03 Sep Let The Love Flow | Sirena Moon | Venus in Libra Tarot Reading | 9/3
Are you ready to deepen your love?
Sirena Moon has an intuitive message for Venus in Libra, and she says this energy could help strengthen your connections.
Just click the video to listen to her message now.
P.S. What area of your life do you hope to refresh? Leave a comment for Sirena below!
Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And this week, I’m talking about Venus’s move into the sign of Libra, what that might mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit about this time. And as always, this is a group general tarot reading. But if you would like a personal reading, just click the link below this video to get that. Okay, so on August 29 through September 22, Venus, the planet of love, harmony, romance, and beauty, has moved into the sign of Libra, the sign of love, harmony, beauty, romance. So this is a perfect match. Venus loves being in Libra, and it’s just a really lovely energy that might touch all of us in some way in our closest relationships and make them softer, more harmonious, sweeter. Okay. With that being said, now I’m going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this time of Venus moving into Libra. Okay, so I’m just tapping into spirit. Spirit, what messages do you have for us about this time? What messages do you have for us?
Oh, the Page of Cups. Wow. Okay, so this represents new romance, new connections of all kinds. This is really lovely energy. This represents your heart just feeling renewed and feeling like a sense of possibility. So for many of us, there could be some kind of renewal of romance or a sense of connecting with someone new or your heart feeling really excited by a potential new opportunity that comes your way. I’m sensing for others of us, boy, this is a really good time to connect with other people in all ways. And Cups represent the heart and sort of put your heart out there. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Be that. Be a bit vulnerable. Just open up more to other people. Share yourself, share your personality online, like I’m doing, or with other people. It’s this feeling I’m getting them sharing your heart and that there’s a lot of synchronicity and luck that could come your way from the sharing of the joy in your heart. Okay. And for others of you, this is some kind of potential opportunity, been wanting, coming, or potential new love connection. Okay. That’s a really great card.
And what is our focus? What is our focus of the chariot? So this is a big. Yes. Energy, the chariot. Okay, so this is forward movement. This is absolutely moving something in a direction that you’re passionate about, that lights you up, that you feel excited about. This is just like using your willpower to get things done, to move forward. So there’s a real, like, fiery kind of energy and a sense that if you want to achieve something. Just do the work of it. Just do the work of it right now. Really put in those hours, really put in the sweat, you know, to make this happen. There’s a real supportive energy and the feeling that some of you, if something is kind of presented, like possibly an opportunity, this could even be to travel somewhere to meet up with someone, or you see a job opportunity that you’re like, oh, that feels like a new beginning for me. That would be very exciting. Go for it. There’s such a feeling of, yes, yes, yes. This is your sign. Move forward, move forward. Take those action steps and move forward on it in the next couple of weeks while Venus is in Libra. Supportive. What to let go of what to let go of what to let go of the Three of Pentacles. Okay. So, yeah, for many of you, this is like letting go of a job, you know, in the next couple weeks, perhaps, that you’ve done a long time, but it’s kind of run its course, or in order to say yes and make way for this new potential opportunity, or it’s letting go of some kind of dynamic that you have done possibly for a long time with other people.
This could be a family dynamic or friends dynamic, or it’s something with other people where the dynamic possibly has run its course. You’ve just outgrown these people, you’ve outgrown the situation, and it’s time for something new. It’s just time to feel fresh and new again. Okay. And to move forward. Yes, yes, yes. All the way. Move this forward and use your own willpower to just make this happen. Sometimes it’s like, I’m a big proponent of being in the flow and letting things happen, but sometimes the flow is like, well, nothing’s happening, so I am just going to bang on every door and make this happen. And sometimes that’s the most inflow thing you can do. And I’m feeling like that’s what’s the next couple weeks about? It’s like putting your energy into something and making this thing that has just run its course in your life that’s just nothing working. It’s like the. The wheels are not turning on this project anymore or this dynamic anymore or this team anymore or with these people anymore. It’s run its course, and it’s time for some fresh, new energy.
Okay. And to kind of let go, even if it’s comfortable, to kind of just let it go in order to embrace this new thing. And then what is to embrace? Oh, wow. The four of wands. So, wow, the four of wands often represents marriage, but it can also represent coming together in partnership of all kinds and celebration of all kinds. Gatherings with others feeling really joyous. Look at that card. They’re so joyous. They’re like we grabbing each other’s hands, coming together, celebrating. Really interesting. So, like, I’m feeling like, for many of us, this message is like having to kind of let go of some partnership or partnerships that just are no longer working. I’m not feeling like it’s a bad, terrible thing. It’s just that you’ve outgrown it. And then there’s this coming together with partnerships that do work. Okay. And this can be romantic, obviously romantic. This is a wonderful sign about romance, by the way. But it could also be coming together with other people, and especially one on one partnerships that really do fulfill you and are really meeting you where you’re at now in your evolution, just make you happier that this situation, possibly situation with it, with some kind of opportunity that just. Just makes you happier. You’re. With better partnerships, better people, you’re happier. You’re doing this potentiality of coming together with some kind of opportunity that brings you more joy and that you want to celebrate about.
But this is especially good for romance, I have to say. So some of you, in the next couple weeks, it’s like, wow. Meeting someone potentially very special, you know, that you’re thinking, who can be? This could be the one. It’s a very good sign. So it says, like, letting go of the things that don’t work in your life, just pushing forward to embrace this dream of what feels like a better match in terms of other people for you. Okay, well, that flew out. Oh, man. The King of Cups. Oh, gosh. Yeah. The King of Cups. This is, like, a person that’s very romantic. Wow. So we got the Page of Cups, and then the King of Cups. So this is like, whoa. It’s a very good sign about love. So, for some of you, Venus and Libra will. Will touch your love life in a. In a very positive way. Okay. Yeah. Here’s to hoping that the next couple weeks are pretty lucky with love. So definitely put yourself out there. Get out there to make this opportunity for connection possible for you and for others of you. The King of Cups. This is just, like, a really gentle, kind person that could possibly be coming in to offer you this opportunity. Okay. That really just feels better. All right. And just say yes to it. It’s about accepting change. Change can be scary. It can be hard, but at the same time, there’s this feeling that the offer is potentially gentle. Okay. It’s coming through in a gentle way. King of Cups is very gentle, very loving, and very romantic. This could be a sign of someone very romantic. All right. Or you yourself just allowing yourself to become more romantic, more vulnerable, more open hearted. Okay. All right. And to maybe, perhaps make yourself make a move or make yourself known or go after that, what your heart desires.
Okay. To really go after that in the next couple weeks and not be afraid of failure, but rather put yourself on the line. All right. Then a surprise element in all of this. Oh, the Eight of Pentacles. Okay. So this. The Eight of Pentacles is all about focus. And having really worked hard on something for years, potentially putting a lot of focus into something, really building something. Okay. So it could be that something that for many of you, you’ve worked on for a long time, maybe even behind the scenes, that this is a good time in the next couple of weeks, that you’ll see a lot of forward action with it, a lot of momentum with it, and then some kind of celebration with it that really makes your heart very happy. And for others of you, this is, like, all the work, potentially, that you’ve put into your relationship or your romantic life. This is, like, the card of, like, all your. All your hard work will pay off. Okay? Keep focused and keep doing it. Just keep doing it. So there could be something where you’re, like, kind of surprised by. Oh, okay. So that thing I worked on for so long, something’s coming to fruition with it in a way I didn’t expect. Okay. Or this, again, has something to do with letting go of what doesn’t work in order for you to be allowed to focus more on what you enjoy working at. But this opportunity could come when you least expect it. Okay. And then one more card. The Fool. Wow. Yeah.
Change is afoot. Okay. So change is afoot. So the Fool, this is like starting afresh, starting on something fresh and new. Wow. So, yeah, in the next couple weeks, for many people, just some new aspect to your life. This fresh, new energy, this Page of Cups in the fool and this chariot, this forward movement, going on an adventure, walking forward, walking bravely into the new and the unknown, leaving behind something that just doesn’t work. Okay. So that you can focus more on what does work for you, what feels really fulfilling for you when you work on it. Okay. And for others of you, this kind of symbolizes some kind of fresh new start and in romance. Okay. That’s what I’m feeling. So that’s really nice. So, embracing newness and embracing the unknown. And I’m sensing just putting some kind of. Of your energy to this change you want to make. Okay. All right. And I’m just gonna get an affirmation card. Spirit. What’s an affirmation for us for this time? The Knight of Swords. I move confidently forward to claim new good. Okay. Wow. Yeah. I move confidently forward to claim new good planning. I move confidently forward. Yeah. Moving forward. The Fool. Moving forward. Change confidently for the chariot. Confidence. Yeah. This is about moving confidently forward to claim new good into better partnerships, especially in romance.
Some kind of really nice energy for love and connections. But again, with Venus and Libra, this connections of all kinds. Partnerships of all kinds. Okay. But there’s this feeling, I’m kind of excited, kind of change in the air, that these are really lovely cards. That feels like coming together with the right people. Okay. That just feels like your heart can really be open and playful and joyous. All right, so that’s it for this time. I move confidently forward to claim new good. Changes afoot. Let’s do this. Change. Change. It can be scary, but it’s ultimately always good, isn’t it? Okay, so this was a group tarot reading, a general group tarot reading. But if you want a personal reading where we talk about any of these changes you’re kind of looking to make or sensing that are coming for you or just anything that’s going on in your life, you can get a personal reading with me. Just click the link below. And as always, I’m sending you all of my love and so many blessings. Bye.
Posted at 22:31h, 04 SeptemberThank you Sirena.
I have been working hard for over 13 years on one solid love connection, focusing and building on it.
This reading brought me to tears as if you were talking about it. Thank you for the inspiration.
Patricia Giaciolli
Posted at 21:12h, 04 SeptemberVenus in Libra. Pure Unconditional love and Acceptance is the greatest gift of all. Blessings of Love and Light
Sirena Moon
Posted at 21:17h, 04 SeptemberBlessings to you in return Patricia!!!XO
Jean M Cornforth
Posted at 18:45h, 04 SeptemberVenus in Libra…wowwie
Jean M Cornforth
Posted at 18:44h, 04 SeptemberVenus in Libra…wow
Posted at 18:38h, 04 SeptemberYour readings always give me the encouragement I need… I am so grateful to have you in my life Sirena!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 21:15h, 04 SeptemberAww thank you so much Jerry!!! So much love to you!!!XO
Sarah Wenham
Posted at 18:18h, 04 SeptemberThat is a fantastic reading
Susan Morrison
Posted at 17:41h, 04 SeptemberLove life
Posted at 13:55h, 04 SeptemberWow! This is the first time I’ve heard one of your readings, and I have to say, the entire thing resonated with me! I was unsure as to whether I am going to be moving forward or staying where I am, and this gives me a lot more insight. Thank you so much!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 21:16h, 04 SeptemberWhat a wonderful feeling to know this brought you clarity! Blessings and love your way Jodi!!!Xo
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 13:24h, 04 SeptemberThanks sirena,
I would not answer this response.
Posted at 06:56h, 04 SeptemberChange is afoot and I’m moving confidently forward to claim new good….thank you for the affirmative reading today 🥰
Sirena Moon
Posted at 21:16h, 04 SeptemberYes, Claire!!!XO