22 Apr Is There Someone Better? | Weekend Tarot Love Reading | 4/22 – 4/24
Hello Tarot Friends,
This is Jonathan with your Weekend Tarot Love Reading.
If you’ve been feeling confused lately… not to worry, things are going to start to change for you in the coming days.
It’s totally natural to get stuck in a complicated pattern where love, relationships, and romance feel frustrating and unfulfilling.
These tend to be moments where your way of doing something is no longer working, so a new way needs to be brought into the picture.
As you’ll see in the reading ahead, the deeper you can connect with yourself in the coming days, the greater the reward. You might even meet someone special along the way.
So let’s take a look at what’s in store for you.
Card #1: Two Of Swords | Total Gridlock

he Two of Swords represents feeling stuck, undecided, and like you have no way of moving forward. In love, there might be a stalemate either in your own heart or in your relationship.
No matter which direction you turn, it may feel like nothing wants to change. If you are single right now, this could manifest as feeling lonely while also feeling too afraid to put yourself back out there.
Or, it could also show up as having trouble deciding between two potential partners. Both have their good sides and their bad sides and you just can’t make a decision.
Maybe you’ve been considering entering the dating scene again after some time, but there are some past challenges holding you back from taking the next step.
It’s also possible that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to meet someone truly worth your time. If this is the case, your resistance to being with someone might not be fully conscious but might be beneath the surface keeping you running in the same loop over and over.
On the other hand, if you’re in a relationship, the Two of Swords could be a sign there is a lot of tension between you and your significant other. Sometimes this card arrives when one person is really into the relationship, but the other person is only lukewarm.
It’s also possible you’re having trouble deciding if you want to stay in your relationship or leave. The hesitation towards either of these directions might have you feeling totally paralyzed.
In the card image, a woman sits with two swords crossed in front of her chest. It’s quite clear her heart is closed to the current situation, and her blindfold is a sign she’s unwilling to really look at what’s in front of her either.
This might be a sign that while you want your situation to change, it could feel too uncomfortable or personal to actually look at or deal with.
So instead, you might experience a kind of internal gridlock.
Not wanting to be where you are, but unwilling to make the moves necessary to shift things can be really confusing and even painful.
Luckily, your next card is a reminder of just how capable and resilient you truly are. You’re totally going to figure this out and get the pieces moving once again.
Card #2: Nine Of Pentacles | Return To Center

The Nine of Pentacles is all about independence, self-sufficiency, and leisure. At this point, it’s almost cliche to say, “Love yourself first, and a good relationship will follow.” But, it’s just the simple truth.
Disney princess stories, along with twin-flame and soulmate mythology have unfortunately programmed many people into believing someone else is ultimately the solution to their suffering.
The truth is, any great, nourishing, lasting relationship – whether they are your soulmate, twin flame, or not – will be built by individuals who can stand on their own two feet.
When the Nine of Pentacles arrives in a love reading, it’s a sign you are absolutely capable of doing just this. But considering your previous card, it’s possible you’ve forgotten how self-sufficient you actually are.
If you’re single, maybe you’ve been telling yourself a story about how you need someone, or that you’re incomplete in some way. It’s time to question that story as deeply as you can. Write down the story you’ve been telling yourself, and find the ways it isn’t true.
This is not a call to become a monk, or to stay home alone by yourself. It’s a call to return to attending to your needs first. That might look like spending time with friends, or traveling, or staying in and reading a book – depending on what you specifically are needing in order to balance yourself out.
It might even look like dating, but not from a place of desperation. Rather, from a place of curiosity. Reestablish your sense of self, your sense of your own rhythms first. Then, from there, see who starts to show up.
Similarly, if you’re in a relationship, the advice of the Nine of Pentacles is to reestablish some autonomy. Things between you and your partner may have gotten sticky and codependent, stifling the romance between you.
If you know you want to be with this person long term, do yourself and your partner a favor and create some healthy space. Reinvest in an old hobby that is all your own, or reconnect with a friend group unrelated to your partners.
Fires require oxygen to grow, so if you want this love to be a bonfire with healthy coals that last a lifetime, get used to creating room for growth to happen.
Your next card is a sign that returning to your own pace and your own rhythm will create the right circumstances for a powerful meeting, or the right kind of sustained growth.
Card #3: Knight Of Pentacles | Slow But Steady

The Knight of Pentacles is a sign of reliability, consistency, and individual’s who – while they may be slow moving – are deeply committed when the time comes.
The Knight of Pentacles in a love reading indicates a kind of patience that shows up with someone who is very secure in themselves. This security and ease can only happen through deep self-trust and the understanding that what is needed will come in its own time.
That being said, the Knight of Pentacles is not a slouch, and isn’t just waiting around for life to bring him what he wants. The Knight of Pentacles is industrious and hardworking, but he understands his work now will provide its greatest rewards down the line, rather than right away.
If you are single right now, this could be a sign you’ll meet someone who wants to take their time. While they could be slow moving in terms of love and romance, you will feel right from the get-go they are worthy of your trust.
A Knight of Pentacles type of person sees the big view, and won’t compromise their future for flimsy connections. So if you meet someone like this, don’t expect them to stick around unless you mean business.
If you’ve felt hesitant about love, as your first card the Two of Swords indicates, a conscientious and intentional romantic connection could be exactly what the doctor ordered. So if it feels easy, safe, and fun, why not give it a shot?
If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Pentacles could represent your current partner, or maybe someone who’s in the mix.
On the one hand, your partner could be just right for you. Everything is lined up, crisp, and feeling like a good fit.
On the other hand, the Knight of Pentacles tends to be more interested in work than in romance. (Romance being the Knight of Cups specialty.)
Your partner might be moving slower than you’d like at the moment, or simply not giving you the kind of focus or attention you desire.
If we consider your first two cards, it’s totally possible there has been a sense of uncertainty around love for you. As a result, giving yourself some space and some time to rediscover your own self-sufficiency and your own rhythm could lead to a new way of relating to love.
You might even meet someone who is moving at the perfect pace for you at this time.
Following Your Own Rhythm
Particularly when things feel confusing or uncertain, it can be a good idea to slow down and reestablish a connection with yourself.
Your first card, the Two of Swords, is a sign you may be feeling conflicted about love right now. This could be something you are aware of, or something in your unconscious that keeps sabotaging the love connections you make.
Your second card, the Nine of Pentacles, is offering an antidote to this confusion. Give yourself the time and space needed to remember just how capable you truly are. Even just a weekend or a week moving at your own pace could change things for you in major ways. So don’t hold back.
Your final card, the Knight of Pentacles arriving in your reading is an indication you’ll either be meeting a special someone, or your own understanding of love could return to a more stable place.
Either way, this week’s reset – while maybe not stuffed to the brim with romance – is a great sign you’ll be getting back in touch with the most important component to any relationship: your authentic self.
And from there, only more good can come.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. What is feeling stuck in your love life right now? Are you ready for a new romance? you can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’re having a hard time finding the right person, or you feel like you’re sabotaging love and want some help you can schedule one-on-one-time with me here.
Sharon Diane Brown
Posted at 17:14h, 23 AprilMy guy just dumped me after you stated that I was going to have a weird week . We went out of town and when we came back the next day it was over and I know he still loves me but im so confused. Please advise me on what to do to save me and Mario!
Posted at 04:01h, 23 AprilThankyou, this reading was spot on for me and gave me validation and reconnection for hope.
Ps Love your name, sounds like a Great Knight!
Posted at 00:44h, 23 AprilHi Jonathan thank you so much for your reading I really love, it for the sake of my future awareness . Yes it’s really very important in my case and for more reading in the future, God bless you. And yours, felividad
Posted at 23:47h, 22 AprilI was feeling stuck but you helped me be able to calm down on that situation, but you my last card Knight of Pentacles describes him, but now I just need to know if he’s in it for the long run.
Kimberly VanCleave
Posted at 23:29h, 22 AprilTwo years into a relationship. Things seem to be going backwards now. Little things have changed. No more sexy txt. Intimacy slowed down. It’s more scheduled now. That’s not me. At first, he was all about making sure I was satisfied in the bedroom. I have trust issues due to an abusive past marriage. And we don’t talk things out if we have a heated disagreement. He walks. An hour later acts like all is fine. I love him. He says he loves me. Am I sabotaging this. He too had a bad marriage. Lots of arguing and affairs by his ex. I really want this to work.
Marcel Medeiros
Posted at 22:54h, 22 AprilI don’t know who to choose
Alicia L Tillman
Posted at 22:37h, 22 AprilI need a secion with you personal one I understand everything your saying.i totally agree.thank you
Pierre Desrosiers
Posted at 21:47h, 22 AprilI have a problem, my intuition and my heart are telling me that my girlfriend will come back with me for the rest of my life in happiness and love.
The universe is telling me that we have a lot of points in common and that we are made for each other.
And this is the reason why we have meet and that our separation will make sure that our future relation will be of happiness.
But life and time seems to make us drift a part in different directions
But my intuition never failed me before
Please help me
I need advise
Thank you for your time and compassion
Rosemary Alamilla
Posted at 21:27h, 22 AprilPerfect <3 thank you ✨
Edith Clarke
Posted at 21:24h, 22 AprilHi Jonathan thank you for this reading,I’ve taken a step back from a relationship, I’m in two minds if I should continue, I meet someone not sure if he’s the right one or if I should go back to my relationship,I know he says he love me.