgment. So, Number Sevens, you could be really deep in thought about something. This question that you’ve been thinking about. This could be a big, big question. Something that’s really heavy on your heart and on your mind. It’s almost like, how do I even know what to do here, because there’s so many sides to this issue, it’s very heavy. So, this is a sign that it’s okay. You don’t have to know the answer, you don’t have to make up your mind. It’s good to think about this one from all different perspectives and sides, and I’m feeling this feeling like things, you don’t have to actually do anything with this question. You don’t have to make anything happen. Make a choice or get your hands in it and work something out. Actually, it’s okay to pull back and just say, “You know what? I need divine order to work this out on my behalf. I cannot figure this out.” And, my feeling is for you, Number Seven, if you pull back and surrender and just let go, let things be, that life will work this out for you, okay? Divine order is in place here and things will work out in your favor, all right? So, just see those angel wings and just hand it over to Spirit, whatever that means to you. Just say, “I cannot handle this on my own. I need you to rearrange things for me. Show me the way, do stuff for me. Work this out for me. I’m going to just take my mind off of it right now because I’m just turning this over in my mind in so many different ways, and my own mind does not have an answer.” So, when you consult a higher spiritual intelligence, it will be done for you. It will work out on your behalf. And, I’m feeling such peace for you with this issue, Number Sevens, such peace, grace and peace. 

Okay, Number Eights, Number Eights, Number Eights, oh wow, The Sun, Number Eight. Well, this is definitely going to work out, I feel in your favorite Number Eight, whatever you’re thinking about. This is known as the most joyous card in the deck, okay, The Sun. So, there’s something here, even if you can’t see it right now, this is all unfolding for your highest good. Even if something big happened and you’re feeling really fearful, just know that this is all working out for your benefit, for your highest good. And, if there’s some issue here in terms of, and for others of you, there’s this feeling here that it’s really important. I’m sensing to get together with family, with loved ones, to connect, connect, connect, connect. In terms of the question you’re asking, just connect with loved ones, connect with your heart, connect with joy, connect with the children in your family, connect with that sense of lighthearted, playfulness, and joy, play, playfulness and laughter will be key here to getting you out of this situation and to healing this situation and to resolving this situation. And, for others of you, this is simply a very good sign that what you’re asking about potentially, if it’s like a job or even a person, that this is going to be a big yes. Okay. All right. 

And, finally, Number Nines, Number Nines, our final card, Number Nine, Number Nine, oh, the Six of Swords, Number Nine, this is all about letting go and releasing what is no longer serving you and just floating down the river towards something much better. So, there’s a release here with this question Number Nine, okay? There’s something in this question that you can let go of and just allow yourself to de-stress and feel better. Just move on from that situation or maybe let those people kind of work that out as you just kind of observe and allow your emotions to be much easier. So, this is the opposite of getting involved, getting aggressive, working something, stressing to get something worked out. This is just relaxing about it, taking a mental break and letting yourself just float on the river, letting your anxiety go, just going, you know what? This is going to work out whether or not my hands are involved in this or not. So, this is a sign that something really is going to work out about this question. The more that you let go and just allow it to shift and change as it’s going to. So, there could be in this question for you, Number Nine, there could be something that you do, someone or something in this question you’re asking that you do need to release and just let go so that you can move forward to a much better place for you, Number Nine, as something where you just feel you’re much more in service to your higher good, you’re much more in your joy, and you’re de-stressed, there’s no more anxiety, okay, about this question, all right? 

So, that was really fun. I hope you all enjoyed that. And, until we meet again, I’m sending you all of my love. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Elsie
    Posted at 03:36h, 12 April Reply

    Thank u Sirena much appreciated

  • Ruby Tauro
    Posted at 08:32h, 11 April Reply

    No. Seven is for me and it did resonate with me – the whole of it I can say. Thank you Serina.🙏

  • sylvia Delong
    Posted at 20:56h, 10 April Reply

    Such a close reading truly thank u!awesome job!

  • Trichelle Bryan
    Posted at 14:16h, 30 March Reply

    Do you think i might r will be pregnant

  • Arndria Seymour
    Posted at 19:50h, 28 March Reply

    Thank you so much!! God Bless you Sirena you really helped and lifted my spirits!

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:16h, 02 April Reply

      Aww that is beautiful to hear! Blessings and love to you Arndria!!xoSirena

  • Eva Wypych
    Posted at 19:29h, 28 March Reply

    Thank you very much. God Bless you, Love and Light.👼💖💥

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:16h, 02 April Reply

      Love to you Eva!!! xo Sirena

  • Richard Scott Moreland
    Posted at 07:47h, 28 March Reply

    Thank God for your support and friendship

  • Kay vonnetta smith
    Posted at 03:09h, 28 March Reply

    Thank you

  • Sariah Rainey
    Posted at 01:01h, 28 March Reply

    This was a first time experience for me. I watched your video at 11:33 pm mst therefore my number was 8 if I followed the instructions correctly. I’ve been in conflict and separation with a gentleman I respect and hold dear. I’m thankful for the card pulled and your clear answer of YES. Thank you for sharing your time and talent Sirena! Godspeed 🙏

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:16h, 02 April Reply

      So much love to you Sariah!!! xo Sirena

  • winsome
    Posted at 21:49h, 27 March Reply

    Hi Sirena, love your reading today.

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:17h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you Winsome!! xo Sirena

  • Rita
    Posted at 18:20h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you for encouragement 💕🙏

  • Ana Isabel
    Posted at 18:16h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you Sirena and I think you made my day.
    ❤️ your reading

  • Sara
    Posted at 18:08h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you, this was divine timing for sure.

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:18h, 02 April Reply

      Love to you Sara!! xi Sirena

  • Viv Eliot
    Posted at 15:25h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you, I always get so excited with your readings.. big hugs and love to you Sienna ❤️

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:17h, 02 April Reply

      aww thank you Viv!! xo Sirena

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 14:27h, 27 March Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Have a nice day and week


  • Ruby Tauro
    Posted at 11:21h, 27 March Reply

    My is No.,1 Reading. Ok, so I asked a question and now I’m waiting for a sign, that too I have asked. Thank you Sirena.

  • Lucy Chaves
    Posted at 08:31h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you for this reading! I wish it!!

  • Barbara
    Posted at 08:29h, 27 March Reply

    1-9 touches me hoping all comes true with money and love life

  • Deanna
    Posted at 07:45h, 27 March Reply

    Will I ever be free of this evil that has a hold on me?

  • Babs Johnson
    Posted at 07:31h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you for this reading, it helps

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:18h, 02 April Reply

      Love to you Babs!! xo Sirena

  • Precious webster
    Posted at 07:01h, 27 March Reply

    Thank u I needed that reading

    Posted at 07:00h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you. That seems to be about righ. You seem to have covered everything. t

  • Precious webster
    Posted at 06:59h, 27 March Reply

    Thank u I really enjoyed that reading this more I freely that I needed it those. Cards reading was meant for me I appericiate u taking the test to do this God bless u and keep up the good work .

    • Sirena Moon
      Sirena Moon
      Posted at 12:17h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you Precious!!! love to you! xo Sirena

  • Sofia Sfyroera
    Posted at 06:46h, 27 March Reply

    I wish it!

  • Donna
    Posted at 06:20h, 27 March Reply

    Thank you from Donna

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