17 Jun It’s Not Over Yet | Weekly Tarot Reading | 6/18 – 6/24
Have you ever lost something or someone important to you, and struggled to move forward afterward?
Deco says the coming week is all about picking yourself back up after a disappointment, and realizing how much more is still possible for you. She’s here to help you navigate the strong emotions in the week ahead, so you can take a leap of faith and keep creating a better life.
P.S. Are you struggling to move on from a loss right now? Has a recent situation caused you to second guess yourself? Leave a comment below and let Deco know!
Hello to all of my friends at Cosmic Updates. It’s Deco, back again for our weekly reading. Let’s find out what we need to know for this week. I’ve noticed some comments on my videos about my fast pace of speaking. I am very aware of this. My dad often jokes that I’ve been running since the minute I was born and haven’t stopped since. So, I’m going to try to slow down a bit to make myself easier to understand. I just need to breathe more, right?
This reading is for the week of June 18 through the 24th. We’re going to pull some cards and let them guide us. We are so close to July, my friends, and we’re entering Cancer season this week. Cancer season is all about connecting with our emotions and the moon.
So, what do you need to know this week? This is interesting. We’ve got some good emotional maturity here, but we’re very focused on something that happened in the past that was very disappointing to us. The Queen of Cups is here, representing someone who’s very emotionally in tune and empathetic. This could be you, or it could also be someone else in your life. It could be you embodying that energy, or it could be someone else helping you with that energy.
However, we’ve also got the Five of Cups, which is really about disappointment. It’s about experiencing some loss, but also having some things left, yet being more focused on the loss. This is suggesting that maybe we’re holding onto things that we need to release because they’ve exited our life.
The Magician is also in reverse here. The Magician is generally someone who can make firm plans at the beginning of a journey. But when it’s in reverse, it’s like we’re struggling to know what resources we have, or struggling to have a plan in place at all.
This situation might have affected you monetarily. The reversed Six of Pentacles indicates an imbalance in your life, possibly in your family, home, or health. Whatever happened here that led to that disappointment with this lack of planning, it might have made you feel off-kilter.
Now, we’ve got this disappointment. We’re struggling a little bit with the journey that we’re on. So now I want to think like how do we surpass this struggle? What do we need to do to keep moving forward to claim that emotional energy and to make sure that we are successful moving forward instead of focusing on disappointment?
The Sun is in reverse, indicating that the journey might be longer than we realize. We’re still moving on from some emotional pain, as indicated by the reversed Three of Swords. The reversed Judgment card and Ace of Cups suggest that we’re not emotionally ready for a new beginning.
I pulled an Oracle Card, and it’s called “Called.” It’s about soul gifts, training, and stepping up for yourself. It suggests that there are opportunities that will help you move forward in ways you didn’t realize before.
Now, how do we take care of ourselves for the rest of this week? The Ace of Wands is in reverse, indicating some fear or uncertainty. However, the reversed Moon, the Fool, and the Knight of Swords suggest that things will become clear, and you should take a leap of faith and act on your passions.
In conclusion, take some risks and see what happens. If we stay in a stagnant, negative space, we’ll never be able to move forward. It’s all about doing things for you, my friends, instead of worrying about what anybody else thinks. Take care of yourself, have a great week, and I’ll see you next time.
Posted at 16:09h, 28 JuneThank you great Reading.
Theresa K Menefee
Posted at 00:47h, 22 JuneYou are right on for me .
Yes trusting someone’s love.
He brings energy. I am an artist.
Theresa K Menefee
Posted at 00:46h, 22 JuneYou are right on for me .
Yes trusting someone’s love.
He brings energy.
Luvky Libra
Posted at 13:42h, 19 JuneI luv LUVV luvvvvv how you get straight into it 😉💙
Posted at 09:09h, 19 JuneHey Deco! Thank you for a great reading ❤️
Andrew Clinton
Posted at 07:33h, 19 JuneSpot on Deco.Fantastic reading from the first card to the last.
Thank you ,you have a wonderful gift
I aspire to be like you one day.
Reiki blessings.
Stephanie Wildcat
Posted at 06:03h, 19 JuneEverything I needed to know and I already knew what to expect. Because it was spot on and I have been though alot for the past years wasted with someone who had never no intention to spend time with me and we have a small child. We have been trying to make things work but we can’t make it work this time around. I hope your blog helps and you are doing great things in your work world. I have found faith and trust that you will be able to provide me with the best possible experience in this process as I am not sure what to expect . I am very interested in the weeks to come.
Posted at 05:00h, 19 JuneI have posted here before but I think that was a different reader
I want to thank you all so much for including transcripts!! For anyone that thinks you talk too fast or whatever READ the transcript
I hate having to watch videos for information and as a tech designer and accessibility expert it is so important for any business to include transcripts as people who are hearing or vision impaired not to mention all the other impairments and things like living rural with terrible internet connection some people can’t even watch videos – I can, just personally don’t like them and transcripts as well solve all of that. Thank you and your colleagues for including these, and I love your and the others readings. Always feel so relevant and you all do a great and very well explained but concise readings
Please always continue with the transcripts and yes for anyone who can’t keep up or just want to go through at your own pace – read the transcripts- they are excellent
Jami Patterson
Posted at 00:04h, 19 JuneThank you Deco for the reading you did for the week of the 18th. It resonated with me on a spiritual level. I was married for over 25 years to a man I was not in love with and I subconsciously made the decision to not have more than one child with him. Which means I gave up the right to have more children as I got older. And now that we are divorced, I may never have the chance to have children with a man I truly could love. (that is whenever God decides to place us together) This is the one thing from my past that I’m having a really hard time letting go of. I’ve ask God to help me through this process of grief and to show and guide me through this hurt that I brought on myself.
I’m now trying to find peace so that I may move on to the life that is meant for me. And when the time comes and I’m with the right man for me hopefully God can help him to understand too
Michael Radmore
Posted at 22:22h, 18 JuneI think you knew was thinking that’s what is happening to me right now. Just have trust and faith. Love Life
Kimberly Debry
Posted at 22:17h, 18 JuneLove your energy!! First time seeing you so happy you crossed my path seems just in time to deliver a message or a few messages I needed to hear! Love the way you deliver the messages of the cards .. Thank you 😊 I look forward to seeing how this week plays out ! Take care until next time
Love Kimberly
Paula Marie Joy
Posted at 21:47h, 18 JuneI am confused a lot lately about my boyfriend he been ghosting me since may 3 when the last time I saw him we were good drove me home and kissed then boom he told me to call him I did he didn’t answer and then I texted him he don’t answer I really don’t know what to think
Lisa B
Posted at 18:00h, 18 JuneHi Deco. Thanks for slowing down a bit & showing the cards. This reading makes good sense to me & what I’m struggling with. Have been trying to help a disabled brother thru his challenges out of state, & it has churned up my emotions & made me feel unbalanced & confused about my own direction/goals/needs. I appreciate the advice from Knight of Swords, reversed Moon, & Fool. It’s amazing how quickly you can connect the dots to present a clear message that I can use. I’m grateful. Have a great week, “my friend”!
Opoku Richard AtuahThankene
Posted at 22:29h, 18 JuneThanks a lots Deco, for your message. Thanks
Kimberly S Fink!
Posted at 16:42h, 18 JuneLove your energy!!!!
Liza McEvilly
Posted at 15:17h, 18 JuneLove your energy… readings are clear and concise. Look forward to them, as you are motivational. Thank you
Posted at 13:37h, 18 JuneDear Deco,
Already making those plans just for myself; you hit the nail right on the head. Smile.
Thank you so much.
Posted at 13:31h, 18 JuneSo accurate with what am currently experiencing in my relationship and career at the moment disappointment after disappointment. Oh God please come to my rescue
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 12:25h, 18 Juneuff….. your reading is so accurate with what I am currently experiencing… disappointment or disappointment or both. Thank you so much
Sabine Stastny
Posted at 11:58h, 18 JuneIch bin in einer Beziehung die nach einer Freundschaft zu einer Beziehung geworden ist Ich war seit Tag 1 verliebt in ihm jetzt sind wir Fast 2 Jahre ein Paar doch vor ca 4 Wochen kam er oft 20std nachhause war nicht erreichbar und Handy weg ich habe dann Bilder von anderen Frauen gefunden er sagte mir sie nicht zu kennen, ist er mir fremd gegangen, ist da noch ne Frau im Spiel,denn ich selbst habe geforscht und gesehen er kennt sie sehr wohl und bearbeitete Fotos,in dem sich wieder die selbe Frau Spiegel te, BITTE KÖNNEN MIR 🙏🏻 DIE KARTEN WEITER HELFEN,WERDE ICH BETROGEN?😭LG
Thomas Barclay
Posted at 11:12h, 18 JuneYa kinda my fiance n me keep seperating,is it really me,or the fact there’s a 3rd party,,I believe it’s both but don’t know what to think,I can’t trust her anymore,Mabe it’s best I leave n don’t go back,can you tell me what’s up
Cindy Stenoff
Posted at 10:59h, 18 JuneWow what a reading I have been looking after myself excersize daily since Feb 1st I lost 27 lbs I feel so much lighter now I am afraid of starting a new relationship cause I have been hurt too many times in the past
Thembi Shongwe
Posted at 10:35h, 18 JuneThank you so much, just what i needed to hear.
Posted at 10:16h, 18 JuneThanks you so much the video was so helpful and again thanks need to start thinking positive and moving forward and again thanks
Posted at 10:08h, 18 JuneHappy Sunday! I totally enjoy your readings ,! you have great energy and the way you read the cards ,they are always spot on for me! can”t wait to see haw the week plays out!
William Clark
Posted at 13:54h, 18 JuneYES Happy Sunday! Itotally enjoy your reading.
Christine Diaz Wolfe
Posted at 09:57h, 18 JuneThis week has started off for me a little bit emotional due to my mom birthday is the 17 of june and my Great niece that I was raising Zaiily turns 8 on the 19 .my mom will be gone a yr on the 23 of July and Zailys real Dad showed in October and courts granted custody to him .my mother and we’re having bonding issue I love and missing them completely .I’m at Differently a cross road .my heart is healing a 20 yr relationship that he’s ended from drugs and domestic violence cheating a combat narrassist .he changed after a server head truma 5 yes ago. But I’m alone life I never this would and don’t understand it all .but I met someone but he is a relationship and the Is step parent issue .theree not married but he’s been since for I think a yr .we seemed like it’s kismic I’m scared of choses.i loved My husband I don’t know .I never can go back .he in jail I’ve been listening to you .and your amazing reader .I just wish I had closer .my heart does understand why this happened .but anyway I a good day and thank u Christine
Indiana Goldsworthy
Posted at 16:14h, 20 JuneThankyou so much, that was perfect.I have been needing to hear that and there have been no signs or directions from any source so you have brought clarity and a helping Understanding of wat I can and should do. Much love and I send U my blessings. 🔮🔮
Posted at 09:23h, 18 JuneGirl u were spot on looking forward to your next reading