05 Nov Patience Pays Off | Sirena Moon | Venus in Capricorn Tarot Reading | 11/11
Are you fed up with waiting on love?
Sirena Moon says that Venus entering Capricorn could help us see the practical action needed to get what we desire.
She’s here to help you embrace this energy and make your dreams a reality.
Simply click the video below!
P.S. What commitments are helping you establish better relationships? Comment below to let Sirena know!
Hello beautiful Cosmic Updates family. Sirena Moon here and I’m so excited to be with you this week. This week I’m talking about Venus, the planet of love and it’s moved into the sign of Capricorn on November 11 through December 7 and what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this time. On November 11/11, Venus, the planet of love, the planet of romance, the planet of beauty, moves into Earth. Sign of Capricorn, the planet of practicality and ambition. So this could really have an effect on our love lives. It could make us feel a little bit more practical about love. It can make us want some kind of stability, security, to lay a foundation to know that we have secure partnerships plans in place with those partnerships.
And it can make us really possibly question the love we have. Is this for the long run? Is this the foundation I want in my love life? And it could also bring us down to Earth in a really positive way where we can really look at our partnerships and say, okay, what’s really working, what isn’t? Or how can I be a little bit more grounded in my approach to love? How can I allow things to unfold step by step in a natural, healthy progression in my love life without jumping to emotional conclusions or flying off the handle? It can really ground you and Venus in Capricorn can really ground your most lofty love ideas in a practical way. Venus and Capricorn can really ground even the most so Venus.
So with Venus being in Capricorn, it can make us all feel a little more grounded in love or that we want more grounding in our love life. We want commitment, security, stability and a long term plan, a long term vision. It can also help us Venus and Capricorn can help us create a more stable pattern in love. Venus in Capricorn can also help us create more stability when Venus in Capricorn can also help us create more stability in our heart’s desire, in our love life. It can help us create and bring in a partner who is more stable and more concrete and more secure and more practical. So tap into this energy and use it to your advantage in love and partnerships of all kind. If you’re not thinking about love.
But with that being said, now I’m tapping into Spirit and I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading to give us all any messages Spirit would have us know about this time about Venus in Capricorn from November 11 through December 7. I’m feeling this card ooh the magician, okay, the magician is all about focusing your intention, focusing your thoughts and manifesting and knowing that you are powerful and that your thoughts are very powerful. And the direction that the magician’s pointing is the. It symbolizes the. In the direction the magician’s pointing symbolizes the focus of your mind, the focus of your intention. And the magician’s got all of these tools, but they’re all spiritual tools, and they represent all the different elements of the tarot. So it’s. It’s emotions, it’s practicality, the coins, like the Capricorn.
It’s swords, like your mind, and it’s wands taking action. Okay, so this is. This is all about your intentionality as you go into the season of Venus and Capricorn. Okay, how do you make. For some of you, how do you make lemons? How do you make lemonade out of lemons? You know, how do you turn? So this is like thinking about all the past experiences you’ve had in love or in partnerships of all kinds, and how do you take that information and how do you learn from it and then really focus your intention so that you can create the kind of partnerships or the kind of love life that you really want. Okay. And for many of us, we’re just feeling like we’re so ready as we’re ending the end.
And for many of us, as we’re coming to the end of the year, we’re really thinking about what do I really want to bring in. In 2025 into my life, especially my love life with Venus moving into Capricorn and my. My heart. The things that I desire, the things that really light me up. What do I want to bring in next year? And what can I start now to visualize from myself and know that I’m powerful? Okay, so that’s kind of the energy that’s coming. And then what’s our focus? Spirit. The ace of wands. So we’re feeling. Okay, and then what’s our focus? What’s the problem that’s going on? What’s kind of our problem that we’re focusing on? What’s our problem? We’re focusing on the Chariot. We could be feeling like we really. What’s the thing we’re focusing on?
What’s kind of the problem that we’re focusing on? The Hermit. Okay, what are we focusing on, Spirit? What are we all focusing on here? The Empress. Okay, wow, that’s really interesting. So, okay, what should we let go of? What should we release at this Venus and Capricorn time? Oh, the Four of wands. This card often represents marriage. It represents these two people coming together, joining together. It also represents a celebration of some kind. It represents milestones of all kinds. It’s letting go. Probably for many of us, it could be letting go of somebody that we thought were going to get married to. It could be letting go of being focused on that milestone, focused on feeling, okay, what should we let go of? Spirit. What should we let go of? What should we let go of? The Knight of Cups.
Okay, so the Knight of Cups often represents romantic ideals, romantic wishes, romantic hopes. So this could be letting go of somebody that you really thought was going to work out for you romantically but didn’t come through and really trying to release them during this Venus and Capricorn time so that you can bring in somebody that is more permanent, more concrete, more stable, more secure, not fleeting, not disappointing. So for many of us, it’s kind of letting go of a disappointment in romance. For others of us, it’s letting go of some kind of opportunity we hoped that would have come through by now. So it’s possibly having to let go of that expectation. Okay, so. Or just letting go of past emotional disappointment that someone didn’t fulfill something in the way that you had hoped.
And it’s also, for many of us, letting go of an ideal in our mind of what we think the perfect partnership is supposed to look like, the perfect soulmate was supposed to look like. And to release that and to realize that sometimes it’s somebody that’s quite unexpected that ends up being really the person that we needed. And oftentimes our soulmates are people that we grow the most with, and they’re often a surprise, you know, so it’s kind of, for many of us, opening our vision, opening our mind to love and to what we can really bring in a really stable way, and letting go of what we’re fixated on that love has to look like.
And I’m also feeling it’s really important to let go of what we think is the right opportunity for us that’s going to fulfill us and bring us joy and happiness. So it’s not just love, but it’s letting go of something that we think is supposed to come to us, otherwise we’re going to be devastated. And really being at peace with whether or not that thing happens right now or not, trying to let go of that expectation. Okay, so really being at peace with where you are right just as you are right now, and just letting go of this external factor that you Think is supposed to come in before the end of the year, but it might not. Might come in next year.
So it’s just being patient and not rushing the process and letting go of something that has to do with some kind of idea of what you think your heart, how you think your heart’s going to be fulfilled and then what to embrace. Gosh, that wanted to fly out. How you think your heart’s going to be fulfilled and then what to embrace. And what to embrace. What to embrace of how you think your heart’s going to be fulfilled and then what to embrace. Ace of Cups. Wow. Interesting. New love. Ace of Cups is new love and new opportunity. Wow. Okay, so this is telling a story here. Okay. For sure. So this is that you are focusing some kind of intention that I’m feeling like has to do with something you want to launch next year or make or manifest next year.
It’s letting go of something that didn’t come through for you this past year. Okay. A heart’s desire. And this could be a person or just an opportunity that didn’t come in. Letting go and then embracing a new one. Okay. Embracing the new. So, yes, there will be. Perhaps you had to let go of a partnership or perhaps you had a breakup this year, or perhaps someone just did not come through that you really thought you were even going to potentially get married to have that stability with. And it’s really releasing that and then welcoming in Ace of Cups new, fresh, new love, fresh new person, fresh new possibility. And another, for those of you not asking about love, a different path to how this dream is going to come to you. Okay. It’s going to come in a different, fresh, new way.
A path I’m seeing that you haven’t taken yet. Okay. So it’s going to come in a fresh, new way. So you have to let go of the way you thought that this was going to come in. Let go of feeling disappointed that it didn’t come. The opportunity didn’t come in the way that you had hoped it would. But focusing on that, it’s going to come in a different way. That hand, that cup is going to be handed to you in a different way. Okay. In a fresh, new way that’ll really make your heart sing. That is really interesting. Okay. And then what’s kind of an unexpected surprise, possibly at this Venus and Capricorn time spirit. Oh, the seven of Pentacles. Okay. So unexpectedly, something that you had been working on for a long time is going to be successful. Okay. So.
So this is like this is realizing that all of your hard work of the past, it’s going to. It’s going to bear fruit. So you. So you just have to continue to be patient, okay? But perhaps by surprise, there could have been something for many of you that you had worked on even years ago. This could be a relationship for years ago that perhaps comes back into your life and that you know everything that you’ve learned through other relationships. Now you’re a better partner. Both of you are better partners together because of all the work you’ve done on yourself and all the experience that you’ve had with relationships with dating, with getting to know who you are, and relationship with doing some inner cleanup work, okay? On yourself.
So this is a card of unexpected gifts coming from all of the work you’ve done, on your intention for what it is that you really want to see manifest for you next year, okay? So don’t think so. All of the past experience that you’ve had, something really positive is going to come from that, okay? In an unexpected way and an unexpected time. So, spirit, can I have another card on that? What does that mean? So, spirit, can I have another card on that? What does that mean? Queen of Pentacles. Okay, so this is. This is the sign of. Interestingly, this is the sign of Venus. This is related to the sign of To. To. So this. Interesting. This is related to the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, and we’re talking about Venus. So it’s a very Venusian card.
So the Queen of Pentacles is all about plenty, prosperity, and something coming into fruition for you in a positive way because of all the practical. Oh, my gosh, Capricorn, the practical hard work, the practical planning, the practical steps that you’ve taken. Something blooms in this time. So in this November, December time, there is something that is going to manifest here for many of you, okay? And it’s going to be very unexpected. So it’s really important that you let go of what your expectation is, either who you think it’s supposed to be in love or how you think this relationship is supposed to be, or an opportunity that. And you think it’s going to come in a certain way, okay? It’s letting go of that expectation so that you can have it come to you in a way that you couldn’t have ever imagined, okay?
And it’s going to be something that you’ve done practical work on, okay? Even if it’s a relationship, all the practical experience of just dating or, you know, having different relationships, learning Going through heartache, going through loss. All those things make you learn about yourself in love, make you learn what you want and what you don’t want to put up with in love. Makes you learn about your boundaries and about what the kind of love you can give and the kind of love you want to receive and that you want to manifest. Okay. So all of this work that you’ve done, something will come of it. Okay. And probably during this Venus and Capricorn time. And I love it. I love it. The Venus, the water sign, the cups and Capricorn, the earth sign, the pentacles. It’s really interesting.
Okay, and then what is the outcome here? Wow, this is a good reading. Nine of Pentacles. The nine of Pentacles is very similar to the Queen of Pentacles. So all those pentacles, look at that. All that beauty and abundance. This is a card all about beauty and your worth. And even though it’s a woman, it’s not just feminine, it’s masculine and feminine, but it’s about bounty and it’s about receiving that which you put a lot of effort into and time into. And now you can relax because it’s all coming into bloom in a practical, manifested way with all those pentacles. So this is really, wow, a special reading. I have to say. This is really nice.
Okay, so, yeah, so I know it could be, you know, it could be a bit difficult at the start, you know, a Venus and Capricorn to possibly have to let go of someone or some kind of ideal you had of someone. But if you can do it, the signs are really good. A lot of things coming into practical manifestation that are dreams in your heart. Okay. And this is Ace of Cups, often has to do with romance, so. Or it could be experiences that make your heart sing. Okay. But. So there’s a lot of potential energy here for tapping into your heart energy and manifesting, bringing it into you in a practical way. Okay. So that you have that relationship. Relationship and spirit. Wants me to pull one more card that is stable. The fool. Okay. So, yeah, the fool.
So this is about being light on your feet and moving forward with hope and knowing that even if you have to let something go, that you’re moving forward lightly. So a lot of release energy here and a lot of hope here. Okay. As you close out, you know, as we’re looking toward the end of the year and we’re thinking about everything we’ve learned this year, so if you have to kind of move on from your Hope of some opportunity or some person. Just try and realize if you can let that baggage go, you free up your energy for this new potential opportunity or wonderful love to come in. That is going to be a practical manifested manifestation of a dream that will be secure and in a reality for you. And now I’ll just pick one affirmation card for Venus and Capricorn.
I’m feeling this one. Oh, wow. King of Pentacles. Wow. So many pentacles. That’s beautiful. King of Pentacles. Practical. Wow. It’s like Capricorn. Practical, reliable. My true nature is out of health and wholeness. Okay, so practical, reliable. This really is a sign about Capricorn. Okay, so. And a turtle here. Slow and steady wins the race. That’s kind of theme of this energy. Venus and Capricorn. So we have our heart’s desires, but when we’re practical and we’re slow and steady and we take each step by step, even in love, when we can anchor it in a practical way where we just allow this love to unfold as it’s going to, in a slow way, we don’t try and rush it, we don’t try and force it.
We just be present with it and we allow opportunities to come in and we take the steps each day to put action into our dreams. And then that’s how we manifest things. Okay. We build it slowly, practically with that Venus and Capricorn energy, knowing that all the hard work we put in to something will manifest in. In a bountiful way. Okay, so that’s really beautiful. So, yep. So that’s this beautiful energy here. Ace of Cups. And for Venus and practical, Slow and steady wins the race. Okay. All right. So this was a group general reading, as always, but if you want a personal reading with me where we look right into your love life or anything going on in your life, I would love to do a reading with just you. And you can click the link below for that.
And until we meet again, I am sending you all of my love and so many blessings.
Posted at 16:00h, 18 NovemberI was blessed with this reading and enjoy every bits of it .
michael rennick
Posted at 05:31h, 13 NovemberJust a followup post, Sirena, sorry for the misspelling of your name in the earlier post. Letting go of old preconceptions of what we manifest and when to expect it. Old expectations that disappointed us, because it didn’t manifest in the time we wanted it. We had to let go to manifest the new. Ever notice how we feel new after learning to a different level or degree. It changes us internally and opens the door to manifest a new external reality not necessarily the one we wanted to grasp of old and hold forever fixated. Remain open and grounded and patient for changes internal and external to develop into the new unexpected through slow and steady actions.
Posted at 01:42h, 13 NovemberI want to know if my current relationship or should i say ..Is my husband is my soulmate or my destiny?Are we really meant to be together forever? Or do i have someone that is really meant to be my destiny..
Posted at 00:35h, 13 NovemberThank you it’s a great reading
Kelley Harrell
Posted at 20:32h, 12 NovemberThank you for your reading. You were right on the money. I’m patiently waiting.
Thank you again
Blessings to you,
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 19:49h, 12 NovemberThanks sirena,
Have a pleasant day
michael rennick
Posted at 19:08h, 12 NovemberSlow and steady, I see. Oh well. I’m built for comfort and not for speed. Step by step and see what happens up during this timeframe. Thanks, Serena
Patrick K kelly
Posted at 18:47h, 12 NovemberThis reading is everything that I have been hearing I know it was meant for me you literally spoke my. Life as of late thank you
Posted at 17:44h, 12 NovemberO Sirena,u have given me sooo much hope!!! Slow and steady wins th race eh?
Tawanda Ann Picquet
Posted at 15:30h, 12 NovemberI want to know when will I really find real love.I was in a relationship with Glen Luke Jones jr he was so toxics and he always lie to me .he use me didn’t want to help me or pay bills.He always put his brother Corey Jones before me .I’m about to be 48 and I have no kids yet no house no nothing .Nothing have ever happen good in my life.All Glen brought to me was pain he would always get me stress and depress and a lot of headach .I need my life to change for the better..I have received no money in my life yet and I have no luck.
Posted at 14:43h, 12 NovemberThank you for this it really means a lot to know what’s gonna manifest..have a Good Evening and God Bless you
Posted at 11:45h, 12 NovemberEnjoyed the reading their was somethings that were quite on the spot as in past resent events thank you
Nadine Froneman
Posted at 09:18h, 12 NovemberWow, what a profound reading. Have my hopes soaring now😁Thank you and sending blessings to you too🫠
Posted at 08:43h, 12 NovemberThank you! Sending you all the love, beautiful reading!
Dr Roy Richard Dittmann
Posted at 08:23h, 12 NovemberI’m impressed! I was also a student of the different forms of Astrology in Vedic, Tibetan, Chinese wisdom when I was a celibate Monk for 14 years. I am on LinkedIn.
Dr Roy Richard Dittmann
Posted at 08:18h, 12 NovemberWow!🤩
Posted at 07:22h, 12 NovemberGreat reading