27 Feb Now’s Your Time | Sirena Moon | Personal Numerology Reading | 2/28
Has a lack of clarity in a situation been weighing heavily on you? It’s time for a clear answer, once and for all!
Sirena Moon is here with a personalized intuitive Numerology reading to give you the answers you’ve been seeking. Just keep your question or situation in mind, and press play on the video below!
P.S. Are you navigating a confusing situation? Which answer did you receive? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful cosmic family, it is that time again, I just love these readings. So, I want you to look at whatever time it is for you right now, quickly look at that time, all right? You can write it down if you need to. And, I want you to add the numbers of whatever time it is for you altogether so that they eventually get to a number between the number one and nine. So, for instance, if you look at the time, and it’s 1:39, you add the numbers 1, 3, and 9 together. So, it’ll be 1 + 3 is 4, and 4 + 9 is 13, and 1 + 3 is 4. Does that make sense? So, you can pause this video and come back to me once you have your number somewhere between the number 1 and 9, okay? You got your number.
Now, I want you to think of a question, anything that’s been weighing on your mind or heart, all right? So, when you have your question and you have your number, now, we’re going to go to the cards, and whatever number you picked, look for your card that I’m about to give a reading on, and it’s a little message from Spirit about your question, okay? So, hopefully this helps with the question that you’re dealing with. All right?
So, we’re going to start with the number ones. Whoever got a number one, at whatever time you have me, watching this video, the number one that’s kind of sticking out. Ooh, Queen of Cups, number one, Queen of Cups, beautiful. Okay so, I think with this question, it’s really important to get in touch with your emotions, to really allow those feelings to come up for you and to allow yourself to really honor, and Spirit is saying, not bypass, not spiritually bypass your feelings, not try and make everything okay, but it’s not okay. But, to really, really honor whatever it is that you’re feeling and honor your truth in this situation, and know that, I think this is going to be a very positive outcome that honors your feelings. I think the more that you’re in touch with your heart, with whatever this question is that you’re dealing with, the more you come from a really honest place about your needs, there’s going to be an opportunity for some kind of emotional healing. And, I think some of you, with whatever question you’re dealing with, are going to end up feeling really like this situation is going to work in your favor, certainly, and you’re going to feel a sense of relief soon about this issue. Okay?
All right, and number twos, what card or message would you give? Ooh, that’s sticking up. Number twos, ooh, a Six of Pentacles, so number twos, you’re going to get help in some way with this question that you’re dealing with, okay? Someone is going to give you some amazing advice soon that’s going to give you the clarity you need with how to resolve this. And, some of you might actually get a gift of money, some kind of unexpected financial help or something that you’re dealing with, you might find that there’s this enormous balance that comes in the situation, what you kind of gave before, if you helped a friend before, if you helped this person a lot before, they’re going to now return that to you. And, for some of you, I feel like number two, within this issue that you’re dealing with, there’s a surprise gift that’s coming to you from this, okay? You’re going to feel supported, very supported in this, so that’s wonderful.
Okay, and now our number threes, number threes, number threes, number threes. Ooh, number threes, so the Eight of Pentacles, and it is in reverse. So, for some of you, I feel like number three is with this issue. You’ve been working really hard at it for a long time, and I feel like with this in reverse, I think something’s just about to break here. A tide is about to turn for many of you, and something that you’ve really been putting so much effort into for so long, you’re really an expert now in it. There’s this feeling I’m getting from this card to claim your power, that you’re ready, okay? You’ve learned enough. You know enough, you have enough information, all right? You’ve spent enough time dealing with this and what is best in this situation, and it’s time to act on it, and it’s time just to speak your truth on it and to claim your self-empowerment and your worthiness in this situation, okay?
All right, okay, beautiful, number fours, number fours, Spirit, what would you have for our number fours. Ooh, the Two of Cups, wow, well, the Two of Cups is about coming together in partnership, and it’s usually quite romantic. This is a feeling based card. It’s your hearts, it’s your emotions, okay? So, this is a really good sign, number fours, especially if you’re asking about something with love, for others of you, it’s about a really good partnership at work or a friendship. It’s coming together with another like mind and being able to share in the experience of this question, sharing the journey, and to really open your heart and to get the help and support that you need. You don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to do this alone. This is about partnering with someone that you can trust and that you love and that loves you back and feeling really supported in this situation. Okay, so, I think whatever you’re going through, something is going to happen, number four’s, that will make you feel really loved in this situation, okay? So, that’s beautiful.
All right, number fives, number fives, Spirit, what would you have our number fives know? Oh, The High Priestess, okay, number five, so, with this question, it’s really important to trust your intuition, to meditate on it. It’s really about tapping into the magic of your intuition and your own spiritual guidance to know what is the best thing to do in this situation. And, to take your time in this situation. You don’t want to rush this question. You don’t want to rush it unless in your heart that it’s a yes, that it feels right, that you know what the answer is here. So, tapping into that part of you is really important, number five, with this issue that you’re dealing with, and you’re going to get your answers and the healing you need, and you’re going to feel so much relief soon, okay? But, just give it that time that you need, to really honor yourself in the situation.
And, number sixes, number sixes, wow, number six, this is cool, so the Nine of Pentacles. So, this is all about being successful and independent and feeling like, “Sow, I have done it. I have done something that I’m really proud of.” This is about being in your own skin, really holding your head high, and knowing that “You know what? I really am correct in what I am feeling here, and that I have the ability to make a very wise decision in this issue.” So, this is about trusting yourself, trusting your knowledge, your ability, your ability to really do this. And, if it’s something, for some of you, I’m hearing that you’re a little bit scared to take that risk, don’t be scared. You’re going to be amazing. This is going to really work out for you, number six, all right? And, for others of you, that this really pertains to some kind of, if this has to do with some kind of job question or business opportunity or something you were thinking of starting, boy number six, absolutely do it. This is your sign that this is going to be very successful for you, okay? So, do it. This is a very prosperous card, so any questions about money, this is, it’s going to work out for you. Okay? Number six.
Alright, number seven, number seven, Spirit, what would you tell our number sevens? Oh, wow, oh, Knight of Cups. Okay, number sevens, okay, so number sevens, the Knight of Cups is usually about a romantic invitation, about an offer of some kind, okay? So, number seven, for those of you asking about romance, I think someone new might come in very soon with this issue that will feel romantically quite exciting. And, for others of you with this whatever question you’re dealing with, if it doesn’t have to do with love or romance, you’re going to get an offer here. There’s going to be a shift in this situation where something I feel like might come totally out of the blue, and it’s going to be sort of offered to you as an alternative to whatever you were thinking you were sort of stuck with in this situation. And, it’s a real gift. This is a big blessing. I’m feeling like for you, number seven, this is very exciting for most of you, something unexpected, and it feels like, “Wow, oh my gosh, well, this is lovely.” A lovely offer of some kindness is about to happen, and for others of you, it’s this feeling of courtship and dating, and this is a very positive sign for that. Okay? All right, number seven.
Okay, and number eight, number eight, oh my gosh, it’s a great card, The Star, number eight. Okay, so The Star, so number eight, this is about really listening for so many of you with this issue you’re dealing with, there’s going to be an inspired feeling that you have to follow, and it might come from a dream or it might come while you’re driving, not even thinking about anything, and it’s this feeling of, “Oh my goodness, that’s actually what I should do about this question.” So, it’s about following your hunch, following something that could come from left field, but it just feels like, “Oh my gosh, wow, that’s a new way to look at this issue I’m dealing with.” Okay, there is something higher for you, number eight, in this issue you’re dealing with, for many of you, there’s a higher perspective, a spiritual perspective that’s very guided, and it’s like, I’m feeling like, for so many of you, you’re focused on two choices before you or something, or two different people, or two different ways this could go, but there’s like a third way that you’re not seeing almost, and there’s this path that could open up here with this question. I think you’re going to receive the light that will show you where that path is. It’s new, it’s different, it’s something you haven’t thought of before, but it’s going to feel exciting. I think for so many of you, it’s absolutely, I think, going to work in your favor, number eights, this question that you’re dealing with, something really inspired is going on here. It’s going to feel like, wow, things really, I think, will reveal themselves with this question and work out in a way that feels so good that you couldn’t have imagined.
Okay, finally, our number nines, Spirit, what would you have our number nines know about this question? Number nines, Five of Cups, okay, so this is emotional disappointment. This is feeling like perhaps with this issue you’ve just felt really bummed out, like, wow, this really did not work the way you wanted it to. Lots of emotions have been coming up. You’ve just been feeling like, “Gosh, when is the tide going to turn?” You know, It just feels very frustrating. It feels like there is hope. There’s two glasses that are upright, but there’s three that have fallen that you’re focused on right now, and it’s hard for you to see that there actually is hope. There actually are things working behind the scenes in your favor, but it’s hard to see that because there’s been some disappointment.
And, I’m just going to pull another card for our number nines. That’s a sad card, you know. So, Spirit, what else can you tell me for number nines about this disappointment that they’re going through? Okay, the Three of Wands, and it’s in reverse. Okay, so the Three of Wands. So, there’s a need here for number nine, a big, huge need to broaden your vision to see, to allow yourself to see past this situation that has you bummed like, “Yes, this really did not work out,” with this issue you’re dealing with, or it feels like “How is this ever going to work out?” But, your vision is very narrow with this. You’re just seeing a narrow reality. You’re seeing the nowness of this situation, and Spirit is really saying, because it’s upside down, oh my gosh, it’s so important to see a big vision. The Three of Wands is looking at a big extended horizon. So, this question, number nine, this thing that you’re dealing with, boy, your future is so much bigger than this temporary disappointment, this feeling of, wow, expansion that is coming for so many of you with this question you’re dealing with, you’re going to see a new day and you’re going to look back and be grateful that this didn’t work out because you’re expanding into something so much bigger for you, so much more joyous, so much more of a wonderful container for who you truly are.
Okay, alright, beautiful number nines and everybody, that was so much fun, and I hope that that gave you a little insight into whatever it is that you’re dealing with. And, for now, I’m sending you all so much love and so many blessings. Bye.
Phatty 🧚🏼♀️ Cakes 🍰
Posted at 12:16h, 17 MarchIm confused I watched at 12:12 couldn’t come up with a number . We’ll I added 1+2=3 1+2=3 added 3+3=6 So is my number 9 ? I’m lost anything else is higher than 9 🤷🏻♀️
Posted at 15:06h, 01 MarchMy number was 8, thank you for the reading and the insight.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:25h, 04 MarchMy pleasure, thank you Patricia!
Randall Anderson
Posted at 10:48h, 29 FebruaryThis is awesome I really appreciate the reading and it was pretty spot on and I think it was crazy that I listened at 7:23 with adds to 3 and my birth number is 8 because I was born on 11/26/1990 and we are in the year of the 8. It’s amazing when things line up. Thank you for the reading
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:26h, 04 MarchYes it is amazing when things line up! Love to you, Randall! <3
Brenda Anne Slade
Posted at 06:40h, 29 FebruaryIt was so intersting l had had a really bad morning and accused of not being trustworthy it really hurt as l am a very honest and hard working person my partner does not understand loving a person. So l linked to your reading
Serena Riojas
Posted at 02:33h, 29 FebruaryThank you my time was at 1:10 am so if I did it right my number would be #2 which it helped me out wasent sure how to take it all in but it hit the spot
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:26h, 04 MarchWonderful, Serena! <3
Yvonne Gagiano
Posted at 01:16h, 29 FebruaryHi Serena, my number was 2 and my question was about my future, if I will be success at this late staged of my life, and going through a divorce. I have to start all over again from scratch.
Marina Davis
Posted at 23:19h, 28 FebruaryHi serina I picked number 8. My question was will I be moving to where I choose? Looks like it will work in my favor. Thank the ascended masters my spirit team, ancestors, and mom who passed on 3 yrs ago.
Donna Palmer
Posted at 21:31h, 28 FebruaryI got 8. I found the reading intriguing given the turmoil I am going through lately. Thank you I hadn’t thought of a third possibility.
Lila Stevens
Posted at 21:17h, 28 FebruaryThank you so much Sirena, your emails are so refreshing and informative, I love receiving them and reading them. Love ya, Lila
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:27h, 04 MarchThank you so much Lila!! Love to you!!
Sue Oatis
Posted at 19:11h, 28 FebruarySirena, I know you probably heard this a million times but I have to say it one more time. You are amazing. I was number 7 on 2/28 hopes and wonders if my separation from husband permanently. But you saw anew love in the picture soon. Wow thank you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:28h, 04 MarchAwww Sue, that is so sweet of you to say!! I really truly appreciate your kind words!! Love to you and new love!!xoxo
Ingrid Elliott
Posted at 18:33h, 28 FebruaryYou are absolutely amazing thank you so much for your reading it make my day very happy one. You answered a question that I was so confused about. Thank you to heaven above for you. You are absolutely beautiful
Posted at 17:21h, 28 FebruaryThank you Sirena!
I needed to hear your reading today for me. It gave me so much hope and light. Again, thank you. Have a great day.
Jennifer Young
Posted at 16:28h, 28 FebruaryHi Sirena
Thanks so much for the reading; I really enjoy hearing what you have to say. here is my questions. I started to listen and my number was a 4 but I was in the car and the streaming wasn’t working so when I got home, I listened but at that time my number was a 6. Which is the correct number?
The one I chose first or the one I used when I listened to your reading?
John Strickland
Posted at 13:49h, 28 FebruaryWow right on point! Exactly what i asked for number 7 regarding romance coming through awesome thank you
Madeleine Weber-Allan
Posted at 12:54h, 28 FebruaryHi Sirena
I picked nr.6 and this was so precise to what I was experiencing today this reading was so precious to me.This just made me smile and I immediately felt totally understood and clearly know now what to do.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:28h, 04 MarchBeautiful Madeleine!!! <3
Andrea Levine
Posted at 12:40h, 28 FebruaryHello, Thank you for sharing Number 8 it resonates with me hugely I have been struggling with an emotional issue and just last night it finally came to me what it was all about. I really like your sharing’s and thank you for all you do.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:29h, 04 MarchThank you so much Andrea!!!xoxo
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 12:28h, 28 FebruaryThanks. Have a good week and weekend.
Bridgett Triplett
Posted at 12:20h, 28 FebruaryWell wasn’t sure but I picked 1 and 9 my number was 19? And both numbers were spot on thank you
Latamra N Washington
Posted at 19:05h, 28 FebruaryI picked number 7 and I was so surprised and thank you for giving me a reading.
Michelle Wade-DeLaine
Posted at 19:51h, 28 FebruaryThank you I did it came out with the 7 which O was concerning finances it what I needed to see a change no later than April 1,2024
Posted at 11:54h, 28 FebruaryYou look so sweet , looks like you are talking to a small child. Thanks a lot Love you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:29h, 04 MarchThank you Sandy!!! Love to you!!
Bernadette Barlow
Posted at 11:30h, 28 FebruaryHi Sirena
Thank you for your reading, my number. Was 6 and it’s a venture I’m trying to do and got the answer I needed, bless you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:30h, 04 MarchBlessings to you Bernadette!!! <3
norma l bonner
Posted at 10:20h, 28 FebruaryThank you so much for the reading i really enjoyed the reading.
norma l bonner
Posted at 10:17h, 28 FebruaryThank you so much i need to hear this from you I think you love.
Posted at 09:06h, 28 FebruaryHi Sirea, Great reading!
Marion van Dijk
Posted at 08:52h, 28 FebruaryDank je wel ik wacht af wat er komen gaat, klinkt als een positef bericht
M. Johnson
Posted at 08:48h, 28 FebruaryThank you….I received this and needed to hear this…. It’s been financially challenging for me since having a stroke last year …behind on bills, needing my own residence, no unemployment funding, no disability funding, trying to get unemployment, it’s been extremely challenging….. I’m not trying to be rich or a millionaire…just wanna pay my bills off, move into my own residence among other desires, that’s all….Thank you
Judith Francis Hallinan
Posted at 07:38h, 28 FebruaryThanks Sirena I will take my time and trust my intuition whether Tony is my soulmate even though we are poles apart he may not be for me will take my time different values my spiritual feeling is saying run turn direction do not enter his world he adores me but not enough will not be faithful I deserve a loving caring man to be part of my life he looks after me but there is a dark side don’t go theregod bless you too
Posted at 07:37h, 28 FebruaryWow so inspiring thanks a lot ,I needed to hear this🙏
Araceli Benavidez
Posted at 07:28h, 28 FebruaryThank you Sirena!!! You are such a sweet person and I needed to hear this reading today. Sending you lots of positive energy!!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 18:30h, 04 MarchThank you so much Zaneta!! So much love and positive energy in return!!!xoxo