Warning! Bumpy Roads Ahead | May 2024 Monthly Forecast Reading | Jonathan Lionheart

Are you prepared to shake things up?

Jonathan Lionheart is here with your May Tarot Forecast, and he says there may be some turbulence to come!

Just pick your card and receive your personal reading for May.


Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan


P.S. What changes are you hoping to see this month? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!


Hey there friends. Welcome to your Monthly Forecast Reading. I’m excited for you to get a look at what’s coming up in the month ahead. Everybody is learning this month and for some of us it’s going to be a little bit smoother than others. Everybody’s growing. There’s definitely going to be a chance for some rebalancing, some stabilization, but there could be some bumpy patches along the way as well. So I’m excited for you to get a look. You can grab a reading with me down below and see what else I’m up to, but otherwise, let’s jump right in.

Wherever you happen to be right now, give yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness drop down into the sensations of your body. Might bring some of that awareness into the heart space. Bring your attention to some of the things that make you smile, make you happy at this time in your life. Alright, let’s take a look. Call out to Mother-Father God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones. Call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east and the west. Please be here with us now. Please bring forward a clear message and the supportive energy for those of us that are tuning in at this time.

Alright, so we’ve got our monthly forecast reading here for the month of May, and you’ll be using your intuition to choose from one of these options before you. So you might take a moment and just see if one of these objects or one of these cards is calling to you. And then once you’ve found the card that’s speaking to you, you can go to the reading that corresponds with that card.

So we’ll start with our first option, the triangle like card here. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose this option.

All right, so the first card is going to be the situation card, which is the overall context of this coming month, some of what it is that you’re working on at this time and what you’re learning and growing through. Second card will be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy, the energy that’s pushing against that learning process, maybe some of the stumbling blocks that are likely to show up in this month. And the final card is the outcome card, which will give you a sense of the overall outcome of what it is that you’ll be learning and growing through in this month and maybe some of what it is that you’ll be stepping into next. And up above we’ve got our advice card. So let’s take a look at our situation card. For those of you that chose this first option and we’ve got our 10 of Pentacles, the 10 of Pentacles tends to be a sign of the connections that you have with your ancestors and the lineage that you will be creating in your life, whether those are children that you already have or children that will be coming into your life.

This is a powerful card because it speaks to both that which we have inherited that gives us trouble, but also the resiliency which we have inherited from our ancestors. It can be a card about developing, building wealth that can be passed on through the generations. It can also be connected with lining up with bigger institutions, institutions that have been around for a very long time. This could be large businesses, this could be spiritual communities. This can also be tapping into your own ancestral wisdom and power. Ultimately, there is an element of obligation or commitment that comes with the energy of this card, but it’s aiming to create something bigger than just yourself. This could be a month where you’re looking down the line and saying, what is it that I want to pass on to the next generation? What is it that I want to be creating for my family lineage? What is it that I want to be bringing to the world such that it will continue to grow beyond my particular lifetime? This is a powerful card and can speak to really powerful growth, new levels of stability in your life. But let’s take a look at what the obstacle is for the month of May.

So the obstacle actually fits really well with the 10 of Pentacles. The obstacle is our Five of Pentacles, which is when we are feeling a little bit insecure, uncertain of ourselves, maybe dealing with an element of hopelessness. Now, the reason that I say that it fits very well with this is almost the shadow of the 10 of Pentacles. This is the Five. So we’re right in the middle of the pentacle deck and being in this place of deep uncertainty, can I do what it is that I really want to do? Can I do what life is really asking me? And the overwhelm, which is represented by the snow, snow can be very saturating and it sort of covers things over. This overwhelm can start to create this sense of, am I good enough? Am I capable of making this happen? How am I going to do this?

Now, something to be aware of is that behind them is a stained glass window, which would be the sign of a church, a community that has warmth and light on the inside. And these two individuals are either not noticing it or feeling like they’re not welcome there. Well, this is important because the two of them on their own in a snowstorm, it’s not going to go very well. But building with others, building with community, allowing yourself to be supported by those around you is a healthy step in getting integrated into something that is beyond just your creation. We have a very solo mindset in our culture that says, I have to do this on my own. Well, life itself might be creating a plan for you. And if you’re going to be able to listen to that plan and walk that plan, you need to be willing to interface with the collective interface with community.

So let’s take a look at the outcome card for the month of May. So we’ve got our Five of Swords. There could be some conflict, there could be some areas in your life where you’re feeling like something isn’t fair. Now is this connected with family in some way? Is this a situation where you feel like maybe you’ve been cut out of what it is that you deserve? All of these things seem completely possible now with the Five of Swords. There’s a possibility that you are the one that’s coming out the other side with more, and maybe you’ve done so in a way that maybe isn’t in full integrity, or it’s possible that you are the individual that’s getting the short end of the stick one way or another. That is a process that’s moving you towards greater connection, greater alignment, but there’s clearly something that’s needing to be resolved in the month ahead.

This is a good month to move slow. This is a good month to be very generous with yourself. It’s also a good time to reach out to those that love you and support you. Maybe get some guidance from mentors or healers. Let’s take a look at what’s helpful in this month ahead. And that’s exactly it. So here we go. The church situation here that they’re not necessarily seeing and the invitation to be a part of something bigger, the Hierophant is a supportive structure. It’s the tried and true. So going and finding like-minded people, people that can support you because they’ve created something that really has a strong ability to sort of ferry you across challenging moments or challenging times, this is going to be very helpful for you. Also, just getting into good routine, good routine in terms of your meditation, practice, prayer, but even just good routine in terms of how you are living out each day. It’s also a sign. It can be helpful to find wise people going and speaking with people that have a good understanding of navigating challenging transformation times. Alright, so for those of you that chose the first card, thank you so much for tuning in with me. I deeply appreciate you.

And now we’ll be heading into those of you that chose the second option here. This will be your reading for the month of May. So I’m just going to take a moment and tune in with those of you that chose this second card. Those of you that choose this second card.

All right, first card is the situation card. The overall information about what it is that you’re going through and will be tackling during the month of May. Second card is the obstacle, which is the reciprocal energy, the energy that’s pushing against your learning process. It can be some of the stumbling blocks and give some insight into what it is that might be challenging this month. And the third card is the outcome card, which gives you some overall information about what it is that you will come away with from this month and what you might be expecting as you step into the next. Up above, we’ve got our advice card.

So let’s take a look at our first card, the situation card, which is our Knight of Pentacles. This is one of my favorite cards because it speaks to a kind of energy that says, “You know what? I’m okay with where I’m at. I’m going to move at my own pace. I’m willing to take my time because I know that I’m building something that’s important and that will grow and will ultimately feed me my family and my community through time.”

In other words, the Knight of Pentacles is a slow paced card. It’s looking to the future and it’s planning the steps it’s taking now so that it can reach the future that it wants. So for some of you, this could be a month of a little bit being conservative with your energy, with your time, staying focused on the details. This could be a month of dialing in some of your health practices, your self-care practices and exercise. It could also be a month of just feeling like you want to stick to an easy, simple routine.

For others. This could be a sign of meeting somebody that is a very earthy character, somebody that is embodied, grounded, focused on what it is that they’re doing in their life. But let’s take a look at your obstacle card for the month of May, and that’ll give us a bit more information.

So the obstacle card is our sneaky, sneaky Seven of Swords. You can see this guy is sneaking along, he’s in enemy territory, stealing swords away. And this tends to be a sign that somebody is either not telling you the truth, manipulating you, or it’s even possible that you yourself are being a little bit sneaky in one way or another. This energy does not match very well with our Knight of Pentacles. The Knight of Pentacles is a very much in integrity with his word, with what he’s doing. He’s not hiding anything. And so when this card shows up, it can be a sign that maybe somebody else is doing a little bit of underhanded work. Now, how is it that somebody like the Knight of Pentacles deals with a sneaky, tricky individual? The Knight of Pentacles stays grounded, stays in their own lane, protects themselves, but doesn’t really get overly involved in whatever this situation is.

One of my favorite quotes is “Give evil nothing to oppose it and it will disappear by itself.” Right off the bat. You staying focused and humble, not getting caught up in any drama, any trickery is probably going to be your best move. Now, on the flip side, if this is where you’re headed, but you’ve still got some of this stuff where maybe you’re not being fully honest with somebody or you’re trying to sneak around and gather some gains in one way or another that isn’t fully in integrity, it’s time to get that dialed in. It’s not going to help you out. Let’s take a look at our outcome card for the month of May. This is great. So one of the most beneficial or auspicious cards in the deck, this is the final major arcana card in the deck, the World card.

The World card is a sign that something is coming to completion. Whatever this situation is is going to get resolved in the month of May. Whether that’s an intimate partner, somebody that you’re working with, or some of your own stuff, you are bringing it to completion in the month of May. And as a result, you’re going to feel very complete, very whole, very much like you’re headed in the right direction.

This level of groundedness that you are aspiring to with the night of Pentacles is coming to fruition in the month of May, and the next chapter is headed your way and it’s likely going to be a very lovely chapter. Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month of May.

What a very strong, you’ve got a very strong progression that’s happening in this month. So for those of you that chose this second card, this could be a powerful stabilizing month for you.

So the Strength card is showing as your advice card. The Strength card is about patience, integrity, and compassion. The only way to deal with what might be chaotic and wild represented by the lion here and obviously also represented here, the lion in this particular case is the primal elements and the shadow parts, the trickery elements here. People that are obsessed with drama, trying to manipulate people. That’s all in the realm of the unconscious and the shadow. The way that you deal with that is to stay grounded, stay in integrity, know your values just like this fella, and then be lovingly clear with what your boundaries are.

Be patient with what it is that’s showing up. It’s kind of like dealing with a toddler. If you have to deal with a toddler, it’s not helpful to get volatile with them or meet them with their chaotic energy. What’s helpful is to stay grounded, compassionate, but clear. That’s what’s going to help you really transmute this piece that is showing up. However it’s showing up whether it’s in your relationships or otherwise, and really come to this powerful completion that’s headed your way. So for those of you that chose the second card, thank you so much for tuning in with me. I look forward to connecting again soon. Take good care. And for those of you that chose our third card, this will be your reading for the month of May.

So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that choose the third option. All right, your first card here will be the situation which gives us an overall sense of what it is that you’re growing through at this time. What you’ll likely be learning in the month of May 2nd card will be the obstacle card, which is the reciprocal energy that pushes against that growing process. It can be some of the stumbling blocks and what you’ll need to work on to continue to progress. And third card is the outcome card, which will give you a sense of the overall outcome of the month of May, and maybe some of the information of what you’ll be stepping into next. So, and up above is your advice card.

Let’s take a look at your situation card for the month of May. This is one of the most misunderstood cards in the tarot deck. People tend to think that it is about charity and about giving alms or receiving charity from somebody. But looking at the card more precisely, you can see there is a man with a lot of wealth who’s holding a balancing, I don’t remember what those are called, but a balancing thing that is giving coins to one of the people in need, but not giving coins to the other one. You might also notice that there are only two coins over here above this guy, whereas there are three here. Now, you can’t see it in this particular representation of the deck, but in the Raider weight, this guy is actually wearing slightly better clothing than this guy. Now, the meaning behind this is where are you investing your time and your energy? Are you investing it in a place where it’s going to continue to grow and thrive and therefore give you something back in time? Or are you investing it in superfluous places?

In other words, are you investing it in places where it’s just going to fall on dry ground, not actually grow, it’s going to waste your time. It’s going to waste your energy. This is actually a card of discernment. It’s a card about getting clear about how it is that you put your time and energy into things. So this could be a month where you are looking at “How do I want to invest my money? How do I want to invest my energy? Where do I want to be putting my creative time and energy?”

Now, this can be about literal finances, career. Where is it that you want to be putting your time and energy? It can also be about your health. How is it that you are investing day by day, month by month in your health or in the things that you want to see grow in your life? It’s ultimately a great card. It can be a sign that you are getting more precise, more wise about how you are spending your time and attention. But let’s take a look at your obstacle card for the month of May.

This is great. So the Six of Wands is a very positive card. It is literally the victory card in the Golden Dawn way of interpreting it. You can see there is sort of a hero that’s arrived back in town bearing the wreath of victory. People are cheering for him. He looks proud and excited. When this is in an obstacle position, it can be a sign of getting a little bit too big of a head, feeling like you can do anything, feeling like you deserve everything and the world. It is a card where we are a bit too high on ourselves and in the dynamics of life when something is too high, often it must be brought back to the ground. There is something that needs to get grounded. There’s something that needs to experience a bit of humility. Now, this is precisely what this card is about.

Somebody that is not in good discernment with where they are investing their energy and their time is willing to put their energy anywhere. No matter what I do, I will be successful. No matter how I move forward, I will be successful. Well, the discernment level of this kind of what this card is representing says, no, actually I need to be a little bit more prudent. I need to be a little bit more careful about who I’m giving my time to, how I’m investing my energy and my finances. Because if we don’t, the flip side of this is getting taken to the ground. Being too bigheaded tends to have its shadow side, which is that, oh no, I was overconfident and I missed the mark.

Let’s take a look at your outcome card for the month of May. So the Nine of Swords in relationship to the Six of Wands is pretty strong here. The Nine of Swords is a card that is often connected with a certain degree of hopelessness, worry, and anxiety, and it’s associated with patterns that move through our life over time. So this is likely something that you’ve experienced before. Maybe you’ve had a big high, wow, I can do anything. I can rule the world, I can make anything work. Oh no, I don’t deserve it. I’m not capable. Nothing is working out for me. It’s not happening. Something is emerging to let you know, gosh, it is time to bring things into deeper balance. It’s time to bring things into greater discernment. You can cut this off at the bud by slowing your role early this month, being careful with your finances, with your energy, with who you’re bringing your attention to. Noticing when you’re flying extra high and going, okay, I need to ground myself. I need to go spend some time in nature.

Maybe I need to turn off all my devices and sit for a bit. Maybe I need to go talk to people that help me find myself and remind me to stay grounded and that will help with this pattern that’s trying to emerge right now in your life. The good news is that something is trying to show itself. Anytime something is bringing itself to our consciousness, it means that there’s something we can work with and work on.

Let’s take a look at your advice card. So we’ve got our Queen of Cups on the one end. This is advising you to be connected with your emotional realm, be emotionally mature. Sense what it is that’s showing up for you. This can be a card that likes to skip it when it’s in the obstacle or reverse position, skipping the emotions. This can also be not getting overly stuck, not getting overly stuck in the deep emotional realm.

It’s a card that’s saying, “Remember your balance.” If you’re thinking too much, it’s time to get into your emotions. If you are stuck in your emotions, it’s time to get grounded. Bring some of this deep, balanced, grounded energy into things. Ultimately, compassion for yourself, compassion for this process is going to help you make your way through this month of May. So for those of you that chose the third card, thank you so much for tuning in with me and everybody else. As always, it’s a pleasure to get to tune in with you. Thanks so much and I look forward to connecting again soon. Take good care.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Heather J Lamaster
    Posted at 07:52h, 29 April Reply

    I think that he’s spot on with what is going on in my life and I really think he’s great

  • Diane Thielman
    Posted at 05:30h, 29 April Reply

    Thank you ☀️

  • Lynnette Gater
    Posted at 00:46h, 29 April Reply

    Hello , I’m trying to keep more connected and think positive, yet the negative actions, of my son is, encouraging my two grandsons to pick up the gauntlet, and continue with the no.n Stop actions to force me to walk away. Yet, I still hold on it’s hard. I’m seen as an easy target, I’m lost somewhat, yet I feeel the strong self within my core

  • Lynnette Gater
    Posted at 00:22h, 29 April Reply

    Negative infii look fences, my son wants my house, trying to force m to get him on the tenancy. Been advised not to do so. Upping the ante, his two sons nearly 16 and 11 years old, treat me like crap, destroy my belongings, tel their dad I e had men in my house, when not , really that confident to do so. The man was a bailiff who came round to, give me documents etc to sort the situation out. Of which is worsened by my Son, as he was meant to pay towards the amount set by the local council. I. Am a lifetime tenant, we who are under that umbrella. , will be the last generation, to have that privilege and, new tenants will be accessed every 3 years. I’ve struggled to pay bills and yet my son spends huge amounts of money, on luxury items, giving 50inch tvs, new stunt bikes, designer clothes shoes , expensive hair salons and barbers . Planning fishing trips in France, and holidays in Europe all for this summer. I’ve often left with hardly any food, I’ve a couple of friends who look out for me:( I’m worried that, I’ll be found dead on my sofa one day!! My mental health is not that good at all!! I’ve the powers that be involv
    Ed, and A. Mental Health Practitioner, will be coming to my home today, late morning!! Neighbours posting on Social Media, how they have cursed me and it doesn’t stop!!!

  • Fatima Usman
    Posted at 23:31h, 28 April Reply

    Thank you 🙏

  • Leslie Watson Leake
    Posted at 20:33h, 28 April Reply

    He says it’s for May several times

    • Patrícia Cerqueira
      Posted at 07:38h, 29 April Reply

      Dear Leslie, We acknowledge it and that’s precisely why we’re indicating that there might have been an issue with the *transcript*.
      I’m glad to see that everything seems to be okay now. Wishing you all the best, and much light to you ! 🙂

  • Lorna Stoney
    Posted at 20:16h, 28 April Reply

    This I relate with an old friend, plus listening to him and going along with him. “So the obstacle card is our sneaky, sneaky Seven of Swords. You can see this guy is sneaking along, he’s in enemy territory, stealing swords away. And this tends to be a sign that somebody is either not telling you the truth, manipulating you, or it’s even possible that you yourself are being a little bit sneaky in one way or another.”..
    Without judgement I only listen and noticed he needed help to express himself of his flaws or mindset addiction. This also helped me to heal then being a victim or a victimazer towards him. It was very challenging. So I finally said my good bye to him telling him I do not want trouble and he agreed for myself. He was my crush sense the 1986 to 2024. My heart felt shattered but to make this right I wanted to have that moment end positive without negative resentment of hate and judgement. Didn’t want to feed my body with negative toxic energy anymore. 💔❤️‍🩹🦂🦂🦂🫶🏼🇨🇦😢

  • Winsome
    Posted at 18:41h, 28 April Reply

    Hi Jonathan, Thank you!

  • Karina
    Posted at 12:51h, 28 April Reply

    Is this reading for May instead of April? April is almost wrapping up in a matter of days.

  • Sarah Helen Nassolo
    Posted at 11:18h, 28 April Reply

    Hey i feel you Reading and bless you to!

  • Scott Mario DeLisa
    Posted at 10:18h, 28 April Reply

    Thanks Jonathan,

    Have a nice weekend

    Scott DeLisa

  • Catherine
    Posted at 09:23h, 28 April Reply

    Isn’t this forecasting supposed to be for May, rather than April?

  • Patricia Cerqueira
    Posted at 07:11h, 28 April Reply

    Hello 🙂 please confirm if is everything alright with the transcript since refers to April instead of May 2024.

    • Karina
      Posted at 12:52h, 28 April Reply

      Was thinking the same thing as well. April is almost wrapping up.

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