24 Oct It’s Finally Over | Full Moon Eclipse In Taurus Tarot Reading | 10/28
Could you use more relief and relaxation in your life right now?
Sirena Moon says the upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus could bring closure to a lingering, stressful situation, helping you to breathe a sigh of relief and find the energy to follow your inspirations.
She’s here today to help you navigate the powerful Eclipse energies, so you can shed the past and move forward with a renewed sense of joy.
P.S. Is there a lingering situation where you could use closure this Full Moon? What kind of future do you want to manifest? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello everyone, Sirena Moon here, and I’m so excited to be with you this week. This week I’m talking about the Full Moon that is happening in the sign of Taurus on October 28th, what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit around this Full Moon time. So this Full Moon is happening on October 28th in the sign of Taurus. And not only is it a Full Moon, it is a Lunar Eclipse and Eclipses hold the power of ten Full Moons in one. So this is a very powerful Full Moon. Alright? So at this time, usually Full Moons, they’re all about closure. They’re all about things coming to culmination. We can feel a little extra sensitive at this time or a little wild at the time of a Full Moon or even a little bit exhausted depending on how the Full Moon affects us. But, you’re going to feel even more because it’s also a lunar eclipse. So the energy will definitely be heightened and it’s in the sign of Taurus, which is so beautiful. Taurus energy is all about romance and connection with others and the pleasures of life, the many pleasures of life. So it really takes some time around this Full Moon to slow down and enjoy anything that brings you joy and pleasure. This is a beautiful energy around this Full Moon time that will be influencing all of us in some way.
And with that being said, now I’m going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit around this Full Moon in Taurus on October 28th, what would you have us know for our highest good? All right, so many of us with the Eight of Cups are walking away from something, and I’m sensing that it feels really good. There’s a lot of relief. Something that you’ve been involved in or dealing with is finally over, okay? And there’s just peace in it being over. I’m getting such a sense of relief for so many of you, and you’re just walking away into something so much better. And here’s that beautiful Full Moon, right? As we’re talking about this Full Moon. So on this Full Moon time, there’s this sense of, “You know what? I let that go and I’m moving on to better, greener pastures, better things ahead for me. I let that go.” And, for some of you, there’s something exciting on the horizon. You’re walking into something that feels very good. It’s a little more life-giving to you, healthier; it feeds your soul more. And you’ve recently decided to focus on it more. It might not even be happening yet. It could be an inner shift, for some of you just decided, “You know what? That’s where I’m going. That’s where I see myself.” And there’s so much power in that. Oh my gosh. For those of you that have recently made that discovery, there’s so much power in that, especially in this Full Moon time. And again, with this Lunar Eclipse energy, a chapter for many of you, it’s closing out and a new one’s beginning. You can feel it and it feels really good.
Okay, focus: what you’re focused on, you’re focused on… Oh, the Queen of Wands. Yes, for many of what you’re moving toward, for many of you, is something that just has meaning to you, that lights you up, that you’re joyous about, that gives you a lot of energy and makes you feel powerful and creative. For so many of you, there’s a focus on this Full Moon time on something very creative, something that just makes you feel just turned on, lit up, excited, and that’s good. That’s really good at this Full Moon time to stay focused on that thing, that dream, that just feels really good, that vision. That feels really good.
Okay, the Seven of Pentacles, okay, so this card’s all about something that we’ve been tending to for a very long time, and we’re starting to just be exhausted. We just really want to see the fruits of our labor, so to speak. And for many of you, you have to let go of the need to see the seed that you planted in bloom before it’s ready. So there’s something you’re still working on, it’s not, has not yet bloomed, and you have to let go of feeling upset about that, okay? You have to let it be as it is right now, and you have to let go of feelings of disappointments or impatience, and I’m hearing feelings of not having any faith that it’s ever going to come about. You have to let go. You have to surrender what is right now, and you have to trust that something much bigger is going to happen than what you’re seeing now. So these seeds you’ve planted, they’re only beginning to sprout. They’re not yet in bloom, and you have to just understand that everything has a timing to it, a divine timing to it, and you can’t force it. You just can’t. Otherwise, it’s not going to be nearly as right or magical. So you have to just let the impatience go right now with this Full Moon. Just kind of let it be what it is. As you keep focused on some bigger dream that has you feeling energized and you’re walking away from some old chapter of your life, going toward some kind of dream, and then what to focus on.
Oh, wow, okay. The Ten of Pentacles. Okay, so there’s some opportunity coming for some of you or that has arrived, that feels very fulfilling, okay? There’s this feeling of family community for many of you to focus on something that feels really tangible. So do not focus on what hasn’t arrived yet, what isn’t working or what hasn’t yet manifested. And to focus on the abundance that is manifested. The Ten of Pentacles is all about abundance and material manifestation and plenty and prosperity. So to focus on what makes you already feel really emotionally and physically satisfied and abundant. So to write lists of all the ways you’re abundant to try and focus on what is working at this Full Moon is very powerful because remember, this full moon time is very, very heightened and very powerful. So what you’re putting out there really magnifies. So to really get in a state of gratitude right now for all the ways that you are already successful or already experiencing that what you want to experience is going to be very powerful at this time. And for some of you, there’s an opportunity that’s going to come in that makes you feel really excited, really, really good. You’re sharing, I’m hearing for so many of you, you’re sharing your gifts in some way. You’re sharing your creative gifts, you’re sharing your talent, and that’s going to be recognized shortly after this full moon or some opportunity around it that feels like, “Oh, that finally, I feel like that’s a good opportunity for me. I feel like I’m being recognized for who I am and for what my heart really is, for what my truth really is.”
Okay, an unexpected insight, unexpected insight, oh, The Star, okay, this is what a beautiful card. So this is all about inspiration, literally from above, just something you’re inspired to do. Some of you might receive a message, some kind of very clear, intuitive guidance to do something, and it might be very unexpected. It might be something that you never thought about before. It might feel really out of left field. I’m hearing for some of you, you might receive this guidance from another person, but it’ll feel like, “Oh, that’s what I should do.” Okay? You receive a sign or some kind of spiritual guidance with The Star. It comes from above. It’s channeled down through you, and it makes you feel so inspired and alive and creative. So this unexpected insight is to really follow some kind of intuitive impulse or guidance. I’m hearing for some of you, you might get it in a dream, okay? And it’s going to give you that answer you need right now as you’re moving into this new place that feels much better emotionally from you for you. Okay? Wow. There’s just some kind of inspired energy happening around this Full Moon for many of you. So something inspired, some inspired message you get. Really take that guidance and take that direction. Really act on it because it’s going to contribute here to this new place that you’re moving into.
And then a final message for this beautiful Full Moon in Taurus, Temperance and reverse. So this is all about balance, the two cups she’s putting in balance, and this is in reverse. So just be sure around this full moon that you are balancing your energy, that you’re really not overdoing it, that you’re really taking time to really tend to your energy. And because it’s the sign of Taurus, I talked about this at the beginning, it’s about slowing down, being, really comforting yourself, being cozy, being comfortable, and just really taking care of your health and your energy right now. Okay? It is in reverse. It’s just an extra message to be sure that you pay attention to that.
For many of you, wow and so many amazing cards of these two cups with all this water, I get the feeling for many of you, this is a very inspired Full Moon and an inspired time. Really pay attention to your dreams. Really, really allow yourself to be in that state of relaxation, connection to your own energy, and tapping into your source and your higher power, and really following those messages that you’re receiving. For so many of you, I think this Full Moon is just going to influence you in that way, to just really feel something deep in your heart. Something’s going to just make sense for so many of you, and it’s very exciting, and you’re just leaving something that just was not working, just holding you back, and you’re entering something just so much more inspiring that just gives you so much more energy and so much more joy. So just really make sure to take care of yourself around this Full Moon and just really just feed your soul, feed yourself with things that feel really good. Take it easy. Take a little break if you need to take a day off, if you need to. Just make sure to have lots of relaxation and really tend to your energy. And remember, I’m just hearing balance, balance, balance. Just try and balance your energy. Okay? All right. Okay, so beautiful cards! With that being said, I’m wishing you all a beautiful Full Moon time, and I’m sending you so much love. Bye.
Troy Herbert
Posted at 02:14h, 26 OctoberHow much for your reading
Kim Michelle Ross
Posted at 02:07h, 26 OctoberThank you, Sirena.
Arndria Seymour
Posted at 01:22h, 26 OctoberWow Sienna – all your shared really resonated with me.. It was aligned and almost identical cards to a tarot carding I had done on October 9th. Thank you so much!
Kathleen Showalter
Posted at 22:34h, 25 OctoberThis hit home for me big time. So many amazing changes came last month. I moved went through hard times but found my dream job w animals again, What I realize is, there’s lessons going on in my life lots of lessons, but I must learn through my job and my roommate situation.. Waiting for my reason or passion. Prayer up 🙏🏻 we all get these answers. I’m very blessed & grateful.
Blessings to all in this amazing future comjng for us all ❤️😁 Love & Light Kat
Petra Zivanovic
Posted at 18:11h, 25 OctoberI want to become happy and excellent hairdresser. Do I stand the chance?
Pretty Elisa
Posted at 18:09h, 25 OctoberThank you so much much Sirena 😊 for the uplift!! I really need to hear positive energy right now in my life, my life has been a rollercoaster ride for sometime now. I’m ready for a different life!! And to have the best 😊😍☺️
Posted at 18:00h, 25 OctoberI have been through jealousy with my mother because I spent time with my father. My father past in 2002 and a friend of mine and his boss help me a lot my so called husband at the time did ok but in the end left me for other women. I am now an owner of a tow company 15 plus years been on disability for 3 years without disability payments and it’s been a struggle from he’ll almost lost my business I’m in the process of losing my home because know know like how much stuff I have in my back yard because it’s a trailer park and they just keep pushing I have a friend dear to me that I love very much not sure how he feels and he lives with me he’s been hurt before so it’s a constant guessing game.
Martha Radebe
Posted at 22:33h, 26 OctoberThank you very much Serena
Grace De Palma
Posted at 17:44h, 25 OctoberWill I finally receive my monies our family money? Will our home sell soon? 🤔 Will I end up with Mel? Is he my future husband?
Nenette chiong
Posted at 08:35h, 25 OctoberThanks
Posted at 19:18h, 25 OctoberLetting go of the past for healing so I can move forward and heal and have a successful, wealthy future for myself my children and possibly someday with a future partner…
Posted at 08:26h, 25 OctoberAt night I quickly feel annoyed these days. Is that the Taurus energy too?
Sheilo M. Brown
Posted at 08:24h, 25 OctoberThank You, Sirena Moon for letting us all know that a good change is coming! And YES IT IS! My change started last week because I am home tending to the things around my home that I couldn’t do while I was working all the time. Not enough hours in a day to get things done. My youngest daughter is in college and that is a blessing in it self. It was a journey to get there but she is there. I am a mother of two girls about 20 years apart and YES things do happen for a reason. What the cards said above is right I do need to focus on my health a little more which I have been because I am always taking care of others and not myself to much so I have started taking care of me because I love me and there is just 1 of me. To the man who lost a lot money. I will say a prayer and trust and believe that justice will prevail for you. Don’t give up! Keep pushing forward and letting them know that something was takin from you and you want back! To everyone keep the faith alive! It’s hard out here in this world now and you just have to keep on keeping on!
Much Love To All
Caterina Scuderi
Posted at 07:31h, 25 OctoberThankyou Sirena for this wonderful reading.
Looking forward to this full moon
Hopefully it will bring all good & positive things for me as your reading predicted.
Kelly Vang
Posted at 07:31h, 25 OctoberBeing full Cancer ♋. After reading the blog from Miss Sirens Moon. Each card I scrolled reading alongside her as she explained really had everything checked of understanding why I feel/think during the eclipses/ phases of each moon cycle. Suffering from injustice since childhood to now from people I had thought I knew closest turned out to be different. Ever since then, I have had my financial future nearly ruined from my biological mother and current boyfriend’s actions. Be it during desperate times or out of pure jealousy, I wouldn’t know. Suffering from trauma emotionally, mentally, physically throughout childhood, left their marks to which I am still recovering to this day. I have been doing my best to continue standing tall. Yet, standing tall, alone comes a long way. Homelessness was never part of my life of what I wanted for myself. Financial struggle was not my plan or had done anything wrong to anyone I know, had known, or met. Relationships are small, yet impactful. Friendship either were not genuine or they are. Otherwise, I ever since all has happened…I have beating myself harshly about these misfortunes. 😔I am waiting for my visual impairment training in Duluth MN for a year and SSI application to go through. Yet, both are pending. Being removed from a shelter here tomorrow morning isn’t that exciting. Especially barely having anywhere to go if you are a young adult. I am trusting where my journey will take me, believe that being safely guided from the universe’s will.
Maria Martinez
Posted at 07:30h, 25 OctoberThank you so much for the reading. It does resonate with me. I’m looking forward to the full moon and all it has to offer. Thanks again.
Caterina Scuderi
Posted at 07:28h, 25 OctoberThankyou Sirena for this wonderful reading.
Looking forward to this full moon
Hopefully it will bring all good & positive things for me as your resting has predicted…
Blessings to you
Linda de Reuck
Posted at 07:07h, 25 OctoberThank you for your email.. it is good news. For so long I want to put my past behind. Now it will happen. I need some advice on Love. Two men are hopelessly in love with me. And I like them both. But have to make up my mind. Both are caring an good person’s. But I am struggling to make a choice. Maybe you can give me some info. Thanks. I appreciate you.
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 07:03h, 25 OctoberSirena,
Thank you so much for the beautiful reading. I can feel the full moon is going to bring something really wonderful for me.
It reinforced that I need to rest and take care of myself and that beautiful things are on the way. I cant wait to see what is ahead.
You are amazing.
Lorne Booth
Posted at 06:43h, 25 OctoberThank you for your reading. I feel very bad for the person who lost the $35,750. If I can have one wish it will be for me to make it through this very difficult time. I will be homeless on November 1st and possibly lose my woodworking shop that I’ve spent the last year setting up and around $20,000 putting me in debt. This was a new start after my wife died but I’ve become collateral damage to the actions of a few criminally minded people. No sympathy please, just good wishes.
David Brian Hampton
Posted at 06:22h, 25 OctoberI was born on Halloween and the first of November, my parents had my birth certificate on the first of November. I am confused about the exact time, but my Grandma said I was coming out at midnight.
Costantino Idini
Posted at 06:11h, 25 OctoberThank’s Sirena
Posted at 06:07h, 25 OctoberI do feel as if I have moved on from the past and are now on a new path, it feels fresh and new and exiting. The past 2 days have been feeling very calm and focused more than usual and then last night I had a dream where I heard a voice speaking a sentence but now I can only remember one word divine.
Awuttey Augustine
Posted at 05:25h, 25 OctoberThe fool moon is really preparing me for something great and wonderfully. I Can really feels , smell .whole lot of happiness
Pretty Elisa
Posted at 18:09h, 25 OctoberThank you so much much Sirena 😊 for the uplift!! I really need to hear positive energy right now in my life, my life has been a rollercoaster ride for sometime now. I’m ready for a different life!! And to have the best 😊😍☺️
Awuttey Augustine
Posted at 05:23h, 25 OctoberI can feel blessed.
Posted at 05:14h, 25 OctoberI have been waiting for justice to brought against the two men who stole from me, they are both still in my town & the law has known about this since Oct. of 2022 & done nothing about it yet. one of these men is wanted in Las Vegas, Nv. for 9 felony counts of theft & burglary, if I had known about this before I hired them, I wouldn’t have period. they took over
$35,750 from me on work never done. will I ever get justice, I hope so. this money was left to me by partner in life who past away.