01 Dec It Might Be Over… | Jonathan Lionheart | Monthly Forecast Tarot Reading
This cycle in your life may be coming to an end…
Jonathan Lionheart’s monthly forecast might expose the key to your relief.
Simply click the video below to embrace this new cycle!
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With Love,
Angel Adams
P.S. What cycle are you closing in December? Let Jonathan know by commenting below!
Hey there friends. Welcome to your monthly forecast reading. We are going to be looking into the month of December. It’s going to be a pretty transformative month. For some people you’re going to see massive changes and for others it’s going to be a little bit more subtle. But all in all, things are moving in a good direction. I also wanted to say thank you so much for those of you who have come and found me on my private channel. And I also wanted to say that I actually have an opening in my one one practice where I teach people to bring more of their essential self, more of their higher energy and higher intelligence into their relationships, into their work and their purpose on the planet, and into their lives in general.
So there’s more information and you can also grab a reading with me down below in the same link. So thanks again and enjoy the reading. Take good care. Wherever you happen to be right now, give yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness drop down into the feeling sense of your body. Maybe begin to anchor some of your awareness in this present moment by noticing your breath, maybe noticing the way the earth is holding you, the ground is holding you. You might bring some of your attention into your heart space, thinking of some of the beautiful things in your life that make you smile. Call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east and the west. Call out to mother, Father, God, the denizens of light, deep ones, the rooted ones.
Please be with us here now. Help bring forward a clear message and bring forward the energy that is most helpful for those listening today. All right, we are looking at the month of December and as usual you’ll be using your intuition to tune in with one of these options here down below or one of these options that you can see. And if one of them is calling to you or you sort of feel intrigued by one of these options, just notice for a few moments which of these cards is speaking to you and then follow your instincts. You can skip ahead if you like. Some people like to watch each of the videos. So we’ll begin here with the first option which is this spiral sort of genetic looking stone here.
So for those of you that chose the first stone, this will be your reading for the month of December. I’m just going to tune in with you now and those of you that will choose this particular card. So first card is going to be the overall circumstances, the general circumstances as you’re heading into December. Second card will be the obstacle or the reciprocal energy that sort of pushing against what it is that you’re learning and going, growing through at this time. And third card will be the outcome, which will give you a bit of information about what you can expect to be coming away from or coming away with by the end of December and maybe a bit of what’s going to show up in the next month. And up above we have our advice card.
So let’s take a look at our first card here for the month of December, showing up as our Devil card. Now, the devil card tends to be representative of something that has us stuck, feeling like we’re cycling or spinning in a particular type of energy. Now this can be something like actual physical addiction, like alcoholism or addiction to media devices or many of the other types of addiction. It can also be like being trapped in thought forms, self abuse or not being kind to oneself in your thinking. Now that’s the internal environment which can sometimes be reflected by the external environment, which would look like a oppressive relationship, one where you feel stuck or chained in, hemmed in by the relationship. It can even be an abusive relationship of some kind.
This could also be a work situation where something is feeling really unjust, unfair in the working world for you. So the. This is a pretty intense card to be stepping into December. I would think that this is a circumstance that you’re already aware of. So on the subtler form, this can be a pattern in your life, a pattern of thinking, a pattern of emotions, or just a pattern that you see playing out in your relationships that just keeps cycling through. On the more extreme end, we’re talking about actual addiction or very oppressive, challenging relationship dynamics. Let’s take a look at the obstacle. So the piece that may be keeping this in place because obviously this is not a very fortunate card to get at the very beginning. So what is it that’s keeping us in this particular dynamic?
And we’re seeing here another of our major arcana cards, the fool card, which is letting us know that it is a bit of sort of willful naivete. And what I mean by that, it’s like pretending like we don’t actually know what’s going on. There’s a part of us, or maybe a big part of us that’s saying, oh, I’m just going to pretend like things are fine, or oop, I’m just going to pretend like I don’t see this particular pattern or this particular cycle happening. We’re just going to say, oh, I don’t really know. I think I’m just going to let it be how it is. There’s sort of an interesting misperception that comes with some spiritual circles that say, oh, I’m just going to let, like, I’ll just go with the flow.
I’ll just let things happen exactly the way God or spirit wants them to happen. And that is a legitimate way of doing something. But not when there are a bunch of unconscious elements that are just going back and forth. They’re spinning, they’re sort of waiting the deck in one direction. And so going with the flow just means cycling in the same pattern over and over again. Another way of thinking about this would be like, let’s say that you’re like, your doctor has told you need to stop using caffeine. And so you go to let go of caffeine and then you feel really bad and you’re like, oh, well, I’m just going to go with the flow. It feels much better to just drink the caffeine. Well, yeah, because the detox process is uncomfortable.
So the part of us that says, I’m just going to pretend like nothing’s wrong because it’s a bit too scary to face what needs to be changed. Let’s take a look at the outcome card for the month of December. Well, this is good news because the again, we’ve got another major arcana card for those of you that chose this particular option. This could be a very pivotal month for you. The justice card is a sign that things are going to balance out. If somebody has been taking advantage of you’re going to begin to see a change of options, a change of what’s possible. You could see things begin to move more in your favor. There could be a healthy balancing out of what’s possible for you.
This tends to be sort of an impersonal card which lets us know that it’s important to begin to look at the things that we are not wanting to see. One of the dynamics of the universe is that if there’s an energy that’s trying to complete itself, which often looks like something like oppression or addiction inside of ourselves, it can either come to its balancing point by raising our consciousness so that we see the pattern and it can begin to integrate or crisis can happen. So it’s important that you begin to really look at what needs your attention right now. Where are the places that you’ve kind of been avoiding or kind of slacking off? Because if you give them attention in this coming month, there’s a really good chance that things are going to upswing in a Massively positive way.
But if you avoid them, it could create a little bit of challenge later on down the line. Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month of December. This is a really interesting advice card. It’s basically saying it’s time to really tend to yourself, be a little bit conservative with your energy, with your finances. It’s, this is a time to sort of rest and shore up your container. Meaning like finding the places where you’re sort of leaking energy, leaking attention, or leaking finances and make sure that those are all well taken care of. This is probably going to be very helpful because one of the leakiest things that can happen is when we’re giving our energy somewhere or to someone where it’s not being reciprocated.
So this is saying it’s time to really get clear about how it is that you’re using your energy and where you’re using it. All right, so for those of you that chose the first option, this is your reading for the month of December. Thanks for tuning in with me and I’m sure we’ll connect again soon. Let’s move this on to the next piece. So our next card will be underneath the cube, our little cube buddy here. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose the second option. Second card. Okay, first card is the general circumstance of the reading. This is some of what it is that you’re growing through learning at this time, some of the events that you can begin to expect in the coming month.
Second card will be the obstacle card, giving us a sense of what’s pushing against that learning and growth process, some of the challenges that you might be coming into contact with. And third card is the outcome card, which will give you a sense of where things are headed by the end of the month. Some of the energies you can begin to expect coming out the other side with and maybe some of the information as you head into the following month. So up above we’ve got our advice card. Let’s start with our first card here. So the general circumstances of the month ahead is being represented by the seven of Cups. And as you can see, there’s a guy that’s looking at multiple different options of cups and they each have kind of treasures in front of them.
The ones on the lower rung, the four that are on the lower rung are representative of sort of more mundane or base oriented desires like wealth, brilliance, being known very well, or power. And the ones up above are representative of sort of higher desires for Things like true wisdom, healing capacity, enlightenment, that kind of thing. So this card, when it’s showing up in this particular general position, tends to be a sign that there’s a lot going on right now. You’re experiencing many different things that are kind of happening all at once. And it could feel like you’re needing to make a choice or you’re needing to sort of figure something out.
Now the this could show up in terms of maybe feeling a little bit of discontent in your life right now, and you’re spending a lot of time in your imagination wanting things to be a bit different. This can also show up in terms of feeling kind of seduced by the world, by things like fame or big money. So on sort of a mundane level, it’s important to be wary scams or tricksters out there that are trying to get your attention and finagle you out of your finances or your energy or your attention. Now, it’s generally seen as being a card that represents being up in your head a little bit. But that doesn’t always have to be the case. If you’re somebody that’s feeling really grounded in your life, you feel like things are going really well.
This is a sign that there are a lot of possibilities on you on the table. You have many choices. In fact, there’s an abundance of choices. And all you need to do is get clear about which of these options meet with your values. And the sort of nudge that comes from the setup of the card is that you might want to make sure that your values are attuned to these higher desires, these higher possibilities. If your values are attuned to just having power or just having wealth, that’s okay. But it’s important to get clear about what’s going to happen when you begin to go for and align your life with the values that you find most important. So let’s take a look at the obstacle card for the month ahead. And the obstacle card that’s showing up is the Queen of Wands.
The Queen of Wands is a powerful, magnetic, creative being. On the one hand, what this is saying is it’s really important for you to be aligning with this magnetic, manifesting part of yourself. She has integrated her shadow, which is represented by the black cat down here, which means, to be completely frank, she doesn’t care what other people think about her. She’s going to be her. She’s going to do her. Regardless of what the culture says, regardless of what other people say. She knows herself deeply. And as a result, she’s able to navigate these situations of big choice or lots of options with clarity. One of my teachers says true freedom isn’t going into the candy shop and getting to have whatever candy you want. True freedom is going into the candy shop and going, oh, this is exactly the candy that’s for me.
This is precisely the one that resonates most deeply for me. So that’s one side of the coin is that it’s really important to be attuning yourself with this part of you that isn’t trying to please others, make things happen, trying to sort of solve a sort of deeper anxiety through your choices, but rather knows yourself and can follow that creative impulse. On the other side of the spectrum, it’s important to notice that she’s hanging out in the obstacle position and when she’s in a. If this was a sort of negative representation of the Queen of Wands, she could be seen as maybe a seductress, somebody that is saying, this is the way that you should go, calling you away from what you know to be true.
So it’s important to be aligning with the part of yourself that does know and being a little bit wary of the people or circumstances that are maybe too good to be true. Let’s take a look at our outcome card for the month of December. Wow, what a fantastically positive outcome card. So we’ve got our wheel of fortune here, which is basically saying the tides are turning in a really positive way in your life. You can expect things to begin to change at sort of a foundational level. Now, what do I mean by things are going to change at a foundational level? That means that. It doesn’t just mean that you’re gonna, like, change jobs or that maybe a little bit more money is going to come in or something like that.
It means that your orientation in life is going to shift, which means the changes that are happening are positive and not reversible. Something deep down inside of you is beginning to shift. It’s moving in a more positive, open, mature way. Considering what we’re looking at here, I wouldn’t be horribly surprised if this has to do with specifically your purpose or your work in the world or your relationships in life. Because looking at these cards, the parts that are. This card sort of shows up when there’s a bit of sort of existential anxiety. And so we’re looking around, we’re trying to find the right thing for us. And the remedy for that is to get to know yourself deeply.
And then that will begin to orient your life, move you towards the Things, the people, the circumstances that are really ripe for you and right for you. So this transmutation of self feels really powerful for you. In the month of December, let’s take a look at your. Yeah, precisely. Let’s take a look at your advice card. Advice card is basically saying it’s time to look at this place in you that holds uncertainty. Right? It’s exactly that uncertainty that creates that anxiety that says, oh, I got to figure it out. Oh, I got to figure it out. Is it this is it. This is it. This, when you take a look at what feels uncertain inside of yourself, you bring love to it, you bring acceptance, you embrace it. That opens the door to this kind of magnitude.
And really the world is the queen of wands oyster. It allows you to walk through life with a different kind of relaxation, ease, and magnetism. So for those of you that chose the second option, that is your reading for the month of December. Thanks so much for tuning in with me and I look forward to connecting again soon. And now we will move into our final card here, final reading. So for those of you that chose the third option, this is going to be your reading for the month of December. And I’m just going to tune in now with those of you that chose this third card. So first card is going to be the general circumstances for the month of December. This is looking at sort of the things that you are growing and learning, developing through in the month of December.
Second card will be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy that’s pressing against that growth process. It’s a healthy tension, but can sometimes come up as some of the obstacles that are arriving. And third card is going to be your outcome for the month of December, giving you a sense of what it is you can expect to sort of come, what will be coming out of this month and what you might be seeing in the following month, the subsequent months. And up above, we’ve got our advice card. So let’s take a look at our first card. The general circumstances and general circumstances are showing up as the seven pentacles. You can see our farmer friend here has a crop that he’s been putting a whole bunch of work into. It hasn’t quite reached full readiness to be harvested.
And he’s a little bit over it. He’s not sure if his toil and his energy has been worth the while. This is one of those cards that has sort of two different possibilities. There’s actually infinite possibilities, but the sort of well known possibilities are it’s a time to take a step back and reassess the situation as to whether you should rest up and get back down to work and bring this project, bring this relationship, bring this situation to its fullest fruition, or is it time to lay down your rake and go work on something different? So this card often comes with sort of a sense of frustration, exhaustion, maybe some anger, and it’s a sign that something isn’t quite working out the way that you want it to.
You’ve been putting a lot of blood, SWeat and tears, maybe into a project, maybe into the project of yourself, or maybe into a relationship, and it hasn’t really revealed itself as being worth its while just yet. You’re not quite sure if it’s actually going to be what you’ve been dreaming or wanting it to become. And it kind of leaves you at that. This is a time of uncertainty. There isn’t a indication in the card itself that, yes, it’s going to work out, you’re going to get the harvest, you’re going to, things are going to really line up, or no, it’s really time to walk away. It’s a time of being in between and not knowing for sure. Let’s take a look at the obstacle card for the month of December, and this is really interesting.
The Five of Swords is about a nasty kind of conflict, the type of conflict that feels really unfair or can even be kind of traumatic. Now, some of the obstacle that might be showing up here is an unwillingness to have the hard conversation either with yourself or with the parties involved. Party or parties involved that would help you to know definitively this bad boy is going the distance or, nope, it’s time to walk away.
In other words, there’s a fear of getting into a situation that hurts too much, particularly for those of you that maybe have some trauma around conflict or are just resistant to any kind of too much friction or conflict in general, or you actually know that the circumstance you’re in would cause a really big hubbub if you were to raise the questions or have the conversations that need to be had. So the obstacle is the fear of something being too painful to truly reveal itself. And that’s something to really check in with yourself about. You might need to find support to help you bring resolution to that fear of conflict or to even help you navigate opening up the dialogue that needs to happen. That’s going to help, you know, it’s time to move forward or it’s not time to move forward.
Now, this can happen externally, in a job circumstance or in a relationship circumstance. We also can do this internally. It’s possible for us to. To be so afraid of the truth inside of ourselves that says it’s time to move on from this job, or it’s time to leave this relationship, or you know what? This wasn’t the right direction. I need to reorient. We can be so afraid of that we just kind of stuff it away, we hide it rather than facing the music. Let’s take a look at the outcome for the month of December. Well, well. So seems pretty clear that what it is that you’re not sure if it’s going to move forward or it’s going to fall apart. It seems pretty clear that it’s going to fall apart.
The fear of that conflict may be the exact indication that you beginning to assert yourself or you beginning to really question the circumstance honestly is going to bring about its end. So this could be as simple as a pattern inside of yourself, like you’ve been avoiding something or a thought pattern or a type of activity that you’ve been doing. And when you start to question it is going to fall away. Now, it could also be a relationship situation or even an identity, like, I am this job, or I am, like, right, I am a teacher, or I am. I’m supposed to be a father, or I’m supposed to be a mother, or that there’s something that’s. That you’ve been putting a lot of time, attention, energy into that is about to crumble. It’s going to really come to its final place.
Now that’s again, that could be internal, that could be relationship, that could be job situations, one way or another. The good thing about the Ten of Swords, it’s definitive. There’s no longer any. Maybe, maybe not. There’s no longer sort of dragging something out. It’s done. You can move on. You can begin to heal. Let’s take a look at the advice card for the month of December. This is interesting. So the ace of wands is showing up. I almost want to say that this is a sign that you getting back in touch with what makes you excited, what interests you, what intrigues you is going to catalyze the movement that needs to happen. Sometimes we’re sort of dull and we’re sort of playing something out, a relationship or a cycle in our life of some sort.
And we’re not realizing that we’ve gotten kind of dull. And when we start to get back into the things that we’re like, oh, this has always excited me, or this new thing really excites me and we start to feel ourselves again. We start to feel who we are again. It makes the move, the transition, the letting go, and the walking away way easier because we’re like this is moving me forward. I have something that is reminding me of who I truly am. So for those of you that chose the third option, that was your reading for the month of December. Thanks for tuning in with me. And everybody else, thank you so much for tuning in with me. You can grab a reading with me down below if you like.
You can also see the other things that I’m up to in terms of my one one work and my group works. So I hope you have a lovely month and I look forward to connecting again soon. Take good care.
Sarah Wenham
Posted at 09:43h, 10 DecemberAll three of those set of cards you have read today I can relate to Them alll
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 20:33h, 02 DecemberThank you Jonathan,
Have a nice Sunday and the rest of the week.
mark stephen cook
Posted at 11:56h, 02 DecemberAs usual viewed all 3 and they all represent different POV’s of what’s going on in my life. Definitely in a significant transformation right now tuning into my challenges and issues. Picked the DNA originally, but they all relate. I’m feeling the 7 of cups pretty deeply, and so will focus on what Choices resonate with my Heart. I think I’ll just go back and watch that one again. The Devil also resonates strongly as I have been dealing with Tobacco addiction over and over, if fact, not learning the lesson inherent in this. More “soul searching” will be required to move on to the Opportunities present for me at this time.
Diane Thielman
Posted at 05:56h, 02 DecemberThank you
Dane Peterson
Posted at 19:46h, 01 DecemberWhat was the third marker for the 3rd reading. It looks like a pyramid on top of another pyramid. You told us what the first two were, but not the third.
Dane Peterson
Posted at 19:43h, 01 DecemberThe first one was a DNA type of chain. The second one was a cube or dice. Whay was the third one. It looks like a pyramid on top of a pyramid. what exactly was it.
Posted at 17:04h, 01 DecemberJonathan as always an amazing reading,resonated so much the second selection,thank you so much
Terri Jones
Posted at 10:37h, 01 DecemberSo I resonated with the last item in the reading…. It couldn’t have been more spot on about a couple situations in life. The little corner store where I’ve been working the last few years is closing. This job was just something to do to have money but really never brought me joy. My true happiness lies in helping people but I had been to afraid to job hunt. The other situation sadly is a personal one that I’m truly struggling with thanks for the amazing insight as always! I love cosmic updates!
Parkash Deogun
Posted at 08:19h, 01 DecemberVery good