01 Oct Is This Worth Fighting For? | Sirena Moon | Timeless Tarot Reading
Has an intense conflict been demanding your attention?
If you’ve been wracking your brain over a complicated issue, Sirena Moon can help you decide if it’s worth the struggle.
Simply click the video below to receive her message.
P.S. Are you throwing in the towel, or will you keep trying? Leave a comment for Sirena below!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates Family. Sirena Moon here. And this week, I am asking the question, is this worth fighting for? So, I know all of us, probably to some degree or another, got something in our lives, whether it’s a person, a relationship, a love interest, a dream, a job, you’re going through some questions about, is it worth fighting for? Is the answer that I want to ask spirit on behalf of all of us. Okay, so bring that issue to your heart, to your mind, and hopefully today you’ll get some kind of perhaps answer that might help you solve that question. And this card wanted to fly out right away. King of cups.
So this could definitely be a romantic interest that you’re dealing with for many of you, or a question about a romantic partner, someone that either cares for you a lot or you care for them a lot, or this could be something that you care deeply for, some issue that you definitely your whole hearts in this. All right. But I’m just tapping into spirit, spirit, spirit. Please guide us all. Anyone watching, is this worth fighting for? Is this really worth fighting for? Okay, and what’s the first card here about this situation when you rest in. Wow.
Five of Wands. Yes. Okay. So perhaps with this issue you’re dealing with, there has been a lot of struggle. There’s been a lot of inner. Inner anxiety, inner struggle or even struggle. If you’re dealing with a career dream, perhaps, especially, or even a relationship you’re in, there could have been a lot of fights in the past or a lot of. A lot of tension. A lot of things that kind of made you feel on edge, okay. A lot of things that drained you about the situation and a feeling that you’ve been fighting for this for quite a long time, perhaps, okay. You’ve been fighting this out for quite a long time. All right. And what else about this issue? Spirit. What else about this issue? Ooh, the Page of Wands. Okay. Because this thing you’re dealing with, again, more wands. Oh. It brings you a lot of joy. At the end of the day, you’re very passionate about this, okay. And it makes you feel very, very alive. It makes you feel almost like it gives you a lot of energy.
So this thing in your heart, it’s hard. It’s hard to let go of it because it actually feeds your soul in so many ways. It brings you a lot of joy when you do it, and it puts you somehow in touch with your inner child, okay. In a positive way. It makes you feel very passionate about it. And the positive aspects of letting go of this spirit. If we are to let go of this thing that we’re fighting for, whether it be a relationship, a dream, what are the positive aspects of letting go of it? Ooh, the seven of swords. Okay, so the positive aspects are that I. You wouldn’t have to feel like you’re in denial of the parts of it that aren’t really aligned with your truest self.
So there’s something about this that isn’t. You’re not totally being your authentic self with this other person or in the world in some way. You’re feeling like there’s secrets that you have to keep. There’s parts of you that perhaps you’re dimming down or just too afraid to tell the truth about this situation. Within this dynamic somehow, of this thing that you care this thing or this person that you care so much about. Within this dynamic somehow, although it brings you a lot of joy, there is something that does not work for you in this.
There is something you are denying about the situation. So if you were to let it go, you would be out of this feeling of living a half truth or having to carry around some kind of lie. Perhaps, you know this. Nothing is not really that good for you. Or perhaps you feel somehow you have to somehow hide part of yourself or not be your full self or that you’re settling somehow.
And spirit, what are the positive aspects if we are to stick with it and fight for this? What would be the outcome if we are to stay and fight for this? The fool.
Okay. It’s feeling like even if we quote unquote, fight for this, there’s this feeling that we have to fight for this in a way that is as lighthearted as we can be and as open to flexibility and change as we can be. So, for instance, if you’re fighting for a dream, like, perhaps you’re starting. You’ve started your business, or you have this dream in your heart that you. You’ve really, you know, you. You’ve worked on it for so long, you’ve really put in those hours. It brings you so much joy. And, yes, there’s things about it that are not working, and perhaps you’re denying that to yourself. But there’s this feeling, if you’re willing to perhaps be open and flexible to different ways to do it, there’s this feeling that it can really work out.
And in love, there’s this feeling of to be really. Even if you’re fighting for this relationship, there’s this feeling to have a sense of freedom in your own heart and with the other person, almost like, if you’re willing, when you let something go, if they come back, then you know that they’re really meant to be. That has worked time and time again in my. My own life. So it’s. It’s kind of like when you. When you really set someone free, really, if they’re meant to be, they do come back, and your relationship is stronger. I have found that to be true. So I’m kind of feeling like there’s an element here of needing to surrender this situation for the highest good, to set yourself and the dream or the other person quote unquote free. So it’s not giving up on it, but it’s nothing necessarily struggling. It’s having a lighter approach to this. Can we get another card spirit about that? About that fool card having a lighter approach.
Ooh, the Nine of Cups. Wow. We got that last week, too. Having a lighter approach to it and knowing that you’re well and just knowing that, knowing that you can get what you want. Ooh, I heard you. What you want, what you want will come easy. Okay, I got that. Okay. Wow. Okay. So what’s destined for you in some level will come somewhat, will come easier the lighter you are about it. Okay. And when you’re sort of following your heart, okay, then this dream will unfold easier for you than you think.
So there’s a feeling here of being in synchronicity. Okay, I got that. Okay. So, in many ways, I’m feeling like the message here is. The message here is be willing to admit what parts of this work are working or what parts of this you can really authentically be yourself and tell the truth and what parts of it are not working and a feeling to embrace, a willingness to be open. So I’m feeling like, don’t let this go, but don’t fight for it, if that makes sense. There’s this feeling to relax, let go, and just trust and trust and trust that you are definitely on the right path.
I keep being drawn to this path. This person is. The Fool card is walking on this person’s walking on that. You’re right on path to this dream. So you don’t have to fight for this. You can really, really relax about this and know that if you remain open, if you remain open, you remain relaxed, you’re gonna be guided right toward this thing that will work for you.
We got this card last week, too, so that will work for you. Things just working in a flow for you. And I somehow feel like this is related to last week’s reading, too. Okay. There’s something that’s trying to come into your life that can create synchronicity to get you toward this dream in your heart so that things just work kind of effortlessly and don’t feel like a struggle. Okay, that’s interesting. And, spirit, what is the last cardinal about? Should we fight for this? Okay. Is this worth fighting for? The night of wands. And we got the page of wands. Wow. Okay. So, yeah, that’s. It’s feeling, like, the. The essence, either of this thing you love so much as person you love so much, the essence is so right on.
The essence brings you so much joy and so much energy and so much passion. So the essence of this person or thing or dream that you have on your heart. So the essence is so meant to live within you and be sought after with all of your energy. So do not give up on this dream and don’t necessarily give up on this person. Continue to feel this joy that this situation brings to you.
And this passion, and continue to allow yourself to express that and to cultivate that. But there’s a feeling to really let go of the struggle of this and to just be open to the path that this is supposed to work out. So don’t have a your way of going about this, but rather have a more inspired, co creative dance with spirit, I guess, for lack of a better word, for how this is supposed to manifest. So be willing to do things a different way. Be willing to be much more open and fluid in this situation. Okay. And this is a very joyous card, and I’m feeling like something will work out. Wow. Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, two nights. So that’s a really good sign. So I’m feeling like something will. It will solidify. So continue to take action toward this, continue to work on this in a way that’s joyous, and something will eventually come to be stable. That’s the energy I’m feeling here. Okay. So I’m feeling like the message is this worth fighting for? Is to not let go of it, but to not fight for it, to drop the feelings of stress, tension, arguing, struggle, to really embrace being light and free, and to embrace the joy.
Embrace feelings of joy, whether it’s within a relationship or within some kind of job or some kind of dream you’re working toward. And I’m feeling like the way to embrace that joy is to know, unequivocally that you are being guided towards your dream. There’s a feeling that when you drop the struggle, it creates a synchronicity where things just flow and they just work easily. And you can be light on your feet, you can be light hearted as you’re on your path to your dream. So it’s sort of twofold. It’s a feeling. I’m not necessarily letting go of this. Not, you know, that it is worth fighting for, but it’s like going about it in a different way.
So that you can drop all the fighting and just be willing to go with some kind of flow here so that it flows faster and easier and with more synchronicity toward the practical manifestation of this dream that means so much to your heart because it brings you so much joy. Okay? That’s what I’m feeling like. So I hope that helps, and I hope that that gives you a little bit of an answer to what you’re going through. And as always, this is a group tarot reading. It’s a general reading for the collective. But if you want to tap into a choice, you’re having to make something that you’re wondering, should you stay? Should you go? Is this worth fighting for? Or any other question that you’re dealing with? I would love to give you a personal reading, and to get that with me, just click the link below this video. Okay, darlings, until we meet again, I am sending you so much love and so many blessings. Bye.
Posted at 13:49h, 03 OctoberNice reading Sirena. I have been renovating a house and grounds for the last 16 years on my own in my spare time. It can be hard work, it can be frustrating, but I know the end result is worth it. It cannot be rushed because I burn out, so I do it when I feel it. Just me and my little dog, just another a fool on a life journey………… 🙂
Cynthia McPhee
Posted at 11:10h, 03 OctoberThis is completely myself and my mother. I left home at 14 because of her and moved 4000ks away, then at age 51, moved near to her to be there if she needs me. We have been fighting non stop. She is cold, narcissistic, controlling and manipulative and she sends me into a spin everytime in everything, in every way.
I’ve realised that I shouldn’t have left home at 14 to get away from her. I should have stayed and learnt to deal with her as an adult because at 55 years old, I am 4 years old every time. She starts on me.
I have tried EVERYTHING with mum, but even if I spill a little of my heart to her she doesn’t listen to my heart.
I know she loves me, and I love her . But I’m not fighting with/against that. I am fighting with everything else.
I don’t want to lay it all at her feet because I don’t like confrontation, I’ll cry and after I have made a blubbering spectical of myself she will just turn it all around on me, tell me to stop being dramatic and ghost me for a week, then turn up on doorstep pretending nothing has happened and usually with food I can’t eat because I’m allergic to it ( which she knows very well) and then proceeds to call me ungrateful if I don’t fawn and gush over the gift.
This was an amazing reading. I won’t drop it and walk away, she is my mum. I’m working on ( I don’t even know) me, but I know things will never change. Xx
Kerstin Frauke Ziemen
Posted at 10:08h, 03 OctoberIch mache weiter.
Kerstin Frauke Ziemen
Posted at 10:05h, 03 OctoberIch mache weiter
Ellen Huys
Posted at 04:43h, 03 OctoberThank you so much! I’ve been asking myself for weeks now if I should give up and let it go completely. If I should Homer the 17 years of knowing one an other and just give it some more time and trust in the process..
This reading lifted a huge burden from my shoulders and in my heart.
Blessings, love and light to all. & again thanks you and your gift.
Lisa-Marie Gaerisch
Posted at 01:37h, 03 OctoberSirena, WOW! This reading actually describes what I’ve been going through and still going through with my SOULMATE.! We “met” online back in Nov./December last yeat. To be honest, when he returned my messages, I didn’t think we would connect. I found him because my “sense” was triggered when I saw him on TV. and then I couldn’t get his face out of my mind for days after! When he contacted me again, he told me I was his Soulmate and he wants us to get together but with his schedule, its hard. We are still in contact by texting. It’s now been 10 months and even though we haven’t met physically yet, he said he wants to marry me ( he ask me 4 times). He told me last month he’s planing on retiring from the acting business and wants to “be with family,” including his daughter and me. We have been discussing a lot of things and he knows we need to meet to move forward with “our plans”. So, your reading kind of hit the nail on the head with what he & I are going through right now. I’m so glad that the reading says we’re on the right path! I hope I can tell you more about this sometime. Meantime, thank you so much for helping me not to worry and that all will work out for us! I wish you much love and I hope we can talk again.
Love, Joy & Peace to you! Lisa-Marie
Posted at 21:17h, 02 OctoberYou did a wonderful reading today but there been a lot of setback for me because I been wanted to get my driver’s license for a long time,but it’s been put off because my boyfriend want our son to drive and get his education
Ndabi ngugi
Posted at 20:38h, 02 OctoberGreat comments thank you
Posted at 19:09h, 02 OctoberOh Sirena,I love your reading.
Everything in my life is going exactly the way you said,it’s like a guiding light that shines ahead ✨️ I am being guided through life,flowing with the changes that come and go. Abundance and Opportunity is being created,taken and I push ahead with the knowledge I’m working for my highest good,self belief is what I’ve been searching for my whole life. Thankyou thankyou Thankyou 💓
Posted at 18:28h, 02 OctoberGreat reading!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 18:25h, 02 OctoberHi Serena,
Thanks for the reading. Have a nice day.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 14:51h, 02 OctoberThanks sirena,
I don’t know what to say!
Marnie R Davis
Posted at 12:48h, 02 OctoberHello and thank you for your willingness to speak truths and happiness that you receive from messengers of God. I am a strong believer in God, the Holy Spirit , and His son, Jesus. I also believe that messages are received through many mediums and our own intuition. I began watching your collective soul readings and I just want to tell you that your spirit is lovely and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Posted at 10:56h, 02 OctoberThank you makes a lot of sense for me,I have been trying too hard will take a step back!
mark stephen cook
Posted at 10:18h, 02 OctoberSpot On >> I have work to do on myself and the Emotional Balance will and is returning. I must get to a State of Self Love, and Patience for things to fall into place. Patience/Persistence/Calm
Brigette Lucero Nicholas
Posted at 08:52h, 02 OctoberHi, my name is Brigette L Nicholas. My other half of 14 yrs of being together had passed away on March 8, 2024. I am heart broken because this just happened suddenly not knowing what his condition would be although he was diagnosed in 2011/2012 that he had gastric intestinal ulcer & congestive heart failure. I really miss him dearly since he passed away..I’m constantly thinking about him. I just want to hold him but I can’t. I’m sorry my question is how can I deal with this grief & I want to know if he’s ok out there. I’m feeling lonely since he left how much longer am I going to endure this pain. Am I gna meet someone who maybe just like or similar to him. I’m curious we have our adopted daughter who I am raising her now on my own. Pls let me know. Thank you greatly appreciate it. God bless u always.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:22h, 02 OctoberOh Brigette, my heart goes out to you, I am so so sorry for your loss. Oh darling, please know your husband is with you always, in spirit, I can feel you will meet someone new, yes. Your husband from the “other side” will help you meet him. So much love to you and your daughter. Be easy on yourself sweet soul. All of my love. Sirena
Mavilyn Greenlee
Posted at 08:44h, 02 OctoberI’m going to keep trying
Leslie-Jo D Stoyk
Posted at 07:31h, 02 OctoberWhat you read from the cards did indeed speak to me.
I’m trying to manifest Johnny Depp.
My intuition is very strong as I’ve had this going on two years.
How much do you charge for a private reading?
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:19h, 02 OctoberHi Leslie, I would love to give you a reading! Click this link for the reading and price options: https://members.cosmicupdates.com/sirena/
Posted at 07:07h, 02 OctoberThank you Sirena, this really resonated with me.
I would like to dive deeper. How do I connect with you for a full reading?
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:18h, 02 OctoberI would love to give you a reading, Christina! Click this link for the reading options: https://members.cosmicupdates.com/sirena/
Mick Harris
Posted at 06:58h, 02 OctoberIt was a good outcome I think a trip away somewhere for the two of us just to go over things that are in both our minds at this stage to progress in our future so we can set some kind of way so we can move into our future together as together as one and be happy in what we can and will achieve 🐰❤️🐺🥰
David Alfonso
Posted at 06:53h, 02 OctoberThank you
Stewart Gray
Posted at 06:53h, 02 OctoberOh WOW! I feel vindicated after 13 long years of navigating the most complicated relationship imaginable . Thank you so much for the affirmation that my efforts have not been in vain; that my approach is finally the right one and that my hopes and dreams are not misplaced. It’s been the most stupefying learning curve of my life ! There were times that proverbial towel almost landed in the ring . Thank the Spirit it remained firmly in my hand . The Knight of pentacles is now the image I will hold close to my heart every time doubt niggles at my psyche. Thank you once again. May light and love continue to be with you .
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:23h, 02 OctoberThank you Stewart!!! SO much love and light to you in return!!Xo Sirena
Sheryl madrazo
Posted at 06:42h, 02 OctoberThank you Serena ! I’m very sorry all about my struggle and fighting … This is it is going to good direction !
Posted at 05:36h, 02 OctoberThank you! Thank you! Sirena
This is exactly what I was facing yesterday and solved by myself.
I was convinced that what I was doing in my heart was not wrong and that this was going in a good direction!
Thank you so much!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:24h, 02 OctoberBeautiful!!! Love to you!!!Xo Sirena