Letting Go, Moving Forward | Jonathan Lionheart | Monthly Forecast Reading

A heavy weight on your heart is getting lifted for you…

Have you been carrying too much to bear? It’s time to release this burden for good!

Jonathan Lionheart has a special tarot message for you. Just click the video below to listen now.

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With Love,

Angel Adams

P.S. What are you releasing? Let Jonathan know by commenting below!


Hey there friends, welcome to 2025 and your monthly forecast reading for January of this year. It’s going to be a powerful month, lots of transformation, lots of big shifts, integration, and all the good things. So I think you’re going to really enjoy this reading. Just so you’re aware, I’m doing a 33% discount on readings, recorded readings for the next couple of days.

So if you’re interested, you can get more information down below. Enjoy your reading and blessings on your 2025. Take good care. Wherever you happen to be right now, give yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness drop down into the sensations of your body. And just pause in this one, eternal moment. You might bring some attention into your heart space, noticing some of the things in your life that bring a smile to your face and bring joy into your life. And then if there’s anything that you’re needing right now, an energy, an experience, some guidance, an answer, bring that into your awareness for a moment. Alright, we’re going to take a look at our monthly forecast reading for the month of January.

I’m just going to tune in with those of you that are most likely to watch this particular video. Call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east and the west. Call out to Mother Father God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones.

Please be with us now. Bring forward a clear message and the support of energy that’s most helpful at this time. Alright, let’s take a look here. So as always, you’ll be using your intuition to choose from the cards above here.

Give yourself some time to really actually feel into this. Notice if one of the cards is calling to you or one of these nifty geometric shapes is calling to you. And of course, you can always listen to each of them.

But finding the one that is most essential for you right now can be helpful. Once you’ve decided you can skip forward in the video to that particular reading, we will start with our cube card here. So I’m going to tune in with those of you that chose the first option.

Alright. So first card will be the general situation card. That which you’ll be learning and growing through in the month of January. Second card is going to be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy, the energy that’s pushing against you. Or sometimes the challenges that are raising up that need to be sort of completed and integrated.

Final card will be the outcome card, which will give you a general sense of what it is that you’ll be getting out of. Or will come out of the month of January and up above. We’ve got our advice card sitting here as well. So let’s start with our situation card for the month of January. And as you can see, we’ve got our death card showing up as the situation card. Now, I consider this to be a very positive card overall, though it can come with some pain, some growing pains, some loss, some letting go. This is a card that is basically saying something, someone, some situation, or maybe even an aspect of yourself is going to be moving on from your life, whether you like it or not. This is a transformation card. You know, when a butterfly or when a caterpillar is going to turn into a butterfly, try as they might.

It’s not going to be, they’re not going to be able to stop that process from taking place. And there’s a lot of loss that happens when you begin to let go of your caterpillar time or the things that you’ve known or the patterns that you’ve been living in your life. So the death card is saying that the month of January is going to be a time of transformation. Maybe there’s something that you know is already leaving your life or has left it recently, or you can just tell that something is sort of in the process. It’s aching for change. It’s ready to be let go of. This can be a really profound time. So rather than resisting it, fighting it, you can see that the pope there is pleading with death. Please don’t let the old king that the horse is walking over go and the woman in her child, she’s hovering and holding away from it. There’s nothing you can necessarily do, but resisting it is going to cause more pain.

So you might as well turn toward the discomfort of change and embrace it because there are good things coming as a result. So let’s take a look at what your obstacle card is for the month of January in relationship to that death card. So here we have another major arcana coming up.

This is looking to be a very powerful January for those of you that chose this particular card. The process of transformation and letting go. And the piece that is maybe in resistance is are you listening to the call that is calling you forward in your life? Are you actually willing to look at the places where you’ve made some mistakes, where maybe you’ve hurt others, or you’ve made choices that you rather not?

If you’re resisting looking at these particular pieces, that movement forward is going to be all the more bumpy. So this is a time to do some reflection looking over the past year, looking over maybe the past decade or the past five years and feeling into where the places where there were some painful moments, where some areas where maybe you made some mistakes, where the areas where you actually made some really good choices and things worked out in a really positive way. The judgment card is saying do some reflection in this coming month because there is a new frequency, a new calling that is starting to make its way into your life. And if you’re listening to that, that’s going to be the energy and the engine that will help you move forward through this powerful transition period, through this transformation process. Let’s take a look at your outcome card for the month of January.

This is great. So it may be that this month encapsulates this powerful letting go transformation time, your willingness to do some harvesting of your past and even listening to a new call, and that it’s going to let you move into this fresh new energy that’s showing up as the Ace of Coins. This is like renewal on health, sense of well-being, sense of abundance.

This can be a financial windfall or new opportunities in your career, new opportunities in the type of business or work that you’re doing. The Ace of Coins is really that vital, healthy energy. You can see that the coin is being held by that hand. It’s like the possibilities are endless and they’re in your hands.

You know, the Ace of Coins tends to show up as a raw energy, which means you can do anything with this energy. You don’t quite know what it’s trying to become yet. So enjoy this healthy vitality that’s going to come in as a result of some letting go and as a result of listening to what it is that’s beginning to call you in the month ahead. What a powerful reading. Let’s take a look at our advice card for the month ahead.

The advice card is showing up as the Three of Swords. Are you willing to feel the heartbreak? Turn towards the heartbreak.

Turn towards what’s not feeling so good. Doing so will allow you to feel it, process it, and release it. You know, in the New Age communities, we often hear people say, you need to release this. It’s time to release that.

It’s time to do this. The only way to actually release something is to feel it, is to actually be with it. If you start getting into trying to force things out of your system, breathe things out of your system, use energy to push things out of your system, you’re not honoring what it is that you’ve experienced. There’s a lot of medicine in feeling, doing the deep cry, doing the deep process.

Maybe it’s time to have somebody that can hold you in that process. But this advice card is saying it’s time to feel the feels, to process things so that you can let them go and move into this healthy new energy of the future. Alright, for those of you that chose this first card, thank you so much for tuning in with me as always. It’s a pleasure to connect with you. And I am going to move on now to our next card. Excuse me as I clear my throat, I’m still getting over a little bit of a cold slash sore throaty type thing. So for those of you that chose this second card, the one underneath the double helix, this is going to be your forecast reading for the month of January. So I’m just tuning in with those of you that will choose this one.

Alright, let’s take a look. Situation card is the overall situation that you’ll be stepping into for January, what you’ll be learning. And second card will be the obstacle card, which is the reciprocal energy that’s pushing against your forward progress.

It definitely can show up as obstacles or challenges. Let’s take a look at, or and then we’ll have our outcome card as our final one here. Which will give you a sense of the overall information that’s coming out, the process that you’re coming away with from the month of January and then up above is the advice card. So let’s start with our situation card for the month of January, showing up as the eight of cups.

A little bit of a similar flavor to our previous set cards as this tends to be a sign that it’s time for you to begin to move on. The sort of mythos behind this is this area that this person in, is in, used to be a lush, flowing place. It’s kind of turned into a bog.

It’s basically saying that wherever it is that you’ve been, whether this is in a relationship or this has been a state of mind or perhaps this has been a career place, something has grown stagnant. It used to be really vital. It used to be really important in your life.

It used to be something that was of great value, but something has shifted over the years or over the months. And now it’s time for you to get curious about finding something that revitalizes your sense of purpose, your sense of meaning. So our fella here is walking up the mountain, going to higher ground to find something sacred, find something meaningful again, and either bring it back to this place to reinvigorate this area or this relationship or this life pattern, or it’s possible that he’s going to move on, head off to somewhere new. So you might ask yourself, where are the areas of your life right now that are feeling stagnant, that are feeling stuck, that don’t have a lot of movement happening in them? They’re the places where you kind of feel some resistance or like, it’s just the same old, same old. Something is ready to change.

Now it’s going to require some courage. You could totally stay in this place even though it’s stagnant. It would be somewhat comfortable because you know it, or you’re willing to go up and get some new information, some new insights.

Even if that means it might start to shake up what you already know. Let’s take a look at the obstacle card. That which is getting in the way of this process for you. So obstacle card is showing up as the page of pentacles. Now this could be that there is a young person in your life, somebody that is a bit stubborn, maybe not totally experienced just yet, that is keeping you from moving into this process of moving forward.

So I’m thinking of maybe parents that have young adult children or teenagers and it’s hard to make this transition while keeping things stable for this person. The other way that we might interpret the page of pentacles in this sort of negative position would be you’re not so interested in having a beginner’s mind. You’ve kind of figured things out and you like being in a place where you’ve got it sorted, you’ve got it figured out.

This is saying it’s time to start to get curious again. Be willing to learn things that you don’t know anything about. Be a beginner. It’s kind of awkward sometimes unless you’ve practiced it to be an older person or somebody that’s already done well in their career or feels very good about the way they understand the world in life. To go and learn something that is completely new to them and they don’t get to be the expert.

They don’t get to be the person that knows exactly how it works but instead they’re going to fumble and fall and start from scratch and all that sort of thing. So this is a little bit of that energy that you want to look at. Where are the resistances in you to move on and look for fresh new possibilities? Let’s take a look at your outcome card for the month of January. This is such a positive outcome card for you. It’s saying when you are willing to embrace that beginner’s mind, try some new things out, be willing to walk away from what’s not working or at least go search out some fresh meaning, some fresh energy that you’re going to come out the other side feeling really courageous, confident. People are going to see that you are making powerful moves.

There’s just a whole sense of revitalization. This card is called the… What is it called? This is the victory card.

There we go. So the victory card is like you are going to be able to accomplish what it is that you set your sights on. You’re going to be able to do it with stripes and stars and great excitement. The places that feel fearful about moving on or trying new things, the areas that are sort of like, well, I sort of want to stay with what I know or I’m afraid to shake things up. If you’re willing to face those, there’s going to be great success in this month. That might show up as new powerful career moves or healthy relationship dynamics or just a new sense of self that just feels vitalized and energized. Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month ahead.

Advice card is showing up as the 10 of cups. This is saying focus on the positive. Focus on what it is that is going really well in your life right now. Be willing to rely on the people that love and support you and have your back no matter what. Remember to enjoy things. Remember to take the time to enjoy yourself, to enjoy the abundance that’s around you. This is a good gratitude card saying your gratitudes on a regular basis to help support this powerful transition that you’re heading into.

For those of you that chose the second card, this will be your reading for the month of January. Thanks so much for tuning in with me as always. I look forward to connecting with you again soon.

I hope you have a lovely January. It looks like it’s going to be a good one. Now we’re going to move on to our next card, the final card here. For those of you that chose this triangular type thing, this is going to be your forecast reading for the month of January. We’re just going to reset the deck a little bit here. I’m going to tune in with those of you that will choose this particular card.

All right. First card is your situation card, giving you an overall sense of what it is that you’ll be learning, what it is that you’re growing through in the month of January. Obstacle is the reciprocal energy that’s pushing against that growth process, which I’m sure you’ve heard me say is a necessary part of the growing process. It can also show up as the challenges, the obstacles, the things that are getting in the way, or the karmic patterns that are trying to be integrated. Final card will be the outcome card, which will give us a sense of what it is that you’re coming out the other side of January with, maybe a bit of information of what February is going to look like as well. Then up above, you’ve got your advice card. Let’s start with our situation card for the month of January. Situation card is showing up as the night of swords, which is saying things could feel a little bit hectic, particularly I’m getting the sense at the start of January, things are going to feel a little overwhelming, like they’re moving fast, like they’re happening at a very quick rate. This can be a card that shows up when we’re sort of hyper focused on something.

There’s too much attention on something. It’s like you’re trying to get somewhere, you’re trying to make it happen. It’s kind of got that quality of if I can just get to this, then I’ll be able to take a deep breath, then I’ll be able to relax. So there’s a lot of hectic energy that comes with this.

Now, some people are quite capable of navigating with this kind of energy. It can actually be something that’s very motivating, helps them move forward, helps them accomplish goals. For others, this can feel really claustrophobic and intense.

It can be kind of triggering for certain individuals. So depending on who you are and how this is landing for you, this start could be a little overwhelming or it could feel like you’re actually making some powerful progress. But let’s take a look at what the obstacle card is for your month of January. Obstacle card is showing up as the seven of wands. So this kind of goes in line with our Night of Swords because the seven of wands, the sort of story behind the images that you see in the card is that this guy was sort of hanging out doing his own thing. And he was surprised by these six different wands and now has to defend himself.

So it’s kind of this quality of like having to take care of yourself. Something surprises you. You didn’t know it was going to happen. And now you’re kind of on your back feet or your heels trying to make sure that the progress that you’re making is going to continue forward.

Now, the positive side of the seven of wands is that it is a sign of there being good momentum. Life is testing you. It’s seeing if you can stay, if you can keep your feet grounded, if you can sort of keep your balance, regardless of this sort of spinning intense energy, regardless of people that might be trying to sort of pull you down or nitpick you or are testing you to see if you’re the real deal or if you’re just a fraud. Keep your feet grounded. This is the energy of this card is not to back down.

So not letting the intense energy that’s surrounding you and not letting other people sort of push you around. Keep your ground. You know what’s true for you. You know what direction you’re heading. You know who you are. So stay firm in what is right for you and what’s true for you. And you’ll be able to navigate this particular energy. Let’s take a look at your outcome card for the month of January. OK, so it’s quite possible that this erratic energy and you feeling a little bit pushed on by people around you or by your inner thoughts is going to bring up some old trauma, some old nasty thinking, something that you’ve experienced before, maybe at different times in your life.

This could be a mild depression, some anxiety, feeling just kind of overwhelmed. Anytime this stuff gets raised to the surface, it’s no fun. But it also offers the opportunity to relate to it in a brand new way, which means you can begin to unlock it. You know, maybe sometimes when this particular energy shows up, this fear or this uncertainty shows up, maybe you usually just fight with it or you resist it or you pretend like it’s not there. Well, here’s an opportunity to embrace it, to bring some love to yourself, maybe to welcome in a healer or a guide or a good friend that can help you navigate this in another way, particularly if you’re somebody that tends to try to do it all on your own, which these two cards gives me a little bit of that flavor. Bringing in some support is bringing in new energy.

It’s bringing in new possibilities. Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month of January. Advice card is saying plan out what it is that you need to do, create a good plan and then take action on it, particularly with some of these complicated pieces that are showing up.

You being willing to do the work, to set the path, to listen to your instincts and to move forward is going to be really helpful and really important for you. So this particular reading is definitely showing signs of being willing to be a little bit flexible with yourself. Things are a bit chaotic. Remember to rest, remember to slow down, widen out the aperture of what it is that you can see. So rather than just seeing like, oh, things are chaotic right now. What else is going on in my life?

What are the things that are beautiful? Feeling like you’re getting a little bit beat up or stomped on, stay in your ground. Stay with what you know is true.

If things start to feel a little bit wobbly or uncomfortable, this is a time to be welcoming in some support, welcoming in help, bring in good friends, bring in therapists, bring in healers, bring in people that know you and can support you. And be ready and willing to take action. Be ready and willing to create a plan for when this occurs. I will do A, B and C. When I come into contact with this, I’m going to do A, B and C. When this happens, I’ve got this plan in place. So for those of you that chose the final card, thank you so much for tuning in.

And everybody else that tuned in with me for all of them. Thank you so much for connecting. As I said at the start, I’ve got a little bit of a discount going right now. That’ll happen for another, I think probably five days on readings, recorded readings and some of my one-on-one coaching sessions. So I hope you have an amazing 2025. It’s always a pleasure to connect with you and I look forward to doing so again soon. Take good care.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • simone moretta
    Posted at 02:25h, 10 February Reply

    HI Jonathan
    I love seeing your readings. Are you doing well for Feb and beyond? We miss you

  • Elaine
    Posted at 03:16h, 07 January Reply

    Thanks Jonathan, for such a good reading. Both sets of cards resonates with me at the moment. It’s so true when they say “Well, it was on the cards.” You’re spot on. Please get over your cold. Wishing you the best for 2025. Stay safe.

  • Theresa Flannery
    Posted at 01:38h, 07 January Reply

    Thank you Jonathan❤️🙏

  • Elmarie Roux
    Posted at 01:00h, 07 January Reply

    Thanks for your reading the 2nd one was for me.Very insightful Have a great 2025

  • Terry Dyer Hoy
    Posted at 00:39h, 07 January Reply

    The first reading was choice but other two applied to my life as well so clearly!!!

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 23:52h, 06 January Reply

    Thanks Jonathan,

    Have a nice week


  • Barbara Yvonne Clark
    Posted at 23:46h, 06 January Reply

    Thankyou Jonathan there is much here that so resonates with me right now.

  • Tammy Harvey
    Posted at 22:52h, 06 January Reply

    🙏 You are amazing

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